Straits Echo, 10 August 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1126 1 mi < ffi [UZED NATU£^ The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Tel. Addresai Hokimtcik, Penang. ’Phone No. 6H •f BANKS for sale. TWO ONLY, 2 SEA.TER c MMO WEALTH partin-palmer cars TWO ONLY, 2 SEATER MODELE DE LUXE 1W0 STROKE MOTOR CYCLE A Fleet ot English and American Cars
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    • 9 1 W 3 im tUZ t sg tty X i
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  • 998 2 Afpbbhbnbion in India. The appointment of Mr. E. S. Montagu to be Secretary of State for India will be received in tbia country with some apprebenaion( aay* the Calcutta Statetman. Mr. Montagu waa for four years tbe Undersecretary for India, and it ia tbe opinion
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  • 213 2 There is a popular idea that moat aicknesa ia caused by a germ of the diaeaae finding entrance to our bodies through the food we eat, the water or milk we drink or the air we breathe. Tbia ia true as far aa it goea but it
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  • 966 2 r Hl Wom I, Wil T 8 S ak K ing I jiTer P° o1 th. V. r 2 P*. r b 7. mid a .trikiDg if E,rl 1 No people he i done more unoetent.tiou. work it. .f* 1 l .ince the beginning of tu l th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Wood’s Croat Peppermint Cure, ls,6d,
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    • 525 2 PENANG’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE—WHERE EVERYBODY GOES. EMPIRE THEATRE Business Manager. Thomas Shafto. To-night GRAND CHANGE To-night We haveJi greatJspleasure in announcing GRACE Bn GPRANCVrORR N /f A:. I I UNlYgflXSL Commencing in the Second Show Sat., August 11th at 10.30 p.m. showing the first two Episodes in (Five) Big Reels, MASK.
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    • 8 2 For Chronic Cheat Complaint!» Wooda’ Great Peppermint Cere
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  • 289 3 CfiVom Otur Chon Correspondent Bukit Mnt.jim, August 8. (1) Amani and (2) Suppaya were convicted of negligently allowing their goats to atray, and sentenced to pay a fine of fifty cent* each and costs, Ooi Lang Choo was convicted of being found asleep while in charge of
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  • 309 3 The hearing of the case against Kboo Cheng Chean, charged with crimiaal breach of trust ts a servant of $2O, was b?gun this no-ning before Mr. R- D. Acton in the District Court. Mr. J. G. Hummeling, Manager, Runnymede Hotel, stated that the accused was employ*d
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  • 230 3 Given good weather, the polo ground ought to be iu fine condition for to-morrow’6 “At Home,” as the grass cutter and roller have been busy all the week, and the game should prove fast and interesting throughout the 3 chukkars. The Ist chukkar commences at 5,30 sharp.
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  • 68 3 Messrp. Lean Co., are officially inform* ed that the output of Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., during July was 300 pioula. The output of the Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Limited for the month of July waa 280 picula (226 picula mine and 54 pioula tribute) valued at $9,630. The output
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  • 316 3 C From Our Own Correspondent Alor Star, August 9. A little scientific itveetigation might be a boon to the ulu people who can make a little money only during the durian season. Fruit is not very abundant this year. The langtat for whioh Padang Trap is noted is
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  • 99 3 Subscriptions to 31st July, 1917, No of Amount. Applications, November 1916 239 429,260 December 145 283,040 January 1917 193 244,880 February 210 335,580 March 324 247,000 April 141 312,960 May 115 265,220 June 72 158,930 Ju’y 111 152,470 1,550 $2,429,340 Lees Transfers Marcb/July, 14
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  • 58 3 The following programme of mnsie will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Duchess of D*ntzc Caryll 2 Two Step C. ZK. C. ZK. Tburban 3 Selection A Waltz Dream Strauss 4 Waltz My Lady Love Rosey 5
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  • 246 3 Membera pleaae take note that the Club Shoota for August are on Saturday, the 11th inat, 3 300, 600 and 800. Sunday, the 26th inat. 7 a.m. 200, 500 and 600. An Inter Company Match will alao be shot cn the morning of 26 h
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 327 3 tr*0000€BGCP430© X>0<x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME X To-night! To-night!! AT THE THE PREMIER PICTURE HOUSE PRESENTS THE NEW ADVENTURES OF J, RUFUS WALLINGFORD 4 NEW ADDITIONAL PARTS THE BANG SUN ENGINE 2 Parts A Transaction in Summer Boarders P These Great photo-play series are fall of mirths sod laughs
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    • 306 3 IT 0 4. o AND < 'p. r rontier ■sc M ned FRONTIER C 0 MIXTURE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. SUIT No. 273 of 1916, BETWEEN Syed Hassan bin Mohamed Alsagoff (representing the beneficiaries in the Estate of Syed Mohamed bin Ahmed Albagoff
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  • 96 4 Fgfrflrinfl daily (except Sundays and pnblio t kotiitya) uni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 59, Bench Street, Penang. PUCB' Plfly Lml 124 per annum. OnMation... Postage Extra, r ilita t~ (Poet Free) 917.50 OilLa addbbss: «< ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone N<Ss. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If. B.— All butiness communication*
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  • 31 4 Flbmuvo Ttkuonell —At Kuala Lumpur, on the Bth instant, by the Rot. A. D. Harcus, M. A, Richard Heory B vey Fleming (of K«par)to Frances Sybil M&ry Sttugnell, (f Pecaag.
