Straits Echo, 2 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1141 1 I w* .]J1 f L *J J Ar V v- r t -u) NAiBUt The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r«l Hokimteik. Penang. r LA ’Phone No. 694. SALE. H partin-palmer motor cars 1917 MODEL. One 5-paesenger louring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car tl at matches every automobile
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    • 20 1 L-. W ft 0f which is mt »ut corf* 1 #*r ec Tiour*Foi« w sc _*j^ M WSSSSs 1 2?sg
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  • 2053 2 Some twenty years ago it was possible, if yr»u were lucky, to witness a curious B pectacle occasionally at Ptdd'mgton Stition. A tall, vigorous, red-faetd old gentleman stood in a first-class compirtmeot superintending the operations of four porters. Bound the old gentleman’s waist was wound
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  • 138 2 Are necessary to conquer enemy of civ.liz ti u Kh, UlLa ,tl form-, including Bbeuma ic G All lt cured pHrmm-ntlv, s.leiv. CiQ be iy by Little's Oriental Hal,,. bow mucri paiu you, Kh,uu,a,. Bfn you. No matter ,f you have tr.ej oils, oiutnaents and embrocation. d Z;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 384 2 STRENGTH STYLE AND COMFORT IN EVERY PAIR. The Great European War has created such an abnormal demand for leither that practically all Port factories are under G< vernm°nt control and this means that the importation of B ots and Shoes is considerably restricted. Anticipating trouble in this respect we pl.c-d
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    • 8 2 Herbert Spencer. By Hugh Elliot Constable, 6s, net.
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    • 47 2 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of Chamberlain's Couch R°mfdy is world lt is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the crouo and whooping cough of the children The same bottle serves the whole family. For Bale by all dispensaries and dealers 7
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    • 427 2 WANTED w ANTED immediately an einerii»^ Shor,h, D dTjpi Bt A Pr l» P ,o Sandillnds, Buttekt 4 Co W A.HNTTED. A CHINESE MANAGER f or a whole. Bale mercantile firm in p erak with a knowledge of Chinese wouid be preferable; security required. Only th c with previous experience
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  • 1002 3 [To the Editor of thh Straits Echo.] Sir, —Apropos of your leader of the 30tb Apiilon this subj ct, it is interesting to draw a comparison between the inquisitorial methods of the tax and the attitude of Government on the subject of taxation at the latter
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  • 372 3 Alleged Kidnapping of a Sieh Girl. Mr. H. A. Forrer, Sacocd Magistrate, Ipob, has coodncted a preliminary enquiry into an interesting case, in which Inspector A. Neave prosecuted, when a Sikh, Chanda Siugh, his wife, Raj Koor, and anothi-r man named Bisbin Siogh wag charged with kidnapping
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  • 306 3 Field operations for this month will be held on Sunday, tbe 13h instant. Time and place will be notified later. Oa Monday next, tbe 7th instant, the paiade will be under tbe Battalion Sergeant Major. The following N. C. O’s who took a course of Musketry under D
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  • 188 3 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.'] Bir, Instead of removing the heavy responsibility” (of black-balling candidates) from their shoulders the Committee of the Penang Turf Club now merely bide it under cover of tbe so-called Election Committee. The proper course would be for the Club Committee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 911 3 NOTICE. riven that Messrs. \TA Tl k Eoe gbeaD. L-mngTek Khean y L Vn Kteinhave been admitted M tg nr firm as from the Ist ot May Partners >» uu 1&17- hv aud t 0 U 8 before the will be paid and re-gbove-nient >q p n Chong who now
