Straits Echo, 23 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 996 1 ffgGZ Vi' \r i !L! ■1 -*SR •Sxreuea ito*x;s ‘o^ (pnßjjog ni p^jodjooaj) mmm iisioos mi sje;joduij a/oj N3d3lfl m -fc m ONVN3J (•B?naaia|?>as s?j*ijs »q; uj p9^«JOdJO9UI) OBao siudby aanwn s, ht 'ti sluaujjjsdaQ ||y *P*T °D HHXSm:> lv 3JOOXB WOHd 1/lddXlS NVJ O o o D c S3IIXOS
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    • 19 1 «i ii?! T f OR inudfirSu>¥*£ VHICh "'HO *4& V 'U« «uiursiL T ,*7rTo7 «SSSS i ?2;3S£3f' KSS B5
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  • 1091 3 Submarining having become a habit with the Huns, they hope to develop it into a menace to the Allies- And it must be admitted that, taking a materialistic point of view solely, they have good and substantial grounds for their hope. For the weapon they
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  • 705 3 fc-A, (Who died on April 23. hit fifty-second birthday in the year of Our Lord 1616 1.—April’s Child. If men might choose a season for their birth, In England surely they would come in Spring When April wraps about her mother earth A flowery vesture, and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 309 3 A Fleet of First Class Cars FOR HIRE, DAY AND NIGHT. (READY AT ANY TIME—’PHONE TO 420) ‘‘Daimler” “B.S.A.” "otar” “Austin” “Standard” etc. a a i i Rate: -$4 per hour, Round the It land $20/-. JUST UNPACKED '5 A Large Selection of Motor Car and Motor Cycle Accessories and
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    • 47 3 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of CbamberUin’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup ftfid whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 916 3 Asthma and Bronchitis. Tke finest Remedy procurable ia Vero Lightning Cough Cure. 8 9 1 H Penang Auction Mart. There is no doubt about the curative power of Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure. No cough sufferer, no victim of Bronchitis or Asthma can take this great remedy without being benefited. The
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  • 809 4 OUR GREAT RESOURCES IN NATIVE LAEOUR. By Sib Herbert Sloley. K.C M.G. (Late Government Secretary, Basutoland). i Tbe iotunation that a further c mtingent of South African natives, some 2,500 Cape boys,” is to be sent to Europe fv>r work behind the lines evidently indicates that Cjlonel S.
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  • 54 4 Fallowing are the Agenda for to morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of list meeting to be read and coufiimed. 2 Any special business the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed, 5. Administration Report for 1916 to be laii on
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  • 629 4 The hearing cf rhe mss ia which charges 1 are made against Teo Swre Hong, a former j store-beeper rf Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co,! with omission to make ent'ies in an account! book with intent to defraud, was continued in the third police court before Mr. Mudie
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  • 201 4 [The Editor of the Malay Mail Sia, —With reference to the paragraph in your issue of April 16 regarding nan power and changing of employment, brought up by the Penang Chamber of Commerce I should like to point out that there are many who disagree with the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 OUR MOTTO! “WHO PAYSQUICKLY PAYS LEAbi a VALUE LEADERS HARD TO BEAT J Uraa'W A.1TD HELXABLa L-lTa I IT Q SUTS 8031A new Sox in plain white Cotton having pure Iriah Linen Hiela and Toes thus strenghening the weak parts. Stocked in all sixes from tty inches up to 11;
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    • 10 4 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wooda’ Great Peppermint Cere la. 6d,
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    • 401 4 In the Hot Season. Many people suffer from overheating of the blood, with weariness and a sense of being too tired in the morning, even if there aro no pimples or sallowness of the skin to show that medicine is needed. The great mistake that people make at this time
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  • 993 5 [To thr Editor or the Straits Echo Sir, I hare noticed an advertisement appearing in large bold type beaded: Wal-Tai Ordinance, 1917.“ According to what 1 can understand from the advertisement, a person’s income must be $3,Q00 or more yearly, before be can be compelled to
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  • 321 5 A daring gang robbery was enacted early on Saturday morning on a strep in Sungei Glugor, which resulted iu f'.ur men being arrested. One of the gang was killed by the 'Police. There are still five moie men to be arrested. Atabout midnight on Friday, suspecting
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  • 129 5 The April Monthly Medal Competition viz., 440 yards handicap for A” Class and 50 yards for “B Class was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning with the following result A Class. Start. Nett Time, sec?. m. secs. Ist W. E. MacDonald 180 10 17 2nd
