Straits Echo, 15 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 866 1 bw <■ Ll 5 PT >■ >j}!k 4- -Am !/r W CD CD CD co cc o, 2. cc </> Z C/> t=x=) i n «01*O' cdoi t p xF C"T t«k|co 30 -H CO ®H S-T *1 ;B>n a, O* 80 -H cr H ■O 30 O D X
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    • 28 1 V IS Ste Miitf (w 1 0f WHICH IS fHt L ►•l tO AT It PS* 8»‘ C fUOF MAM >CT, O r- ro« use Kjg J WAt«f
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  • 1091 2 (Db, Charles Sarolea.) A few months ago, in one of the many articles in which I tried to warn the public of the impending revolution in Russia, I compaied the Russian Empire of to-day to a young giant afflicted with an internal complaint, due
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 1 (NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED.) Peterson's “De Luxe’* Pipes mm pEitftsows ‘ofiirxr SHAPE No- 1 SHAPE No. 2 SHAPE No. 3 $5.25 $3.50 $4.95 are Specially selected from best easoned Briar Boots some of which over 150 years old. All X3e Luxe Pipes are subjected during manufacture to Special Treatment
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    • 45 2 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 380 2 Atlas Assurance Co., hid (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) ESTABLISHED IN 1808. The undersigned have u. pointed Agents of the above («1° Bp ?:t*i to acc«x at risks of every description. Enquiries as to rates and receive prompt attention. :O Pt P lr9 conditions will ISLAY KERR Co, Ltd (Incorporated in Gr.4t
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  • 1679 3 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, One or two frieuds have called my attention to the fact that the Government states in the Notification that an officer who leaves his post without permission is guilty of disloyalty to the Government.” Will you
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  • 327 3 Sungei Glugob Gang Robbery. The hearing of the case agaiost Yeoh Loh and Tan Kin, who were charged at the Assizes before a common jury, with committing gang robbery and with being armed with deadly weapons at the time of the robbery, was concluded yesterday afternoon when they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 472 3 tfr pr< lin d Mrs. Brereton Martin. WAR TAX ORDINANCE fOH SAX.K. Striker Squiro C.r 15 H P. 5 0 ic*U'r 1 gr 0 J fuanirg order. In. Hon invited. Apply to 146, c/o Straite Echo ipe316 3P. SALE. r Foid Care. All fitted l b vibrator coil and m
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    • 307 3 I 1777. QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. I I 1 I i I c i m I ''IfcGINIA C ICAR.ETTES-^2 1 I 1 v D&hoWi^r ®Ristol lonoo*s 1 i i g g 2 a y. A A A A A 'A 'A 'A 'A
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  • 100 4 MUmI d&Oj (except Sundays and public bobdays) ▲t ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Xu. 59, Beach Street, Penang. f Puck, f w litJkMj Leeal m 924 per annum. m Oatatation... Postage Extra, liml Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OULI iODKISR ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 583 Printing Department 343 S.B.—
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  • 1402 4 Whether the "hidden hand has had anything to do with the most ill-timed epidemic of strikes which has just broken out in England, we cannot say. But we do think we can trace the work of the pro-German agitator in the conditions almost bordering on anarchy which
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  • 937 4 Mr. D. Campbell, of Messrs, Paterson Simons Co. Ltd., bas left for home to join up. Mr. W. M. Phillips, Assistant Inspector of Schools, Taluk Anson, has left for home on leave, Mr. S. F. Brereton Martin has left for heme on long have. Mrs. Martin accompanied
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  • 962 4 Every Man a Motorist Ford Touring Cars, ready f or *L with regular standard er,u nmlr being sold in Shanghai a r J k- r n time is certainly coming when possible to buy a reliable W,I! and. complete, for £5O .ft r c *w toe war. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 THE GTD OF SAFETY. Tho Mark G.T.D. may well be likened to a Sign of Safety for it enables you to identify an article of absolute purity, just as the ‘HALL MARK’ tells you that an article is solid silver.—it is a guarantee which you as a member of the