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  • 1202 4 Some little time ago a cable from the Hague indicated the rich province of Beaaarabia” as the immediate objective of the Austro German offensive in the eastern theatre and mentioned that Geneal Brusiloff, since superseded as generalissimo of the Russian forces, was hurrying back to Czernowitz in
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  • 920 4 Mr. F. Adelborg and Baroness Adelborg left for Ipoh this morning by the mail train. Dr. J. G. Hanna, Ipob, is leaving for the United States of America at an early date on a holiday. Mr. F. C. Gregson who is in hospital is making slow but
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  • 934 4 Land Alienation During the War rm. paragraph givipg th» J»p, n j,e iew of robber land alienation in British 5'.,!.,, pubhehed in yesterday’, Echo, it was stated that ‘'public opinion in the Strait,'Settln merits is not .gainst the Japanesi, but rather adversely criticises the “f the Home
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 Great Sale Proceeding. Incessant Raids are being made on our Bargains, and our stock is constantly diminishing. Como now and inspect the wonderful collection of real and dependable Bargains still available for the use of the public. 120 doz. Gent’s Black Cashmere Socks just unpacked to clrar at 80 cts.
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  • 718 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Kormatioa of War Cakiact. London, August 9. Reuter’s correspondent states that M. Kerensky intends to form a War Cabinet, eluding MM. Terestchenko, (Foreign Minister) tfekrassoff, (Finanoe Minister) (Minister of the Interior) and Sjvinkcff. (Assistant War Minister), which j meet daily- The Generalissimo attend *b?nbe is
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  • 781 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Agricultural Programme. Washington, August 9. The Government announces an immediate i war agricultural programme, increasing the acreages sufficiently to produce 1,250.000,000 bushels of wheat and 83,000,000 bushels of rye. The Mittioa to Rvaaia. The member of tie Senate Mr. Blibn Root and
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  • 91 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at $ll2, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $ll2 50, buyers no sellers, and m London at £24,7 ss. spot and at £244 three months. A correspondent, who seems cross, writes to the Ipoh paper i—“ The F.M.S. Government has
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  • 859 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Stormy Sitting in the Chamber. Athens, August 9. A stormy sitting took pUoe in the Greek Chamber when an opposition member who denounced Press restrictions was shouted down. M. Veuizilos pleaded for freedom of oriticism by the opposition but be emphasised that the Government was
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  • 942 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] QUESTION IN THE COMMONS. A Si|tifitui Reply. 1 London, August 8. > In the House of Commons Mr. R P. i Houston, Conservative Member for the Toxteth division of Liverpool, asked for information regarding the German raider > Wolf in the Indian Ocean and the raiders
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  • 928 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Freaek Figures Paris, Aug, 9. I A French cfficiil announcement states 91 that arriva’s at French ports during the r I week ended August 5 numb? red 948 »nd r I sailings 934, I Four vessels above 1,600 tons were sunt i land two below
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  • 633 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] French Correspondent's Tribute. Paris, August 9, A correspondent of Le Journal who has been visiting the British Fie? t says that the speotacle is so vast that the eye cannot take in the whole panorama at one glance. Impoi tant new units stb massed nady
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  • 189 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages > Page. 2.—From Verdun to Belfort. B.—Kedah Notes. War Loans Invest, ment Trust of Malaya. P. V. R. f. To-morrow's Band Programme Bukit Mertajtm Cases. AUeg d Breach of Trust. Penang Pclo Club. 6. —Affairs in China. The We
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  • 1128 6 A TENANCY QUE3TION. Position Regarding Notice to Quit. Bifore Mr. Ralph Scott in the Civil District Court (says the Straits Times of Wednesday) action was brought by His Highm ss the Saltan of Siak (as landlord) and Lim Nee Soon (as lessee) against Mr. T. L. Gosling,
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  • 2538 6 BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE SEVEN DAY RESTORATION. Remarkable Stobt Or The Origin And Development Or Chang Hsun’s Ill-Fated Plot, (By A Moasrekiat Himself.) Behind the Scenes of the Monarchical Movement is a remarkable article written by Sun Yoh-yin, former Tutuh of Anhui, and himself one of
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  • 83 6 Friday, Avans? 10 Town Band, Esplanade Ministering Children’s Inague Meeting, Gottlieb Mark Lodge Meeting 9 p.m, Saturday, August 11, Selangor Race Entries close. P. V, R. C Shoot 3 p.m. Penang Polo Club, At Home.” Sunday, August 12. 10th after Trinity. Annirersary of the Settlement ol Penang
