Straits Echo, 19 May 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1190 1 ip s I L ,feJr i V. SSiz NAiyEai ED ifc The Georgetowa Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r«l Address i Bokimteik, Penang. e ’Phone No. 694. FOB sale. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN -PALMER motor cars 1917 MODEL. One 6-passenger Touring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire
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    • 11 1 V 8X o ItIL Actions use :s 30«' t.KiM v> "x.
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  • 937 3 The Uity Temple, in its startling announcement of a lady preacher for-one Sunday, only reverted to the usual practice of the ancient pagan temples, in which the positions for priestesses ware as distinguished and influentiil as those of priests. The complete subordination of women in
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  • 798 3 (From Naval Correspondent.) i It will involve the immediate full equipr ment of the Navy in all respects, bnt particularly in supplying- it with the best means of dealing with the enemy’s submarines. This passage from the speech of President Wilson gives us a clue to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 571 3 Loan Bonds. gearing Interest from the r date of purchase a t 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. n b REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15 th NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE—100 PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be
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    • 10 3 For Chronio Chest Complaints, Woods* Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d.
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    • 201 3 naunnannaacann P II PIT AM) 'Good tip. I I Ifibesionis i have a LONG-RUN TOR YOUR MONEY,,I I I j •R. T. REID Co., Penang.] a 4 BRINKMANN Co., Singapore. 1 I AGENTS I I THE WATERHOUSE Co.. Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN THE 0.8,A.) Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. Grossautm's “Golden
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  • 1235 4 Psychical Investigations. By J, Arthur Hill, Cassell. 6s. net. We recently pointed out, in reviewing Sir Oliver Lodge’s Raymond, that in spite of the respect and sympathy inspired by snch a book, it cinnot be said to contain any scientific proof of what it sets out to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 287 4 (NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED.) Peterson's “De luxe” Pipes PFTFWOIfS *s£tt Tit SHAPE No. 1 SHAPE No. 2 SHAPE No. 3 $5.25 $3.50 $4.95 Specially selected from best Reasoned Briar Roots some of which are oyer 150 yeai?s old. All He Luxe Pipes are subjected during manufacture to Special Treatment which
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    • 437 4 TIME CAM BE EASILY SEEN ON DARKEST ft® NiCHT. 15 6 w '6.65 Straits Dollars Sj AN LUMINOUS Fig Cents WillST WATCH jures and Hands. -6.66 15/6 A'A *lW.!!®«»>ipbr«iSa V, 1 8 Oeru’l WRIST with Reliable 10 Jewel Swiss I,ever Movement accurately timed end adjusted in positions i suitable for
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  • 1015 5 (An Essay of Weight's) Youth has its hopes, maturity its preoccupations. age fts memories. So. But one need not be very aged to play the pleasant game of remembering. Nor need one be a poet to evoke harmonies from emotions remembered in tranquillity.” That was Wordsworth's prescription, and there
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  • 271 5 [To The Editoe of the Strait» Timet Sir.—Fiom time to lime articles sppear > iu your paper indicating that there is a con- s d Table need of man-power for tha army in England. At the same time there is a tendency in conversation here to imply that the
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  • 150 5 [Te the Editoe of the Strait Echo.'] 8 r. With regard to Fairplay V’ remarks of the 18th instant of the struggles of a European with under $4OO a month, this may ba interesting to know bat what it will be for the general public when they
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  • 518 5 A correspondent writes i The Members of the Muslim Mahajanx Sabba gave a grand entertainment last night at the Sibha Hall, Transfer Road, in bononr of Mihraj (the midnight journey of the illustrious Prophet of Islam to Palestine and heaven.) The premises were tastefully deoorated and floral arches were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 732 5 ind Mrs. rrosper Liston and Miss E. Mahler. pf.CRANTED, Wanted immediately or by June Ist reliable Ayah end under h Qcod wages to suitable wcmen. ATI R°ply Box 33, clo Straits Echo* 311 WAR TAX ORDINANCE I*o LET• 3Ja Perak Hoad with electric I gbt». Arf ly to 3, Church
