Straits Echo, 9 August 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1281 1 IK*£*Al I nr Ei IiREDNATUEa The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Tel. Addtean Hokimtcii Penang. ’Phone No. fH FOR TWO ONLY, 2 SEA.TER COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER CARS TWO ONLY, 2 SEATER MODELE DMDXE IWO STROKI MOTOR CYCLE A Fleet ot English and American Cars tor hire day and night Motor
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    • 16 1 d SMxiiSra I.^*s f WHica K mi •>««C 05C tion. jtr F.O* SR* era 'V mjsz
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1807 3 This week hag seen a decisive victory in the House of Commons for Womens 'uffrage; which, subject to the eventual passing of the Franchise and Registration Bill, is now certain to become law The very large majority by which the principH adverse amendment was defeated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 SEASim Co. BEG TO announce that they are establishing a MOTOR SERVICE Department at NC. 1 Penang Road pposite E. O. Hotel) and expect to serve the Penang Motorists in everything connected with Motors and Motor Supplies. First Class Cars ARE NOW BEING LET OUT ON HIRE DAY NIGHT. there’s
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    • 363 3 n linin' ill! I ill r~ Q sr K T 'i> r A iff* '-'/V T <3r i I The wonderful Life-giving properties of Wincarnis makes it a to all who are Weak, AimIc, “Nervy” Run-down. The mission of' Wincarnis is to create new health for those who are Weak,
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  • 940 4 While the chaffinch Bings on the orchard bongh In i ngland—now.” Strange to think that we once read Browning, while to-day Reuter’s and Routine Orders are our titerary foods Up the line they possibly provide the excitement of the day. To us in Bagdad they are rather
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 > I V V, A m '*3*r*\ Xn. ?v i n* P r >*. v S' i.i tUH? 3< ~.v\>t V iiap^KgS 4 U VVlWv^ 2 t A»* TTATTn /t|t> rjfAf.ZV U11 IUUM van 1U-MK. TEST it thoroughly against any other Tyres mad© and you l?m equip all four wheels
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    • 9 4 For Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. fd.
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    • 189 4 xox BALLANTINE’S M fi 3 Ring” Pilsener Beer 3 Ping Stout ASK FOR 3 RINGS.’ I the mark of quality, purity, strength and flavour wedded with “3 RINGS.” SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co, PENANG and SINGAPORE. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR Straits Settlements, F.M.S. and E.C. Sumatra. ie==J osaca Onego er —i qei If
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  • 469 5 The following ere the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co.’s share list to-day Ayer Knning Rubber Estate $1 30 buyers and $1.40 sellers Glenealy Plantations $2.40 buyers and $2.50 sellers; Haytt r Rubber Estates $9.10 buyers; Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber $26.50 buyers Kelemak Rubber Estate $7.75 buyers; New Sarendab
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  • 136 5 [Reuter’s Telegram.] London, August 8. A Departmental Committee appointed by the Government is meeting to-morrow to consider the provision on an extensive scale of houses for tVe working classes. The Committee on Labour Problems after the War reported that a million housee, costing .£250.000,000, must be
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  • 202 5 Appeal op Accused. In the District Court before Mr. R, D. Acton some time ago Cbu Kim CbaDg was charged in that te between April 1 and M«y 9 did cheat Cheah Keng Ee, by falsely representing to him and cau6icg to be represented to him that a
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  • 99 5 Tbe following were the results of the tics played off yesterday Single Handicap A, W H Threlfall beat L O Hargrave 6-4. 6-0 A W Harries beat M M Stewart 5-7, 6—l, 7—5 Double Handicap B. C R A Goitlv C D D Hogan beat G B
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  • 63 5 Penang Women Wobkbbs. Amount previously acknowledged $5,512.53 Mrs. Penny 10.00 K. A. 8. 10.00 F M. 10.00 Mrs Langston 5 00 Mrs. Samuel 4.00 Mrs. Sinclair 3.00 Mrs. J A. Brown 100 $5,555 53 Hospital garments for soldiers reidy oat out for works's will be given
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  • 27 5 (Mbs Stephen Anthony's and Mbs. Ebden’s List.) Amount previously acknowledged $567.50 Ladies’ Bridge Book, Penang Golf Club, Ju'y 12.80 Mrs. Ebden 8.00 «583.30
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  • 37 5 July 10 By balance $1,***** Aug. 3 Teoh Chew Cbeang (monthly) 2.00 7 H. de Z. Lancaster (monthly) 25.00 V. Byvcs (monthly) 20 00 Aug. 7 By balance $1,875.10 Amount previously acknowledged 30,735,73 ...$82,610,8$
