Straits Echo, 26 May 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1261 1 U »AnO m >* 1 4 i AS» 5 VA, The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. ■u Address: Bokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 6S SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER motor cars 1917 MODEL. 0d« fc-paesenger louring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price that can
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    • 10 1 R;N--«*»1 0f Which 15 Till tu NP^-'l KP* U«£ •vsf
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  • 1627 3 Contributed). Kverv people of-the world has games anc J pastimes and so have the Malays of Kedal j a nation whose history is entangled ir I many interesting legends and which is ont j of the oldest in Malaya. Ij Therefore an essay on the
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  • 346 3 Part of thi British Empire exit not in the War. A private letter from Ireland contains the following deplorable pioture of thousands of young men idling or worse and untouched by the call to arms.] 1 have been asked by friends and relatione if I could tell influential
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 871 3 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, at the coiner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL 8120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. Owing to Monday b-ing a Public Holiday The 136th Audio i Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Tuesday, the 29th May, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice
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  • 831 4 CircumiHnces have brought about a change in the Mail Service between England and India which has been ipoken of an possible for months past. From next month the outward service will be fortnightly, but the homeward service will not bo changed for a few weeks. The re ason
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  • 936 4 Food Economy. We of the Wardroom have now for some little time been rationing ourselves on an economical scale. Ia order to prevent any misconceptions—who knows but that th>> Hud, reading the above, might jump to the gleeful conclusion that the British Navy is on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 NEW SHIPMENTS JUSf UNPACKED. An entirely new collection of the choicest Cretonnes is now being shown and intending purchasers are respectfully invited to iaspect the quality and compare the value before placing orders. New Season’s Patterns Forwarded Pest Free. 29 INS. 50 cts., 55 cfs., wide 35 cts., 90 cts.,
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    • 59 4 A machine weakened in one part soon breaks d >wn altogether. That ia the case with sufferers from indigestion, a moat disheartening complaint. If yon are troubled, turn immediately to WOODV GREU PEPPERMINT CURE. A ccurae of this medicine will place the body machine in psrfeut running order. Sjld at
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    • 293 4 NOTICE OE SALE. BY ORDER OE THE MORTUAUEK »0 BE BOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION Oa Wednesday, the 30th day of May, 1917 AT 11 A,lf., At the Archway of Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, Th© property of Lim Boon Teen of Beach Street, Penang, Trader All that piece of land,
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  • 1154 5  -  [By Tom Wright.] Joth* almost countless sweetly pretty F) things that have been said of rivers, I have L 0Be j° add Rivers are to men home paths. r 8the wel1 worn rath that lea Js rest to J! e c me smiles t> meals, so is
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  • 375 5 Y Extraordinary Geeerai, Meeting, e An extraordinary general meeting of the f members of the Wagon-Paohaung Wolfram i Mines, Limited, was heid at the ce< Messrs. Barker Co., to-day. 1 There were present Messrs. W. H. Thorne, r in the chair, J. Boy, The Hon.
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  • 68 5 May 27, Whit Sunday. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-00 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 5- p.m Sunday'School 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 154 Responses Roberts Psalms Asset Magnificat 48 Nunc Dimittis 61 Hymns 295, 215 and 210 During the week Monday > 800 a.m. Holy
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  • 69 5 9 a.m. Children’s Service. 6 pm. Public Worship. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross, m a. Hymns 12, 632, 158, 601, 516. Service of Devotion and Intercession on Friday evening at 6.30. Choir Praotice on Friday evening at 7. Buttekwobth See vice Public worship will
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  • 56 5 The following programme of music will be p’ayed at the Golf Club this evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m, 1 Reminiscences Of Gounod Godfrey 2 The Bell of the Barbers Hall Cohan 3 Saleotion The Mikado Sullivan 4 Waltz Sourire D’Avril Depret 5 Graceful Dance Edina
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  • 85 5 May 8 By balance $1,722 96 21 A Bet 5.00 May 21 By balance $1,727.96 Amount previously acknowledged 30,727.73 ...$32,455,69 Of a lady who took part in a recent Polo Tournament at Maymyo the Rangoon Time» says Quite the feature of the afternoon’s play was the excellent
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 886 5 Miss Sellers. r.r free-one twill shirt To purchaser* of 1 doz shirts of one qnalitv at a time. PIANO FOR SAL •a v m 3 -a in %> (iood Condition' Be»otiful Tone, $250*00 or nearest offer. Vail for inspection. THE CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY. Music Dealers, It4, Muntri Street. 337 Bank Holiday.
