Straits Echo, 7 May 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1103 1 AIM ■<r 4 y* VTsvJ -4 li fen r y JXI. The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r e i Aduress! Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694 (BANKS i NOTICE, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER.) pOH SAXjEI. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER motor cars 1917
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    • 12 1 fa r 4 e ;s MILK f*" I. js: $7 V a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 944 3  -  AND THE GERMAN RETREAT Hiaderkurg Uader Compulsion- By Col. Feyler The Turkish defeats in Mesopotamia and Persia, and the German retreat in Franco are the two great events of the war in March. Both separately and conjointly they si-nify a strategic transformation of the general aspect of the
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  • 203 3 It is clearly a voluntary retreat. But equally clearly it is not dictated by free choice. .If the Germans could have advanced it is certain that they would not have retreated. They have yielded some j 1/ 00 square miles of occupied French terrij because no other
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  • 286 3 Herr Harden on Baodae Herr Maximiliin HardeD, writing in the \Zukunft on Bagdad, says that only a simpleton, one whom the world map has taught nothing or who lies to himself in order thfbatter to lie to ethers, can deny the significance of the change
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  • 439 3 Exemption From Military Service. The Exemption Tribunal in Calcutta on April 18 dealt with about 60 cases, ani several men were granted total or partial exemption. One applicant was Mr. John Arthur Jones, Editor of the Statesman, who applied for complete exemption on the ground that in a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 CUG3G» “STELASTIC” TYRES I I I I I i I I I I hi m ft PA .f: The only Tyres holding the K.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. AND MADE IN BRITAI N AGENTS FOR PENANG, The Eastern 8 Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. Ueorporated is Straits
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    • 61 3 For a Lame Baek. Wben you have pains or lameness in the baok bat'e the parts with Cbamberlaiu’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment an<f bind it on over
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    • 755 3 Old-agj Coughs, Wheezing, Ed Breatkiax Cured ky Veno’8 Lightning Cough Cure There trouble* t rrJ .r ,cf fnr the bronchial of 0id L fo,k9 ,Q Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure. Qaiokly it frees the choked up tubes and air passages, loosens the tough phlegm and soothes the trying cough. O d
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    • 284 3 For ths Die I* Me Life B&oad. Mixture fron •f you suffer- any such disease as mentioned below, don t waste time and money on lotions or ointments which cannot get bclear the surface of the skin. What you want i« a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of
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  • 508 4 There wa» a time, Bays the Siam Observer, when the people of Bangok were able to obtain notes of the value of one tical each, i This waa in the days when the banka issued 1 their own notes. The trading community, i and most people in
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  • 523 4 Mr. Philip Oibbt paints a terrible picture of the German shambles over which the British troops advanced to Bapaume i “As I went over the battlefields to day it was made visible to me that the enemy has suffered most devilish torments in the ground from which
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  • 519 4 Ah Outlay of in 1915-16. The report of the Auditor General on the j appropriation account of the Ministry of Munitions for the year ended March 1916, shows a total expenditure of .£224,309,523, The balance-sheet of the national factories puts the value of the works and plant
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  • 402 4 In an interesting article, Mr. Mont™*,. Bell collects quite a numb r of y or mer 9 in the English Dictionary, which shower 4 even in 1754 our words and customs making themselves felt in the South gives Holograph.—This word i* u 9 the Scottish law
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 BRISTLES IMBEDDED IN SOLID RUBBER.! TOOTH rigid handle BRUSH RUBBERSET. The Bristles of the Rubberset are held securely in hard Vulcanized Rubber, no loose JBristles to choke, annoy or injure, every Brush packed in a separate box and sterilized, the only fc safety Tooth Brush on the market STRAIGHT TRIMMED
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    • 119 4 Always Recommend It. Id almost every community there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all dispensaries
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    • 144 4 REGISTRATION OF AlIENS ORDINANCE NO. 2 OF 1917. The above Ordinance will come into force on 1 May, 1917. All aliens which include subjects of all foreign States except (а) States under British Protection, and (б) States in respect of whose subjects express legislation is cont ined in the Labour
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  • 349 5 List of Eatries. ti- following are the entries for the forthcoming race meeting at Singapore FIRST DAY. 1. The Opening Stakes. p. Distance, 7 furlongs. st. lbs. st, lbs Singapore 11. 2 Black Watch 11. 2 Geisha 9. 2 Myatio 9 2 e? Sir Douglas 8.12 Krelis Sister
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  • 730 5 [To TM Edito* or thb Straits Echo.] Deer Sir, Have jmt read in your paper of 3rd inst the copy of the Government Gazette notifies- l on elating to my resignation from the f'M.B. Police. Have not seen the Gazette but take it that your
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  • 271 5 The report to members of the Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association for the period from April 1, 1916 to March 31,1917, to be presented at the meeting on May 12 reads, —The committee beg to present to you the report and statement of accounts for
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  • 264 5 I We have been informed officially by Milijtary Headquarters that the following memIbers of the Aoglo-ladian community in I Singapore and Penang have been accepted for I service with the Auglo-Indian Force and I have been sent to India for service with a I British Begiment. I John
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  • 174 5 The cricket match fixed for Saturday afternoon between Officers and N.O.O’s of the Penang Volunteers and The Best did not copae off bat Mr. Bennett’s XI opposed Mr. Oregson’8 XI instead. Owing to some other attraction on the Padang the match was abandoned after a couple of boars’ play.