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  • 301 5 London, August 8. The prioea in the Loudon Rubber Market bo-day were: Pale Crepe 2/64 Diamond Smoked 2/5£ [The Market Report of Meaira. Aldena’ Successors, Ltd dated London, 28th June, states The market duriug the week has shown a further Bteady decline until yesterday, when a slightly
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  • 344 5 The drop in price of raw rubber has come so suddenly ai to take shareholders by surprise, says a London paper to hand by the last mail. It has also disturbed the equanimity of the market; and the result is seen not only in the fall of
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  • 98 5 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their 305th Auction Sale to-day Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $126 to $l3O per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No, 2 113 119 do Plain Smoked Sheet 107 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1
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  • 154 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p m. to 7 p.m.:— 1 Finale Ist Act. Belisario Donizitti 2 Mazurka Augusta Parlow 3 Daet Attila Verdi 4 Waltz The Indnstriellen Straws 5 March Copenhagen Ksps On July 2, Reuter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 384 5 ESTABLISHED 1874. the oriental Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd. la Ia4ia, BRANCH OFFICE, 8INGAPOKE J. R Macfhbmoh, Secretary S.S. and F.M.S Funds exceed 130,500,000.00 Claims Paid »26,000, 000.C0 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 168, Beach or 86, Beach Street. Penang. Th*
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    • 12 5 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Nights Wood’s Great Peppermint Cure, Is. 6d.
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    • 252 5 FRONT MIXTURE. xxxx xxxxxxxxxxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TO-NIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT LEGTRIC POLYSGOPr THE PREMIER PICTURE HOUSE L PRESENTS 3 fcfs HOW WE BEAT THE EMDEN 3 1st show 8 p.m 1. How we beat the Emden Part
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  • 97 6 hlliiM daily (fioept Sunday* and pnblio t holiday*) ax m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 80. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Faicn' ppHy litffl m* $24 per annum. m Portage Extra. Edstasn (Port Free) 117.50 cable annaatß ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Pnnting Department 343 If B.—All business communications
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  • 1325 6 A man from Malaya who joined the Army right at the very outbreak of war, has seen much fighting and has attained a comparatively high rank expressed the opinion in a letter received here by the last mail that the war will have ended in
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  • 84 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at $ll2, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $ll2 75, business done, (125 tons sold), and in London at <£247 spot and at j£243 10s. three months. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the
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  • 975 6 To-diy the engagement ia announced between Mr. J. Tersteeg and Miss Hunsley, a<ijB the Straits Times of Tuesday. Mr. L. Forrest Smith, of Nova Scotia Estate, Teluk Anson and formerly of Caledonia, F.W., is leaving for home after seven years in Malaya, His many friends in Malaya
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  • 1032 6 In Memoriam, Gallipoli. Two years ago, August 6 to 9, the in connection with the landing at aZ* Bay took place. Chocolate HiU w a 8 a Ur u?r° n o 6 7tb and onthe 9th wL, h» fight for Burnt Hill, where many in the flames,” as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 RATS COMMON SENSE RAT EXTERMINATOR lB THE MOST INFALUBLE RAT-KILLER KNOWN Rat* just love it and eat it up greedily. Cats and Dogs will not touch it- Common Sense Rat-Killer eats the Rats right up and leaves no smell. It is used by Penang Municipality and is also strongly re*
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  • 696 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY ACTIVITY. FightUg Near Wetthoek. LocdoD, August 8, 1 25 p.m. Sir DougUs Haig reports «We successfully raided last night near Lombartzyde. "The enemy’s artillery was active to the east and northward of Ypres, particularly in the neighbourhoods of Westhoek and the Ypres—Staden railway.” Fiac Work
