Straits Echo, 21 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1156 1 mw^\ V The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. t«1 Address i Hokimttik. Penaug. T,IAO ’Phone No. 694. pOH SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER motor cars 1917 MODEL. One i-passenger louring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price that oanpot be resisted. One second-hand 2-seater
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    • 5 1 Sit: ft |w> c/> llHlilf
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  • 388 3 A very interesting story in picture? will be told at the Empire” to night. James Harton, a wealthy landowner in Mexico dies at his Hacienda in that country. leaving a will which makes Major Ritchard Winston and Senor Pancho Leon the trustees of Horton’s vast estate,
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  • 538 3 Here is the test required by a Texas Tramway Compiny for new employes. The applicxnt is timed by a stop watch and his errors and omissions counted. The test is only given once as it depends wholly on its novelty. Its object is to determine the applicant’s ability
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  • 785 3 Need foe Understanding. 1 The familiar subject of “Japan and the defence of Netherlands India’’ was dealt with in a fresh and commendably sane man- ner in a lecture just delivered before the Vaderlaudsche Club or Patriotic Society by Mr. P, O. Roeper Bosch. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 244 3 'FIRESTONE! V <»■ 2 as TYRE MORE MILES i a i i LESS TROUBLE e AGENTS i i a BRINKMANN Co Singapore. THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. I (incorporated in the u.s.a Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. R. T. REID Co., Penang. B a pin M i S3 II. P. Latest
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    • 322 3 r .-m m r tL »>S me*, "■i ;»>y>: Your Ba by is growing every day That is why his food is all important. A week of wrong feeding results in indigestion and a loss of weight and vitality i "’hich takes weeks of proper 1 feeding to put right.
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  • 1938 4 One of the most unexpected chapters in Sir Edward Cook s Life of Florence Light' ingale is the chapter in which he describes Miss Nightingale, in a phrase Lord Goschen once used about himself as a passionate statistician- Somehow one did not associate statistics with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 OUR MOTTO! “WHO PAYSQUICKLYFAYS LEAST’ VALUE LEADERS H\KD TO BEAT HfEV A. STD Li IT .a lIT G-HiITTS SOXA new Sox iu plain white Cotton having pare Irish Linen Heels aid Toes thus strenghening the weak (arts. Stocked in all sixes from 9| inches up to 11 please state
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    • 81 4 There are two stages in the status of» preparation sold to the public uadei rerommendation. The first is an experimental purouase, as a trial. If that trial does not produce results the article is not bought agsio. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE passed the experimental stage over 20 tiim *KJ. P;r
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    • 499 4 FOR SALhi. TWO FORD CARS in perfect conditio thoroughly overhauled 'a 8t i Price «3,000. moDt k Apply No. 88, 254 c Btra 'tt Echo, MOTOR CARS FOR SALE. 1 Adler Car, 7 seater, Pour speed and 1 Reverse Gear. 1 1 Overland Carßegistered to cam 7 persons including Driver,
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  • 804 5  -  (By Tom Weight.) The Queensland Worker says, Capitalism must give way to a Co-operative E ’ommoniwealth in which-each man will not be handicapped in tbe race of life They needn’t worry. Capitalism in Australia is -“giving -way” fast enough. I eiu see Australia free of Capitalism all too soon.
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  • 110 5 Holland American 351,067 lb, Netherlauds Lacgkat 21,480 lb, Si Pare Pare 16.548 lb. Sir William Ramsay t<lls an amusing story to illustrate his contention that the habit of reasoning is developed in male children at a remai kably early age. While visiting a friend be overheard a
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  • 518 5 [To the Editor op the Malaya Tribune Sir, —No ends, however just and honourable, ran justify means that ate wrong, and the various pleas and excuses put forth in favour of the War Lottery cannot but be eyed with suspicion. Such is the weakness cf human nature that
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  • 482 5 [To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your correspondent J. R. M. makes a very good point with regard to incomes which just exceed or amount to the sums regulating the amount tj be paid. Ia the case of men whosecontributions are deducted from salary
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 906 5 jyOTXCB, T «r-Mm \'o»pr Advisory Committee •HE ,j their next meeting pt-nang the Go*- rD(,r 8 Office ou the 24th April soot to the ]917 »t 0 P 8 P houM be sect to the J AH “PP' IC hc Rodent Courcillor) ,917 WAR TAX OROiNANCF 1917. NOTICE, -tattPF jg
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    • 284 5 ncD( CDC DC LAMBERT AND BUTLER )CD n 0 L Ci> mta 6tfi' r CD n CD 0 0 OR n n -TT* r\ J J n n CJ I 0 p 0 CDC X }CZ> CDC )CD n X ns n 'neutniDMuin n a a a n a n
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  • 96 6 Fdtflalxil daily (except Sundays and pablio fcobdaya) AT TH« CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ■a. 5y, Beach Street, Penang. PucB. Daily Leeal m« 924 per annum. OvMatkm... Postage Extra. MftU EdMon (Post Free) 917.50 OABLB ADDBE88 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 tf.B. —All business communications should
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  • 1462 6 Necessity makes reformers of us all and tie diminished purchasing power of the dollar has made us inclined to be somewhat more cr ical over the daily market expanses than in the prehistoric days before the war. Cer ainly, “everything has gone up;” fish, fla§h and
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  • 527 6 From Rome the deith is reported of Signora Rosa ParoliD, sister of Pope P»uj X Mr. Arthur Lee, the new DirectorGeneral of Food Protection in LondoD, was adjuUDt of the Hongkong Volunteers in 1889-90. Brigadier General H. F. H. Clifford, D.e 0., of the Suespx Regiment who
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  • 70 6 A Hague cable to the Sumatra Pott states that the semi-offi-ill Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung has expressed sympathy with Austria’s efforts to conclude peace with Russia. The Austrian Reichsrath has been summonfdtomeet in May in connection with the pe*ce offer to Russia. The military critic of the Votsische
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  • 36 6 The tennis tie played last evening between Mr. W. H Threlfall (holder) and Mr R J. Saunders resulted in favour of Mr. Tbrelfa'l by 7—5, 6—2, 6-2 Mr. Threlfall thus retains tbe championship.
