Straits Echo, 17 August 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1368 1 m rAllli '-'ll TnrV at» 3! V ■M r ,i Cii.; I rWfr Yv .>■ ji •■*> The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Xe! Addressi Hokimteik. Penang, ’Phone Wo. 694. pOR S3-/?L31jiIE3. TWO ONLY, 2 SETTER COMMONWEAL! H PART1N-PALMER CARS TWO ONLY, 2 SEATER MODELED: LUXE TWO STPOKE MOTOR
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    • 31 1 «s i e mjukje^ MSU #f yHICHiSIMt B£j. "e.. u *T Pb «•>* t c /IterioNs rot U s^ K3fc. -t v "UNt FOR SS .J3" *—iJ g! B. SsS' f K
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  • 1013 2 A Bishop’s Sound Views. The Bishop of Bombay has put the whole •ontroversy over Iudiau Home Rule iu a nutshell when he says, in his letter to the Indian Social Reformer, that if India wishes for self-government she must deserve it. The prevailing idea amorg$t Indian politicians of
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  • 1077 2 [To THi Editok of thh Free Prett Dear Sir, —I was interested in Mr. Dunman’s notes on Reform. He is quite right in saying that many native fruits and vegetables can be made into pickles and preserves in the place of those imported. We are in an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 10 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is. €d
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    • 238 2 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., GREAT VI ANNUAL SALE NOW PROCEEDING. Six of Hundreds of Bargains in ourSale. lOO DOZEH Half Pint Tumbles. Key Pattern. Special Sale Offer *2.75 per dozen. lOO 200 SO 120 90 O L Y Pure Crystal Carafes with Tumbler complete. Sale Rate $1.10 each. ONLY ONLY
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    • 539 2 To end Sciatica seems too good to be true, doe.’nt it u good to be sue, but it’s true, TOO. LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALh soothes the stabbing, biting nerves Rr n ■O.Uct «IS* to P&IQ Ji COOt U f d brings permanent relief. Take a l,u| e i vour hand and
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  • 872 3 [Reuter's Telegrams.] TEXT OF NOTE. Aims ef His Holiaess, London, August 16. The following text of the Papal Note, which is addressed to the beads of the belligerent peoples, has been published. As a preface to tte Note is a statement of His Holiness’ aim since his
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  • 980 3 The Rubber Lands Restriction Enactment recently passed by the Federal Council and the cortesponding Ordinance enacted in the Colony will 6erve their immediate purpose. As war measures pure and simple, they are adequate. At present British subjects are restrained from raising capital for developing large areas, It would
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  • 102 3 Friday. August 17. Town Band, Esplanade. War Anniversary D jmonstiatiou, Committee M eting, Chamber of Commerce, 4,15 p.m. Penang Free 3chool, Speech D*y, 4.30p.m. Saturday, August 18. New Mood. The Te ner’oh Coconut and Rubber Estate, Ltd., A. O. M., Chamb r of Cjmm p rc £>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 357 3 Special Attraction for Four Nights Only AT PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS PENANG CINEMA (Drury Lace, Junction of K. Kangsa Road Campbell St.) BOOK SEATS NOW: PHONE 651. »4 1» BIOTEA 99 15 PARTS PARTS 15 TH EAMAZING DETECTIVE SERIE3 FILM. 1st 8 2nd Episodes (Nine Parts) showing to-night-Episode I Protea on Secret
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    • 399 3 If 4 o AND < v D FRONT MIXTURE. “U D D D D 0 D D IE E PACKED HOUSES NIGHTLY WITH UNIVERSAL PROGRAM MPIRE THEATR Business Manager Thomas Shafto Read Read Then consider what it means. THE PURPLE MASK TWO BIG STARS Yes two of the biggest
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  • 95 4 PiiHaMI daily (except Sundays and pablio V holiday») > ax TMM CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. *Ow 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fuci' Daily Leeal $34 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 CABLB ADDBBS8 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos- (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 y.B. —All business communications should
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  • 1238 4 While remembering that the Admiralty’s figures aie not a sure guide to a true understanding of the prog ess of the submarine campaign, those for the second week in August, which are published this morning, compare favourably with the previous weekly returns. The number of arrivals aud
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  • 682 4 Mr. W. H. Thorne, who is laid up with fever, ia still unable to attend office. Dr. G. W. Park who is also laid up with an attack of fever, is progressing favourably. Mr. H. Oxenham, of the Eastern Shipping Company, returned this morning from a trip
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  • 79 4 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —Utilising Local Focd-Stuffs. Indian Aspirations. 3. —Telegrams. Malayan Matters The Week’s Events. 6. —Chamber of Commerce, Singapore Rubber Auction. Penang Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Exchange. To-morrow’s Band Programme. F. M. 8. Police Case. Planters’ Association of Malaya.
