Straits Echo, 9 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • 1051 2  -  THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Intellectual Charnel Houses (By Douglas Jerrold. Occasionally eren the most somnolent wake up. Like the nodding of Homer it is one of Nature's kind aids to brotherly love. And England for some time past ha-i had a feeling that all is not well with the
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  • 858 2 The Boyhood of Algernon Charles Swinburne. Personal Recollections by his Cousin, Mrs. Disney Leith with Extracts from some of his Private Letters. (Chatto and Windus. 6s. net.) Most of this book is not about Swinburne’s boyhood, but consists of letters written by him to bis mother and
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  • 171 2 The muscles of the back dn a work of the body. When they ar heav 7 worked or ill-nourished they ache o?er begin tn worry kidneys. 1 ut their Backache may be due to lumbar l is rheumatism of the muscle of ft ct but more backaches are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 The Modern Scourge and How to Meet it. r, „W o Ihe pace at which we live, the hustle now so necessary for success have unfortunately a \ery adverse effect on tlie nervous and digestive systems, and the baneful results, increased •ately to an alarming degree, often lay the seeds
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    • 53 2 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life has bean saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great 1 popularity. For sale by all
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    • 63 2 Nothing ia this world is equal to a mother’s tender care for her children. She knowing the danger following an attack of Goiio, or kindred stomach trouble, is never without a bottle of that famous preparation, r WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, in her medicine store. It is good for the
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    • 528 2 I Say Emphatically ;a, that most fticruchtiDa 0 f be cured! l.ittlo', Ori.nt.l That Sciatica, maladies can be cured! Llttle’i Oriental Balm cured me, after five years of ornery ‘•It will cure you,” That voices tbS mentofone grateful patient. Thousand] of others are ready to join in the chorus o
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  • 243 3 The Case of Ex-Isspeetor Molyaeaux- 1)0811 Bu £gested to us that, as the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States js known to be a fair-minded chief *nd hardly likely to penalise a subordinate I however incensed he might be against him, I W| ce
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  • 674 3 CommeLting on this cass and another referred to in the same official notification the Malay Mail says "The F.M.B. Government has printed in 'he Gazette for the information of the public particulars of the circumstances in which a Police Inspector and a Railway official recently left
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  • 75 3 There is only one night on which to see the present bill at the Empire Theatre >s to-morrow night there will be the usual change of programme, when the feature film a big five real drama entitled Blood’s Debt will ba screened together with a bright and bre
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  • 279 3 [To thb Editor of th* Free Bret».'] Dear Sir,—l would like to add my pro- to those of the many correspondents to the local Press with regard to the ignoring by the Government Officials, when assessing salaries for Income Tax, of the amount of money sent by parents
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  • 615 3 Ordinary Meeting. An ordinary m?eting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal I Office yesterday afternoon and there were present Messrs. W. Peel (President), Chee Wor Lock, A-M. Goodman, F. Duxbury, L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and L. A. I C. Biggs (Secretary), The minutes of
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    • 792 3 Tie Pensng Harbour Board. Katoo Deebook No Liability. propos'd alterations to Codowos Nos 1 8 2.” .iFVDEKS w-ll he received up to noon r P EN M.rfbe 12fb 1917 for proposed jiuns to (lodown. Nob. 1 and 2. 6 o .rs and Hp cificitims tnay be »<*n and P form
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    • 403 3 >ro to ing ing of the ion ley i ;ht 11 7 tut by ax he he let on ire or be QUALI PY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. >if- i .VIRGINIA ;U: A C| J h 5 e »'CTOL LO^^T g g g 5*
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  • 100 4 MIM d&Dy (except Sunday* and public bebday.) ax nn CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. gat 59 Bench Street, Penang, v r Pbicb. 7- My Leoal «24 per annum. m OuMataon... Poatage Extra. Mrtl Fibtinr (Port Free) $17.50 M OaBLB ADDBUIB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S.B.
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  • 22 4 Stanhope— On the 7th May 1917 at Kuala Lumpur, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S, Stanhope of Kuala Lipis, a daughter.