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    • 450 5 QUALI TY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. s-- u '■'JfcGINlA CAnETTES g, LONO°*£; That’s why “EMBASSY j VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly described as THE CIGARETTE DE L UXE. ••a#n#n#n#n#a#n#n#n#nn#n#n#### 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0
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  • 100 6 fMMfakti daDy (noepi Sunday* and publio Mtfey*) l Tli CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 59, Beach Street, Penang. f Puci. ?'W i ii i Jhdy Leeal 124 per annum. Postage Extra. |fml T jilt r (Post Free) $17.50 Oi)Ll ADDKBIB ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 1300 6 Taken altogether it is not a bad budget of news that we hare had to present to our readers for digestion during the Whitsun holidays. There will be deep and widespread regret at the loss in the Mediterranean, now only just disclosed, of the transport Transylvania with so
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  • 706 6 The Hod, Mr, R, Q. Watson has returned from Home. Mr. M. H. Graham, late of Kuala Selangor, is now a captain in the R F.A Mr. J. MacDonough, Assistant Auditor General, Alor Star, has returned from leave at home. Reuter cables that H. M. the King
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  • 122 6 The following are the alterations in Messrs.' A. A. Anthony and Co’s share-list to-day i Ayer Kuniag Rubber Estates $1.27$ buyers and $1 32$ eellers Bilgourine Rubber Estate $6 00 buyers and $6 15 sellers; Mergui Rubber Estates 15.40 buyers and $5.60 sellers; Teluk Amoo Rubber Estates $ll 75
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  • 987 6 Bad Business Methods, A tradesman who desires to advertise hi wares does not put a high price on hi, logue but distributes it free grat.s and Z nothing as widely as possible among hi. potential customers. Whoever then arranged to sell the catalogue of the seeds for ,*I«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 156 6 DON’T BOY A PIPE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR SELECTION We have juBt received new Stocks of the famous B.B.B. briars Hundreds of pipe3 to choose from. Each pipe stamped B.B.B. and mounted with HallMarked Silver. $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75 $3.00 DOES lot Crack THE PIPE THAT IMPROVES WITH AGE.
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  • 615 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 0,300 PRISONERS, Serious Esruiy Losses, London, May 24. A French communique says i—«A German attack on Vauclero Platetfu Mt evening wis driven bick, with serious I e The prisoners we took here on May 22 belong to «ix reginnnts of four different divisions. have taken 8.600
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  • 724 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SUDDEN ONSLAUGHT. ATTACK ON A WIDE FRONT. Over 9,000 Prisoaera. London, May 24, i An Italian official announcement states: ”In the Carso yesterdiy, after a violent bombardment of ten hours, we assiulted and bioke through the enemy’s lines from Castagnavizza to the sea. While we were
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  • 579 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Heavy Lota of Life. London, May 24. The Admiralty announces that the British transport Trantylvania was torpedoed in Mediterranean on May 4 with the followt mg loss of life. d Militant 29 officers and 373 other n ranks. Crew The Captain, 1 officer, nine men
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  • 194 7 CProm Otar Own Correspondent^ London, May 25. The prices in the London Bobber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 3/01 Diamond Smoked 3/0J Says The Man of the World” in the Rangoon TimetIre no patience with people who, because I hare a car here when I should hare
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  • 701 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] IN THE STRAITS AND MEDITERRANEAN. Trikute ia Ike Coamoas. l London, May 24. d Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil, Minister for r Blockade, said that the activities of the Japanese Navy had not ended with the operations resulting
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  • 1374 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] i. FIRST LORD 3 REVIEW. Figktiag the Silmtriif, London, May 24. >f Sir Edward Carson, First Lord of the ir Admiralty, who waa entertained at a luncheon if of the Empire Producers Organisation, in a d powerful speech dwelt on the far-reaching results
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  • 118 7 The following articles wII be found on our outside piges Page. 3, Pastimes of the Kedah People. Ireland Untouched 4, A Grand Fleer Chaplain’* NoteBook. The Mails. 5, Oa a River. The Wigon-Pachaung Wolfram Mine», L f d, Church Sirvic-s. Tc-aight’s Bind Programme. B Igian Relief F„ n( j
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  • 424 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] EMIGRATION FROM INDIA. Mcmoraiduni by ladian Representatives, London, May 24. A Bluebook of a hundred and Bixty-three pages, containing the proceedings of the Imperial War Conference, has been issued. It contains the resolutions already cabled and extracts from minutes aqd papers laid before the Conference,
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  • 143 8 Following are the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Municipal Commission. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. N 5. Proposed road from Bagan Jermal to Kelawei for
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  • 89 8 At the popular Empire Theatre to-night a tip top programme is promised patrons, the a Blue-Bird five reeler, Ihe Bugler of Algiers will again be presented when the usual packed house is alMlmt The balance of tb o programme i 6 «dlthat one could expect to see at
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  • 515 8 Completion ow the Contract work On the 26th of December, 1916, the Lady Evelyn Young gave the sign*! for setting the last concrete block on the Main Wharf reconstruction of the Singapore Harbjur Board. That will be a notable date in the history of the great enterprise, but
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  • 499 8 3 Money and Men, 1 After the extraordinary spectacle of a community making imperious dem inds to be taxed, we learn from a cable received last 5 week that the Legislative Council of the Straits Sittlements has finally decided upon levying an income-tax, with, we presume,
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  • 875 8 SHIPPING LOSSES FOOD. A Gbavk Position. London, April 29. The New York Times correspondent at Washington says the British and French Commissioners informed the United States Government that the world is facing famine, and it was imperative that America should rush shipbuilding in order to carry food to the Allies.
