Straits Echo, 31 May 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 w. Ml» V, ss LK ISDNAmSfi (BANKS. Tk Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r e i Address; Hokimteik. Penang. ’Phone No. 694. pOH SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER MOTOR CARS 1917 MODEL. (W 5-paeseDger ’louring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price that cannot
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    • 15 1 mu tĔ 5 M atr Rlh: m WC *0 pm e o* C ctions !S3
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  • 1686 3  -  By J. Arthur Hill. When I was young I sang, like the Blacksmith's daughter, in a Tillage choir. Choira are proverbially an umegenerate race, apt for fun and frolic, i?ady to see humour if there is any to be seen, or even if there isn't; and I well remember
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 2ST d min The Hand of the up«to-date Man and his Swan Pen. Men really modern in their id-as use “Swan” Pens because they enable them to do mor<?and better work with less trouble. In fact, the possession of a Swan Pen by a professional or a business man is
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    • 573 3 O U there's Purity and Vig( IN EVERY DROP OF READ’S DOG S HEAD” GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet and soothing perfume. It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermented beverage without
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  • 1098 4 Since the military strength of Germany 1 began visibly to decline the Government has relied principally on two instruments 1 for avoiding defeat. The first was the 1 submarine campaign. In all probability 1 the hopes of the Government were limited i to a process of attrition which,
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  • 458 4 Hb Is To Bi An Illukikatid Man" "I want my boy to be as highly educated as well educated, as possible,” writes H ft' Wells in the Fortnightly Revitw, arguing'tha case against the classical languages. |jn is, if I can manage it, to be an illuminated
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  • 266 4 The following are the minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the Bth May, 1917. Present i W. Peel Esq, President. A. M. Goodman, Esq, F. Duxbuet. Esq Chee Woe Lok, Esq. Absent I A F. Goodbich, Esq. Quah Pkno K>i, Esq. Yboh Guan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1085 4 ITRAYELLINC REQUISITES AT WHiTEAWAYS.l Are You Crumpled Up FITTED DRESSING CASES. m SB in Ml «f; 11«?, E SUiT CASES. Finpst Quality English Leather Suit Cases best h’ostless Nickled Locks Fittings. Exact to illustration g these cases are made only from the best English Leather and will last a lifetime.
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    • 80 4 Croup. This disease is so dangerous and so rapi in its development that every mother o young ohildren should be prepared for it. is very risky to wait until the attack o croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be o tiined.
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  • 1550 5 In the District Court before Mr, R D. Acton yesterday afternoon the bearing was begun of the case against Lim Ek Peng and Choo Kim Chang who were charged in that they between April 1 and May 9 did cheat Cheah Keng Ee, by falsely representing to him
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  • 301 5 Penano Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $5,149.53 I Mrs. Allen Dennys 2.00 $5,151.53 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cat out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall on Fridays at 9.45 till 11 a.m. Urgent Appeal bt the Queen. The Hon. Lady Lawley,
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  • 82 5 (Mrs. Stephen Anthont's and Mrs, Ebden’s List.) The following is a statement ©f accounts to date. There is nothing to acknowledge tbis week, £10.4 0 sent on 28th Tab. 1917 87.00 Cigarettes given to Territorials passing through Penang in March 1917. $2BO 80 £15.14,4 sent on
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  • 90 5 The undermentioned prices ware realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co at their 285th Auction Sale to-day: Smoked Bibbed Sheet $146 to $l5l per picul Plain Sheet 124 126 do No. 2 Smoked Sheet 135 145 do Unsmoked Sheet 133 140 do No. 2
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 8f LAI theatre hall, (Off Kuala Kangsar Road.) by special request we are showing for oN E more night only grand change of pROCiRAMIME aT 9.15 p m Oriental Acrobats Fresh from their World Tour of Europe, Uoited States ot America etc., etc. not fail to see this talented troupe
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    • 378 5 I I QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. o R.G IN IA C <CAR.ETTES- i ®*istol lor'O 0 2 0 g g g g g 2 2 2 2 2 g 2 3 3 2 2 2 y, a A a a A A A
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  • 98 6 fglUw! diilj (exoept Sunday■ and pmblio Wfcdays) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. git 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paic*. v Dn% Leeal $24 per annum. m OnMaUon... Postage Extra. IMI BAMoa (Post Free) $17.50 flAlT.l ADDBBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 y. R. —All business
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  • 1360 6 To-day is the first anniversary of the Battle of Jutland. To-morrow is the 123rd anniversary of the Glorious First of June when Howe decisively defeated the powerful French fleet under Villaret-Joyeuse- It is fitting then that we should take this opportunity to consider the naval situation as
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  • 848 6 General Amanovsky has been appointed A. chief of the general staff at the Russian Ministry of War. Lord Devonport, who is said to be about to hand over the Controllership of Food to a Labour Member, has been ailing for some time past and was in bad
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  • 35 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $ll4, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $114.50, business done (25 tons sold) and in London at .£253 10s. spot and «£250 10s. three months.