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  • 1285 4 There is once more much talk of peace in the Hague cables. We would warn our readers against attaching undue credence to these rumours which are interesting—and are published—mainly because they reach us through a neutral channel. Peace, we fear, is still a long way off. True, our armies
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  • 908 4 The Tan Jiak Kwm Scholarships at Baffles Institution for 1917 haTebeen award* ed to (1) Tan Chong Kew, and (2) Batnam Apparajoo. An F.M.S, Government Gazette Extraordinary announces that the Hon. Mr. A. N. Kenion has been appointed Trustee of the Estate of the late Sultan Idris.
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  • 1008 4 The Men Who Stayed Behind. We make any of the padres m P« n present of the followiog text Sunday’s sermon or Oo *t Shall 7° ar brethren g 0 to J shall ye sit here ar an <l Numbers chapter 32, verse 6, Naval War Staff. For
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 Those watches are made to keep accurate time not merely to look at. 1/ V it i es- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IN FULL. THE Business Watch. S day time, Silver Case, Jewelled Movements, PRICE ONLY $6.50 each Oar well-known “Confidential” Gent’s Wristlet Watch, Lever Movement, 15 Jewels, white
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  • 866 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] AROUND BULLECOUBJ. H«vy L«.«. London, May 7, 1140p.m, noua la. Haig reports Sir P r bl forces this afternoon launch“C)”'L counter.atuck on th. new 8,1 1 to the south of the Souchez The first wive reichel the fronting T r where it was destroyed bv
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  • 582 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] THE CALIFORNIA PLATEAU. Eaemy's Fruitiest Asiavlli. London, May 8, 1 a.m. A French communique states During the day the enemy did not renew r his attempts north of Liffaux Mill and 5 against Chemia dos Dames. The artillery duel continued furiously in the direction of Hurtebise
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  • 369 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Army for Fraaec. Washington, May 8. Nine regiments of Engineers have been ordered to be raised for duty for the communications in France as soon as possible, io addition to the forces contemplated by the Government’s army plans. A telegram from New York states
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  • 25 5 (.From Our Own Correspondents) London, May 8. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/01 Diamond Smoked 3/Of
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  • 321 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 1106.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $107,25, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at £232 ss, spot and £232 15s. three months’ sight, Messrs. Bonstead Co. inform ns that the following are the quotations for
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  • 1410 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE CHANCELLOR WAITING. Ssai-official Versioa. London, M*y 8. The Lokalanteiger, which is the semiofficial paper, attributed the postponement of the Chancellor’s speech to the possibility of the imminence of an agreeable political event facilitating his task towards peace. Newspapers ImpatieatThe German newspapers generally are impatient
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  • 272 5 Ipoh Towkay’s Luswy Expbeihnok. Towkay Au Swee Fang, resident in Brewster Road, Ipob, nearly lost a Urge turn of money on Sunday night. It appears that on the afternoon of that diy be want home with about $1,400 in notes and gave the money t) bis wife,
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  • 667 5 From Dutch Soureet. The following cables from the Hague appeared iu the Sumatra Post of Saturday and Monday, May 5 and 7: PEACE TALK. Opimioa ia Hollaad. Dutch financial circles are convinced that the war will be over before the month of August. Germaa ViewsThe President of
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  • 64 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2, —English Education. The Marvellous Boy. 3, —Government Sirvants and Their Posts. War Taxation. Empire Theatre. 6.—A Week’s Warring. Rubber Growers. Law and War, Future of the Liquor Trade. Singapore R ees, The Week’s Events. 7 —The Analysis
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  • 543 6 ASSO RATION'S ANNUAL REPORT. Excess Profits Duty. The eighth annual r» p rt ot iLo Council of the Rubber G owers’ Association was issued in mail The Association now has a membership of 767, including 489 companies hay ng an issued capital of £51,000,000 and a planted acreage
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  • 441 6 We h°artilv agr«e with the protest of the Law Journal against the decision of the C ’Urt f Appeal in the Chateau-Thierry cas°. The R 'me S°cretarv made an order deporting a Frenchman (a political refugee) to France. The Divisional Court quashed the order on the ground
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  • 1197 6  -  Advantages of State Purchase. I (By Arthur Sherwell. M.P) The Times” according to a cable received 1 to day states t*> at the Home Government has adopted the principle of state purchase of the liquor trade.] It common rumour is to be trusted, the Government
