Straits Echo, 11 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1160 1 Ajju VL^AIDj 1. lb tn,. Itp 4 V. SMBI The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Address! Hokimteik. Penang. ’Piione No. 694. pOH SALE. (BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Ch (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND ROYAL CHARTER.) ina. BY CO u MONWEALT H partin-palmer motor cars 1917 MODEL. One 6-paesenger
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    • 9 1 w m mm if o z mm 1 o
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  • 2491 2 C From Our Own Correspondent^ The Menace to Riga. London, March 30, The announcement by the new Russian War Minister that the Germans are meditating another attack on the Riga line is an important one, for it shows that the Kaiser hopes by massing his troops
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 I I I I I a FOR HIRE, DAY AND NIGHT. (READ! AT ANY TIME—’PHONE TO 420) "Daimler” “8.5. A.” "itar” “Austin” “Standard" Rate;—s4 per hour, Round the Island $2O/-. JUST UNPACKED etc. A Fleet of First Class Cars I a a I i a I i 1 a a
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    • 82 2 This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be ob« tained.
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    • 398 2 Life’s Goodwin Sands. r The Goodwin Sands of life are the r years between twelve and twenty-one. Then 0 every weakness implanted in the system by k heredity, or acquired since birth, ba§ iti 3 most malicious influence, for during tbeae years both growth and development are rapid. 3 Between
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  • 724 3 I [To thi Editor o* thu Straits Echo.] j Dear Bir, I u introduction, the above Ordinance tia-s been the subject of mueh discussion, land I hope a few notes in connection thereI with may not be amiss. I ta JE **as now k® 6o
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  • 58 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection The Messenger Boy Kappey 2 Three Dances From Henry the Eight German 3 Selection Les Cloches de Corneville Planqnetto 4 Waltz Bleue Margis In the
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  • 64 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from $149 to $l5O Diamond Smoked Fair 133 to 148 Diamond Unsmoked 127 to 137 Plain Unsmoked 117 to 130 Pressed Scrap 41 to 64 Loose Sorap 50 to 75 Virgin Scrap
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  • 141 3 The following are the particulars of out put of the Rsnong Tin Dredging Co. Ltd. for the second half of April:— No. 1 Dredge 115.82 Piculs. No. 2 Dredge 233.10 Piculs. No. 3 Dredge 322 03 Piculs. Total for the month—l,297 piculs. Owing to the management of the
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  • 929 3 R. G. A. A HD EXCESS-PROFITS TAX. Selaba Results. Investors in Plantation Rubber shares will vt n Uch to intere,t tt0m in th* speech of I p r ar^68 Emerson, the chairman of the Kubber Growers’ Association, at the annual meeting of that body, reported fully in The
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  • 55 3 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Championship, H Starr beat R D Pitoeathly 21—13 Handicap Binglee. W Houston vo o from W E Hutson A W Harries to o from F M Sharrock J M Ohalmers to o from W Dunoau H
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 355 3 PENAN i AUCTION MART »0 BK SOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON MONDAY. 14th MAY. 1917. AT 10.30 A.M. a. Government Bonded Warehoute No 2 Cum* "Clincher Cigarettes of 100( 1000 tlD 8 Sp; cui Oceanic Cigarettes of >A|) finfl t-acb CABO l i U ty to bo paid before delivery
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    • 399 3 !T. >2 000 i of on os. I. WAR LOAN PREMIUM TICKETS, Price TEN Dollars. SERIES 10,000 TICKETS. THRZLE thousand dollars WILL BE DISTRIBUTED IE PREMIUMS every six months BY THE Anglo-Chinese Syndicate. First Premium $1,000 Second Premium $500 Fifth Premium $100 500 Eight Premiums of 50 200 Fifty 0
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    • 306 3 QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. v iroVnia C fII STOL LONDO^L i hat’s why “EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. '/7 hr 3 been justly described as run cigarette be luxe. PENANC'S-PfPULAR-PLAY-HOOSE-WHERE EVERYBODY COE\ EMPIRE To-ntght To-night NOTE THIS. ANOTHER CHANGE TO NIGHT fob the FIRST TIME
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  • 100 4 ftftfbktA daily (except Sundays and public ke*deys) AS TU« CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 59 Reach Street, Penang. r I Puci. VM I» Daily Leeal $24 per annum. OaMatkm... Postage Extra. Mril Button (Poet Free) $17.50 OABLU ADDBBSS ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 583 Printing Department 343 N.B. —AH
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  • 16 4 Gray—Oa May 10 at 2 Sapay Lines to Dr. and Mrs. J. Gray, a daughter.
