Straits Echo, 30 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1173 1 m a* Of .sjfcr! jDNATjjjSff -{BANKS. The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. f.i Address* Hokimteik. Penang. ’Phone No. 694. pOR SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN -PALMER motor cars 1917 MODEL. One 5-passenger Touring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price that cannot be resisted.
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    • 7 1 -*72*7 SJ t-fi'S ■*»n Q 3? Hig
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1279 3 LABOUR CONDITIONS DURING PABT YEAR. India, and Emiobation. Following is the concluding portion of the annual report of the P. A. M. presented at the meeting held at Kuala Lumpur. A considerable improvement took place during I 1916 in immigration from Southern India, 1 and labour
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  • 484 3 The amazing misjudgment of national souls which is the key to the failure of German diplomacy furnishes one reason why war must be brought to a successful finish, and why there must be no peace without victory. To the German mind all nations are basely
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  • 180 3 All conditions of depressed vitality tend to disturb the processes of digestion. Thin, weak blood affects directly and at onoe the great processes of nutrition. Not only is the action of the gastric and intestinil glands diminished but the muscular action of the stomach is weakened. Nothing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 211 3 The Big Gun of the Commercial World Scientifically constructed by first-class workmen from highest grade materials. It is made true and sure, never misses fire and is always ready for immediate service. 6 Standard Pattern with Slip-on Cap. Safety Pattern with Screw-on Cap. SOLD BY STATIONERS IMPORTERS. Illustrateil Catalogue I
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    • 64 3 A Parent's Duty. Tour boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds hare healed all right is no sign they always will Qet a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that erery injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 870 3 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. By Order of the Liquidator (Me P. R, Hill) UNDER TQE Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914. TO BE SOLD BY Public Auction Os Monday, the 11th day of June, 1917, AT 11 AM., AT LOGAN'S BUILDINGS, PENANG. The Well-known, Commodious and Highly Valuable OFFICES GODOWNS
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  • 2164 4 L i Both French and British publicists have remained strangely silent aud reticent on j the problem and prospects of a revolution in Germany. It may be that they are afraid to conjure up the ghost of political rebellion lest that gho6t might cause havoc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 STRENGTH STYLE COMFORT IN EVERY PAIR. ilie Great European War has created such an abnormal demand for leather that practically all Boot factories are under Government control and this means that the importation of Boots and Shoes is considerably restricted. Anticipating trouble in this respect we placed cur orders many
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    • 123 4 MOTOR CARS FOR SALS. 1 Adler Car, 7 seater, Four spaed and 1 Reverse Gear. 1 Overland Car :—Registered to carry 7 peraons including Driver, new bood, newly painted and guaranteed to go round the Island with top speed. The above Cars have been well cared for and in perfect
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  • 184 5 That kind of cough must be stopped, and at once it is dangerous. The severe strain it causes may have serious consequences You can stop it—and cure it—with the world-famous British remedy. Veno’s L'ghtning Cough Cure. There is uothiog in
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  • 464 5 (From a Cor respondent) Alor Star, April 28. The Government is building a club-house for the officials at Sungei Pataui. Mr. J. Macdonougb, Asst* AuditurGeneral is due here this month after his long leave. The Superintendent of Post and T-le« graphs is going on long leave at the
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  • 268 5 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Parish Hall was held yesterday moruing. There were about thirty members present, including a few ladi-.e, among whom we ro Rev. Father L. M. Duvelle (PiesideDt n-officio) in the Cbair and Messrs. Fred Aeris, J. H,
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  • 94 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 1 Overture Tancredi Rossini 2 Gavotte Olimpia Burns 3 Selection Festivalia Williams 4 Waltz Annen Gence 5 March 30th October Olano The nomina'ion of Hunter Liggett, now a
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  • 1057 5 [To the Editob or the Straits Times.] Sir, —Considering the issues involved, il la f eais remarkable that so little interest has been indnated, since the passing of the bill, on the subject of the War Tsx Ordmrnce. The measure app?&rs to have been drafted on l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 554 5 BtlSlW IM of igl7 OF AIIENS ORDINANCE Ordinance will come into force -fbP abov ai| a|j#pg wbich in clude od1 foreign State» except under British Protection and f s e, i- rerp°ct of -hose sub.-ot. (b) S PirtreH* legislation la confined in ‘I in reh P p ct of whose
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    • 477 5 Violent Methods. A e necessary to conquer that bitter enemy of civiliz iti n Rheumatism. All it form», including Rheumatic Gout, can be cured permanently, safely, and ioexpensiv: by Little’s Oriental Balm- No matter Low much pain your Rheumatism is causing you, No matter if you have tried a doz
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    • 370 5 UntniainiQiutDMniaiQtntQiniQMH j nczDC dc xn incline dczdc 0 >CD CDC DCDn LAMBERT and ‘BUTLER 0 FRONTIER «t r rvj Q r^. rontier 4* ■sc M MIXTUR ZDC )CD CDC )C vatata Coming! nmn®n Coming!! THE SUPER SERIAL n#n#n#u#n#n Coming eo Parts THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 60 n Parts 0
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  • 100 6 MMhM daDy (except Sundays and pvblio MUayi) ix«n CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. gt 59, Beech Street, Penang. .1 Pricb. t v p <M i $24 per annum. m OvMatioa... Postage Extra. Hy] MUttm (Pott Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. B.