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  • 975 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] SUABLE advance TION i around bullecourt. Nearly 1000 Prisoner». mdon, May 14. 6.25 a m. .is at Headquarters state n i 1 the enemy out of Bulle- )vg him out of a maze of rivercourt ou od the Roeux quarries. i i„ij G j rman
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  • 749 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BRITISH AND FRENCH CAPTURES. Am Interesting Test. London, May 14 Reuter’s Correspondent with the French Headquarters states that since the beginning of the offensive on April 9 up to May 12, the prisoners taken numbered 49,579, of whom 976 are officers. Besides, 444 guns, 386
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  • 864 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] DISQUIETING SITUATION, Houses Coaossdetrcd. Petrograd, May 14, The anarchists who seized the Duke of Leuchtenberg’s house have evacuated it and proceeded to the villa of the ex-Minister M. Durnovo which had been commandeered by other anarchists. 1914 Reserve Offieers. M. Gntchkoff, War Mmister, has ordered the sending
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  • 749 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] OFFICIAL STATEMENT. New Appoiatmeats. London, May 14. In the House of Commons Sir Edward CarsoD, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced the following changes in the Board of the Admiralty Admiral Bir John Jellicoe, First Sea Lord, will have the additional title of Caief of the
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  • 634 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Omaikaa Driver»’ Threat. London, May 14. The Labour unrest continues. Wnile the Engineers in several areas are resuming the extremists are remaining out. London is almost without omnibus. A mass meeting of drivers and c inductors, by an overwhelming mijority, alopted a resolution iu favour of
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  • 61 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages i Pages. 2. —The Meaniog of the Russian Revolution, 3. —The Case of Inspector Molyoeaux, The As-izs. 6-—The Rice Market Eistern Proluce Exchange. Vital Statistics. Othello. The Navy and its Critics. Development of Empire. Germany’s Rations. The Week’s Events.
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  • 33 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefiaed) is qaoted here to-day at sll4* buyers no sellers in Singapore (refined) at $114.50, business done (150 tons sold) and in London at £246 15s. three mouths’ sight.
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  • 1026 5 [To thb Editor of thb Strait» Echo.'] Dear Sir, In my letter of May 12th on the above subject, I drew attention to the incompleteness of the curriculum of the local English sehools. Since a day has passed my thoughts have become more matured, and lam
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  • 459 6 Says the Rangoon Times If all that is said about I he rice m a ket is tiue, then all who have any business dealings j iu rice must be in a state of anxious expectation as to what is going to happen during the next few
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  • 77 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Good from $l5O to $l5l Diamond Smoked Fair 137 to 149 Plain Smoked 124 to 133 Diamond XJnsmoked 129 to 132 Plain Unsmoked 119 to 124 Brown Crepe Fair 102 Scrap Crepe 74
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  • 316 6 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended May 5,1917 J (Male 43 Total Deaths < f 66 Female 23 j Death rate 32.47 per mille per annum compared with 43 78 in the preceding week and with 25.34 in the corresponding
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  • 983 6 The Hon tin acting Rin dent Councillor I and the O. C, Troops, Penang, have extended their patronage to tbe amateur effort of tbe Malay Volunteeia w;. ch will be exerted at the Kuala Kangsar Road Theatre j Hall on Thursday n ght at 9 p.m. and have i
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  • 902 6  -  DOMINIONS ROYAL COMMISSION REPORT. By Harold Cox. In times of normal life the report of the < Dominions Royal Commission, which was 1 issued last week, t would have attracted a 1 very great deal of attention throughout the whole kingdom, and probably throughout the whole Emire.
