Straits Echo, 16 August 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1279 1 t V il a* The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Tel Addrean Hokirate’%, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. fob sale. IVVO ONLY. 2 SETTER COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-FAI MER CARS TWO ONLY, 2 SEATER modele de luxe two stroke MOTOR_CYCLE A Fleet of English and American Cars tor Aire day And night.
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    • 19 1 :mss& F s^;JmxiS? '%D L orC cf •w^ 6l«" Ml FOR ,£*sm *««td “t-s «aa gg iEs «nmt iiiU-J*fe-LV
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1156 3 Shanghai Ta.lkeb-Ti.lkbb. The disgruntled members of Parliament who have found in Shanghai a haven of rest from their strenuous parliamentary duties and a refuge, quite unnecessarily sought, from their political opponents, have been engaged in the concoction of a curious declaration which they hive now presented to
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  • 725 3 Ihe latest debate in the Chamber of Deputies will confirm the opinion widely held of M. Painleve that he is the ablest and the most statesmanlike of all the Ministers who have served France during the present war. Since he first took a distingushed part
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 151 3 SEASUN Co., BEG TO ANNOUNCE that they are establishing a motor service Department at NO. 1 Penang Road, (opposite E. O. Hotel) and expect to serve the Penang Motorists in everything connected with Motors and Motor Supplies. First Class Cars ARE NOW BEING LET OUT ON HIRE DAY NIGHT. fJ
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    • 57 3 Supplied by all Chemists Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it.
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    • 12 3 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night. Wood’s Great Peppermint Cure, la. 6d.
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    • 218 3 PATRONIZED ■n BY ROYALTY L> Sw UrnLi I Diamond Rings, Pendants, Brooches j B. F. de MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND DIAMOND MERCHANT. OF ALL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE. Fine Workmanship with a rare i lending of Precious Stones combined in designs artistic and unique, result in exquisite productions of the highest quality. PRICES
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  • 1485 4 i Patronage is a passion. Most ambitious men long for it either as an intensely desirable adjunct of success or as an actual essential of it. The proverbial happiness of past Kings seems to have consisted largely of patronage. Th ante-rooms of Royal apartments teemed with suppliants, and
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  • 528 4 Pbbsidbnt Speaks Out. New Yoj;k, July 11, President Wilsod, in an outspoken statement, has definitely warned mine-owners, manufacturers, ard shipowners, that the Government intends to fix the prices of their products during the war, and those who seek to evade the system will be guilty of favouring
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., o R EAT SALE NOW PROCEEDING. Sixof Hundreds of Bargains in our Sale. Half Pint Tumblers. Key Pattern. Special Sale Offer 12.75 per dozen. Pure Crystal Carafes with Tumbler complete. Sale Rate $l.lO each. Plain Crystal Water Jugs, sizes: 1 and 2 Pints. Sale Prices 65«
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    • 39 4 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in'estinal pains. One dose relieves, a second dose is rarely necessary to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 601 4 p OH SALE. 1 Fecond-hand Daimler. Complete with all lamps and tools. $3,560. 1 Pullman Car 4 seater Roadster, New May this year, What offer? Apply Tai'eng Motor Repairing Co, IheEastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Hend Office: SINGAPORE. Plio undersigned h*s boon appointed ageu<i for the above Corporator, and is
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  • 824 5 Donald vs. Duncan. The bearing was resumed yesterday afternoon before Sir J A. S. Bucknill (Chief Justice) Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule and Mr. Justice L. P Eoden of the appeal of Mrs. D. A. Donald against the decision of Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward in the
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  • 159 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir,- Should Mr. Milne, V A., and others keep their eyes on this fell disease for a few weeks, now that the rains have come, I should not be surprised if it dissppeared and nothing be leff but a little common
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  • 181 5 Prnano Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $5,555.53 Mrs. Cleaver 15.00 Mrs. Pritchard 10 00 Mrs. Peel 10 00 Durian 7.00 No. 36 2.50 Mrs. Winfield 1 00 Credit 1 99 $5,603 02 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given oat at