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  • 1303 6 Any repeal of the War Tax Ordinance is out of the question. After all the talk of last year such a step would make the Straits Settlements a laughing-stock and it is not likely that any agitation to that end would meet with support even by
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  • 824 6 Mr. A. Cavendish is to act as District Officer, Bilik Pulau. Mr. V. Hill has been appointed to officiate as District Officer, Upper Perak, Mr. G. C. G. Muller has gone on two months’ and Mr. O. E. Venables ou four months’ leave. Mr. A.B. Voules, who
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  • 967 6 A Tall Order. Ambition is a proper sentiment but i k gentlem in who is said4o f. 0 i Urt he did get both of Colonel Adams’ i 'V* the seat in Council and the C 0 S' the Volunteers —was perhaps a little' 1 0 anxious that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 129 6 You buy it for less here. Glare Spectacles, eyes and ride pieces glazod with modi* m ar.d dark tinted plane Smoke glasses. Complete with snap case, p riee -3-25. If fitted with Arnphyl Glasses SI extra. m JsV a w e tweP y and v/a n no others Makers —Raphaels,
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  • 1293 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] north OF thk SCARP*. Aerial Activity. London, April 27,11-30 p.m. ti.l actiTity W« noticed. 4<en flenn.n aeroplane, were brought and six others driven down Six of are nuss'Dg'" Attack o. a Wide Froat. TiindoD, April 28, 2 p.m. 3ir Douglas Haig reports a We attacked this
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  • 633 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] I artillery duel in champagne. No Infantry Action London, April 28, 1.50 a.m. A French communique reports i “The day was marked by reciprocal artillery activity north-west of Rheims and in Champagne. There was no infantry action. Three German aeroplanes were brought down on April 26
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  • 483 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] STRONG TURKISH POSITION. Early Decision aot Expected. London, April 28. Mr, Massey who came before Gaza on April 21 states that the biggest battle in the history of Palestine is proceeding. We gained the first line but apparently there will be a period of trench
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  • 296 7 The Royal Italian Circus is demonstrating the truth of our contention that a really good 6how can make plenty of money in Penang, After playing to crowded houses for more than a week it has decided to extend its season up to and including May 5.
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  • 270 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PREPARE FOR MAY DAY. ladepeadcat Socialists* Isvitatio». LondoD, April 27. A telegram from Amsterdam states that the Independent Socialist Party has adopted a resolution inviting the workpeople on May Ito demand an eight-hour day, world peace and international fraternisation. The Berliner Tageblatt regards this as an
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  • 45 7 (From Our Own Correspondent LondoD, April 27. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market tc«iay were Pale Crepe 2/111 Diamond Smoked 2/11 j London, April 28. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 3/0± Diamond Smoked IM 3/0}
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  • 422 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $105.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $105.50, buyers no sellers, and in London on Saturday at <£227 15a, spot and £228 sa. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following are the quotations for
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  • 448 7 [Hkutek’s Telegrams.] TO FINANCE THE ENTENTE. Tentative Programme. London, April 28. A telegram from Washington states that it is officially indicated that America wil[ tiaarca the Eatente to the extent of at least eighty or possibly a hundred millions sterling a month. It is es'imated that
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  • 289 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3. —P. A. M. Conference. The Failure of Teuton Diplom&y. 4. —The Coming Revolution in Germany, 5. —The War Tax. Kedah Notes. Parish Hall. To-night’s Bind Programme. B—Telegrams. Dutch Cable Items. St. Patrick’s Day Fund. P. C. C,
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  • 3746 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FREEDOM OF THE CITY. Distinguished Assemblage at the Guildhall, London, April 27. A distinguished assemblage gathered at the Quildhall on the occasion of the freedom of the City being conferred on Mr. Lloyd George. All the representatives of the Dominions and India were present, also Lord
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  • 281 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] L itdor, April 23, The Piizo Court has reservo 1 judgm ot in the claim of the Commandoes wf H M Triumph and H.M.S. Usk for £6,000 connection with the sinking of 80VQJ eD D warships at Tsingtau. The Crown contended that co-operatio. between military
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  • 28 8 I I A collision between two trains at Tannbofen near Munich killed twenty soldiers and injured 40. The German dramatic author Oscar Blumentbal is dead.