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  • 1399 4 It was our intention not to touch further for the present upon the case of ex-inspector Molyneaux, trusting that the authorities interested would see, now that the facts have all been placed before them from both sides, that the line adopted by the Government has
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  • 899 4 Mr. G. Hereford has returned after short leave in Europe, i a Mr. Kelway Bamber is on a visit to i Penang from Colombo. i Mr. G. Copley has arrived here from Home to take up his old post in the 1 Treasury. i Mr. W. O.
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  • 930 4 Beef Up Four or five days ago the price 0 f beet iu the market rose suddenly by 33 perc and still maintains that level. Curry me is now selling at 24 cts and beef «teak at 32 cts a catty as compared with 18 cents and 24
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 Those ■watches are made to keep accurate time not merely to look at. /5 4/ 1 -dr 4 sa I J SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IN FULL. THE Business Watch. day time, Silver Case, Jewelled Movements, PRICE ONLY” $0.50 each Our well-known “ConfidoDtial” Gent’s Wristlet Watch, Lever Movem nt,
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  • 563 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] POSITIONS ADVANCED. Si 9. 3.50 p.D>. l Lrth-eaet of Hargicourt. lotbeD harraee of fire and machine-gun o r I telv broke up an attack in the *tJ*»~* i*® lDg oml j v our artillery dispersed an attack to the {oroei coDC i at improT6d a,
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  • 51 5 tr m ur Own Correspondent.") The London, May 9. the London Rubber Market I n ale Cre P® 3/oi mnaond Smoked iM 3/o| Unchanged. London, May 11. °oolieg a h rrf d one hundred and twelve {fmiak for yoi,er,k .V ®G3 went to Pula Swattenh r4Qtme aad
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  • 616 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] LOCAL OPERATION. Prisoners Captured. London, May 10. A French communique states: “South of the Oise we carried out a destructive artillery firing against the German batteries in the Begobaio Forest. There was great artillery activity at Chemin des Dames. "We repulsed several counter-attaoks in the Chevreux
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  • 704 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] IN THE WOODED CARPATHIANS. Eaemy Atlaek. London, May 10. A wireless Russian official announcement reports Intense enemy artillery firing took place at Lake Miadziol and Smorgon. “The enemy attacked in the Wooded Carpathians to the west of the Kapul mountain but our machine-gun fire compelled him
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  • 748 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] THE WEEK’S SINKINGS. Italiaa Figures. London, May 9. An Italian official announcement states that during the week ended May 6 the arrivals at Italian ports totalled 464 vessels and the departures 430. Seven steamers and eight sailing vessels were sunk. One steamer and two sailing vessels
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  • 85 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] Royal Coagratulatioaa. London, May 9, His Majesty the King has sent the following message to General Sir Stanley Maude, commanding the British forces in Mesopotamia. The series of successes achieved in defeating the Turkish forces brought against you since the capture of Bigdad reflect the
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  • 503 5 The Campaign in the Desert. “A feeble Shamal (north-west wind) has blown since and his done a little to make life more bearable.*' Official Report» This sentence, taken from a plain, unemotional report from Mesopotamia, illustrates the conditions under which the Iraq campaign had to be conducted. Iraq is
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  • 139 5 Two Europeans Summoned. Mr. H. Thorne, appeared in tha Ipob Police Court» on behalf of Mr. J. Touch, of Kuala Luoapur, and Mr. J. Whyte, of Ipob, who were charged with having assaulted a policeman in ipoh about a month ago, Bays yesterday’s T.O.M. Mr. Thorne
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  • 53 5 Latest Quotations, Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 1110.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $111,25, business done(l7s tons sold) and in London at £240 ss. spot and £240 10s. three months’ sigh*. Naw A dvt. :—Mr. Loan Chong Hin I advertises the sale on May 14 of
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  • 280 5 [REUTER'S TELERGAMS.] ALLIED REPUDIATION. M, Borfkjerg Deaouaeed, London, May 10, 4-10 a.m. A telegram from Petrograd states that a Conference of Socialists and Extremists discussed M. Borgbjerg’s invitation to Stockholm. A resolution was adopted to the effect that as Borgbjarg was acting in agreement with Scheidemann and
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  • 381 5 A Claim for $2,000. A civil case came up for hearing on Thursday morning before Mr. Justice FarrerManby iu the Judicial Commissioner’s Court Ipoh. The plaintiff is a man named O. Sulaiman, of Teluk Anson, and the defendant is V. Vyramuthu, Tamil Interpreter at the Teluk Anson
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  • 60 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages i Pages. 2, —War News and Gossip. 3 “The War Tax Ordinance, 1917”. Eastern Produce Exchange. Tomorrow’s Bind Piogramme. Tin Output. Rubber Notec. P. C. C. Bowls Tournamont. 6. —A Partnership Suit. The Wetk’i Events. 7. —New Poetry. Agriculture