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  • 603 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY FIGURES. Sligkl licrmt. London, Aug. 8. The Admiralty reports that Ihe arrivals p *t British ports for the week 2.673 Ana the sailings were 2 796 i Total 5,469 i Twenty-one vessels over 1600 tons were Bunk and two under that tonnage. Thirteen vrssels
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  • 742 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE GERMAN OBJECTIVE. He»vy Figkti.g, London, August 8, I Tie Timet correspondent at the Russian I Headquarters with the Seventh Army,wiring I on Angnst 2, states: The immediate objective of the enemy lis apparently a bold attempt to cut off the I troops remaining in the
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  • 595 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE NATIONAL CABINET. Members of New Mi.ictry, Pitrograd, August It is noteworthy that all the five parties, including Cadets, who participated in the conference of August 3 and adopted a vote of confidence in M. Kerensky, are included in j the National Cabinet, The following
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  • 537 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PREMIER'S SPEECH. Our Debt to Sdk'ii London, August 8, M'. Lloyd Geo *ge, sp~akiog at the Serbian Society luncheon at tha S*voy Hotel, said that we owed more to M. Pasitob, the Serbian Premier, and M. Ven'zelos than could be pcssibly levelled at present. Serbia,
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  • 89 7 The following articles wll be found on our outaide pages Page. 8. —The Winning of Women’s Enfranchisement. 4-—In Bigdad Now. 5.—Alleged Cheating, P. 0. C. Tennis Tournament. Belgian Belief Food. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Qver-8eas Club Tobacoo Furd London Rubber Market. Weakness of Rubber. Penang Rubber Auction. Shares, To-morrow’s
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  • 818 7 IMPORTANT BILL) PASSED. Straits War Leaa. (.From Omr Own Cbt respondent.') Singapore, August 9. In the Legislative Counoil jesterduy the Hon. Mi*j F. 8. James, Colonial Secretary, stated that tie amount subscribed to th- War Loan up to August 4 was $32 062.(J00. It is proposed, with
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  • 1973 8  - The New Elements of Sea -Power. (By “Quidnunc.”) The key to oar attitude towards the aoder-aurface weapon or submarine goes back to the now historic pronouncement of Admiral Sir Percy Scott m The Timet of June, 1914, wherein be accurately foreshadowed the position we find ourselves in to-day. In that
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  • 500 8 CONGRATULATORY M EBSAGEB. The following is the translation of a telegram despatched on July 26 from Rome by the King of Italy to the King of Siam t Very welcome ta me i» the news that Siam has declated war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. By this decision, which
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  • 391 8 Penang Chinese Champion Beaten. Unusual ioterest and keen enthusiasm marked the tennii conteet on the Ipob Club court on Monday afternoon between the Chinese tennis champion of PenaDg, Foo Joo Wan, and the Perak champion, J. H. Spowerp, says the T. 0. M. Ideal weather prevailed, and a
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  • 1140 8 "Queen of Heaven Annual Outing on a Kuangbi Idol, A picturesque description of a Chinese popular celebration is given by a correspondent of the North China Herald at Liuchowfu. He says:— Again that time of year has drawn nigh when dusty idolß weary of their monotonous environment, and tired of
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  • 73 8 Friday, August 10 Town Band, Esplanade Ministering Children's League Gottlieb Mark Lodge Meeting 9 p.u, Saturday, August 11, Selangor Raoa Entriaj close. P' V, R. C Shoot 3 Penang Polo Club, At Home." Sunday, August 12 10th after Trinity. Anniversary of the Settlement of Penang (1786).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 270 8 WANTED A COMPETENT CHINE8E CLERK to translate Chinese Accounts into English. Preference will be given to one with previous experience in a legal firm. Applications stating salary required and accompanied by copies of testimonials are invited by “ACC0UNT8" 454 ejo Straits Echo 1 Second-hand Daimler. Complete with all lamps and
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    • 50 8 In The New Republic of May 12, a paper reputed to be in personal tonch with Mr. Wilson, it was frankly admitted that “any nation, including the United States, which was being blockaded by a superior fleet and was in danger of being crushed” would use the sub marine, t