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  • 141 8 The following ties have been fixed tot I Wednesday, the 2nd prox.:— Double Handicap, P N Sayer A A W de W Harries vs R D Pitceathly ALE Slowe (2) Capt W Brown AWE Hution vs W Houston AWE Sharpe (1) J M Chalmers (d) A H
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  • 282 8 The total amount subscribed by the Inin Residents in Penang and Province Wellesley ir to tbe above Fund was 1652. This has bess it allocated by the Committee to: The Princess Patricia Hospital, Bray. aD( I The Overseas Club Tobacco Fund and the sum of
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  • 2322 9 r' 1 P Dividend. m ;s amber of Shares issued Qs 1 Name. O 0.2 3 last finanfor current i ►t C ■4* 3 O III C J; 1 GC 00 1 M <£ cial year. year. m <D CQ t j 1 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 9 cts. t cts
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 401 9 EBGfAL MOTOR-CARS. H-P- 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, £2 4 BICYCLES AND IS.W.A. riOTOR CYCLES can be had on monthly system. JUST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. HICHELIN tyre stockists. CYCLE l CARRIAGE GO-. The Complete House for Cycles and Motors Kenans, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Atlas Assurance Cc., Ltd., (incorporated
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  • 893 10 GERMAN CALCULATIONS REVISED Estimates of British Toiiiuob. Budapest. Feb. 12. It will not be without interest to English readers to learn what were the calculations and hopes that influenced the Central Powers in determining to resort to an unrestricted submarine warfare. The chief point which Germany urged
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  • 570 10 Straits Settlements 6 P B a p. War Loan. The following statement hag been by the Acting Treasurer, Btr»itg J ments Subscriptions to Loan up to Through Eta nk a 16,071 .700 Chartered Hongkong and Shanghai /iJoonL Mercantile Including $414,900 from the Sza Hai Topg
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 *8 9 FOOD PRODUCTS “SUPERIOR TO ALL.” LIBBY’S Soups -Tomato-Oxtail-Mock Turtle FRESH STOCKS HAVE NOW ARRIVED CAN BE OBTAINED FROM Messrs. TONG JOO Co., CHONG KEE Co., HOONG KEE Co., AND ALL OTHER STORES AND GROCERS. Every tin of Libby’s goods consists of pure food products passed by the American
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    • 38 10 PINKETTES are an ideal laxative for Children. Gentle as Nature—do not Gripe. i I M ph,aJ vour drudjlet'e or direct by mail o* receipt ol pri«« I I ir m Dg WILLIAM»» MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE. B r «eM*
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  • 2145 11 Corruption, says the writer of Muting» Without Method in the current number of Blackwood'B Magazine has ever been the besetting sin of democracy.” This is one of those statements which express a prejudice rather than a fact. We often hear the same charge made against republics.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 t UE” PATENT SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $l,BOO Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT ONCE FROM STOCK. Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Scrap, i Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. Write for descriptive booklet and partial
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    • 47 11 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is world wide It is good for the deep seated oough of the adult or the croup ard whooping cough of the children. The sume bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 572 11 K Nothing is more £mU a sing than Extreme Tlinus>. ,8 J he P; um P; well-developed man who oats the melons" and has the fun socially. Scrawny skinny people are snldom popular. We all admire fine figures. No «Wmaker can hide a hnny, skinm form. You ought to test
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1699 12 p. o, —British India AND APCAR LINE Mail (Companies Incorporate» in England.) and Servicea. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majkstt’s goternment) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. a? KONINKLIJKZ parity aari MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated
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