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  • 690 6 Ia coDoeotioo w,th the b Earl of 8»lborc6 regarding (he honour, cabled b, R-oter ,e.te,d.7 i recent l.rua of 74« NatUmal lW ,t appear, a ati foment ,o, tl.t quote it in cztenso 8 Mr. Guest had his opportunity over the Honours List and he the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 436 6 WANTED For Chinese Protectorate, Pena ng. A BOARDING OFFICER (temporary) Salary 1900 plus »120 transport allowance per annum. Preference will be giren to a young Eurasian with some knowledge of Chinese. Apply to 500a CHINESE PROTECTORATE WANTED. A COMPETENT CHINESE CLERK to translate Chinese Accounts into English. Preference will be
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    • 73 6 Teething Children. Teething children hare more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by eiring Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 68 6 THE BODEGA, PENANG. The above Bar 8 Restaurant Haring been Purchased bj Thomas SHAFTO. Is undergoing extensive Alterations and many novel improvements will be the outcome. Patrons will aeon be invited to pass judgment. MALTHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, buDgalows, banks, business blocks, coolie lines etc., etc.
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  • 1588 7 The publication of the Mesopotamia Report has been the signal for a renewed orgy of scapegoat-hunting i a pious exercise much paraded by newspapers in the interests of their circulation, but of doubtful benefit to our war-efficiency, and deeply distressing to our Allies
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 332 7 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, it the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 158th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 13th August, 1917, Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on e«ry Monday and Thursday. Waj
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    • 371 7 HENRY I. JOHNSON. PIANIST TO EMPIRE THEATRE. Home Address 171-G, Argyle Road Undertakes tuning and repairing Pianos, Organs, etc., ets. and other Musical Instruments at shortest notice and moderate oharges. GET THE RIGHT MAN AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. KTOTICB. NO .ICE is hereby given that the two Powers of Attorney
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    • 445 7 Dysentery and Fever Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Make You Strong and Able to Resist Disease. When you are strong with the full strength of vigorous manhood you have no need to fear the diseases that attack weak people. Dr. Cassell’s Tablets give you that strength. They fill you with life and
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  • 892 8 Arkady Bidorcvitch Mogrin «at in a trench reading a letter which filled him With amazement. The letter waa from hii brother. Come home, Arkady SSfdorovitch,” the important part ran. “Do not delay. We are baring a glorioui time. The land ia being divided and I hare already secured
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 67 8 Are You Going on a Journey? Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand loggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or 'produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 441 8 «.'i V if- fn b» ?r r <:> 4' M ua -s« f.C >/< r.o <NDmI k* tfc* Skeleton at the Feast.” L'-t Sargol m ike you Plump and Popular HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN yUY ON FLESH. A New Discovery. Thin men end women—that big, hearty, filling dinner you ate
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  • 2046 9 Having, at the invitation of the French Government, recently paid a visit to the Eastern frontier of France, the writer thinks that it may interest readers of Truth to turn their eyes for a few minutes to this part of the theatre of war, which has
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 True War-Time Economy-Spend your Money at Whiteaway’s Sale. Record Stocks. We have to a very large extent anticipated the most receDt advances. Our stockrooms are overcrowded with goods purchased early to enable us to give our customers the best value obtainable. Four Bargains that should not be Missed. MEN’S INDIA
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    • 43 9 IPINKETTES Women. are an ideal laxative for Tkey correct Coaaipatioa. dear tke akia of plaplea aii klrtaiakea aad give krigkt eye of keeltk. 2 uaU oof pklaJ at recrircggiat'a or direct krcaalloo receipt ol price I Ireaa »B. WILLIAMS' MEDICIME COMPANY. SINGAPORE. I
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    • 622 9 I The Anoient Torturers a could have devised nothing more cruel thin e frightful twinging paini of Bciatica, g Modern Medicine can devise nothing j more effective than Little’s Oriental Balm. 1 wherewith to combat this terrifying afflic- tion. It does its work and does it well. All pain immediately
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1748 10 P. o.—British India' AND &PCAB LINE (Companies Incorporate» in England.) Mail and JPaiaen^er KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incobpobatbd in Holland.) N. Y. K. (Inoobporatbd ih Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Company LM. Fob Ixthhdud to Sail. Stxamub. Servioei Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Oiehieh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoeien and
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