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    • 531 5 I I I a. QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. i ■a 1 g-- §p Virginia C| Br 'Stoi. t, lonoQ^; That’s why “EMBASSY VIRGI i>] IA N o. 77 has been justly described as THE CIGARETTE DE LUXE. 2 n a n n 0
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  • 98 6 daily (except Sunday! and peblic Wfcday») at m OBITEEION PRESS, Ltd. 59 1 Reach Street, Penang. i Puce., PfQj Leeal 924 per annum. netetatifm Postage Extra. Mol riatinn (Poet Free) 917.50 OiiLi add anas: ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 393 If. B. —All business
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  • 576 6 Yet once again an attempt is to be made to settle the Irish question, that open sore in the British body politic. As far as atmosphere” goes, tLare could be nothing more propitious to an Irish settlement than the temper of the British public, political and otherwise It
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  • 795 6 A nation’s crop of men must always re, resent the foremost standard of its social 1 policies, and under the strain of a great war it demands unusually close attention. All t evidence is against the German professional conception of war as a “biological necessity In
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  • 839 6 Dr. and Mrs. P. St. L. Liston have left for home together with Miss Mahler, Messrs N. R Allen and E. V. C Tbomp- son, who are joining up, have left for home. 1 Mr. R. J. Addie, senior partner of Messrs 1 Boustead and Co. in
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  • 109 6 Latest QuotationsTin (unrefined) is qu >ted here to-day at $114,25. hu«me6B done, in Singapore (refined) at $115.50, business done (50 tons sold) and in London at =£249 10s. spot and .£250 sa. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform ns that the following are the quotations for
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  • 1018 6 A Neat Suggestion. From Washingron comes a suggest on ♦rauspoit the German prisons fr Europe to America on board the Gen vessels recently teized in tbe United St ‘T in order to spare the Allies in Fun nel trouble of feeding them Tee proposal has a side which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 DON’T BUY A UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR SELECTION We have jus-t received new Stocks of the famous B.B.B. briars Hundreds of pipes to choose from. Each pipe stamped B.B.B. and inouoted with HallMarked Silver. $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75 $3.00 DOES iSSi DOES Not Crack THE PIPE THAT IMPROVES WITH
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  • 806 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] further gains. Ovrr 4,000 Pri»o»«r». I D 1 U, M*y 17, 10 15 p.m. i; »1 annouucamant states: i prolonged fighting took Cuoco and Vo lice. Tbe P 4 jy hunched considerable 9 f (be new positions all of i ,n of Mount Caceo from ,/•11
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  • 411 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CAPTURE OF BULLECOURT. Sir Douglas Haig’s Report. London, May 17, 11.10 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports We completed the capture of Bullecourt 1 to-day, making 60 prisoners.” I French Front. NORTH OF LAFFAUX. Lise Re-Eataklithed, London, May 17. A French communique reports "We have completely re-esttblished
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  • 292 7 Washington, May 3. Tin seized German ships will be ready for service within five months, according to statements made by administration officials to-day. One by one, as they are pat into commission they will be placed in the Altantic service to take coal to France to
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  • 762 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Nationalist Attitude. Lmdon, May 17. Mr. John Radmond, replying to Mr, Lloyd George regarding the Government Home t Sule proposals, says that the Nationalists are prepared to recommend the assembling of the Convention, provided that Irishmen of all creeds are represented. UaioaiaU* Reply, The Unionists, replyiag
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  • 25 7 (From Out Own Correspondent London, May 18. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/0\ Diamond Smoked 8/0*