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  • 453 5 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended April 14,1917 Male 62) Total Deaths > 81 Female 19 Death rate 39.85 per miUe per annum compared with 44-28 in the preceding week and with 34.29 in the corresponding week of last year.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 892 5 TAX ORDINANCE, 1917. Members ol the public THEATRE V earlv Income Iron»,. 1 ret- u/ces, whether «.rising l B n M c e |H® j tho fnlnnv nr received in the Colony or 1 amounts to $3,000 or are reminded that on Thelore the 30th April 1017 lev must notify
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    • 391 5 ncDc DCD CDC XZDH P LAMBERT and BUTLERP n r\ o%.r>'r nr»*, —<3bn n 0 0 rONTIERb, u n r\ g§M MIXTURL D CZK )t~ v —K ~~)C~T)n Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! n a n n n a n Coming!! THE SUPER SERIAL 60 Farts THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 8S
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  • 95 6 flhlkM daily (except Sundays and pvblio holidays) AT THM CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Vfc 59, Beach Street, Penang. i Puce., MyLeeal 924 per annum. Oatatatkm... Postage Extra. IMI Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OIBLI ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1292 6 Two matters of outstanding importance should engage the special attention of planters at the meeting of the P.A M. which is to be held in Kuala Lumpur this week, The first is the question of the Agricultural Department of the F.M.S. Government an 1 the second is the
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  • 882 6 Inspector F. Mann has assumed charge of Magazine Station. Mr. E. V. C. Thompson, of Messrs. Evatt A Co., will be prcc3eding Home on leave in the near future. The name of Mr. Norman Lidstone Lindon is added to the Commission of the Peace for Singapore, The
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  • 1003 6 England's Owe. The papers, in the usual way. Remind us yet that England’s Dav" Is April 23rd. And every man, wherever found, Who first drew breath on English With gratitude is stirred, For we for long have meekly felt Though Welsh, and Scotch, and Irish Celt Direct our
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 134 6 You buy it for less here. Glare Specta-les, eyes and side pieces pi a zed with nt' dii m and dark tinted plane Smoke glasses. Complete with snap case, p riee .$3-25. If fitted with “Ampliyl” Glasses 81 extra. 5. S5^ twe^ or S' and Wan no others e Makers
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  • 599 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A LULL. sir d Hail’» R«P°rtlartM. April 20. 10 55 p.m. 3lf g T r 'lre.-only muto.l .rt. Her, .ot.vrtj, lMm b.r of place, op the front. Coa>oli<J»l'Dl tk« Gain». London, April 22, 2 p.m arD»*!.. H*bi rep»''’;- DlK bt we «ecured the ground gained wit
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  • 1134 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER PROGRESS. .Captures Moustiag Up. London, April 21, 2 a.m, The French communique says Between St Quentin and the Oise there was great reciprocal artillery activity parti cularly north of Grugies. South of the Oise the day was quiet, North of the Aisne our artillery harassed
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  • 27 7 (From Our Own. Correspondent London, April 21. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were t Pale Crepe 3/04 Diamond Smoked ee« 8/0j
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  • 137 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $101 50, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at $102.50, business done (275 i tons sold), P Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following are the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London on the 21st inst.
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  • 641 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A NIGHT ATTACK. 0 0 Gallaat Destroyer Work, London, April 21. 1 The Admiralty announces thit yesterday night five Germ in destroyers attempted to raid Dover. They fired a number of rounds into a ploughed field a few miles from Dover and then steered in the
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  • 671 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Another Relief Ship Sutk. Ymuiden, April 21. The Norwegian relief-ship Kongtle, bound r for Rotterdam with a cargo of eight thous- and tons of wheat, was sunk in the so-called «‘safe zene”. The second mate is missing, the remaining 34 of the crew, including 19 Americans,
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  • 254 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] London, April 22. An official announcement regarding the operation in Egypt says We consolidated the ground gained and are now in contact with the enemy main position covering G»zi, This extends to the sea coast near Sheik Ahmed through Alimuntar and to the east of the
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  • 347 7 A Crowded Tent and a First-Class Show# How is it that the population of a place like Penang almost in variably manages to find out in advance something of the merits or otherwise of any circus or similar show which visits this Settlement The Royal Italian
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  • 88 7 The following articlos will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3 The Assassins of the S3*. To William 3bakespeare. 4 Black Battalions. C aid be ok, Mao* gregor Case, ChaDge of Employ ment. 5. —More War Tax Puzzles. Sungei Glugor Gang Bobbery. Penang Swimming Club. Vital Statistics. B—Telegrams.