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  • 111 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co.’s share list to-day:— B*tu Lintang $4 35 buyers acd $5 sellers! Kedah Rubber Co. $4.15 buyer* and $4 30 sellers; Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates $2 90 buyers and $3 sellers; Mandei Tekoog Singapore) 0 97j buyers; Perak River
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  • 50 5 Toe following programme of music will ba played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p m. to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection La Cheval de Bronze Aubar 2 Court Dance Bucalossi 3 Waltz M* B.Jle Adores Roy 4 Romace and Polacca Thiere 5 March Bona Fide Goring
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  • 372 5 The outputs of the KampoDg Tin Dredging, Ltd-, for the first fortnight of August, were:— Hours run (2 dredges) 616 Cubic Yards t.eated 83,000; Total Piculs 523.23; Realised on sale $32,995.85. The particulars of the outputs from the following companies for the first half of August, were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 Empire theatric i Business Manager Thomas Sfcafto^^^J tg- GREAT ATTRACTION FOK THREE NIGHTS ONLY AT 9.15 pm. 7 m O"N ICHT TO-N/CHT the very latest official war films the battle of the ancre AND the advance of the tanks ALSO NCKXKS OF THE HAVI FI EH ED AFTER THE JITL4IU
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    • 201 5 u 0 4. o B AND < D O ■P. 0 0 OR 415 Ti sx:~j*tj!% ue A MIXTUR 3E3^ an u»' T J^-acriliKOli nnnnnnnnnnnnannnnannnnnndunflnnn n n a n 0 0 U r Ml e«e aotel, Penang (SEA-SIDE) n n n u u 0 0 0 Every Wednesday and Saturday
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  • 98 6 FbfcßsHrt daily (except Sundays and pnblio V holiday*) a a* m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ifo. *9, Beach Street, Penang. fkioi 1 Dfcfly Leeal m* IS4 per annum. Postage Extra. Mail Fdakkn (Pool Free) «17.50 OABX.B ADDEBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If. B.— All
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  • 1282 6 Only a few days ago we ventured to prophesy in this column that the victories of the Central Empires in Qalicia would be followed at no distant date by a revival of peacetalk” inspired from Berlin and Vienna Nor have we had to wait long for
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  • 619 6 Mr. Goh Soon Cheng, President of the Central Union Athletic Club, is giving an "At Home to the members on Saturday evening, A portrait of the late Lient. Colonel R S F. Walker, the first Commandant of the Malay States Guides, is given in a recent issue
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  • 257 6 The General Officer Commanding has received with deep reerat the news of the death of Major C. E. Borton, Malay State Guides, who was killed in action near Aden on the 2nd August, 1917. The General Officer’s regret will be shared by everybody in Peoang who
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  • 990 6 Tha Vatican Proposals. What shall we say of the present f„, of the continual indirect movement Jk Germany is making towards pea“e ably its most considerable centre i. which von Billow organizes from SwitzerUml The organ of its choice is obviously Vatican. And it is quite possible Germany
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 i DE LUXE STROPPERS FOR GILLETTE BLADES. 100 SHAVES FROM OAE BLADE Twinplex De Luxe Stropper is a vast improvement on the old model. It strops both edges at once and puts a keen edge on the blade with only a few turns of the handle. STOCKS VERY LIMITED. ORDER
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  • 647 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] FIGHTING near westhoek. sir D«u*las Hail’s Report. Londoti, August 14, 11.50 pm. Sir pouglas H tig reports „g eftV y irtiiicry and rifle fire repuked an H ttack to the east of Westhoek, We unproved our positions on the right bj D k of Steanback. The
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  • 601 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Removal from Taarkoetelo. Petrograd, August 15. Tae Ex-Tsar and his family have been secretly removed from Tsarskoeselo to a destination which will be announced later. Destitution Uakaowa. Petrograd. August 15. —Later. Complete secrecy shrouded the removal of the Imperial Family, a course which was resolved upon
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  • 407 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SERIOUS OUTLOOK. Railway Liae Blowa ip. London, August 14, The news from Spain is scrappy but there are indications that the situation is serious. The latest telegrams speak of order being restored at Barcelona and Saragossa by stringent measures. Numerous arrests have taken place. Strikers
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  • 58 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 3110.25, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $110.75, business done, (175 tons sold.) Messrs. Boustesd A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London on the 15th inst. received to-day i