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  • 578 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRIGHTER OUTLOOK Geacrali oa Ike Sifuatko*. Petrograd, May 18, I General Alexeiff (Cjmmander-in-Cbief), General Dragomiroff, General Gurko and General Brnssiloff declare that the Coalii tion Min'stry will restore the discipline of the army which is enthusiastic at the appointment of M. Kerensky as Minister for War. A
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  • 53 7 The following has been reoeived at Headquarters, Fort Canning from the Chief of the General Staff, India. Simla, May 16., In continuation of my telegram 2nd May, situation in Mesopotamia is without important ohange. Successful operations have been carried out against hostile Arabs. Russians are on left bank
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  • 493 7 [RbUTEr’s TBLBORA.M8.] MR. A'QUITH'S SPEECH. Ambiguities Cleared. London, May 17, Mr. Asquith, who followed Lord Robert Cecil, after the latter in reply to Mo Philip Snowden had defined the British war aims, made an impressive speech. Firstly, he explained that the phrase “No annexation”, appearing in some of
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  • 185 7 The following articles will be found oa our outside pages i Pages. 3. —The American Navy’s Shares, A Portia in the Pulpit. 4 —Is is true P 5—Memories. Junior Officials’ Pay. Man-Power. Mihraj. 8, —Affairs in China, At the Back of the Child Mind- Infantile Mortality in Malaya. The
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  • 465 7 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] PROPOSED SCHEME. Diseusaioa ia the Common. London, May 17Iq the Hou e of Commons Sir A Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, stated that the proposed British Trade Corporation for the purpose of developing British trade ibroad, would nave a capital of w 6!
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 275 7 Government Notification. 1. The Governor of the Straits Settle* meats and High Commissioner of the Malay States desires to bring to the notioa of the public that the exportation of food supplies from the United Kingdom is strict* ly controlled and that the importation into Malaya from other countries is
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  • 17 7 Obituary. Rajah of Sarawak. London, May 17, The death has taken plaoe of the Rajah of Sarawak.
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  • 1007 8 Alleged Parliamentary Corrttftion. It s stated that since the ex Minister of Fmance was placed under custody the local t Proouratorate has come into poss ss.on of a bundle of over 1,200 letters wntteu by mem- burs of a certain political party to Dr. Coen Chin-tao and
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  • 1002 8 This is region into which the grownup” has u right of entry, and no key to t torn the lock. Ooly now and then a flash may disclose the inner recesses, and throw a t sudden light on an entirely surprising lioe of
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  • 729 8 The war has reawakened the conscience of tbe European nations with regard to infant mortality and great efforts are being made to save the lives of tbe future givers of J power to nations By encouraging marriage J and the creation of families, by penalising 1
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  • 216 8 Sunda-y, May 20. Sunday aft»-r Ascension. Penang Catholic Benevolent Association, A. G M Parish Hail. Penang Swimming Club, Monthly Medal Oompetiton, 11 a.m. Monday, May 21. sown Band, Esplanade. New Moon. Lodge Malaya, Installation Meeting, Klang. Tuesday, May 22. Kuala Lumpur Full Court of appeal commences. Wednesday,
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  • 230 8 Behind the Lives." A few days ago Tbe Empire management announced tbe above "Blue Bird" War Film and we are pleased to say that there will be no disappointment on the part of those, who wishes to spend a few hoars at the Empire to-night The film deals
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  • 114 8 20th May. Sunday after Asoknsion Day, 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil congregation) 5- p.m Sunday School 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 150 Responses Roberts Psalms CIV Hopkins Magnificat Maunder Nunc Dimittis in C Hymns 523, 147 and 202 During the week
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  • 218 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended May 12,1917 [Male 55 > 76 Female 21 Death rate 37-39 per mille per annum compared with 32.47 in the preceding week and with 36.77 in the corresponding week of last year. Nationality, M.
