Straits Echo, 19 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1020 1 10 tWAmi; V itZiba W j* A ’i i i f*>f iraw The Georgetown Motor Garage (BANKS. 7a, Penang Road. TbI Address: Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. for sale. COMMONWEALTH Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China (INCORPORATED TNT ENGLAND ROYAL CHARTER.) BY £1, 200,000 £1.800,000 paktin-palmer MOTOR CARS 1917
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    • 11 1 V MI Ml CT lOnb use F.OI a S*SSS» ?ss csss
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  • 1189 3 [War and the Future- By H. G. Wells. Cassell, 68. net-] Mr Wells seems sometimes to be compounded of a Genius and a Schoo boy, The comb nation is present in all of his books at times both parts < f him appear o have
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  • 606 3 Mr. Basil Thomson, ex Governor of Dartmoor, contributes to the Pall Mall Gazette some interesting details of tbe most famous p?nal settlement ia the British Isles. Times, he says, has ebaoged indeed when tbe strange conditions of tbe war have turned the home of habitual criminals into a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 211 3 [firestone] *ir ,"K V. J r 6 MORE MILES. l a a S a i i a FAMOUS FOR RFFICIENCY. I 1 AGENTS: I I I I I I I I a BRIN KM ANN Co, Singapore.! a THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. c I (INCORPORATED IN THE U.B.A I I
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    • 520 3 m /e& m F r r.V r^Tv^-i^ra i§ 1 i\ k> /tm >v v:.\ i-i < .>jx <■ > r*T*i V 'A -v'o'a *3? l i.'.r'C i- X'*£ Z r:> *A' Don tbe the u Skeleton et the Feast.” Let Sargol u,.ke you I'lu.up aul Pwpula.' HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN
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  • 930 4 The Danger of Disease. Elsewhere in our E litoti*! Notes we men- tion that we look upon the menace of disease) I s the one dark cloud upon the otherwise I clear horizon of the rubber outlook, and, j I whilst not wishing to pose as alarmists,
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  • 369 4 Not too Old at Forty. Women after the war is more than ever a favourite theme with French writers. c Treating it rather more lightly than other have hitherto done, M. Paul Brulat, taking aa bis text the overheard remark of a young woman that after
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  • 274 4 The Directors’ report for the year ended 31st December, 1916, for the meeting on April 24 reads After making ample provision for depreciation and bad debts, the net profits amount to $124 265.70 which, with the balance of $6 662.37 brought forward from last account, gives
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  • 334 4 Summary Proceedings Against Peking Journal. Recently the Business Mtnsger and the Circulation Manager of the Kuo Feng Pao, a Chinese piper published iu Peking, were arrested on the charge of using abusive Imguage in the paper in regard to the departure of General Tuan, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 There is nothing more certain than the faot that WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE will correct that heavy overloaded feel ng which r filets those troubled with weak digestive powers. It is a medicine that has been tested and proved by millions of hufferers from digestive troubles. Sold by Dispensaries and
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    • 416 4 OUR MOTTO! “WHO PAYSQUICKLY PAYS LEAST i 3 VALUE LEADERS HARD TO BEAT f > NJ&VT jZIISD RELIABLE lIT G- SOX A new S'X in plain wbi’e Cotton bayirg pure I iah Linen Heels at d Toee thus t'PDgh o ning the wtak j a't°. Stocked in all z e
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    • 512 4 WAISTTEd^ r AN TED. Cbinete Cla k f, r town HiUBt have some commercial h* 1 ience and be a good typist. W 1 V T T must have some comtn experience and be a good typist. Wiite t> No. 7 ?i 251 Cl Edu WANTED. A Cashier. Seourity $l,ooo.
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  • 86 5 Friday, April 20 Town Bind, KapUnad*. Penang Bi‘Iey, Prizs Giving, Diill Hall 9 30 p m. Saturday, April 21. Kuala Silirn K’ubber C> l/d., A. G M e ine 1 Chamber of Conmerce, noon, Sunday, April 22. 2nd After E«&ter. Monday, April 23. Town Band, Esplanade. Perak
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  • 939 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BRITAIN'S WELCOME. I Speeches in Parliament. L mdon, April 18. The House of Commons unanimously and amid cheers adopted the following resolution That this House desirfs to express to the Government and the people of the United States its profound appreciation of the action of the
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  • 208 5 A Correction, (.To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir, In your report of the Annual General Meeting of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural A-sociation in your issue of the 16th instant, while referring to the matter of Government Experimental Agricultural Farms lam credited with
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  • 78 5 The undermentioned prices wore realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co at their 273rd Auction Sale to-day: Smoked Ribbed Sheet $152 to $159 per picul Plain Sheet 123 do No. 2 Smoked Sheet Diamond 135 149 do Unsnmked Sheet 120 126 do No. 2
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  • 59 5 To-night the management preseat the thrilling and sensational four reel Datcctive D ama entitled The Fight of the D.anoond,” also Charlis Chaplin in “Charlie’s Musical Ctroer.” The '•lnimitable Esko and his famous Dummy,” in their fquilibTum act will appear. Esko has filled important engagements at Richard’s Tivoli Theatre
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  • 52 5 Monday, the 23rd inst, being 3t George’s Dry the Parade is cancelled, and will be held instead on Wednesday, the 25th inst, at the Esplanade at 5-15 p m. The parade on Tuesday, the 24th inst., will be at the junction of McAlitter and Ayer Raj ih Roads
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  • 28 5 Competitions. Calcutta JMedal. —18 holes medal play, ordinary handicap. Monthly Medal. —To be played for on Saturdav and Sunday, the 21st and 22nd April, 1917.