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  • 633 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PRACTICAL MEASURES. Food and Shipping. Washington, April 20. The United States Ctbinet discussed the* regulation of the export of food to Northern Europe in order to prevent food reaching Germany. Legislation will probably be 1 enacted on the sublet. 1 It is
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  • 637 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] us*ful Suggestion Address to the Loadoa Chios') ,<f Commerce. London, April 18. i A id ersiog the London Chamber of Com- I merce on the prospects of B itish trademCaina Mr.A'chibald R rseemphasised the necessity of creating dean sad for our goods by
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  • 698 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Torpedoed Without Warning The Admiralty announces that the steamers Do*egal%Bi. Lanfranc were torpedoed witheut warning on the eveniDg of April 17 while transporting wounded to British ports. Owing to the Germ in practice of sinking hospital ships it is no- longer po Bible to distinguish
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  • 617 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CHANCELLOR AND STRIKERS. Hiftdeftkurg't Appeal. i Amsterdam, April 21. According to the Lokalameiger of Berlin, the Imperial Chancellor, Herr von Beth-mann-Hollweg, refused to listen to a depute, tion of Berlin strikers, who decided not to resume work. The Food Problem. Marshal von Hindenburg has written
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  • 406 8 Thb R»4a Bra? BJiand ‘D’ Connies. The cricket ma b ch between ‘B’ aud ‘D Companies combined againat the Best of i the Volunteers which was .played on tha i Esplanade on Saturday afternoon ended in a victory for the Best by a broad margin, •B’ and *D* Companies
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  • 344 8 Wfl Free Frees) regret to bear that Messrs. Donaldson and Bu kmshaw have received a telegram from Sir Hugh Fort: War Office has informed Millard’s relatives he has lost bis life fighting in Prince.” No particulars are of course available. He was a M jor in
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  • 73 8 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p,m, to 7 p.m. 1 Overture Oarnivalia William 2 Two Step. The Teddy Bear* Picnic Saddler 3 Selection The Girl from Say's Oaryll 4 Waltz Vision of Salenm Joyce 5 March Sergeants
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  • 659 8 It is evident tbit in many essential, a Straits Time shares the views eipre S i the Straits Echo on this subject for it 0 in the oourse of a leading article **7' Ws. beluga that, at a time like u present, there is a great moral making
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  • 184 8 Monday, Afbil 23. Town Band, Esplanade. Perak M*n-Power Advisory ConmttM Meeting, Ipoh Residency, 10 30 4 m. Tuesday, April 24. Penang Man-Power Advisory Committee Meeting, Governor’s Office, 2,30 p.m Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 25. Town Band, Esplanade. P. A. M, Annual General Meeting, fiu*!* Lumpur.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 35 8 The Fruit Sen*on. Bowel complaint is sure r 5 ff\wc duriiuf th a fruit season P« 'Valued bottle of Chamberlain s Colic, f(l Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. n ud life. For sale By all dealers
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  • 22 8 Obituary. Sir F. B«ritrd, 1 LoodoD, April 22. The death has taken place rf Sir Francia Burntnd. formerly Editor of Pune l.
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  • 2308 9 1111 b" Dividend. m Nam ber of Sharpe issued. 73 (X O S I Capit» 1 > 1 fc> ‘3 0last financial year. for current year. Name. E ►> B pq 00 J o B <y HH i RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts. 3 cts. i 120,000 120,040 88,000 180,440 2<X>,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 321 9 U? r w jj.P. 6 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, A BICYCLES AND nOTOR CYCLES ca n HE had on monthly system. B.S UST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. UICHELIN tyre stockists. CYCLE l CARRIAGE GO-. The Complete House for Cycles and Motors Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lum P ur and Singapore, Medicines Just
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  • 1824 10  -  By Major Q. W. Redway. The machine-gun has now come into its own after being tho sport of inventor!», critics and experimentalists, naval and military, for over fifty years. A collection of models would embrace the Requa of the American Ci-il War; the Montigny mitrail louse that let
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 133 10 PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. SUPERIOR TO ALL.” LIBBY’S Soups-Tomato-Oxtail-Mock Turtle. FRESH STOCKS HAVE NOW ARRIVED CAN BE OBTAINED FROM Messrs. TONG J00 Co., CHONG KEE Co., HOONG KEE Co., AND ALL OTHER STORES AND GROCERS. Every tin of Libby’s goods consists of pure food products passed by the American Board of
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    • 83 10 Atlas Assurance Co-, Ltd, (incorporated in bnoland) ESTABLISHED IN 180«. THE UNDERSIGNED have pointed Agents of the above at Penang and are prepared to accept risks of every description. m Enquiries as to rates and condition» receive prompt attention. 1 ISLAY* KERR A Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Or.*» Briutn./ Telephone
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  • 1341 11 It’s quite a neighbourly sort of affair, the war in the Balkans at least as far as the Serbians and Bulgarians are ooncerned. No idealistic image of Frits and Gaston swapping pipes of tobacco across barbed-wire entanglements can compare with the actual realisation of
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  • 650 11 Let it be here repeated that the one thine of paramount importance is that we should win the war and that beside that every other consideration sinks into comparative insignificance. But, having said bo much, do not let us allow that tremendous fact to obscure all perception
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 199 11 LMSSs t. I" i u < SB 5? I t- i £5 EL u 7 J if 'A/ 'J W*', ins***» mb >< -R /COMPLAINTS about high costs and War Taxation foot no bills. The one economical factor left in motoring to-day is Avon endurance. Get the bonus of miles”
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    • 64 11 A Parent's Doty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wouuds hare healed all right is no sign they always will Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately- You oan get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 13 11 For Children’s Hacking Ooagh at Night. Wools’ Or sat Pspperasiat Cars Is 6d,
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    • 572 11 TO S' Tk« 0»r, Happy, Svceoaful World Taraa a Ha Back Oa Tkc Tkia Folk». Tke thin Jonnie ah ove needs Sargol which would help him to draw every atom of strength, hlood and nourish* meat from the food he eats. Sargol, to our mind, ia the most wonderful Flesh-Producing
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1728 12 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majestt’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. H OKI ward (roR Europe.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. The
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