Straits Echo, 18 August 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1378 1 I Al c\ talk [m fv' v> «1 *4 SfSl The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. T*l Address i HokiffitrL Peaang. ’Phene No. 694. pOH SALE. iwo ONLY, 2 SEATER COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PAI.MER CARS TWO ONLY, 2 SEATER modele de luxe iwo stroke MOTOR CYCLE A Fleet ot English and
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    • 7 1 S2S •U K. a*a 3N0g 33 I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 930 3 Barbarous Trbatmbxt. In an article published in the Reveu let Deux iiondet of March 15 a French lady, who signs herself “Marylie Markovitch gives an account of a visit she paid in the summer of 1916 to the military convalescent hospitals in the Crimea. In what
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 495 3 Grossmith’s “Golden Stmx Cau de Co Wonderful freshness, irvigcra a quality and delightful odour, tinguish this reedly high-class La de Cologne, which is undoubted the finest production of its kir It is manufactured from the pa ssl ingredients and blended with tbo knowledge derived from flea*’ 7 one hundred years’
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  • 1897 4 THE THIRD DAY'S HEARING. Counsel’s Arguments. Mr. Ebnsec», of tte Audit D partment, •gain occupied the witness box for .he whole day t when, on Wednesday, the trial of Messrs, do Silva, Teen Kon Fnh and Sinnadurai on a charge of criminal breach of trust as public
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) ENAMEL WARE AT SALE RATES. ENAMEL WASH BASINS STRONG BLUE ENAMEL KETTLE, 2 Pint $1.25 each 4 1.50 6 1.90 .55 each 14f inches $l-75 each 15| inches laSm** V m STRONG ENAMEL SOUP PLATES $3.60 per doz. SERVICABLE ENAMEL PIE DISHES 6*
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    • 72 4 Teething Children. TeethiDg children have mora or less diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea B-medy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 501 4 FOR sale; 1 Second-hand Daimler. Complete with all lamps and tools. P r j„. $3,560. 1 Pullman Car 4 seater Roadster New May this year, What offer? Apply Tai Seng Motor Repairing Co, mwxmnmmmmma MUNICIPAL NOTICE”" A PPhICiTIONS will be received hr the XX- undersigned up to 4 p.m. on
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  • 1248 5 [Bj To* Wuw.j If you flna n lunnj corner in Blyde Perk, Sydney, with ft group of benches drawn, *P to few each other (um»llj tringloj of thrift) and «a these me» earnestly' talking, you noftd not hesitate to approach end listen if you want to do it.
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  • 488 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, iigut 17. In tfa« Home of Lorda Lord Carson emphasised that tba 'establishment of ««itabla harbours aad thi improvement of tiiatiug harboura waa aa Imperial necessity, Be hoped aoon that the reoowmeodaticia of theBoyal Commission ia regard to the matter would he adopted,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 328 5 Special Attraction for Four Nights Only r "k > AT err» PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS I 'St n i n m Vi CINEMA (Drury Lane, Junction o! 1L Kangea Road Campbell 8t. BOOK a BATS NOW: 'PHONE 031. 15 PARTS PARTS 15 TH EAMAZING DETECTIVE SEEIES FILM. 1st 8 2nd Episodes (Nine
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    • 431 5 Ik: <s> o AND < r -0*... V-. RONTIER £^VC lED VI MIXTURE E PACKED HOUSES NIGHTLY WITH UNIVERSAL PROGRAM MPIRE THEATR Buiiness Manager Thomas Shafto E Read I R ad Read 1 Then Donsidcr whit it meins. THE PURPLE MASK TWO BIG STARS Ym I two of tko biggest
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  • 96 6 Mhßaktfl daily (except Sunday* and pnblio hoiidaya) uni CRITERION PRESS, Lx®, g*. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pfeioi' Dafly Leeal IW M per annum. OwUUtaon... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) 117.50 cable address: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A' B.—All busineo* communications should b«
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  • 70 6 Weston Bakes. —At Bt. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore on August 14, 1917, (by tie R j v Archdpacon Swindell) Alan Hadfield Weston, of Bakit SlaroDg Estate, South Kedab, second son of the Rev. R chard Weston, of Bnrctwood, Lichfield, S tffordshire, to Mirgot Hannah Baker, youngest daughter of the late
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  • 1273 6 In the Colonial Government Gazette of August 10 is published a new table of fees leviable under the Fees Ordinance of 1881, It includes the following:— S o. For every chingay prooossion 250 00 per day For every m&rriag* procession within Municipal limits with musio 5 00"
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  • 1104 6 Gravelotte. Tc-iay is the anniversary of the battle of Gravelotte in 1870, when German frightfulness defeated the army of the incompetent Marshal Bazaine, who came to a belated decision to march westward to the defence of Paris, and compelled it to return to Metz t .where it was
