Straits Echo, 20 April 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1005 1 «I I 6M J m ~i-: (Hr ■V W* 1 'i The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. r.i Address! Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. pOR- SALECO M MON WEALTH PARTIN-PALMER MOTOR CARS 1917 MODEL. One 5-paesenger 'louring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at
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    • 21 1 9 tel s MU ?to 6»» k ->c T SrT O( jS iisS "tS >JS w»uc «Rs* ;>' x >?s4 iNgssa -S«
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  • 1215 2 To most of us Pagdad is a city of memo- ri eB a city of dreams even as it was t > Tennyson, who, in his Re -ollections of the Arabian Nighty” is borne adown the Tigris By Bagdad’s shrines of fretted gold, High-walled gardens green
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  • 709 2 FOOD AND GOLD. More Secret Schemes Disclosed. Lieutenant R°ne Puaux, formerly foreign elitor of the Tcmpa and now attached to General Foch’s fcttff, Wiites the following sp j cial article to the Exchange The way in which the German Government has just torpedoed seven Dutoh merchantmen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 OUR MOTTO! “WHO PAYSQUICKLY PAYS LEAST’ 3 VALUE LEADERS HARD TO BEAT -pTE-gr AND ItEL.Ija.BLia LUST a lU &S1TTB B02E A new Sox in piain wbi'e Cotton having pure I'ish Linen Heels ard Toes thus atrenghening the weak farts- Stocked in all •iz=s from 9$ inches up to 11; please
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    • 92 2 The Forly Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years Chamberlain's Kemedy was first offered to the public in 1872 l*rom a small tejinnine it has grown in tavor and popularity until it *as attained a world wide reputation. You will find
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    • 381 2 Weakness Every movement of the body uses up a definite amount of vitality. That is why you feel tired at the end of the day. When you overtax yourself, or when your vitality is undermined by illness, your whole system becomestoocxhausted to recover its lost vitality without assistance. Your system
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  • 143 3 The annual general meeting of this Association will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, the 25th inst. at No 12 Market Street, Kuala Lumpur. A oenda. 1. Minutes of Meeting of February 28. 2. Preventive Quarantine. 3. War Relief. 4. Man-Power. 5. Curiency. 6.
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  • 96 3 A Football match will b) played on the P..C. C. ground on Monday next, 23rd lost. ISt George’s Day) between P. C- C. and C. R. C. teams captained by Messrs. E. H. Syer and Lee Tiang Liat. A collection will be made during the match,
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  • 58 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Fair from $127 to $152 Plain Smoked 123 Diamond Unsmoked 125 to 139 Plain Unsmoked 113 to 124 Brown Crepe 100 Pressed Scrap 45 64 Loose Scrap 42 to 68 34,588 lb. of
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  • 97 3 Singapore, April 20. At the Singapore Rubbor Auction the following prices-were obtained Smoked Sheets $155 to $l6l per picul 144 157 do Fine 138 144 do Good plain 132 136 do Uusmoked fine ribbed 140 do Unsmoked plain 134 136 do Good 119 130 do Crepes fine
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  • 58 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Finale Act 2id Vittore Pisany Peri 2 Galop Queen Victoria Hecker 3 Finale Ist Act Beliaario Dooizetti 4 Waltz Espanole Tortxjada Morena 5 Melody The Choristas
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  • 55 3 The April Monthly Medal Competition viz., 440 yards handicap for “A” Class and 50 yards for “B Class will be held at the Swimming Club on Sunday, the 22nd April at 11 ».m. Entries will be received by the Secretaries up to within half an hour of
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  • 38 3 The following are the particulars of the output of the Renong Tin Dredging Co. for the first half of this month: No. 1 Dredge 113 Piculs. No, 2 Dredge 219 Piculs. No. 3 Dredge 294 Piculs.
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  • 53 3 Apl. 11 By Balance $1,630.96 17 Employees of the United Engineers Ltd (monthly) 35 00 Apl. 17 By balance $1,665.96 Amount previously acknowledged 30,727.73 ...$32,393,69 The Electric Polyscope presents Episodes Nos, 11 and 12 of The K*d Circle Pierrott Disillusioned and Official War Qasette at to-night’s grand
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  • 345 3 [To the Editok of the Straits Times.] Sir, —I annex hypothetical illustration of an inequity which will quite probably arise in several cases where the total income of a tax-payer just exceeds one of the amounts which reguLte the rate of tax to b paid under
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  • 410 3 JUD«E ON DrSHONBST PRACTICE. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, says Wednesday's Free Press, Mr. JusticeSproule delivered judgment in the case of Lsong Cbu San vs Shaik Ablulrahman bin Shaik Alkuff —a somewhat intricate suit involving certain leases relating to property in Sooth B idge-rd. In the course
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  • 142 3 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended April 7,1917 Male 70) Total Deaths > 90 Female 20 Death rate 44-28 per mill» per annum compared with 33.45 in the preceding week and with 28.32 in the corresponding week of last year.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1000 3 NOTICE. U n Power Advisory Committee rpHE Mil h0 |d their next meeting I X Office on the 24th April th« 0° V W i® o oA r m l9l7,t ii.>n» shewld be soot to the 2 Al The Resident Couccillor) FOR TWO FORD CARS in perfect condition thoroughly overhauled
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    • 343 3 nczD( CDC X X=DO 3 LAMBERT and BUTLERp FRONTIER rrnm =7\ 0 MIXTUR UCDC DC DdD CD< on a#n«n#n#n#n##a#n#n#n#nsn Coming! n 0 Parts Coming!! THE SUPER SERIAL Coming 50 THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 60 n Parts 0 n A GRAND CHANCE OF PROGRAMME S THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE 2 u
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  • 95 4 MlhM daily (except Sunday» and publio Midays) a* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Sa. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paica. i.i DiflyLml m. 924 per annum. Osstefcation... Postage Extra. Ifail EdWoa (Post Free) 917.50 cable address: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business communications should be
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  • 17 4 Whitlock —On the 17th instant in London, the wife of M. K. Whitlock, of a son.
