Straits Echo, 25 April 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1038 1 r Mli Av*1 '< n m l-K'.L Il!*!2eo V The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r.l Address; Hokimteik, Penang. rel A ’Phone No. 694. pOH BALE. COMMONWEALTH partin-palmer motor cars 1917 MODEL. Ore 5-paeseDger Touring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price
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    • 24 1 m m Srinwnts r **KH IS THE BEST < NtO V^T X. IM«C BUM S§L 4^*J Ct 'Ons poi use V»!i> ns» H 5 i
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  • 863 2 Rats and Flies as Disease Carriers. The people of old times ofteu possessed more than a dim Dotiou of the discoveries of i modern times, Mr. Joseph Offord in, Science Progress points out that ti e remarkable process achieved in recent years in our knowledge of
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  • 1023 2 Rumania’s Internal Politics. Mr. Bernard Pares writes from Jassy There is reason now to be specially interested in the internal politics of Rumania, It is precisely our military failure on this side that has raised in an acute form the question of the relations between front and
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  • 130 2 A Stubborn Fo e To conquer an obstinate enemy persistency and perseverance It same with Rheumatism, the dread mankind, which ranks foremost n ,»„5* ness. To eradicate it frem thisvst must use the right weapon. iJJ;*» Oriental Balm is the only remedy th"* overpower it. It has cured helplej c
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 When Baby serfams there is much to do to quieten him. The poor little chap cannot tell you what the trouble is, but, moat likely, it is just wind. Two drops of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE in ft little wairn water will put the matter right and quickly make B-iby
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    • 638 2 ALL S T YL> S AHD PRICES IN TOWELS. hu Cfc <? r> Uj 55 S SIZE 10 by 11 INCHES Hemstitched Turkish TOWELS. Suporcell* quality ext 1 h-iavv aisorbant Tuiki h Towel» hemstitched boideis Siz 1 21 by 42 and 23 by 45 ins. i PricesL'90|cts. &,$l-20>ach. Fringed Huckaback
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    • 535 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. T H !L Ha J> f Yearlv GenPral Mnetiog o > The Penane Turf Oleb will b»'J iu the Chamber of Commerce on \W. 30th instant at 4.p,mBvsiiets. 1. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on OctohA, 31st, 1916. 0Der 2. To receive
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  • 1327 3 Patriotism Plus Pkovit. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is considered by those competent to judge an astute materialist, as five years ago he was regarded an adroit revolutionist. Of late, be has betrayed a tendency of having become a pronounced disciple of Mammon. Dr. Sun may, for all we
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  • 444 3 If the Straits Government contemplates any scheme for issue of premium bonds, which it may not after the recent public utterances against the spirit of gambling, it will find itself once more behind the Fair, for the Federated Malay States have started a scheme in connection with the
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  • 266 3 [To THB Editor of the Straits Times.] Sir, —There is quite a lot cf common < sense in Pater’s remarks anent wbat I myself consider a very unjust allocation of the income tax. For all that I consider he is in luck as compared to myself*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 843 3 Muscular Backache. A NOTICE. N Ap pl, c .M0D beeo for J ««nliooed sburis m Chin Smg A J* the origm.l. of which .re C bav0 been lost or stoloo, notice declare ffiven that one month from this date ba,eb t ficate» In lieu of those declared as D W
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    • 582 3 DCD CDC DCDC X DCDn LAMBERT and BUTLERi FRONTIER ROKTORbr M MIXTURE ncz)c DC DdD CZDC DC DCZDD <r nt u —>rDOCDOC OCDOC THE GREATEST SUCCESS ON RECORD THE ROYAL MU ODUUS The most Extraordinary Show of its Kind in Existence. NIGHTLY AT 9-15 B x Seats $3, Chairs $2,
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  • 99 4 Pabikkl daily (except Sunday* and pnblio Wtidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ■a. 59 f Beach Street, Penang. t Faica. if I DaSy Leeal mi 924 per annum. Oatetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OABLB ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.