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  • 334 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ENEMY SUBJECTS AND BUSINESS Decision of tke Autkoriti.,. Peking, August 16, The Austrians and Germans will Ujtat present be interned but will be permitted to carry on their peaceful occupations under the surveillance of the Chinese authorities. The Deutsche Asiatische Bank i 8 being
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  • 25 6 (From Our Own Oorre^pondent.') London, Auguit 16. The prices in tbe London Rubber Market to>daj were: Pale Crepe 2/5# Diamond Smoked 2/4f
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  • 115 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $111.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $ll2, buyers no sellers. Mr. W. H. Thorne, who was laid up with fever, was able to attend office to-day. Mr. Sharp arrived here to-day to take ip the managership of the Hongkong
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 jSUTTON’S RE LIABLE NEW SEASON’S STOCK JUST RECEIVED, PACKED IN AIR-TIGHT TINS. 20 VARIETIES OF FLOWER SEEDS Arlinbinum Cor«'P*i» Lopinu» Alyssum Cosmea Marigold As t er Hollyhock Nasturtium Balsam Hones‘y Petunia Candytuft LavaLra Salv a ALL THE AFOVE 40 c™ pkr tin f hlox, SO cents per tin Dianthus, Gaillardi*
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  • 1967 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] further progress. Sir Douglas Haig's Report. London, August 17, 1.10 a.m. Bir Douglas Haig reports •'The Allied attack on a front of nine miles to the north of the Ypres—Menin ro ad continued all day long in the face of strong resistance. .•The French on oar
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  • 731 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Reception in Germany' t London, August 17. The German press professes disinclination to acoept the Pope’s proposals until the full text is available but it is obvious that the step is very welcome and much anxious curiosity is manifested regarding the attitude of the Allies.
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  • 1343 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PREMIER’S PRONOUNCEMENT. VARIOUS ASPECTS DISCUSSED. I The Food Potitio*. London, August 16. Mr. Llojd George, in an important speech in the House of Commons on several aspects of the war situation, first referred to the food position which had very consider* ably improved since the
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  • 72 7 Thq following article* will be found on our outside pages Page. 3.—Russian Prisoners in Germanv 4—F. M. 8. Police Case. J s.—Telegranas. Eavesdropping Allowed. Penang Free School. Tin Ootputs. Church Services. Court of Appeal. Shares. Late War Items. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Shortage cf Flour. 9, Oar Day, 1917." Spain
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  • 875 8 DONALD 99. DuNCA.IT. Tbe bearing was retained yesterday afternoon before Sir J. A.B. Bucknill, K.C., (Cbief Justice), M r Justice P. J. Sproule and Mr. Jastioe L. P. Ebden of tbe appeal of Mrs. D. A. Donald against tbe decision of Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward in
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  • 176 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Co.’s share list to-day Ayer Molek Rubber Co. $2 65 buyers and 92 80 sellers Bukit Katil Rubber Estates 090 sellers; Cbansrkat Serdang Estates 99.50 buyers and 99.80 sellers; Haytor Rubber Estates 99.75 sellers Kelemak Rubber Estates 97.40
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  • 218 8 From Dutch Seareas. The following special eables from the Hague appear in tbe Bvmmtom Post of Thursday: HellaaS aa 4 tkc War. The seamen of the Rotterdam Lloyd lise have demanded an increase of wages of 25 per cent. Very heavy and continuous firing can be beard
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  • 357 8 The following were the results of tbe ties I played off yesterday Single Handicap A, I A W Harries beat A M Forrest 6-4, 3—6, 6—o Single Handicap B. J Tryner %s o from B Powell Double Handicap B. M D Rutley and S H Langston beat
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  • 253 8 Ikdia* Community Hard Hit. There has been some concern oaused locally by a shortage—in fact, a complete stoppage —of a oertain kind of flour which is largely used for food by the thousands of Indians of ▼arious communities in the F.M.S. says Yesterday's TO M. The Indians
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  • 3414 8 Srnuox Day. Tbe annual Speech Day of the Penang Free Bobool was held at the school hall yesterday afternoon. Among those present were tbe Hon. Mr. W. Peel, acting Resident Councillor and Mra. Peel, Rev. L. M. Duvelle, Rev. C. Leteasier, Rev, Bro. Maroian, Director St. Xavier’s
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  • 89 8 19, 11t* SUNDAY AVTBS T*JffI?r. 8-00 a.m, Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion Communion (Tamil) aa P ,m School 6-00 p.m, Evensong Hymn 164 Responses Raberti Psalm ICyill ParraU XCIZ4 0 Cooke Cl Brewer Magnificat Hopkins 10 Hum Dimittii Poster 60 Hymns 36.172 sad 2*6 Choir Practice
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  • 345 8 |lr. Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following thres eompsaiM I for the first fortnight of August, were i 1 Deebook Dredging N. L. J 46 piouli, BangI non Talley N. L. 171 pienls and Katoo DeeI bosk N. L, breakdown stopped six d»ji