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  • 90 6 This famous Show, which has been touring in India during tbe past four months having played in Calcutta for seven weeks and Bombay nine weeks to phenomenal business, will op«n for a short reason to-night on DatoKramat Gardens. The whole enterprise—which is owned by Mr. E.
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  • 36 6 (From Our Own Correspondent London, April 19. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/0^ Diamond Smoked 3/oj London, April 20, Pale Crepe im 3/0 J Diamond Smoked 3/0*
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  • 31 6 Latest Quotations. Tm is here today at 1103, harness done, in (r<finer*) at s'o3.2'*, buyers no sailors, and in London a' .£219 spot and £219 ss. three months’ sight, v
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  • 710 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] IMPORTANT SUCCESS, Eaemy Completely Routed. London, April 20, 6.2* p m An offio al despatch from MeBopo\* 01l states that General Maude on the night 0 f April 17—18 forced a passage 0 f th 8 Shatt-el-Adhaim which was held by a detachment of the 18th Turkish
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 FIELD GLASSES. We have imported these from England under S[ (cial Licence of War 'irade Department. We would advise clients requiring same to order immediately as stocks are very limited. No.). Field Class $l2 No. 2 $2l No. 3 s26* ■rr--1 m i m an m m X S K?
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  • 1253 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Nivelle’s Grand Sweep. rtar „EB PORTIONS CAPTURED. prisoners Taken. London. April 20, 1.55 a.m, French commun-que sfates i ,b.Sou.mcaudth.O... 11,617 .iikrr *'iD« tc°k place. l^-or,bof tb .A c.,u.a OT o»r oued retr t t0 J 0,«,o ae. D»™.- w. occupied hum ot Aizj, nl1 L
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  • 608 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] MORE GROUND GAINED. Sir Douglas Haig Report. London, April 20, 1.20 p.m. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports “We gained ground yesterday night in the neighbourhood of Villiers-GnslaW The German Version. Deaiili aid Adaiiilon, Lendou, April 20, 6.25 p m. The wireless German official report ssys
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  • 441 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HELP FOR THE ALLIESThe Shippi-c Qu-stio*. Lodon, April 20. 5 am, A cable from Washington states that Mr. J Daniels, Secretary of the Navy,announces that he is considering the temporary suspension of the construction of capital warships in order to concentrate on the building
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  • 190 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages t Pages. 8.— M Liberty at the Empire. Some Test. Japan and the Dutch ladies. 4. —Oa the Bsauty of Statistics. 5. —Adversaria. March Rubber Crops. The War Tax Ordinance. War Lotteries. B—The Shropshire*. East and West. Life in
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  • 1981 7 EIGHTH ANNUAL GE ER AL MEETING. The eighth *nnu il meeting of the Kuala Smim Rubber Compiny, Limited, was oeld at the Chamber of Commerce a* noon to-day. Thera were present MeB*-rs. William Duncan (chairman of directors) in the chair, G. Siothard, J. A. Thomson, G. J.