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  • 1333 4 Already it is quite clear that the Govern ment, the Collector-General of War Tax and his staff are going to have a great deal of trouble with the col’ection of the incometax which the unofficial members of the Legislative Council in defiance of pub ic opinion laid upon
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  • 871 4 i 2nd Lieut. E. May (late Regimeotal Sdrgt-M#jor of the MSV R) has bem gazetted staff captain with the tmpor--1 ary rank of captaiD. < Mr. Joseph Descrsques, mines superintendent. Tronoh Mines, has left on a short business trip for France, and is travelling via i Japan,
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  • 26 4 (Frorn Our Own Correspondent London, April 24. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe i 2/114 Diamond Smoked 2/114
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  • 1048 4 A Thought for the D«y. St, Mark’s Day, April 25 Too many sighs we give to them iu f Pe Too much of pity after they are dead Too many doleful etjries d> we Whose matter in bright gold were h ba read.— Keats, Isabella i The Offensive
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 You buy it for less here. Glare Spectacles, eyes and hide piec s gbzed with i' di m ana dark tinted plane Smoke glasses. Complete with map case, Pne» >3-25. If fitted with “Atnpbyl” Glasses i$l extra. e twen and wan no others Cf'-’VSrOMT Carl ridtf Spectacles Non-rusting highly-polished white
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  • 1311 5 rRsCTKa’s TKLKonaMS.] i/iNCE ALONG THE SCARPE. A V CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. HEAVY sir «.ig’s Rep r Ljadoa, April 24, 1 a.m, F l Bl4'M" ,hll3r Ow 1 Haig report., L„ h„ t»«» d hel, F ll<llV bazoo b)th btnks of the htl < 4 1 iu3 p jrtiat
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  • 585 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] 3 ENEMY COUNTE R-AT TACKS RE PULSED. y Effective Artillery Work, g London, April 24, 1.25 t.m. A French communique states:— “In Belgium we completely repulsed several enemy attacks at various points. Small enemy parties succeeded in penetrating our advanced elements but were driven out again
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  • 657 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MR. HENDERSON’S MESSAGE. A Laidiig Without Precedent. London, April 24. Mr. A. Henderson, member of the War Cabinet, has sent the following message to Australia The second anniversary of the memorable landing of the Anzacs on Gallipoli Peninsula recalls to our miod an achievement unsurpassed iu
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  • 244 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SAMARRA STATION OCCUPIED. Eicmy's Heavy Casualties. London, April 24, General Maude reports The fighting on the right bank of the Tigris, between Samarra and Istabulat, was continued on the night of April 22. Severe hand-to-hand fighting took place and there were numerous enemy counter-attacks, "We drove
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  • 188 5 A Hague cable to the Sumatra Post states that Herr Scbeidemann. leader of the Social* ist party in Germany which supports the Government, and several of his followers bad a meeting at Stockholm with Russian Socialists and prominent Socialists from neutral countries including Mr. Troelstra, leader of
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  • 287 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day st $*****, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $104, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at £125 spot and .£224 15s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following are the quotations for Rubber
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  • 823 5 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VIEWS. Minutes of a Special Committee Meeting to consider the provisions of the War Tnx Ordinance, 1917, held in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Tuesday, 24th April, 1917. 1 Present:—A. F, Goodrich Esq, Chairman. I C. M. Henderson Esq., Vice-Chairman, J. C, Benson
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  • 73 5 The following articles will be foond on our outside pages i Pages. 2. —What the Ancients Knew. The Balkan Problem. 3. —Dr. Sun Tat-Sen. Premium Bonds. The War Tax Ordinance. 6, —Supreme Court. The Week’s Bvents, Empire Theatre. French Consular Telegrams. 7, Blood-Red War Verse, New Dutch Waterway. 8.