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  • 111 4 Latest Quotations, Tin (unrefioed) is quoted here to-day at $111.25, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $111.50. buyers no sellers, and in London at £244.15s spot and at £241.55. three months. Until further notice the s.s. Klang will leave Port 3wettenhim and Singapore at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays.
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  • 990 4 The Kaiser's Ancestor To-day is the anniversary of the death r Frederick the Great, who died a hundred anH thirty-one years ago. He. too, willed war It was always force] 0a him, but he was an exceptional Hohe n zollern in that te did not chim the Dirin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 X X AS AH I BEER Tt>e Most Popular Brand in the East. APPORO STOUT A Stimulation Tonic. CITROM WATER A Tboicugbly ILaltLful and Satisfactory Drink. Raspberry Water j Ribon Tansan Water OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN TRADINC CO., PENANG and IPOH. 1 ~ACSC=X—N- X L a ua Sale
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  • 713 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] POSITIONS CAPTURED. Sir Douglas Haig’s Report. London, August 16, 1 35 a.m. gir Dougl*» Haig reports ••Tbe Canadians this morning sto*med BOiitionH to the south-east aud east of Loos n ft r ont of two miles and carried the formidable dafences of Hill 8eventy which „oce
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  • 705 5 Enemy's Heavy Defeat. London, August 16, 4 40 p.m. Reutei’s corespondent with the B'itish Headquarters, wiling at 4,45 this morning, states that the British and French renewed their offensive in Flanders, attacking from tbe region opposite the famous Polygons de Zonnebeke in tbe south to tbe
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  • 709 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BATTLE OF CHEMIN DES DAMES. At Uaflagtiaf Struggle. London, August 15, 5.55 p m. Reutar’s correspondent at the French Headquartirs, wiring on August 14, states it is noteworthy that despite the tremeidous activity of thi guns in other sectors of the French aud British fronts and
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  • 596 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 1« Wcat ud Eaat. London, August 15. A wireless German official announcement states An artillery battle took place all night long in Flanders. We repulsed the English to the south at Frcxenberg, and on both sides of Ho<ge. A violent artillery duel took place between Hulluch
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  • 727 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY REPORT. MatLd Dicrtue. L nior, August 15. An Admiralty announcement states that the arrivals at British ports during the week were 2,776 and the sailings 2 666 total 5,442 Fourteen vessels over 1,600 tons were sank and two under that tonnage, making a total
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  • 654 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PREMIER’S PRONOUNCEMENT. VARIOUS ASPECTS DISCUSSED. LmdoD, August 16. f The House of Commons meets at neon today. Prior to the adjournment Mr. Lloyd George will make an important pronouncement on the war, Mr, Acquith following him. Tke Food Politics. London, August 16. —Liter. Mr. Lloyd
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  • 1384 6 Donald vs. Duncan. The hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon beforeSir J.A.S. Bucknill, K.C., (Chief Justice). Mr. Ju-tice P. J. Sproule and Mr. Justice L P. Ebden of the appeal of Mrs. D. A. Donald sgamst tho decision of Mr. Justice L. M. W. odward in the suit
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  • 185 6 Says the Shanghai Timet Chu Ching-iai, who has been ordered by a Presidential mandate to exchange his position with Liu Chen-en, the Civil Governor of Kwangsi, is unwilling to p r o ceed to Kwangsi. He has wired to the Central Government saying that be will come to
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  • 154 6 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap A, F N Syer bead R E Prentis 6—3, 6—3 Double Handicap A. F G Penny and T E Wiofield beat A M Forrest and G N Saye 6— 6—3 H Jackson and L
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  • 19 6 Corrected Output, July, 1917, Mine 141 PlCttla y a i u# $B,lOO Tribute 141 1,532
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  • 1147 6 Exoerpt from minatei of a meeting of the Committee of tbe Penaog Chamber of Coinuinice, held in the Chamber on Tuesday, 14th August, 1917. Pmkment! —Hon. Mr, A. F. Goodrich, Chairman, Messrs. C.M. Henderson, ViceChairman, J C. Benson, H.A. Low, W.G. I’pfpr, and F. G. Penny. Ausnnti—Mr.