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  • 361 5 The following was the result of the tie played off yesterday Championship. R. J. Sauaders beat E. H Everest 4-6, 6—4, 6—o. 6-3. The Army Council iscouside iog the question of introducing a distinguishing mark for soldiers who have ssrve 1 long periods in the firing-line. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 n oTICB. CODE, 1912, F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance. 1911.' INDIAN LABOUR K here by reminded that f rth* preceding quarter must bs "Ti” k lhe “r* c r T 'Lnr Penang, dunng the months on Ju'y, Detour and January. Manager Thomas Shafts TJE GREATEST SERIAL EVER SCREENEI |l! TWfNTYJPISODES
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    • 206 5 nCDc 0 >C=> CDC DC DC=>n LAMBERT and BUTLER^ n u FRONTIER O' o n 0 a a 01*0) o r\ n w o 0 nczx x )CD CDC X )an Coming 111 2 Coming!! THE SUPER SERIAL 0 Coming! eo THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 60 0 Farts n
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  • 99 6 NMkM daily (except Sunday» and public Miday») at ni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. M*. 59, Beech Street, Penang. I 1 Paice. »1 i. Defly Leeal m $24 per annum. Oakefeetion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDBBBB ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 583 Printing Dep\rtment 313 N.B.—
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  • 1350 6 Both from the mi itary and the political points of view the news to hand this more* ng may be considered satisfactory. The wj-ordinated advance of the British and French forces in the West continues and it is eviden that the lull for a day or two in
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  • 930 6 Mr, H Mauleffiocb, of tbe Malay Mail and Mr, E. Mauleffiocb, Surveyor, F.M.S., the two eldest sons of Mr. K, H. Maultffinch, D strict Surveyor, Johore Bahiu, are leaving for London shortly to join the Forces. We bave to record the death on the 14th > inst
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  • 1004 6 Wait and See. From a well-informed source we that there are at present in Petang suffi D sticks of whiskey to meet the demands of the place for at least two In these circumstances it will be cu to watch whether any attempt is nude?' advance a “local
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 FIELD GLASSES. We have impo ted the. i e from England under social Licence of War 'lrade Department. We would advise clients requiring same to order immediately cs stocLs re verv limited. Fo. 1. Field Glass *l7 No. 2 $2l No. 3 $26 SUN GLASSES, m nr BSE 'V N
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  • 1276 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ACTION extended. iOBSTANTIAL PROGRESS. Enemy Positions Captured. London. April 18, 3.50 a.m. a Fren ch communique states el t5n]e<l our action east of Rheims <j attacked the German lines between Pronay ad tha St. Hillaire-8t. Soupproad. Notwithstanding violent M ,l, n d rain and snow our
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  • 70 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lOl5O, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at 3102.50, business done (50 tons sold) and in London at £217 15s. spot and £2lB three months’ sight, Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following are the quotations
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  • 567 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PRESSING ON LENS. Sir Douglas Haig's Report. London, April 17, 3.40 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports "We made further progress northward 1 of Gouzeanoourt and near Havrincourt Wood. Encounters occurred throughout the day westward and north-westward of Lens where we continue to press the enemy. Hostile
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  • 719 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] AMERICA'S ASSISTANCE. Peeling in the Army. Washington, April 18. The United States Government is only waiting for a definite word from Russia regarding h9r needs whereupon it will give every assistance needed, financial and otherwise. The feeling is that the United States should go
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  • 709 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE FIRST SHOT. Sckaeriae Blockade Bcgu*. LondoD, April 18. A telegram from Washington states that a German submarine fired on an American destroyer a hundrel miles south of New York. Thus the German submarine block ade of the American ports has begun, N»ry Departnaeat’a Aaaooaeemeat,
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  • 542 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A WARNING TO THE KAISER. Victory or Downfall, Amsterdam, April 18.; •Count Raventlow, writing in the Deutsche Tagetzeitung, warns tha Kaiser not to heed the appeals now appearing in many German newspapers urging the German Government to renounce territorial expansion and declares that without a German
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  • 85 7 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages i Pages. 3. —Mr. Wells and the War. Dartmoor Prison. 4. —Malayan Rubber ladustry. Women after the War. Fraser and Nsave, Ltd. The Press Liw in China. 5. —The M. P. A. A. Meetiig. Peoang Rubber Auction. P.C.G. Tennis