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  • 2738 6 A PARTNERSHIP BUIT. Io the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward yesterday afternoon the hearing was resumed of the suit instituted by Mrs, D. A. Donald, widow of the late Mr. G. M. Doaald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, claiming (1) to b ave aD account taken
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  • 118 6 Wbdnbsday, April 25, St. Mark. Town Band, Esplanade. P. A. M. Annual General Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. Agricultural Conference Open, Kuala Lumpur. Thursday, Apbil 26. Agricultural Conference, Kuala Lumpur, (2nd day.) Chamber of Commeroe. Special General Meeting, 3 p.m. Friday, April 27, Town Band, Esplanade. Agricultural Conference, Kuala
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  • 170 6 Paris, April 19, 610 P>rn T 3 per cent, boi d< are at f,*, c Nl M; t 885 5, U .pita of the b.d e ,,i our actio, oc the we„„„ »C catitid powerful »tra, e<lcil «hft. obliged tbe enemy t. retre-M? Hleaving considerable booty dlBor
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  • 494 6 To-Dight there will be a grand «u program at the ‘•Empire» wfee JJ excellent program, bnmful of surnrile be submitted. The special featured *i!" nel ‘Tit.graph Drum.” eolitled Honour R-deemed” and i, p„ W9rfl) the revenge of a model hui-band j neglected wife. Supporting fi' ffl d *J
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  • 117 6 Pbnano, April 25 {By courtesy of the Chartered Bask.) London, Demand Bank 2/4f 4 months’ sight Bank... 2/4II 1* 3 Credit 2/42?« m 3 Documentary 2 /4J5/H Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 163 3 days’ sight Private... 167 Bombay, Demand Bank 163 i Moulmein, Demand Hank 162 9 3 days’
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 522 6 Loan Bonds Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. jjU REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent to His Majesty’s
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    • 40 6 IPINKETTES I regulator ISO cents p«r ■ms DC are a valuable liver end counteract tke «fleets ol sv«r indslgsnce sithsr anting or drinking. a yoi *r druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt ol pries OH. WILLIAMS* MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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  • 826 7 [Some year» ago every one in America who read poetry waxed enthusiastic over The Song» of a Sourdough and other virile verse» of a young Canadian ex bank clerk and Yukon adventurer, Robert W Service. Hi» splendid poems, full of fire and the dare dev lry of
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  • 172 7 A Bill for the improvement of the waterway from Botterdam to the sea has been passed by the Second Chamber of the States General. During the debate on this measure the Minister of Waterways stated that at Hamburg preparations for ships of 11 metres draught are almost
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 “UE »9 PATENT I SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $1,800 Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT OtiCE FROM STOCK. Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Scrap, 1 i Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. Write for descriptive booklet
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    • 777 7 Lassitude IS l l e f weanness > depression, fatigue, which affects equally men, women and children, and it is most important that these signs of a run-down condition be not neglected. easl,y lead to more serious ailments. Therefore if you are feeling exhausted, slack and depressed don t delay,
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  • 855 8 Mr. H. G. Wells in bis latest book, “War and the Future” has much to say on the wav in which the war has been stage-manag* pd, and the most remarkable thing about ihe whole book is the manner in which he disposes of the
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  • 210 8 An Extraordinary Affair, An extraordinary affair occurred on Saturday morning at Seramban station, says the M.M. The 8.0 o’clock train of Port Dickson had just left the platfrom, and had proceeded some fifty yards, when it was pulled up, and passengers looking out saw a man
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 Jpj w r.r Hi u 'V w. AND TUBE Specially Toughened Phone 453. G. H. SLOT Co., Cable SLOT. SOLE AGENTS, •wraag-g TRY A GOODRICH 0 as -=r V He Vwjl TIV a gfc *"4 sui i 3rf 7TTr' c y. a W "Vm£aIYm. ;'_r v ON TOUR CAR TO-DAY.
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    • 362 8 FEDERAL LORRIES Have 5 Proven Their Worth The Standard Oil Company has selected FEDERAL Motor Lorries. Recognition from concerns of this type, with a world-wide reputation 19 proof of FEDERAL superiority. FEDERALS are built with care and precision to last for years They are the leaders in their fie’d. No
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  • 1103 9 The customs of another people, their etiquette, all the little acts, words or gestures they consider not quite nice, the expressions they eschew, the phrases and accents they account to be the mark of true inwardness, these are the things one must study, if one
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  • 790 9 SCANDALS IN HTGH SOCIETY. r The Morals or thi Upper Ten.” A recent Tokyo scandal, in which the adopted daughter of Count Yoshikawa Vice-President of the Privy Council, played a tragic figure by attempting suicide with a chauffeur, is taken by the Tokyo Jiji as the 1
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  • 206 9 No English dictionary can express the qualities of the mud on the Western fronf, says The Observer, but a writer in Truth does his best. Basing bis description on the remark of a private that the mud (Ancre variety) was like a particularly—only he used
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 Estate Supplies IN STOCK ACETIC ACID Japanese 99£ 7 Glacial. ENAMELLED LATEX PANS Blue/White size 18" by 9" by SULPHURIC ACID Japanese SODIUM BISULPHITE CALCIUM CARBIDE Japan9S D 6 ™L. 100 lb arriving shortly size 19' by 19" by 24" by i MOMI CASES u r UNIVERSAL BOX STRAPPING 9
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    • 10 9 For Chronio Chest Complaints Woods' Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d
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    • 336 9 W8»ob PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. OUR 275th AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD AT 7, UNION STREET. On Thursday, 26th April 1917, AT 11-30 A M. AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY—PRIVATE SALES DAILY. FORWARD SALES ARRANGED Consignments of Rubber solicited. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments. Prompt Settlements of Account
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1782 10 British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Paaienger Service! PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Au»tralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES, Homeward (for Europe Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate Service
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