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  • 987 8 A Partnership Suit In th« Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L. M Woodward yesterday afternoon tbe hearing waH resumed of tbe suit instituted by M>s. D. A Donald, widow of the late Mr. O. M Donald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, claiming (1) to h:a*»an acc >uut takes of
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  • 1051 8 Spies Everywhere. Some terrible detai r nc rnieg fifa&t Cor.sianiiurp e have bieu s.curtd by the Telejraaf f*oui the subject of a nmtral S ate who bar jo*t arriVfd here from the Turk ah crpital. His first words were:—Would t« heaven the war were tom ended. It
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  • 636 8 Under Semi-Offmal Auspices. [To the Editor op the Straits Echo.] Sir. The Government of the Federated Malay States has given permission for the issue of War Loan Premium Tickets on the lines set out in the attached Prospectus. It will be seen that the syndicate
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  • 105 8 > Saturday, April 21. i Kuala Silim Rubber Cj. Ltd., A. G. Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon, > Sunday, April 22. 2nd After E >«ter. r Monday, April 23. i Town Band, Esplanade. Perak Man-Power Advisory Committee Meeting, Tpoh Residency 10 30 a m. Tur-day, April 24
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  • 477 8 G. O. C’s Farewell. Special orders by M*jof-General D. H. Ridou*, cw C* mm nia>g Troops, Straits Settlements. Singapoie. April 14, 1917. I. —Complimentary 1/4th K.S.L I. The G j oer*l Offiipr Commanding is commin (led by H*s Excellency the Governor and CVio launder-in Chief *o express his
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  • 469 8 Railway Communication. Evantuatioos in Mesopotamia have necessarily brought the question of the Bigdad Riilway and its future into prominence of late, and fresh interest has beau taken in tha proj j ct of railway communication between the Far East and Europe by w*y of Persia and the
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  • 1287 8 Distribution of Prizes. Thedistribution of the prizes won at the recent Bisiey meeting under the au-pices of the Pemog Volunteers and tbe P. V. R. C. was held it the D ill Hill last night when there was a large attendance. The Hall was tastefully decorated with
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  • 333 8 [To the Editor of the 8/raits Echo.) Sir, On the eva of my departure from after my fir*t visit ther&to I c rave space in your hospitable columns in which to Txpreu my very deep appreciation of your beautiful country (far exceeding anticipitiors) the courtesy extended by the
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  • 126 8 22nd April, 2nd Sunday aftbb Eawi* 8-00 a.m. Matins 8*30 Holy Communion 10-30 a m. Matios (Chinese) 5- p.m. Sunday School 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 140 Responses Roberts Psalms CVIII Kuseel C1X Smart sod Goodenoog® Magnificat Attw0°d Nunc Dimittis Go* 8 Hymns 266, 197 and 13
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 43 8 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent during t»i fruit season Pe sure to teep a bottle of Cham* erluin’s Colic, Ci olera and Diarrhoea Remedy ou hand. It may save a life. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 52 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months child en are subje tto disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention As soon as snj unnatural looeene-s of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all dispensaries and
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    • 8 8 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Woods’ Great Peppermint Onre
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    • 44 8 Serves the Whole Family* The fame of Chamberl** 0 R'imedj id world wide. It 8 0J depp sealed cough of the adult or ttk and whooping cough of the i Jj]., same bottle served the *k? le For sale by all dispensaries and desJ
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  • 2189 9 p Dividend. m ■a ci. 0 O 1 Cspit&l 8 h area j Id last finanfor currant Name t 3 i\ 1 CD 1 < Ch eial year. year0 cq CD 0 o* 1 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts 3 cts t9 120,000 500,000 450,000 200,000 750,000 1 2u0,000 !26»,<))0 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 j rP a really reliable Motor Cycle for pleasure ft/ 011 business, you cannot do better than ride a or Torpedo" Two-siroke. Only high-class workmanship and materials used in its construction, it is in deed the most economical Motor Cycle in existence. Fitted with heavy Dunlop Tyres, Lamp Generator and
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  • 1188 10  -  By Rowland Grey. A LITERARY WOMAN AND HER CLOTHES [To-morrow is the anniversary of the birth of Charlotte Bronte Even in this crowded hour the anniversary of a gonius such as Charolette Bronte cannot be ignore I. And even to-day there s interest in considering her attiiu e
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  • 614 10 Britain and Holland. Dispatched to Holland to gauge public feeling here, a sprcial correspondent of the Berlin Lokal-Anzeigcr writes that he hid t singular experience in crossing the frontier On the Germtn side of the borderline people expressed genuine auxiety l: 9 t inthe next few days
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 290 10 HOTTENBACH BROS. 8 Co SOLE AGENTS FOR Lever Brothers Ltd. Blondeau et Cie. R. S. Hudson Ltd. Edward Cook Co, Ltd. Hodgson Simpson Ltd. The Vinolia Co., Ltd. Benjamin Brooke Co., Ltd. Tyson Co., Ltd. SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. L LUX X fSunlight Soap L THE KING OF LAUNDRY
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    • 75 10 A Parent's Duty. oiif Y nr U K b y i? al^ ajS gettin B scratched or cut or bruised Because these wou ds have Wled all nght is no si n they always will Oet a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and “!!u hat v Tery mjUry is cared
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    • 8 10 For Children’s Hacking Ooagb Wood*’ Croat Peppermint o»'°
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  • 2345 11 No particular (food is done by drawing the attention of British readers to the wild and hysterical ravings which sometimes disfigure the pulpit utterances and writings of German divines and professors of theology. We ought not, of course, to ignore them, for in far too many
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xi kk V r rv 7. «7 v &n*-% IC’’ TYRES The only Tyres holding the am R.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. IiItITI&Il AftiD IIiDE I\ KIIITAIV Agents for Pending: The Eastern Pacific Trading C#„ Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) A i i i
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    • 47 11 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 409 11 Knife-like Pains. The sharp, shooting pains, the intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to lifp. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless days—why not stop all this and g°t brcb to health and comfort agaiD? Little’s Oriental Balm is the best
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1797 12 P. 0 British India AND APCAR LINE (Com pameh Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. KONiNXLUKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland-) For Iwrndbd to Sail. Steamer. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden,
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