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  • 22 5 Obituary. h Baroa Grimtkorpe. |i London, May 10. The death has taken place at the age of 71 of Baron Grimthorpe. l
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  • 6040 6 DONALD t«. DUNCAN. FULL TEXT OF JUDGMENT. Mr Justice L. M. Woodward in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon d judgment in the suit instituted by Mrs, D. A. Donald, widow of the late Mr. G, M. Donald against Mr. Malcolm DuncaD, claiming (1) to have an account
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  • 445 6 Friday, May 11. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, May 12. I P- V. R. C- Shoot, Rifla Range, 3. p.m. Sunday, May 13. Penang Volunteers, Field Operations. The Penang Catholic Benevolent Association, A.G.M., Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. Monday, May 14. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Criminal Assizas commence. Kuala
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  • 1261 7 Poetry is certainly more widely read and deeply pondered than in the comfortable days of peace which now seem so far away oehind the blue hills of Time. The truth is that comfort—the deadliest of pleasant vices was always inimical to thinking on the poetical plane, which never
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  • 531 7 Rubebr, Coconuts, Ricb and Fruit Thibvin<j. In his report on the Straits Settlements in 1916, the Colonial Secretary writes The war-demand for rubber, and the value and compactness of a cargo of rubber, as well as the certainty of a crop, have brought rubber- growing into
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 JUST ARRIVED THREE U D Famous 0 Humber S (1 0 MotorCycles i 11 > II r'ew FUt-Twin-Opposed-Cylindeis h.p., 3 Speed, Chain drive. PRICE. $750 nett. Without Horn and Lamp. u a—— LEAFLETS ON APPLICATION, ft i iSo/e Agents tor S.S. F.M.S. (OH TAIK CHEE A SON, 24, Peach Street
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    • 97 7 For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each ap* plication. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it
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    • 258 7 estate supplies. English Formalin. Arsenic. Sodium Bisulphite. Perchloride of Mercury■ “CASH CHEMISTS” LTD. 52-54, Beach Street, Penang. ‘WHEN YOU TRAVEL RIDE IN A PULLMAN.” Brief Specification. 4 cyl, 32 H. P. L head Motor. Full floating rear axle. High tension Magneto Ignition. Electric Lighting and Starting. rr'ri y Av In
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  • 1114 8 One of the m st vital subjects discussed at the recent Agricultural Conference was that of Foodstuffs in Malaya,” a paper on which was read by the Government Agriculturist, Mr. F. G. Spring. So far only a summary of his address has been published, although doubtless this defect
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 “OE f am l SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $l,BOO Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT ONCE FROM STOCK Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Scrap. Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. c cr_J Write for descriptive booklet
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    • 45 8 Now Is the Time, For rheumatism you will fiud nothing better than Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickiy it will relieve the pain •nd soiecess. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 300 8 Medicines Just Unpacked The Peeing Rubber Stamp f beg to announce to their p ntro and many interested custom* that they haye now received"' large froah shipment of medicine, from The Swasthya Sahaya Ph, r macy, Caloutta, and cordiall, eohoit their further esteemed orders. THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE 27, Beach
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  • 2015 9 I! It ia always delightful, as Pygmalioi discovered, to meet a piece of art that ha« come to life. An omnibus interior aftei j Barry Pain or a War Cabinet by the late Sir William Gilbert is as attractive as the i Rossetti goitre or the Beardsley
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 454 9 SMART styles in headwear for men. Our Gentlemen's Hat Department is now one of the largest and most up tr date in the East containing as it does a fine Section of l> u h,e Terai Seft Felts, Forats. Wh.fe, and Khaki Topees, etc., etc. The styles are the latest.
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    • 457 9 /i 1(1 Our blood is composed of red and white corpuscles —the red to nourish the body, the white to fight disease. Ip Anaemia —or bloodlessness—the red corpuscles are more or les* deficient. Thus the blood cannot provide sufficient nourishment for the body. Therefore the face becomes white and *'pasty”—the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1482 10 Mail British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporate» in England.) and ta«Kenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his m a jestt’s government) For Sisffmpore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Esryft, Mediterranean Porta and London. MAIL LINES. Homhwaed (for Europe.) Outwab» (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. The
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