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  • 852 6 A.W,S."His Handiwork. Says the Singapore evening paper i The notification of assessment under section 24 of the War Tax Ordinance is a bewildering document in some cases, correspondent writes that he has been carefully informed that under this section he is liable to pay the sum of nil,”
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  • 26 6 CFrom Our Own Correspondent London, May 30. The prices in the London Kubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/0 J Diamond Smoked 3/0£
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 DON’T BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR SELECTION We have just received new Stocks of the famous B.B.B. briars Hundreds of pipes to choose from. Each pipe stamped B.B.B. and mounted with HallMarked Silver. $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75 $3.00 DOES Not Crack DOES THE PIPE THAT IMPROVES WITH AGE, THE
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  • 412 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SUCCESSFUL RAID, further Air Fightiaf. London, 11 55 p.m. P M Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports,F e Wfl made a successful raid early this to the east of Richebourg l’Avvue. ®!TwoO0^ iQa9roplaDe8 W6re br Ught Monday *nd Mx w0r0 driven down condition. Five of our bines
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  • 195 7 A reporter of the T.O.M. had a brief intJwrth Mr, Teh Lay Seng, a member of m n(l lDta aQ t&r y Board, and a well known a„ n’ on Bu f?gestion recently made that on t ve rnmetlt should enforce an 9xtra tax p lcu
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  • 821 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER PROGRESS. Over 23,000 Prisoners, London, May 29, 6,25 p.m. An Italian official announcement states We repulsed an attack to the east of San Giovanni Duino, Wo broke up an attack against the summit of Hill 52 in the Vodice area, over* coming a tenacious enemy
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  • 729 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Torpedoed Without W»r»i»(. London, May 29. The Admiralty announces that the hospital ship Dover Cattle was torpedoed without warning at 6 o’clock on Saturday evening in the Mediterranean She was again torpedoed at 8.30 and sank. Tbe whole of the patieots and the staff were
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  • 430 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] VENIZELISTS INTERVIEWED. No Reeouciliatiou witk Ti»o. London, May 30. Interviews with M. Venizelos and some of his Ministers, which have been published, repudiate the idea of a reconciliation with King Constantine. The Veniselist Minister M. Avereff adds that it is essential the Venizelists should occupy
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  • 151 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Surnames. 4. —German Methods. Future of English Education. 5. —Alleged Cheating. Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. Over-Seas Club Tobacco Fund. Penang Rubber Auction, The Week’s Events. 8. —The Capture of Bagdad. A Development in China, Criminal Trials. King
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  • 384 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] NO ANNEXATION’ £DEFINED Tke Revolulioury Wtr Policy. Loodoo, May 30. Two startling articles, reflecting the revolutionary war policy, are published in the organ of the Council of Soldiers’and Workmen’s Delegates. One is more particularly addressed to England and strongly dissents from the claim that the Provisional Government’s
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  • 318 7 Mr. H. N. Ferrere in a letter to our Ipoh contemporary regarding the proposed Fite at Kuala Lumpur, says We are accused of desiring to celebrate the anniversary of a ghastly calamity by a day of pleasure and waste. To this charge I confidently enter a
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  • 56 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Neutrality Revoked. Rio da Janeiro, May 30. The Brazilian Chamber has unanimously adopted the Bill ievoking the neutrality of Brazil net merely in the war between Germany and America but in the war between the Entente and the Central Powers and authorizing the utilisation
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  • 818 7 WHAT SHE COULD DO IN THE WORLD STRUGGLE. By His Excellency A. da Fontoura Xavier. (Brazilian Minister to the Court of St. James) If Germany continues to sink Brazilian vessels, Brazil will have no alternative to war. Like other nations, my country will have been forced into the
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  • 1299 8  -  (By A.J. Dawson) Whilst in the ordinary course of events m it may be true that for the unreflect ive hi majority distance len some dulness to the tc new-, it is safe to affirm that for unny of ai the leaders of thought and politics