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  • 61 5 The 50 yards Squadron race, which was held at the Swimmiog Club on Sunday morning, was won easily by the Maxims Team ooosiatiug of the following Corpl. Evans Pte. Stone Allan Collenette The teams finished as follows Time Ist Maxims Team 2’ 42” 2od Platoon 2 2’
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  • 45 5 The following programme of muaio will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 1 Beminiscences Of Verdi Godfrey 2 Morris Dance Watson 3 Waltz Annie Horton 4 Old St James’s Harrison 5 March Oriental Echoes Bosey
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  • 147 5 Apl. 17 By Balance $1,666 96 30 Tan Hock Ann 5.00 May 2 Teoh Cheow Cheang (monthly) 2 00 May 2 By balance $1,672 96 Amount previously acknowledged 30,727.73 ...$32,400.69 The following cablegram has been received by Mr. F. J. Shepherd from Mr, C. Alma Baker, who
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 630 5 VaNTBD. r tcrhv an experienced Clerk e*d inductor holding excellent test!i» lg o“»ny Estate. Apply .tatrng salary |D offer to A. c/o Strait» Echo. RANTED. UT V E 3E MANAGER for-a whole, A C lto mercantile firm in Perak one A WnnwUdee of Chinese would be kOO U rity required.
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    • 193 5 WAR LOAN PREMIUM TICKETS. Price TEN Dollars. SERIES 10,000 TICKETS. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL MB DI8TEIBUTKD I* PREMIUMS EVERT SIX MONTHS BY THE Anglo-Chinese Syndicate. First Premium $1,000 $ecouu| Premimm Fifth Premium $100 Third 300 Eight Premiums of 30 Fourth 200 Fifty of IQ EVERY DOLLAR RECEIVED FOR TICKETS GOES
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    • 337 5 nCDC DCZ) CDC X DCDU |LAMBERT and BUTLER FRONTIERI Bf? MIXTURE. ncDc DC DCD CDC DC 0 DCDn I I AT P£NANG’S-P<)PULAR-PLAY-H')OSE-WHERE EVERYBODY C0E MPIRE. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT ANOTHER Monster Program of Exceptional Brilliance DO *T FAIL TO SEE, AT THE EMPIRE TO-NIGHT. The most Magnificent, Thrilling, and Awe-inspiring film ever
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  • 99 6 MUai daOy (exoept Sundays and public hefedays) as vn CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Re. 59, Bench Street, Penang, f Paioi. VM Defly Lseal 124 per annum. m OneflsHim... Postage Extra. 1W Bitten (Poet Free) «17.50 cahlb addubss: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Pnnting Department 343 > W. B.