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    • 26 8 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cbo’era and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on dealers r 6 dispensaries and
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    • 322 8 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. HP 0 be sold by auction at Singapore on a r te at the beginning of November, 1917, to be announced later, a valuable freehold rubber estate known as Pundut Estate situate in the Territory of the Dindings, Straits Settlements. The Estate is being sold by the Cuatodian
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  • 2063 9 The King has been well advised in sup pressing the German territorial titles of members of the Royal Family and convert i the leek and Battenberg Princes into I English peers. As regards the ladies and j gentlemen concerned, it may be presumed I that the titles
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 655 9 C=rEE Si I HOTOMRS. 32 H.P. 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, |> £2 4 BICYCLES AND JR.K9.J». riOTOR CYCLES CAN BE HAD ON MONTHLY SYSTEM. JUST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. IVllCtfElim TYRE STOCKISTS. CYCLE fCMiAGE GO-. The Complete House for Cycles and Motors Penang:, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Stocks of
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    • 67 9 Are You Going on a Journey? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature ail terd or produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship- It may
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    • 853 9 Penang Auction Mart By odir of the Rei-clv rs appointed by the Supreme Court of the Straits S jftl: mints, SETIIEMENT OF PENANG IN Sui/ 1913 No. 389 Between QUAH ENG HEOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG Plaintiffs AND TAN SIEW KIM, tha Administratrix of the estate of KHOO SIT HOE,
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  • 1267 10 Are The Dutch ProGerman All fair-minded p a opl i will agree with me when I say that to pull to pieces the characters of those who are absent is a most unreasonable thing to do. It is cot cricket. It is much more satisfactory all round to buttonhole a
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  • 709 10 Oae of the most discreditable offences o' official meanness in the course of the w*r is the attitude of the British authoritie» towards mercantile (fficer prisoners. Tht Germans have hitherto been treating tbesi cr soners on the eamo footing as junior officers of the other services but the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 Teething Children. Teething children have mors or diarrhoea, which c*n bs controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic Cholera atd D.arrhoea R ni-idy. All that is ig to give the pieacribpd dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil t •> cleanse the system. It ig
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    • 47 10 Do n.1 allow yourself to become a victim to recurring Fever. There is sure remedy at hard in WOODS* GREW PEPPERMINT CURE. a truly marvellous specific in all conditions of fever and internal complants, If is sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents per bottle.
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    • 189 10 A NEW SHIPMENT HAS NOW ARRIVED. tfk m y. y. m i VYAl —S3 -w&m&'-i w!i /'?">• 1 I ft® >A i m aw? UW! *ss ■>» <2» SS Wr i-. 1 "V>" 9-fi m m jcy f‘S fUS I *4fe*>3tefc > t m iis 'iv itTS6 n RITErc OVER
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  • 2322 11 (From Our Own Correspondent,') The British Front. t London, June 29. This week s fighting in the Lena area was marked by muoh hand-to-hand and patrol work, in which the better men won every tune.. Deeply into the Lens defences Haig s troops struck and on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 362 11 The Ancient Torturers could have devised nothing more cruel thin the frightful twinging pains of Sciatica, Modern Medicine can devise nothing more effective than Little’s Oriental Balm. wherewith to combat this terrifying affliction. It does its work and does it well. All pain immediately relieved. Simply rub it in. For
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1574 12 P. o.—British India and APCAR LINE (Cohpanibs lNcoßfoaATnn in England.) Mall and Pasaunjer Servloei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDBR CONTRACT WITH HIS HAJBSTT's aOVBBNMBNT) Ftr Siigaptre, Chian, Japan, Ceylon, Aaitralia, India. Idem, Bgypt, Mediterranean Ports and Lemdem. MAIL LINES. Hombward (bob Europb.) Outward (bob China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. The Intermediate
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