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  • 696 8 A far-reaching and even, perhaps an epochmaking event is about to take place iD China, the Government of which, as announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Comm9rc°, will shortly spend five million dollars in erecting iron works, which, it is hoped, will form the nucleus
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  • 1084 8 Wo smc-rely hope that the day may not be far distant when the conduct of all criminal trials will be left entirely in the bauds of the Attorney-General’s Department. Last week we bad the trial of Teo Swee HoDg, abcut a year and a half ago storekeeper at
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  • 617 8 RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION, MAY 1917. At a meeting of the Council of the Medi« cal School the report of the Examiners was considered and the following IS candidates for admission passed as having completed the Medical Preliminary Eximin*tion in accordance with the requirements of
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  • 49 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.:— 1 CaTdtina From the Opera Lucia Lammermoor Donizetti 2 Polka Babillage Michiels 3 Selection Suzanne Paladilke 4 Waltz Les Adieux Gung’l 5 March The British Outpost Hume
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  • 58 8 The following ties hare been fixed for to 'day Championship W B Houston vs J Dick Championship Pairs. H S'arr and J G Allan vs G B Fitzgerald and W H Threlfall The following ties have been fixed for to morrow Championship. W Houston vs W K
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  • 1328 8 SEMI-OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. The following cables were communicated to the Bangkok press by tbe British Legation The Kino and the Workers. London, May 18. The King and Queen visited the northern and north-eastern counties on an extended tour, comprising the Dockyards at Birkenhead and Barrow, and tbe docks
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  • 468 8 A complete change of programme will be presented at the Empire to-night when the Blue-Bird photoplays present Louise Lovely in “The Grasp of Greed" with Lon Chaney, Gretchen Lederer, Jay Belasco. and Norman Hammond, from the wonderful adventure story by H. Rider Haggard. Supporting films include “Universal s
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 2292 9 ■M* •mim II p Dividend. 6 Nam ber of a, t s .2 o.2 Capital Shares Name. 6 5 S C E M 0 188 ued. 2 last finanfor currant e -3 J <s Oh cial year. yearu m n =3 00 0 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 8 cts. cts 1<*09
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 264 9 32 H.P. 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, fj 4 BICYCLES AND nOTOR CYCLES CAN BE HAD ON MONTHLY SYSTEM. JUST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. MICtfEIilN TYHE STOCKISTS. CYCLE l CARRIAGE GO-. The Complete House for Cycles and Motors Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27. Beach Street,
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  • 1185 10 There could not le a more happy de scription than the title. A Soldier's Memories,” of Sir George Younghusband’s volume (Herbert Jenkins, 12s 6d '1 he author, who has a vague memory of Sir Douglas Haig fagging for him when they were both Clifton College boys,
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  • 874 10 SUBMARINES AND WOODEN SHIPBUILDING. London, April H. Not the least interesting of the unexpected developments arising out of the war is the revival of wooden shipbuilding, According to a return of the United States Bureau of Navigation there were in December last no fewer than 116 wooden vessels
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 475 10 V ffxXRA* HU r GOOD NEW<S c/or MOTORISTf Hz» I I X I ccr: iCtAO V, 'm a VId r ST <8 w ARE ALL BRITISH AND Specially Toughened the name of W. T. Henley Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. VALUABLE PROPERTY (OR SALE. By Order of the Liquidator (Me P.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 4428 11 w mi mi. gY ORDE i OF THE ADMINISTRATRIX OF TOE ESTATE OF mO HAMED ARIFF deceased. TO BE SOLD BY public Auction On Mon9th July 1917 at II a.m following days (5 \1 L’RD AYS, 5U s DAYS ft* PUBLIC HOLID\YS EXCEPTED) j;t the r: of Logan’s Buildings Beach
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1418 12 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE Mail (Companies Incorporated in England.) and .Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDBH CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJK3TT8 GOVERNMENT) For 8lBR»P«re, Chin*, Japan, Oylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London- MAIL LINES. XONINKLIiKE PAKETYAART MAATdCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (iNCQRPOaaTap in Holland.) N.
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