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  • 2520 8 (From Our Own Vorrgrpondenu) Hindknbukg’s Boast. London, April 20, 1 Two months ago, Hindenburg, the Prus--1 sian butcher and the murderer of women j and children by sea and by land boasted that his Western Front was so strong that 1 aoy attempt on it by*the
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  • 236 8 8 Saturday, Mat 26. e Queen Mary’s Birthday (1867), Taiping Planters Association, AG. M., t Perak Club, 11 a.m. r The Wagon-Pachaung Wolfram Mines Ltd,, Extraordinary G. M. Barker A Co, 12.30 p.m, M. P. A. A. Quarterly Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11 a.m. Sunday, Mat 27.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 For a Lame Back. When yon have paina or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 82 8 Group. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be ob«
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    • 56 8 Always Recommend It In almost every community there is »o® e one whose life has been saved by Cham lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keme JSuch persona seldom miss an opportunity -o recommend it, and these recommendation and its never failing qualities acoouut tor 1 great popularity, For sale by
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  • 1171 9 Private telegrams from Peking received on Monday and yesterday intimate that the situation with reference to a declaration of war a Ra>°«t Germany has grown more comI plicated. It is still expected, however, that f when the resolution finally is placed before Parliament that body will vote
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  • 792 9 t Ska Cawabds, Steikk., Wae Bonuses j and Service Pat. 3 London, April 6. If anyone has been preserving the naval r canards that have been put into circulars tl since tha beginning of the war his t collection should by this time contain a striking mass of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 'Jt w WA I h b WAL w a. /Ji a l 4 -4 i £5t»X’jC^ LMBi r>. -J *-~>- V2?^. i—— I/!: -■y V. r» «3 &*3t o s»: w,*- trfib *V 1 v •> T£J. *\r w 55 i3h3&: o <d n fc* n iiH W H g£
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    • 74 9 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE. Beater, Four speed and 1 1 Adler Car, 7 Reverse Gear. 1 Overland Car z-Eegistered to carry 7 persons including Driver, new hood newly pa.nted and guarded to go round the Island with top ep*ed. K a 100 The above Cars have been well cared for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 4335 10 p— by order of the administratrix OF THE ESTATE OF MOHAMED ARIFF deceased. TO BE SOLD BY Public Auction On Mon., 9th July 1917at II a.m following days (SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS W PUBLIC HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED) At the Arohway of Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street. Penang, The following properties 1. TELOK REMISS ESTATE.
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  • 1366 11 Only a Thin Veil, Easily Drawn Aaid\ otands B -tween the Living ard the 80-Called’ Daad,” Says J. H. McKeDzK That interminably interesting’ study, the soul its essence, its whence and its whither—1* “®»ted afre -h in a new book entitled Spirit Intercourse,” by
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  • 277 11 i lam not surprised to hear that several members of Parliament have given notice to the Government of their intention to i question them, as soon as Parliament re- assembles, on the ban which has been placed i upon the circulation of the Nation abroad.
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  • 308 11 The process of religious transfusion is piquantly illustrated by Mr. R. J. Campbell’s departure from the City Temple to seek ordination in the Established Church and by Dean Henson’s visit to Mr Campbell's late pulpit in order to declare his good will towards Nonconformity. But
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 275 11 •P 56 1 n lit! ry 1 GOOD NEW6 Sr MOTORISTS* '.i m 0ii j":. f rA r~ L i I'•-•- 1 f v-\> »7 «> L'sff/VS/st I .,••'0.1! I t Kf.O ARE cor f 1C JAt j ■'vr.'-T S±':~r£#k2!T.i Sf* ngna Sm* .0 V 1 I W N
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    • 10 11 For Ohronio Cheat Complaints, Woo4a' Greet Pappemiat Cere la 6d,
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    • 62 11 For Lame Baek. When you have paina or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Psin Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each ap« plication. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 463 11 Driven Out Whenever Little’s Oriental Ba’m enters a home the headaches are driven ont. By simply rubbing in a little of this sure-acting remedy the most stubborn ache or pain is soon brought to terms. When you apply Little's Oriental Balm you can feel the pain going away Think *t—from
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1633 12 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England Mail and Service! KOKINKLIJKE PAKFTYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (lncorporated in Holland.) For Int in did to Sail. Stramrr PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore. China, Japan, Ceylon, Amtralia, India, Aden,P Egypt,
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