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  • 1377 6 A recent controversy in the Hongkong Legislative Council serves to emphasise the fact that there is room for some clear thinking to be done upon the question o£our trade with Germany after the war. So rudimentary have been our habits in econo-, mic reasoning that we may
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  • 651 6 H. E, the Governor and Lady Evelyn Young are expected here in the near future, Meaara. E. F. Britten and A. Fraaer, of Negri Sembilan, have left for home to join up. Mr. C. R. Savege, of Elang, is leaving for Madras to join the Indian Army
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  • 197 6 We are asked to publish the following and do so with pleasure:— We ars informed by the Frenoh Consul in Singapore that special detailed ordinance mans on the scale of 1/80.000, of the region of Somme and Oise, enabling one to follow the daily progression of the
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  • 860 6 Revised Version. There was a little girl, And she bad a little curl, Which hung right down on her And when she was bad, She was very very bad, But when she was good She was horrid l Straining the Law. Certainly a man who leaves Governm* B
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  • 52 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day 910$, buyers no sellers, in Bin&ap°rj (refined) at 9106.50, buyers no sellers. in London on Saturday at £231 ap°t £231 10s, three months’ sight. Naw Advti— Mr. J. R. Macfsrlsne will •ell by public auction on Mey H P° ,ioe unserviceable
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 127 6 t«2T OUR SHOES GIVE EQUAL RIGHTS FOR TEN TOES. 4 L,-. HftW CbiM’s Willow Cilf leather strap shoes from $1.50 p ir. Best B x Calf t-uprrur fi"bb Sbre*, l**a*b»--r thioughout, Pr ce $690, Boots $7 60 mm m Gont’s T. nnis Shoes, rpd rubber soles, Canadian Make Tennis Shoes,
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  • 1245 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MtW SCARPE STRUGGLE. oV£* »00 PRISOHtRS De«l'** ,p rt LaDdoo, May 5,1210 a.m Field.Mar.bal Sir Douglas Haig reprisoner* on Thursday of up. #fßiDi hundred, including twenty- u* o flceri. .We itreDgthened to-day the position we iptarsd in the sector of the Hindenburg made progress to
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  • 640 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CRAONNE CAPTURED. brilliant operation. Garaaa Lisas CsnM. London, May 5,1A0 a.m. A French oommuniqod reports “We brilliantly conducted the operation which made os masters of the village of Craonne and several strong points to the east and north of that town. So far a hundred and
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  • 489 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FOOD CRISIS. I Bsvsriss MiaisUr’s ASaissioa. I London, May 5. A telegram from Zurioh states that speaking at Munich, the Bavarian Minister i Dr. Bretreich admitted that the food situf action was very serious and people must be 0 prepared to live more and more on
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  • 164 7 Harr Zimmerman, the German Foreign Minister, aaaured Mr, Troelstra, leader of the Dutoh Socialists, who passed through Berlin on hie way to the International Socialist Conference at Stockholm, that probably the German minority” (antigovernment) Booialiate would be given paeaporta to allow them to attend the Conference. He
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  • 1203 7 [Rbutir’i Tilrgraxs STfLL IN A TANOLE. GOVERN MEM T AND WORKMEN’S DELEGATES, Vote of CmlUiiu. r Loudon. May 5, 7*45 p.m. The Executive of the Workman’s and Sol- tiers’ Delegates, by a majority of 34 to 19, accepted as satisfactory the explanation by the Provisional Government of
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  • 103 7 The following articles will |ba found on our outaide pages i Pages. 3. —Turk sh Debacle. The Cbaoge of the Map. 4. —A Year’s Munitions. Scots Words in English. Scrafi of Paper. The German Shambles. 5. Government Officers and Their Poets, Straits Settlemr nts Association. Anglo-Indian Scheme. Crieket. Tonight’s
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  • 790 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Comvli of Ceatral Powers Depart. New York, M»v 5. The Austrian Minister to the United States, Count Tarnowski sailed on board the Ryndam, accompanied by two hundred ooosuls and diplomats of the Central Powers assembled from the United States, Cubs, and China.
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  • 825 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Presentation of Usios Jaek. London, May 5. Princess Alexander cf Tvk at the Colonial Office tc day, presented a Union JiCkand Shield, gifts of the women and children of Great Britain, to each of the following regiments:—The British West Indies Rrgimeat, the King’s African R firs,
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  • 593 8 List of Men who have left Singapore. [To the Editor of t®i Malaya Tribune Sir, —I am directed to forward herewith for publication a list of those who have left, (or are shortly leaving) Singapore since January 1, 1917, under the present ManPower Scheme to join the Imperial
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  • 66 8 Monday, May 7. Town Band, Esplanade. Full Moon. Seremban Criminal Assizes commence, St. Xavier’s Institution and the Convent re«open. Tuesday, May 8. Municipal Commission. Wednesday, May 9. Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, May 10. District Grand Lodge Meeting, Masquio Hall, Singapore. Friday, May 11. Town Band, Esplanade. Sunday,
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  • 307 8 The report on the Straits Settlements for the year 1916 shows that the revenue amounted to $17,325,695 exceeding the estimate by over five and a half millions. Th* expenditure waa $11,046,353 exceeding the estimate by just under half a million: the revenue of the Colony in
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  • 585 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended April 28,1917 Male 51 Total Deaths > 89 Female 38 j Death rate 43.78 per mills per annum compared with 40.83 in the preceding week and with 27.83 in the corresponding week of last
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  • 411 8 Ministers Arrested. Peking, April 19. A mandate dismisses the Minister of Finance, Dr. Chen Chia-tao and the ViceMinister, Yin Ju-li and orders them to be banded over to the Judicial Coart to ba dealt with. The mandate says that Dr. Chen Chin* tao reports verbally that the
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  • 408 8 i Following are the Agenda for to morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meeting to be retd I and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3, Questions, 4. Some bills to be passed. 5, Tenders for the construction of cement
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  • 200 8 Tennis Tournament, The following tie has been fi 1( x Wednesday, the 9th inat. a f °r Mixed Doubles (Final) Mr A Mrs S F B Martin vs Mrs Cleaver A E H Everest (to (Unfinished) Bowl* Tournamrnt. The following ties have been fix»,! Wednesday, the 9th
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  • 181 8 The following ties have been fixed for to morrow Championship Single. Lae Tiang Laat vs Chua Sin Kah Single Handicap—Class B. Lim Cheng Ean vt Eu Khay Seng +15 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesdays the 9th inst, Single Handioap—Class 4Ho Kim Teik —15
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  • 203 8 Lovu’s It isn’t often that a picture is all th|t is claimed for it but Love’s Battlefield dm made good all the apparently extravagsn» things which bava appeared in its adrsrtise* mints, For once, the Press Agent is left the post, not by reason of his own iocapa*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 12 8 For Ohildrtn’a Hacking Oomgh at Night. Woodi* Great Peppermint Onre li 6d.