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    • 476 3 nczx n >CD CDC X LAMBERT and ?BUTLER xzdh o <J n A Wlmmk£a£k ■S-V.-L U LJ n 0 0 4^ n a M ?ened u Ml V n LI 0 0 )C=Dn nczx )CD CZ) X X n#n#nen*#neiDOQ Coming! Coming!! THE SUPER SERIAL iniini Coming n 60 THF DIAMOND
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  • 99 4 MlkM daily (except Sundays and pnhlio hetidays) AX TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Se. 59, Beech Street, Penang. i Pnioa. i < D*fly Leeal 924 per annum. gp 4 Postage Extra, Kail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 GAUL ADDKBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 588 Printing Department 343 m -*L
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  • 876 4 Onlj a few weeks ago the submarine campaign seemed to be, if not quite well in hand at any rate well on that way The latest figures published by the Admiralty showed, however, a big jum d in the wrong direction and we are afraid that in view
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  • 1437 4 There seema to be aome little confusion in the minds of those who oppose “compulsion” for British Malaya. There is no idea of compelling all Europeans of military age and fitness to proceed home to the war. That wouhj be a ridiculous and suicidal policy and General Ridout is
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  • 1084 4 Mr R. St. Q. Sproule, planter of u i and Mr. F K. ofrloff, Ampan Mines, have left for Ceyton 0 *‘J Ti holiday. «hort Mr. E. L. Case, of the Straits Dtf r Singapore, is in Ipob, acting f or Mr L) C Headrick, who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 OUR SHOES GIVE EQUAL RIGHTS FOR TEN TOES. s& ■> ETA. 1 S HAW 63 k. Vv 1 .j 5BP TJeBt Pox Calf, tuperior finish Shoe», ImtVr throughout, Price 1090, Boots $7 50 Child’s Willow Calf leather strap shoe* firm $1.60 pair. m Gen.’s Tennis Shoes, red rubter solas, Canadim
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  • 541 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] jN CHAMPAGNE. I.ftilr? Ai**» c London, May 1. t[Mlc b oommuoiqM report. talent artillery finnft took pl.ce bet- Quelle »od the One and in dea D* meHCb 'lr a v.obat artillery preparation in "tfoa French infantry in the ttuoked the enntny lines on both ‘‘""TMee’t Coroillet.
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  • 287 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GREAT AERItL ACTIVITV. Sir Douglas Haig’s Report. Loudon, April 30, 11.45 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports t—- The enemy’s attack on our new positions between Monchy le Preux and the Scarpe River was completely repulsed. The hostile artillery was active on both banks of the Scarpe.
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  • 452 5 The following letter has been reoeived by 1 Mr. John G, Brown, Hon. Secretary of the Penang St. Andrew 1 Society, from the Hon. Treasurers of the British Bed Gross Society, West George Street, Glasgow i Dear Sir, < We beg to acknowledge the receipt, per
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  • 388 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] DR. HELPERRICH ON THE SITUATIQN, Aa UieeivluUi ArgaaMt. London, April 30. A telegram from Amsterdam states that Dr, Helferricb, speaking in the Reichstag, stated that in February and March 1,600,000 tons of shipping were submarined of which a million tons were British. He estimated that the tonnage
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  • 86 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages i— I Pages. J 2. T he Character of Herbert Speooer. 4 3. Tbe War Tax Muddle. A Midnight Raid. Penang Volunteers. Penang Turf Club, 11 6, Coroner’s Inquests, Malaya and tbe I f War. Germany’s Bmash in China.