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  • 841 6 Training Notes, There was quite a crowd of interested spectators to watch the training ou Saturday morning, says th 3 Free Press of Monday Trainers have no hesitation row in sending th'ir horses along for as u uch work as they think nece.*s try, and there remains but
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  • 1240 6 Bkmi Official Review. The foliowi if? cables were c inmuoicafed to the Bangkok papers by tie British Legation The Western Offensive, London, April 27. Operations on the British fronts to the 26'h of April inclusive The Allied offensive in the west, even though we are still only
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  • 70 6 Wednesday, May 9. Town Band, EsplanadeThursday, May 10. District Grand Lodge Meeting, Masonic Hall, Singapore. Friday, May 11 Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, May 12. P. V. R, C- School, Rifio Range, 3. p.m. Sunday, May 13. Penang Volunteers, Fifdd Operations. The Penang Catholic Benevolent Asereia* tioD, A.G.M.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 582 6 WAR LOAN PREMIUM TICKETS. Price TEN Dollars. SERIES 10,000 TICKETS. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED IE PREMIUMS EVERY SIX MONTHS BY THE Anglo-Chinese Syndicate. First Premium $1,000 Second Premium $500 Fifth Premium $109 Third 300 Eight Premiums of 50 Fourth 200 Fifty of 10 EVERY DOLLAR RECEIVED FOR TI
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    • 13 6 For HioUng C)«gh at Night, Wcadi’ Great Pep perm at Cera la. 6d.
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    • 234 6 A Good Rale for the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all dispensaries and
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  • 1021 7 A Legacy and a Retrospect, From a 11 Times Correspondent.) Lie awake in a long hospital ward, night fTter night, day after day. Sleep seems something that has no place in the present existence. It is memory of a far-away past, when the world had not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 453 7 cUart styles in headwear for men. left »r< Our Oei-tW men’s H it D is now one of the largest and most up to date in tho contrinir.g as it decs a fi p „y T- '*•> S ft Felip. I*nr bat., White and Kbak, Topece. etc., etc. The styles
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    • 45 7 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism yon will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm, Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 387 7 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, VVomen and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 869 8  - Is the Russian People Warlike (By Gregor Alexinsky.) All those who are familiar with the masses of the Russian people are unanimous in declaring that they are devoid of warlike aspirations and fundamentally pacific. Tne popular poet r y and religion of Russia, tor example, are remirkible for the profound
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 L? “UE PATENT 8 SCRAP WASHER 1 (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $1,800 Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT OECE FROM S OCK. Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Scrap, Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. Write for descriptive booklet
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    • 63 8 For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lameness in the back batbe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each ap* plication. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it
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    • 333 8 FEDERAL LORP'^S S'*—M COMPANY j 1149 LOCUST ST I if HAVE STOOD THE TEST FEDERAL Lorries are not made for pleasure— they are h u business—for hard jobs—for service. 1 Duil lor own Almost all of the leading automobile and tire mmnfiofn. one or more FEDERALS. manufacturers They know good
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  • 1396 9 There are many kinds of revolutions, and the latest, the world-shaking event which has swiftly transformed Russia, is a new variety. There is the merely destructive revolution, and there is also the crea*ive There are dynastic and national re volutions. Some are merely local; others the outcome of infectious
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  • 572 9 Cbylon Riots, Mr. MacCallum Scott asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is now in position to state the number of persons imprisoned in Ceylon in connection with the Ceylon riota who have been set free Mr. Long I have no information a 9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 119 9 MOMI CASES 19 by 19 by 24 by I I I I I I I English in I cwt. Drums. I I fl I I LATEX PAN I y i 18 by 9 by 3‘ I ACETIC ACID I I 99 per cent. I I i I EASTERN TRADING TtUphouf,
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    • 81 9 Croup. Tbia disease is ao dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 553 9 i" JAUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder but the symptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow in this manner instead of entering the intestines
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1670 10 P. 0,—British India and APCAR LINE (Com pa Mi es Incorporate» in England.) Pawenger Services. Mail and PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJE8TT'8 GOVERNMENT) For Singapore, China, Japan, Cevloi, Auutralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (fob. Europe.) Outware (eor China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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