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  • 115 8 PiNAftro, Mat 19. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4$ ,i 4 months’ sight Bank... 2/4 11/16 3 Credit 2/418/16 m 3 Documentary 2/4 27/82 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 3 days’ sight Private... Bombay, Demand Bank Monlmein, Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private... 0 Madras Demand
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  • 520 8  -  By The Malay Volunteers. The performance was milked by a gc n n glitter and an effort 1 0 approximate to the Shakespearean story, which held the audience till the final curtain. Tne refin’d di.lect spoken was an unusual tr-m The O. C. troops, Major J. 8allar, took the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 573 8 FREE-(DE TWILL SHIRT To purchasers of 1 do*, shirt* of one quality at a time. ft) (0 </) ft) ft) V) 3 <n (0 (0 ft) 5 O m U) w SL o VI o r- w Cut-rate for a short period only. $0 75 0 90 1.00 1.05 1
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    • 53 8 Always Recommend It la almost every community there is some one whose life his been saved by ChamberIlia’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qnalities acoount for its great popularity. For sale by all dispen*
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    • 176 8 No More Headaches Headaches, intermittent pain», sharp shooting spasms, or steady, dull aches, over the eyes, in the buck of the bead, at tbs base of the brain or in the t°mples, quickly succumb to the soothing influence of Little’s Oriental Balm Every minute you suffer from a headache is
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  • 2365 9 Number of Shares issued. i •a 0, Dividend. 1 Name. a 0 c.2 9 s Capital 1 M P 2 last financial year. for onrront year. C PQ e •i OQ 1 a? RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts. S cts s 120,000 20 030 1 1 1 65 20i Alor Gajah
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 Tl it eastern produce exchange. g eac jj Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Chant. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 134th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 21st May, 1917. Auction Sales of Robber held twice a week, on enery Monday and
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  • 1433 10 Txi Liquidation of a Bultanatb. (From the "Timet” Morocco Correspondent.) The liquidation of the affairs of an abdicated Oriental potentate is by no means a simple proceeding —and it was into such a whirlpool of contention and discussion that the Writer was enticed. The Sultan, who in 1912
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  • 490 10 Pmsint Yiuld as a Gums to In so many departments of the J’ u Exchange it is the custom to ial^ k value of investments largely bv th*? the £U *b*t tta he o' t r method to rubber investments m», l h be understood. I kaow bv
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 359 10 I I i L iT> V' 'll X/ 5i X1 V 7 r--r r v 'si V e 1 V ri i v '^> !/<7 A AM I S3T* m I W V*.-' I •>'• 'j>_ 'NTT'■ I >c r j* COMPLAINTS about high costs and War Taxation foot no
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    • 63 10 For a Lame Back. When you bays pains or lameness in the back batbe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for fiye minutes at each ap* plication. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it
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    • 77 10 m k T yy AID SB 9 m LONDO ir, EN3LAND. n fiw y L isi CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. manufacturers of Hemp and Wire Rope, Lines, Twines, Sail cloth, etc. SUPERIOR NAVY CANVAS No. 0 A No I. Tho well-known HIT ROTTLEE and GLOBS rand of Man'laJTop® ro BE
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  • 1977 11 The Hindenburg Line C From Our Own Correspondent London, April 13. The Allied troops have reached the'much vaunted u Hindenburg line” and are going through sector* of it. This week 10.000 Hun* and forty guns fell into the hands of the British after a hard set
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 146 11 m (Ifliiu mk na«TY mz mm *rp. EXTRA i Qrd ar MILEAGE mm <• }t GOOD NEW6 MOTORISTS 2§|$g3 St*', A ■rp&p?* Ffj3S| \?m\ HENLEYk--a f YUE5 L -fw ARE x 5$: x CWtH KW' t BRITISH AND Specially Toughened W. T. Henley Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. Of submarine cable
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    • 81 11 Croup* This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it cm be obtained.
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    • 12 11 For Childran’a Hacking Oovgh at Nigbt, Woadf’ Groat Papparmiat Cure la. 63,
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    • 398 11 Medicines Just Unpacked.. The Penang Kubber Stamp Co. beg to announce to their patrons and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya Pharmacy, Calcutta, and cordiallj solicit their further esteemed orders. 1 A L L-cr m V u >
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1635 12 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Comfaxies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'S GOVEREMBNT) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Euro».) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate
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