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  • 237 5 Utsst Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at I 105.25, business dooe, in Singapore I ,rt fined) at $105.75, business done 1 150 tons sold) and in London at 4230 spot and 4230 10s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following
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  • 927 5 THE PRESENT SITUATION. I Aa Official Review, Biogapore, May 2. The following has been received at Mili* t j tary Headquart ra here from the Chief of the General Staff at Simla and is published 0 for general information b The present situation in Mesopotamia is i that after
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  • 534 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special cables appeir in the Sumatra Pott of Saturday and Monday April 28 and 30 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Tkc Skippiag Proklcm. The Dutch Premier and Foreign Minister, Dr. Cort van den Linden, has conducted to their final stage the negotiations with
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  • 130 5 The following ties have been fixed for to-day Double Handicap A, Tiang Liat 4 Teik Lee —l5 91 Joo Kooi A Chin Seng Single Handicap B. Cbua Sin Earn —l5 vs Oa Jitt Seang Lim Eog Choon vs Lee Tiang Keng —l5 The following ties have
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  • 25 5 (From Our Own Correspondent LoodoD, May 1. The prices in the Loadon Rabb?r Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 3/Of Diamond Smoked 3Of
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  • 954 5 The Great Toss-Up. Illogical prelate the Bishop of Singapore t He objects to lotteries and advocates marri* ages. Morals and Liberty. 11 question we agree with Archbishop s who sai< he rather see England free than England compulsorily ®°ber. The report of the Ferguson-Da vie-Sproule-Makepeaee Committee on the
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  • 1593 6 JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE. The irqut st into the cause of t, e <Jej»t,h of a Cbiminan, name unknown, who died of bullet wounds in the h*»*d durii g the gang robbery at Sungei Glugor w-- 1 held yesterlay afternoon b-fore S. H Lmgston and a Corone ’a jury, comprising
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  • 609 6 It was not until 1861 that Girmanv «uccerd-din securing a commercitl treaty with Ci iaa similar «-o those onesided 1 >ng before by Britain, F'-acci and Rr»si«. Au amp ific .tion of this treaty, in 1880, gave tbe Teuton advantages over his rivals but he was
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  • 1081 6 Chief Justice's Tribute to Fallen Members. Tributes to the memory of three members of tbe Singapore bar who have fallen iu tbe war were pa'd in the Sup °me Court this morning, says tbe Straits Monday. The Ciiief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) p-e ided, and was
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  • 540 6 Sib E. Bibch and oub Voluntbeee. L ndon, March 15. Sir Erneßt Birch is now helping the organisation which is examining men invalided out of the army for their fi ress to tike up employment in the F»r East. Has part is to see applicants ai
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  • 110 6 The following was the output of Kampong Kimuutiog Tin Dredging, Ltd., for the month of April: Hours ran 2 dredges 1 242 Cubic Y rds treated 171,770 Total Piculs 1.165-31 R°ali*ed on sale 167,425 48 No. 1 Dredge has now passed through the poor ground previously referrid to
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  • 376 6 Gu'a Kalumpong 109,191 lb, PadaDg t 22,000 lb, Ka an 9 250 lb, Samagaga j 11,900 lb, Rantau 3,000 lb. r The war has greatly stimulated industrial enterprise, not on’y in I-idia, Ceylon, and the Straits Se'tlemerts, but also in Nether lands lod'a. The Dutch Governin'nt has
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  • 1011 6 Ia the course of an article on a report on the morals of Singapore by M<B. D«vi>, Mr» Justice Spmul», and Mr. W. Makepeace the Malaya Tribune says A lurob-r of most excellent recommendations are made by the Commission on the mo'al condition of the t
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  • 65 6 The Week 's Events. Wednesday, Mat 2 Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, Mat 3. Football —P.C.C. vs. pp r v I.R.O. v 8 H.L.F.C. Dato"^ 14 Qardens. Friday, Mat i Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, May 5, The Ulu Pish Co., Ltd., a.G.M Ch of Commerce, 11 a.m. Sunday, May <5. 4th
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  • 114 6 Penang, May 2 {By courtesy of the Chartered R llfik) London, Demand Bank 4 mouths’ sight BuuC M u a ii Credit 2/41 Documentary* 2/4W Calcutta, Demand Bank R s 3 days’ sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Rank j 3 days’ sight Private'.*.'. t Madras Demand Bank
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 The Fruit Season. Bowel complai t is sure to be prevalent durin.' th iruit season Pe sure to teep a bottle of Cham erlain’s Colic, Cl olera and Diarrhoea Kernedy on hand. It may save a kf o t 1 or sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 319 6 VALUABLE PROPEBIf FOR SALE. By Order of the Liquidator (Me P. R, Hill) UNDER THE Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914. TO BE SOLD BY Public Auction On Monday, the 11th day of June, 1917, AT 11 AM., AT LOGAN'S BUILDINGS, PEN AM The Well-known, Commodious and Highly Valuable OFFICES
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  • 885 7 SENSATIONAL DERBY OF 1892 RECALLED. Butler s Good fortune Au account of “Thi Most Miraculous I Dream on Record” is given by M\ H. I Moure <n The Occult Review I It jvas m Dactmoer of 1891 that John I Channel, a butler, employed at The Dali,
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  • 272 7 Penano, 2nd Mat 1917. B cts. Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 b Pfeaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 24 1 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 50 s Feet 25 t Heart 40 Liver per catty 85 Fillet of Beef 60 Pore Pork per oatty
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  • 220 7 Penang, Mat 2. S. P. Tapioca $7.50 buyers M. P. Tapioca 8.00 buyers Gold leaf 64.40 Pepp a r (W.Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).516 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 25 00 buyers White Pepper 40.00 sellers. Trang Pepper 82 sellers Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings 52 sellers. Cloves 40 sellers.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 331 7 FEDERAL LORRIES The Leaders Choice Many of the world’s greatest manufacturers have selected FEDERAL Lorries. 'I heir judgment is based on the records made by FEDEEALS in the hands of thousand-* of satisfied owners. They know that FEDERALS will stand the test and take care of their haulage satisfactorily and
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    • 36 7 PINKETTES correct Constipation and gent I ly assist nature to establish regular habits of health. ISO cents per phial at your druggist's or direct by mail on receipt of price from DR. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE.