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  • 1364 4 Seven weeks ago Field-Marshal Haig promised us that something would occur in the near future which, if it dii not end the war, would at least put victory beyond doubt, aud cow we have the biggest and most extended battle of the whole campaiga being fought and
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  • 796 4 Mr. E. G. Godwin has obtained a commission in the Army Service Corps.— 31.M, Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden who was laid up for a few days resumed duties this morning. Mr. R. W. Cbater, of Messrs. Kelly and Welsh, is returning to the East sometime next
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  • 36 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefiaed) is quoted here to day at $lO2, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $102.75, businass done (100 tons sold) and in London at £217 10s. spot and .£2lB three months’ sight.
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  • 25 4 (.From Our Oum Correspondent London, April 18. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/0| Diamond Smoked gyoj
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  • 974 4 Lookiag Akead. Before very long Penang will be in dirnct railway communication both for p» H »p D and giods traffic with Bangkok, the o *p?h of a country whose potentialities are ar d whose traditional friendship with Q r f Britain was made manifest recentl when some
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 If you require a really reliable Motor Oyclo for pleasure or business, you cannot do better than ride a “Torpedo” Two-stroke. Only high-class workmanship and materials used in its construction, it is indeed the most economical Motor Cycle in existence. Fitted with heavy Dunlop Tyres, Lamp Generator and Horn, Inflator
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  • 595 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] oV FR ***** PR,SONERS extended. pro L ,„don. April 19,8.40 a.m. F t b -s”Q"™t’river,. ipel, sO.rmae.atl.etedea.tof b°® b Th fi 8 t attempt was stopped o oCb7 our fire; tho Becond waB more b 'U resulted in fraction, of tbe penetrating onr advanceJ trenchee,
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  • 785 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AIR SUPREMACY. U Weather, London, April 19. 6.15 a,m. Correspondents with the British Headquarters state that the steady rain and thick mist are robbing the British of air supremacy and observation. Since the Bittle of Arras began the British airmen made 400 daily crossings over the
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  • 950 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ONCE AGAIN ACUTE. Food sod Otker Difficulties. London, April 19. The Greek situation is again becoming acute owing to food difficulties and a variety of other reasons. Slkteaett is tke Commoti. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law stated that the Allied Governments were
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  • 706 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A Seat-Official Deaial. London, April 14. A telegram from Pdtrograd reports that the statement of the TXmet correspondent at Petrograi ragardiag foreign relations is semi-officially denied. The announcement declares that tha executive of the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Committee merely informed the Government that it had
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  • 540 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AIOIXO THE ALLIES. Facilitating Recruiting. London, April 19. A telegram from Washington states tb?.t the Senate ani the Housaof R «presentatives hare passed a Bill permitting the Allies to rrcruit their oitizens from the United States Railway Experts for Rossis. Arrangements are being made
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  • 779 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] VORWAERTV M VERSION Promises Extorted from Government. London, A nrii i o A telegram from Amsterdam stats at he Vorwaerta reports that the great strike at Berlia was only ended after substantial concessions had been extorted from the Government. The Food Commission was forced to
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  • 93 5 The following articles will be found Ml oar outside pages i Pages. 2. —A City of Memories. German Designs On Holland. 3. The War Tax Ordinance. Premia as Perquisites. Vital Statistics. The Planters' Association of Malaya. “St. George’s Day 1917.** Eastern Produce Exchange. Tin Output. Penang Swimming Club. Singapore
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  • 4000 6 A Partnership Suit In th« Supreme Court befoie Mr. Justice j, L. M Woodward yesterday afternoon the bearing was resumed of the suit instituted by Mrs. D. A Donald, widow of the late Mr. G. M Donald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, claiming (1) to have »n account taken
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  • 277 6 Tbo following ware the results of the ties played off yeeterday Championthip. R N Goodwin beat H Muir 21 -8. Profession Pairs Owan and Henderson beat Sharpe and H Smith 21—6. Starr and J G Allan beat Mitchell and W B Houston 21—9. German trade spies infested
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  • 1084 6 Semi-Official Report. The following cables were communicated to the Bangkok pipers by the British I, Legation: A United Empire. London, April 6. The King has sent a message of thauks for the devot'd loyalty of all parts of tfce Empire in their efforts to bring the war
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  • 616 6 Friday, April 20 Town Band, Esplanade, Penang Bisley, Prize Giving. Drill Hall, 915 pm. Saturday, April 21. Kuala Sidira Rubber Co. Ltd., l q Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noen. Sunday, April 22. 2nd After Easter. Monday, April 23. Town Band, Esplanade. Pdrak Man-Power Advisory Committee Meeting, Ipoh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 32 6 PINKETTES_a gentle and thorough laxative for all ages. Do not gripe. ■0 cants par phial at your drutfdisfa or direct by mail on reeaipt ol price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPpRE-
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  • 223 7 Nerves are fibres running from the brain fo all parts of the bedy, like the wires of a fe'epbone exchange. Some of them givens the of t'juch and feeling; others convey messagi ato the brtin and the will to our muscles and enable us to move.