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    • 52 8 A. Good Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of your borne to always keep on hand a bottle of Cbunberlaio’# Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe* guard against bowel eonaplaints. It always cures promptly and no household is' safe without it, Fpr sale by all dispensaries
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    • 43 8 Now Is the Time, Fsr rheumatism you will find j, ter than Chamberlain's Pain Balm* 1 the time to get rid of it. Try this and pa® how quickly it will reUev o PJJ and por&ness. For sale by all dupe and dealers,
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  • 2259 9 0 Dividend. a Vnmber of Shares issued. *3 d. 0 %i 8 C* 1 l-l 0 Tj •a Oh last financial year. for currant yaar. Name. i s B A 3 p cy RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 2 cts. 8 cts 120,000 1 120 000 1 l 1 65 20i Alor
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 REGAL MOTORCARS. no jj.p, 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, ll 1 BICYCLES AND |l“-• riOTOR CYCLES CAN be had on monthly system. It ST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. miCHEhlN TYRE STOCKISTS. CYCLE l CARRIAGE C0-. The Complete House for Cycle* and Motors Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS everything
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  • 1084 10 A Change of Outl ok (n the 3ea Affair. It is impossible not to have noticed the change of view regarding the work of the Navy that has taken fleet in certain quarters during the past three months or so. Lord Sydenham no longer creates opportunities for declaring
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  • 808 10 The settlement of the Irish 1 admitted on all sides to be on i„ Pr b e 11 to the satisfactory conclusion The Prime Minister’s recent =l^WJr--1 the House that Ulster would not h. l by force of arms B bows that the l C< f rced
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 187 10 FOO s 3 a i-l 3 "SUPERIOR TO ALL.” M LIBBY’S Ox Tongues. Lunch Tongues. Breakfast Tongues. Boneless Chicken. Tomato Catchup. Large Asparagus. Vienna Sausages. Bacon in Glass yy yy LIBBY’S Corned Beef. Queen Olives. Stuffed Olives. Ham Loaf. Beef Loaf. Chicken LoafOxford Sausages. Spaghetti. yy yy 5» yy yy
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    • 33 10 I PINKFTTFS I* i I twO prevent morning headaches, m cure biliousness and constipation 150 ctata P« phial at year drutftfi.f. or direct by mail o> receipt ol price MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE. I
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  • 936 11 A PERSONAL STUDY OF SIR STANLEY MAUDE. Born Fighter He is the mildest mannered man who ever loved fighting with his whole soul. He is, like Sergeant Cassidy, Y. C.,’ a man of marvellous audacity, who nevertheless looks as though he would not hurt a fly.
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  • 888 11 It it some seventeen years ago since the Kaiser told his troops, leaving to take part in the suppression of the Boxer rising to gain a j wme like that of the Hunt under Attila, so j a Chinaman should never again dare
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 i 44 UE f J PATENT SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $1,800 Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE O.M 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT OECE FROM STOCK. Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Scrap, w Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. —«x»3i: asac Write
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    • 52 11 A Good Rale for the HomeMake it a ru'e of your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Cbamb'rlaio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at a safe* guard against bowel complaint?. It always cures promptly acd no household is safe without it. For ails by «11 di pinsaries
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    • 75 11 The sudden changes of temperature that occur towards evening are liable to produce that nasty sneezing and snivelling sensation known as a cold in the head. A swift and certain remedy for this disorder is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A teaspoonful dose immediately the trouble is felt, followed by one
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    • 576 11 /A t-*r Jn happy Thin Folks. One of the readers of a popular health journal wrote to the editor, asking why she was peevish, blue and discontented, and hia answer will interest all thin people. “My dear reader,” he said “when you write that you are thin and do not
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1658 12 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporate® in England.) and services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UHDIR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT) lor Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Torta and London. MAIL LINES. Hombwabd (for Europe.) Outwarb (for China.) INTEKMED1ATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate Service
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