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    • 768 7 Debility VVhen you feel limp and washed out, weary and ratigued with no inclination for exertion—run/^own condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh “go into you—you need a fortnight's Iron ‘Jelloids' treatment English price l/|A). Unequalled as a tonic restorative, Iron Jelloids are most easy to take inexpensive,
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  • 1023 8 An obsprvrnt writer in the New York Tribune has ju%t been sending along «ome of bis ns. There is nothing new in this, >xr pt tb it the writer has noticed a number ot thim s generally overlooked. Wo quote a f-w of his observations.
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  • 207 8 You can put new blood into your enfeebled body, wbatrv r your age may be. The hum tn b-dy constantly requi es new, rich bliod, snd nearly all the ills from which people stiff -r arises f;om one cause —poverty of blood. Blood is the food
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 564 8 Children like Mellin’s and thrive on it Mellin’s Food always satisfies. It contains in correct proportion nutritive elements which, when the food is mixed with fresh cow’s milic, provide a complete and satisfactory diet for children of all from birth. m A Sample Bottle of Mellin’s Food, together with Handbook
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    • 486 8 PUBLIC NOTICE Nibong Tebal Pontoon Bridge. r pHE above bridge will ho closed to traffic JL t»s from Thursday Mry 3rd. during alteration and r- pairs. A ferry-boat as at other Province ferries will be run between Teluk Ipil and Tatung Beiembang; Sd. H. LUPTON, Executive Engineer, Province Wellesley. P
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    • 124 8 Estat IN STOCK ACETIC ACID Japanese 99£ Glacial. ENAMELLED LATEX PANS Blue/White size 18" by 9" by 3^ SULPHURIC ACID Japanese SODIUM BISULPHITE CALCIUM CARBIDE J,p *"S, IMII Drums. ARRIVING SHORTLY MOMI CASES Genuine size 19* by 19" by 24" by UNIVERSAL BOX STRAPPING Cary’s No. I—f" wide. THE EASTERN
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  • 888 9  -  WHY THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PRACTISE. By Lord Buckmaster. I am of opinion that a woman who ia intellectually capable of qualifying for a profession should at least be permitted to try and praetise it. She should be allowed to take her chance in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 IN STOCK Momi Chests BOX STRAPPING. ACETIC ACID 99 per cent. RODIUM BISULPHITE IN DRUMS OF 1 cwt. WHITE PORCELAIN Rubber Cups Phone 45ft. G. H. SLOT Co., PENANG AND MEDAN. Cable SLOT. I .7^ PA Uji zw ii m 1» 0 7/ N &READMOU6hTS TWO Malayan FRASER A NEAVE,
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    • 76 9 Tbe moment a man does bis b?st bit of quick thinking is when attack'd by a violent pain in the stomach. His thoughts immediately fly to WOODV ORE IT PEPPERMINT CURE. The wish for a dose of that famous medicine is uppermost, a wish founded on solid experience, because he
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    • 583 9 JAUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder but the symptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow in this manner instead of entering the intestines to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1650 10 P. 0 British India AND APCAR LINE i (C’oM PANICS INCORPORATED IX ENGLAND.) Mail And Seryicei KONINKLUKE PAK?T¥ AAft I MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Blngapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts
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