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  • 131 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent") London, August 15. The prices in the Loudon Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked 2/5 We are asked to state that dress for Battalion Parade on Monday, the 20th inst, will be tunics and shorts The parade will be dismissed
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  • 918 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Failure of Hun Rule. London, August 14. Reuter learns from a trustworthy source that the Germans are very uneasy about Poland owing to the storm over the arrest of the Polish General Pilsudski and the failure of the attempts to recruit Poles regarding which it
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  • 385 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] EXECUTIVE’S RESOLUTION. Vote of Coafideeee io Mr. Headersoa. London, August 15. The Labour Executive has adopted a vote of confidence in Mr. A. Henderson, A telegram was read from Stockholm stating that the conference would be consultative, not mandatory. The Executive adopted a resolution to
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  • 221 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 8. —Affairs in Chins. The French Minister for War, 4-—Asking Favours. U.S.A. "Profiteers’ Warned. s.—Partnership Suit. Brown Bast. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild, Shares. Tin Outputs. To-morrow’6 Band Programme. 8, Bukit Mertajam C.-es. Importation and Exportation Restrictions. Japanese Rubber
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  • 647 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] VATICAN PROPOSALS. Suggested Terms. Rome, August 14. The peace proposals of His Holinees the Pope suggest that Belgium, Serbia, and Rumania should be restored and a peaceful solution of the future of Alsace-Lorraine, the Treutiuo and Poland. Rome, August 14, —Liter. The Vatican proposals
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  • 801 8 (From Our Own Correspondent August 15. At tbe Bukit Mertajim P lice Court, betoie Mr. G. A. Hereford, ou Wednesday, ayoungHoken named Gob Ah Gek was convicted of tin offence of criminal breach of trust in nspect of one bicycle, worth $4O. the prop-rty of a bicycle-dealer
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  • 940 8 Colonial Office Circular. We have received for publ cation from the Colonial Secretary the following copy of a Circular Despatch from the Bight Honour- able the Secretary of State for the Colonies regarding goods brought to the United Kingdom for transhipment to destinations (Overseas. Circular. Downing
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  • 837 8 Much criticism was expressed by Japanese business men at a me-tiog at the Imperial Hotel, last night Juiy 19 ov r the restrictions being placed by the British Government on Japanese rubber planters in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. The meeting was convened under
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  • 1328 8 POLICE FINANCIAL CASH. Criminal Breach Charge, Id the bupr.-me Court yesteiday (says the Malay Mail of Tuesday), befoie Mr, Justice lanes, Acting Chief Judicial Comoi siioDer, was couimeDced the hearing of the irial of T. de Silva, Teen Ken Fah and M. S nnadurai, late of the
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  • 365 8 Friday, August 17. Town Band, Esplanade. War Anniversary Demonstration, Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4.15 p.m. Penang Free School, Speech Day, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, Augubt 18, New Mood. The Temerloh Coconut and Rubber Estate, Ltd., A. G, M., Chamber of Commerce, 12 noon. Penang Volunteers Field operations,
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  • 149 8 Minutes o» Msetins. Minutes o£ a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 24th July, 1917. Preterit W. Peel Esq,, Pretident. F. Duxburt, Esq. QuiH Bbno Kbb, Esq. Chee Woe Lok, Esq. Absent: Yeoh Guan Seoe, Esq. Hon A F. Goodrich. A. M. Goodman, Esq 1.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 566 8 vV AMTED. OIL ENGINE 22—27 H.p. New or second h»nd Apply stating puce and where it can be mspecttd to: t t.L.” 41, Crost Street, 526 Uukit Mertajam WANTED. A COMPETENT CHINESE CLERK to translate Chinese Accoonta into English. Piefeience will be given to one with previous experience in a
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    • 72 8 Digestive troubles. What a world of misery those worlds represent, and yet the disorder can quickly be corrected by a course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. a medicine that is particularly efficacious in cases of indigestion, flatulence, acidity of the stomach. If you are affected in this way, buy a