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  • 1039 7 3 Belligerents’ Mean. and Re-ocrces. j Military writers in England and on the 3 Continent have been closely studying the f possibilities of the 1917 campaign and no r means the least interesting summing by up is sup r lied by Colonel Feyler. the distinguishi ed Swiss
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 119 7 Estate Supplies «Af STOCK[ ACETIC ACID Japanese 99£ Glacial. ENAMELLED LATEX PANS Blue/White size 18" by 9" by 3J' SULPHURIC ACID Japanese SODIUM BISULPHITE English in 1 cwt. Drums. CALCIUM CARBIDE Drums. ARRIVING shortly s size 19* by 19" by 24" by MOMI CASES G nl UNIVERSAL BOX STRAPPING Cary’s
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    • 360 7 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. By Order of the Liquidator (Me P. R, Hill UNDER THE Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914. TO BE SOLD BY Public Auction On Monday, the 11th day of June, 1917, AT 11 AM., AT LOGAN'S BUILDINGS, TENANG. The Well-known, Commodious and Highly Valuable OFFICES 60D0WNS
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    • 354 7 aft V.J LJ r. 1 s\s V V\ Wrw JW iu«r >ll^l 1V £V \m “gSSS»S wy>y»' Of all Chemists and Bazaars. Coughs, Bronchitis No other Emulsion can show so many testimonials to ita ReranL thC trea ment coughs and chest affections. Am?ier’« p U f soothin, N healing, strengthening
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  • 469 8 A RAID IN IPOH. Complete Appabatust Unearthed. During tfce last few months there have been undoubted signs that a number of spurious ten, twenty, and fifty cent pieces have been in circulation in tbe Kinta District, and the police have been consequently on the lookout for a gang
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  • 497 8 It is now some considerable time since any nsws has reached us concerning the Qerman battle-cruiser Ooeben, and the statement that she is to ba scrapped, which comes by way of Switzerland, recalls the many adventures which this vessel has experienced since the outbreak of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 „UE PATENT SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRIf'85 $1,800 I Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. DELIVERY AT OECE FROM STOCK. Maximum rubbe r Recovery on aM grades of Scrap, Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. Write for descriptive booklet and partial
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    • 260 8 a i i i B a i Just Received New Shipments OF i i i i “Maxwell Cars” Up-to-date Model, Four Cylinder 25 H.P. Magneto Ignition, Self Starter and Electric Lights. Body finished with Suedegrey, Khaki hood. Petrol consumption 28 miles per gallon. Qualities Superior, Comfort and Economical. “Chevrolet Cars
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  • 1042 9 the nation ha* discovered the voU th. We mar not say of the noblest quail* that t h0 u de l 'p r of the nation is a justifities id Jj llUt none can deny that it i. a cation of y r polatio n The
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  • 1031 9 A Round i ablk Fippsurk, The new number of the Hound 1 able which sb usual plies rapid and clean* cutting stvle of argument coutains one article if very epeoial note 'hi* is The New German Empire,” and its purpose is to show that a clear,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 465 9 The Certain and Incomparable Strengthener is Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. The great strength-giving power of Dr. Cassell’s Tablets makes them an ideal restorative in malarial fever and dysentery, and the bodily weakness and exhaustion which follow. They give strength to light the disease, and so cut short the attack. Take them
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    • 618 9 Kntfe-like Pains. The sharp, shroting pains, the intense agony of 8c atica, often make death preferable to life. The fi»ry darts that ran from hip to heel, the sler pi g* nights, the cheerless d*vg—why not stop all this and get hark to h°»-l'h comfort again? Little’s Oriental Balm is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1698 10 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (COMPANIES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Paitenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (URDIR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJK8TY’8 GOVERNMENT) For Singapore, China, Japan, ('eyIon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt Mediterranean Porta and London. MAIL LINES. Uomiward (for Europb.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate
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