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  • 4197 8 A Partnership Suit In th Q Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L. M Woodward yesterday afternoon tbp bearing wh« reßUuipd of the *uit instituted by M't. D. A Donald, widow of the late Mr. O. M Donald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, claiming (1) to b»ve an account taken
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  • 1059 8 [To this Editor of thb Free Prw».] Sir _I gee that the Bishop of Singapore and Mr. J. A- B. Cook join hands in denounc- ing the granting by the Government of India |of permission to the Western Indian Turf j C'ub to hold a lottery for
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  • 915 8 Judgment fob K. P. M. Aoai^ t McAlister and Co. Mr. Justice Sproule gave judgment n tv Supreme Court in Singapore on Tun morning in the action brought h,?] Koninklyke Paketwaurt Maatscfc:q, P u the Ellerman a* d Bucknall 8 einjihip r and Messrs. McAlister and Co,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 A Parent’s Duty. Your boy is always getting scra cut or bruised. Because these won healed all right is no swn they Get a bottle of Chamberlain's 111 i[U!Da di see that every injury is cared for* ately- Toucan get nothing 10 blood poison is too dangerous a risk. For
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  • 2220 9 P Dividend. Num ber of H > rrt a. i •S* I Capit* 1 Shares Name. t S 5 <? a issued 1 2 last finanfor currant 1 -2 1 H ciul year. yearS3 =3 0 c M 0 1 OH CD <y RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts cts 120,000 500,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 461 9 SEMI MOM-CARS. 32 H.P. 5 Seater 8.5.4. 32 H.P. 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, BICYCLES AND riOTOR CYCLES CAN be had on monthly system. JUST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. JVUCHEIiIN TYRE STOCKISTS. CYCLE l CARRIAGE CO-. The Complete House for Cycles and Motors Penang, Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. THE BODEGA
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  • 1147 10 Oa 21et Mirch we published a Bbort article criticising the recent conclusion by the Ti-ntsin-Pukow Riilway Office of a contract for the supply of ten locom >tives with a h.therto unkoown firm called the ChineseAmerican R ilw y Supplies Company In this case, we pointei out, no
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  • 827 10 Dangers For the Dutch. The defiaite intervention of the United States in the war may conceivably influea e the attitude of Germany towards Holland 3ome good judges of the position believe that Germany has been most influenced in the comparative restraint she has exercised m this direction
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 231 10 W t> SI w. o r* a H r* 14 M H h g -ZfcLJfl, j Jliai BlOlH!le&de*raflS33£g=?£; J /TEg r«! ESI »4 tr« w !l PJI I e 'fr I bMils *a iso 7» |4 Q >4 vOT?= w O *-3 O s^* i> i/i r=» a 'v3 r>
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    • 47 10 Serve* the Whole Family, The fame of CbamberUin’s Cough Remedy m world wide It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The •mm bottle mitm the whole {.on!,. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 9 10 For Ohronio Cheat Oonplunts, 4 Wood»' Great Peppermint C«r#
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  • 1865 11 OUR NEW FORli OF GOVERNMENT Decay of Parliament. {From a "Times' Correspondent). It is a commonplace to affirm that in every department of national activity the war has compelled radical reorganization In finance, industry, transport service, and elsewhere, the effect was produced with g'eat rapidity.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 258 11 r xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxy xkxxxx?oooo<>co<m ifc *r~yr 1 J&VzJA LT if rw% '■y H ■I 4* TVDTC I I JK. 5Lf \j The only Tyres holding the R.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles withoutcutsorpunctures. s X X SiKITINIS A\l> N 4UE I BRITAIN' Agents for Penang: 1>: Eastern Pacific Trading Ci, Ltd.
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    • 91 11 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small tes;inning it has grown in favor and popularity until it las attained a world wide reputationYou will find
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    • 638 11 Knife-like Pains. The sharp, shooting pains, the intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless davs —why not stop all this and get bsck to health and comfort again? Little’s Oriental Balm is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1566 12 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Com paw ies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Torts and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke*
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    • 19 12 BAXTER Co.'* BEST NAVY CANVAS SANDILANDS, BCTTIRY Co dayij> corsas emi Well-Known Extra Canvas, No. 0, SAMMiAItBS, UTiTIRY 8
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