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    • 67 8 Ire You Going on a Journey Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrboea sbou d be packed in your hand luggage when going on a jiurney. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or p-oduce bowel troub.e, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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  • 1564 9  -  (By Victor MacClure.) A shattered mansion standing among naked and scarred trees leading to it. a muddy avenue in which a hundred puddles and two deep ruts ruuniug its length, throw back the grey light of a dripping sky. Thin poles marked off by alternate feet in black and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 I I I FRESH SfOOES jN \0 w I I 3 AGENTS: 1 S i 4 a 1 i j 3 R.T. REID Co., Penang.g a BRINKMANN Co, Singapore. 3 a THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. Is I I I S I fINCORPORATFD IN THE U 8 A.) Muar, Malacca aud
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    • 194 9 Hun-down When your system is undermined by worry or over-work —when your vitality is lowered —when you feel “any-how” —when your nerves are ‘‘on ed^e' —when the least exertion tires you—you are in a Run-down condition. Your system is like a plant that is drooping for want of water. And
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    • 316 9 I" 1 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, at the coner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The ***** i Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELL) On Mcndsy, the 20ih August, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber hell t*ice a week, on every Monday
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  • 1104 10 From Copenhagen, says the Daily Telegraph, cornea a circumstantial story that the Kanerin has sent some of her personal jewels to be sold there, and that purchasers have been found for them. Possibly the German Empress feels bound to give her support to the latest of the War
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  • 877 10 The French Premier, M Ribot, speaking r at an American banquet, s id that Amer ca I had defined her peace terms, and they were j in the fullest harmony with the aims of j France—namely, the restoration of Alsace j Lorraine, Belgium, Serbia, Poland, Ruj mania,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 101 10 XL r PA*' I ;ul I i\jyWM T c 2 &s aN TWO MALfIYAtI DREADtfOUQHTS FRASER NEAVE LTD., Argyll Road, Penang. *3 t •5 Vi x; yt 'X r» ft S ■>* "1 \v, 1a ws \fcVNfe.V: A GOODRICH mmm a»» VAtTn WT* NfA f,S V Uii xuuu tfUl lU'UAi.
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    • 73 10 I Teething Children. Teething children have more or lees diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It
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    • 544 10 To end Soiatica seems too good to be true, doe.’nt it n good to be but it’s true, TOO 11 11 LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM soothes the stibbing, biting nerves u "»■< ‘0 P«o Ud ZL^'T brings permanent relief. Take a 1?n 6 vour hand and rub it in where th„
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  • 1410 11  -  (By Charles Langeridge Morgan) Most naval engineer! hare been engineer! from the beginning, but there are a few, end these trained under the New Scheme, whose choice of engineering has meant the the deliberate rejection of the upper deck. Brise is one of this minority. As a cadet
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  • 373 11 Submarine Attacks. New York, July 6. The Paris correspondent of the New York Time* sends a thrilling narrative cf the encounters the American transports had with U-boats. The first attack by U-boats was so swiftly made that everything was over before anyone, save the crews and officers of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 436 11 N T HE supreme court of the traits SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. SUIT No, 273 of 1916, BETWEEN Syid Hassan bin Mohamed Alsaooff (representing the beneficiaries in the Estate of Sted Mohamed bin Ahmed Aleaooff deceased) Plaintiff. AND Stid Omah bin Mohamed Alsaooff, Sted Mohamed bin Aoil bin Yajta and
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    • 838 11 1 f 'A L 5* Jut look, Mary, at those Kobinso; s. ILree mouth» ago tLey were u thin as you and I. And Robinson says all they have done is' Take Sargol aud grow fat.’” HOW THIN PEOPLE MAY PUT ON FLESH. believe the thinnest man or woman can
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1580 12 P. o.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (Com pasikh Incorfo*atb» in £.nou«d.) Mail and Service», PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (DKDBR CONTRACT WITH HIB MAJBSTV’s GOVBBBMBNT) For BinK»P«re. China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. Uomsward (foe Eoeoph.) Ooiwaeh (foe China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. KONINKUJKE PAKETYAART
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