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  • 108 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 17. At the Singapore Rubber Auction the following prices were obtained Smoked fiae $llB to $123 per picul Good 100 117 do Fine plain 116 do Good plain 107 110 do Uusmoked fine ribbed 114 do Fine plain 110 112 do
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  • 92 6 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their 307th Auction Sale to-day Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $ll5 to $llB per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 107 115 do Plain Smoked Sheet 101 do Unsmoked Sheet No, 1
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  • 73 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 159ih Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Good from $ll5 to $ll6 »i it Fair 103 to 114 Diamond Unsmoked 95 to 104 Plain Uasmoked 95 to 102 Scrap Crepe 70 to 72 Pressed Scrap 35 to
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  • 58 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Grand Pastoral and Hunting Godfrey 2 Dance Dcs Sylphes 3abathil 3 Selection The Orchid Caryll 4 Waltz Dans les Nuages Waldteufel 5 Two Step Laughing
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  • 217 6 The Empire is now running two great expensive films The Purple Mask” featuring filmdom’s tgreatest actor and actress Francis Ford and Grace Ounard in the first show at 8 In the second show “The Bittle of the Anore” and “The Advance of the Tanks”, together with scenes
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  • 1120 6 TOTAL DEFICIT $57,446. Auditor in thi Box. Iq the Supreme Court yesterday, (says the Malay Mail of Wtdaesday) tefore the Acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, Mr. Justice lones, the hearmg was continued of the criminal breach of trust charge against Thomas de Silva, Teen Kon Fah and M.
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  • 137 6 'TheConsul-Generalfor China inSm„ Mr. Hoo Wei Yon, forward, 5 a copy of a telegram received f ro h 23, Peki “8' ten'^ The Chinese Government considering »ts pretest against submarine war 2 maugurated by the Central EuS Powers to be ineffectual, severed its d£ With Germany P
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  • 102 6 A General Meeting of this Association will be held at 11 on Wednesday, the 29th inst., at No. 12, Market Steet, K ui j a Lumpur, Agenda. 1 Minutes of Meeting of June 27, 2 War Relief, 3 Motorcars, 4 Labour :—a Curtailmeat of Indian
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  • 518 6 i Iu order to effect improvement in cable > arrangements, there will be unavoidable interruption to telephones in Nortbam Road and vicinity from 1 p.m. Saturday until Sunday evening. The Exchange will notify subscriber! i when the lines are again available. A telephone exchange has been opened &t Riwanp,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 970 7 Thomae Wedgwood was preparing Account of a method of copy- i bi Minting» upon glass and of making by the agency of light upon nitrate If* neither he M u th0 P1 n6 5 r r of l Davy, as his observant friend, 1 B 5 P
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  • 1106 7 Two matters have been receiving some little consideration lately, but in regard to one at least it is extraordinarily difficult to make people in Malaya realise that some extreme flounce of the skirts of war may brush them before the hoped for end is reached
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  • 201 7 Messrs. Katz Brothers, Ltd, the local agents, send ns the report of the Sun Insurance Office for the jear ended December 31, 1916, from which we gather that the income from investments during the year amounted to £125,701. By the operations of the year the credit
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  • 200 7 Perhaps you have already notioed that your daughter in her teens has developed a fitful temper, is restless and excitable. In that case, remember that the march of years is leading her on to womanhood, and at this time a great responsibility rests upon you as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 1 Master Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia master oyer cramp oolic, dysentery, and all intestinal pains. One dose r *lie?es, a seoond dose is rarely neoessary to •fieot a cure. For sale by all diepeneariee dealers,
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    • 342 7 I ♦♦***************« ♦♦**********00 oooooooooooooo^ o /V w IN NEW MOTOR CARS STOCK AND FOR SALE 1917 MODEL HUPMOBILES OAKLAND EMPIRES BRISCOES DODGE BROTHERS AND SECOND HAND 1914 MODEL HUPMOBILES Trial run can be arranged. Prices on Application. Large stock of High-TeDaion Magnetos, Hupmobile spare parte and Accessories sold at moderate
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    • 355 7 lWAiVTED. OIL ENGINE 22-27 H.P. New or second band Apply stating price and where it can be inspected to:— T.T.L 41, Cross Street, 526 Bukit Mertajam FOR SALE. 1 Second-hand Daimler. Complete with all lamps and tools. Price $3,560. 1 Pullman Car 4 seater Roadster, New May this year, What
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    • 324 7 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OP HIGH CLASS PRODUCE AND GRECH RY LINES, INCLUDING: RAISINS. DRIED FIGS ALMONDS, NUTS LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES* PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL. WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED, CUMIN SLED, Etc. Reliable Ageats wasted ia all large tswaa. Highest refereaees aad samples on applieaotia. Write for our Illustra'ed Catalogue
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1507 8 P. 0.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (Com pani as J ncobporai i» in Enolasd.) Mail anil Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UXDBR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJKSTl’s GOVBRBMBNT) Ftr Siicaptre, Cbiia, Japan, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Hombwabd (von Ecbopb) Ouiwabb (fob China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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