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  • 847 9 I [To the Editor of the Straits Echo,'] Sir, On the 4th July I forwarded to you a copy of a telegram received by the Governor from (he Secretary of State for the Colonies containing aa appeal by Field-Marshal H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught and
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  • 731 9 Scarcely a week patens without producing 1 some event to reinforoe President Wilson's argument that in this war no country can remain permanently neutral. Almost every Government in Europe has been compelled to adopt one of three courses To side with one of the belligerents as
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  • 172 9 Saturday, August 18. New Moon. The Teuer’oh Coconut and Rubber Estate, Ltd., A. G. M., Chamb.r of Comm o rce, 12 bood. Penang Volunteers F.eld operations Sunday, August 19. 11th after Trinity. Penang Swimming Club, Monthly Medal Races. Monday, August 20. Town Band. Esplanade. Y.M C.A Lecture
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 323 9 Worn out Men Made Strong Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Build Up Splendid Strength and Vigour. You must become weak and worn out if the vital strength of your body is used up too rapidly. Or if you cannot eat your food properly’, ,in«i get the nourishment out of it your strength
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    • 505 9 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. NOTICE is hereby given that orders have been issued to stop motorcars and other vehicles from Province Welleslfj at the Police Station, P&danz Serai, for Customs elimination with (ffeci from August 3,1917. Passes will be given at Padang Serai to carts and cars taking dutiable goods through
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    • 524 9 notice. I a. K. MOHAMED EBRAHIM, hereby 9 give notice that S. M. Mobamed Ali lelt my service oa August 4, 1917 acd that he is no longer connected with my firm. From hereafter mv fi m will be conducted by me ucder the name of A. K. Mobamed Ebrahim,
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  • 1277 10 SHE’S NEVER BEEN “HOME.” PULSE OF A GR C AT CITY. Childhood and Flapperdom. f#y “7 Wonder Whom”'} Often as not she is the daughter of a pilot, captain, or engineer. In this part of the world they are not obscure sea-dogs as they are in western
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  • 711 10 Talents Neglected by The Admiralty^ Commander Carlyon Bellairs, M. P., writing to the Evening Standard, say?: —On November 30, 1916, I ventured to point out that the selection and right use of men in command ashore and comprised the chief elements of Chatb m's success
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Are Ton Going on a Journey? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a jrurney. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel troub'e, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 207 10 A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. A m w. Wk KOYAL U A l f*<r .'As- -i- C' T» a a tm fy LUfcr.W» ns Ik 1 -*«r M Bfti fi ll) rv PEw R, Tffic OVER 10,000 MACHINES 73ouyht by the rfttied '&oi)ernmentĕ to equip their sdrmied.
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  • 1796 11  -  (By C. J. B. Maesham.) The soldier with an enquiring tarn of mind has cettain advantages which are not shared by the peace-time tourist. Such considerations as beauty of scenery, proximity to Casino and the like have no weight in his choice of residence. He has indeed
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  • 326 11 Amusing Littli Eblic, Genuine documents of the old regime are now being reprinted in huge quantities in the Russian newspapers. The Retch gives the following amusing little relic, discovered by the local Executive Committee in the police archives of Bielev, a town in the province of Tula.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 232 11 I WH€R€ AVON TYRCS ARC MADC r v M o' 2S5t 0J; 4^ m A* m i a 1 jai^e f-!wk M V ‘N v*j i„ *V> tI Ww 1 ir-ji Vy* ■;>•'.> 5 K“X n£r .■s@ VJ^>‘ Oc I /Sfef--iSSWi \F X y «V Cl 3$ v y *T
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    • 29 11 Keep It Handy, Immediate relief is Decenary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 635 11 To end Sciatica seems too good t> ba true, does’at it It is good to bs sue, but it’s true, TOO. LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM soothes the stubbing, biting nerves. Brings icstant relief to pain and continued use brings permanent relief. Take a little in vour band and rub it
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1505 12 P. o.— British India AND &PCAR LINE (ConrASiis Incorfora-tid in England.) Mail and Paaaenger Services. 4*A W PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. A (UNDIR CONTRACT WITH HIS MUISTT’b «OTIKNMNNT) For Slwwtre, China, Japan, Ceylon, Aiatralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homiwand (»o* Europh Outwa*» (foe China.) INTERMEDIATE
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