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  • 151 6 Bat while the Commissioners have done excellent work in directing public attention to int&e practical aspects of Imperial de- velopment, it may be donbted whether they j have not learned too much in the direction of centralised control, both in proposing the Central Emigration Authority, above referred to,
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  • 611 6 The Increasing Gravity of the Situation. The latest German newspaper contain many articles about the increasing gravity of the food situation in Germany. Demands, suggestions, and complaints ara made on all sides, and there is evidently great perplexity and confusion as to the means that shouid be taken
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  • 82 6 Tuesday, May 15, Penang Chamber of Commerce, Committee Meeting. Wednesday, May 16. Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, May 17. Ascension Day. Holy Thursday, Friday, May 18 Town Band, Esplanade. Sunday, May 20. Sunday aftH* Asceusion. Monday; May 21. Town Rand, Esplanade. New Mood. The Electric Polyscope announces a
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  • 1503 6 PLAIN WORDS TO THE GRUMBLERS. The Position To-day. London, April 4. Last week-end many worthy people suffered from a bad attack of cold feet,” They went about with faces as long as long as fiddles. They hinted that they knew something which the Government were
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  • 21 6 Sumatra 35,505 lb, Bukit Mertajutn 64,699 lb, Taiping 53,500 lb, Sungei Siput 14,800 lb, Sungei Reyla (P.M.S.) 10,2041b.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 With a «ore throat it is often sheer agony to apeak a word. That ia the time when WOODS’ GREM PEPPERMINT CURE provea its worth. Take a teaspoonful, swallowing it gradually, then an hour after use a little Peppermint Cure in warm water as a throat gargle. The relief will
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Congh at Night, Woodi’ Great Peppermint Care 1». 6d,
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    • 52 6 A Good Role for the Home. Make it a rule of jour home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamber iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it, For sale by all dispensaries
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    • 52 6 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all dispensaries
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    • 258 6 PENANG AUCTION MART, AN AUCTION SALE Of Valuible jewellery consisting of brilliant, diamond and gold rings, brooches, bracelets and watches, etc., etc. WILL BE HHLD On Saturday, 19th May, 1917 AT 11 A.M., At the Archway next to Messrs. Kent Beach Street, USUAL CONDITIONS OF SALE, Terms i Cash before
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  • 1191 7 There is nothing in the history of the war more remarkable than the enthusiasm with which the American people have received the President’s advice to declare themselves at war with Germany, Five months ago, after more than two years of war, the President’s election was interpreted as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 xxxkxxxxxxxxkxxxkk ><yt STELASTIC” TYRES The only Tyres holding the K.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. BRUTISH A\D MADE IN BRITAIN. ‘/X £2. Agents for Penang: The Eastern Pacific Trading Co., Ltd (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) !X*XXXXXXXXXXXX>O<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX IN STOCK Momi Chests acetic" acid 99 per cent. SODIUM
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    • 219 7 No More Headaches Headaches, intermittent piins, sharp shooting spasms, or steady, dull aches, orer the eyes, back of the head, at the base of the brain or in the temples, quiokly succumb to the soothing influence of Little’s Oriental Balm Every minute you suffer from a beadaohe is lost from
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  • 959 8 No Alternative but War There is now no doubt that war between China and Germanj ia inevitable. Declare war on Germany we must. Opposition, whether genuine or stirred up by German agents, against China opening hostilities is fast dying down. The time for action has come. Dr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 174 8 BBY PURE FOOD "SUPERIOR TO ALL.” *> LIBBY’S Ox Tongues. Lunch Tongues. Breakfast Tongues. Boneless Chicken. Tomato Catchup. Large Asparagus. Vienna Sausages. Bacon in Glass LIBBY’S Corned Beef. Queen Olives Stuffed Olives. Ham Loaf. Beef Loaf. Chicken Loaf Oxford Sausages. Spaghetti. LIBBY’S Soups-Tomato-Oxtail-Mock Turtle. FRESH STOCKS HAVE NOW ARRIVED 6-
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    • 60 8 For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's in BaI a massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each apphcation. Then dampen apiece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on over the seat
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    • 718 8 OFF-COLOUR Dull aad Dtprctsed, When off-colour «aspect your li ver d —and it is a very big but—dun’t Qt your aystem by taking strong CUr a" 6^9 blood-chilling aalts. Follow P the nT r way, Strengthen your liver and bo™ T oieana of Dr. Cassell’s Iustant R?;!» 1 by bright
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  • 1092 9 The Danish West Indies, which changed hands yesterday, are hardly so good a bargain as Louisiana, which was purchased 'U 1803 for, roughly, the same sum £5,009 000. The area transferred was not the whole of the present State, but an area of about a million square miles
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 799 9 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES, a T irTTKT.H T TTUnn» CIVIL SUIT NO. 144. OF 1916. Ho Hean Yang Plaintiff. versus Ho Choo Hiang Defendant. Particulars and Conditions of Sale of valaible house property situate in the Towns of Serendah and Kuala Kubu and Penang and
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    • 264 9 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd larorporated it Itdit. BRANCH OFFICE. SINGAPORE. J. R. Macphbrson, Secretary B.S. and F.M.S. Total Assets exceed 128,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS ipply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or Street. Penang, The Branch
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1708 10 P. 0—British India AND APCAR LINE t (CoMPAHIES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT) For Hiagapore, China, Japan, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (foe Europe.) Outward (foe China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate
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