Straits Echo, 16 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 974 1 il 1 ii ?iR The Georgetown Motor Garage BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. 7a, Penang Road. r.i Address: Hokimteik. Penang. ,e ’Phone No. 694. pOH SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN -PALMER MOTOR CARS 1917 MODEL. (toe S-paeeenger Touring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire
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    • 17 1 r '•S'Ssa?™ II I*/ SS a wS t, ns fo u3C ‘3# r§ ;s5 &-3f»S w" jt> <.
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  • 1082 3 How Gbrmant Dobs it. Germany has adapted to the building of 7-boats the same kind of workshop methods as are employed by the manufacturers of cheap American motor-cars. Parts and processes are duplicated meticulously with the object of facilitating quick construction. In a manner of speaking, submarines
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  • 899 3 The Americans have their baseball, the 1 Canadians their lacrosse, the Swiss and Norwegians their ski-ing, but we, we British, I have, as the chief sport of wintertime, our I football. It has been a national sport for 1 so many centuries as to be almost indigenous.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 302 3 MERIT |n Fountain Pens, as in everything else, it is merit that tells, and that is w hy the “Swan has for a quarter of a century gained more users every vear. When you buy a “Swan” you know you have a guarantee of excellence in workmanship, perfection of detail,
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    • 51 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subjest to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as snj unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemedj should be given. For sale b j all dispensaries and
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    • 14 3 For Children*! Hacking Cuagh at Night. 1 Wood#’ Great Pepparmiat Oare. Is. U, 1
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    • 859 3 osive, m to I than ined ►oat-1 ;ned way iter. »nd, j ular r to ills, teel oat. far of Japanese Massage Hall VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Miss TAMEY c/o Japanese and Kedah Hotel No# 380, Pakan Malayu alor star, KEDAH. MOTOR CARS FOR SALE. the md sh. >ur for
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  • 2957 4 Sixteenth Annual Meeting. Tbe sixteenth annual general meeting of the members of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at the Cnamber of Commerce on Siturdiy* There were pr-s nt Misers. W. Duncan (Pnsdent) in ihe chair, F. D Hiudley, R. M* R chard», J. W.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 IM PORTA NT AN N r UNC t M ENT. .JWST'aWB CJvi l Mp j y AY- •r"S _> ■•‘N i«r-' k Few Great Artistes who hing and t lay exclusively for His Master’s Voice. v7o havo groat pleasure in announcing that ■wo have secured the Sole Agency for Penang
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    • 33 4 PINKETTES are an ideal laxative for Children Gentle as Nature~do not Gripe. 60 cent, per phial at yoar dru*g„f. 0» direct by mail on receipt ol price Irom DP. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE.
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  • 204 5 Improved Businbss. Tin report of the Directors of the Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Co. for the year ended 31st December, 1916, show a rery sound state of affairs. The fundvcf tbe company have been increased by $1,819,099 and now amount to $30,517,075 which
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  • 89 5 Joseph Blascbeok, tbe great English entertainer, will make positively his last appearance in Penaog at the Empire Theatre on Tuesday night. With Mies. Alyce Austen he provides an evening’s entertainment and so varied is their work and so remarkable their versatility that at the end of two hours
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  • 612 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.: 1 Overture Zunpa Herald 2 Two Step Mumblin Mobs Thurbau 3 Selection Bocaccio Bape 4 Waltz Santiago Corbin 5 March Pĕre la Yictoire Ganne The Archbishop of Canterbury
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  • 154 5 [To th* Editor cf thb Straits Echo,] I Dear Sir, r In the Straits Times of Aprill 14 appears i some explanations by Mr. Pountney of how the war-tax forms should be filled in. They occupy a whole page of that paper and 1 yet the case
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  • 80 5 The following ia the health Btatement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended Maroh 31, 1917:— Male 44') Total Deaths V 68 Female 24 Death rate 33.45 per mille per annum compared with 36-90 in the preceding week and with 30.31 in the corresponding week of last
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  • 563 5 Monday, April 16. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, April 17. Penang Chamber of Commerce, Subcommittee Meeting, 3,30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18. Town Band EsplanadeFriday, April 20 Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, April 21, Kuala Silin Rubber Co. Ltd., A. G. Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon, Sunday, April 22. 2nd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 703 5 London Directory (Published Annually.) I hleg traders throughotft the World to direct with English ;cui Manufncturers S’ Dealers class of goods. Besides being guide to London and jnffrbs. the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants fa Goods they ship, and the Colonial M rk6t h6J,i Ppl7i Steamship Lines nrt v'
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    • 182 5 ncDc DCD CD C DC". ?CDD LAMBERT and BUTLER? FRONTIER n 0 a bontier Br M n o n MIXTURE n( x k~ x —i —x x -M —>n To-night/ To-night ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE THE HOUSE OF SERIALS PRESENT PATHE WONDER SERIAL At the Lyceum Theatre, Arygll Road. 28PARTsRED CIRCLE PARTS
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  • 101 6 MhM daily (except Sundays and publio hefcday.) as m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. B*. 59 Beach Street, Penang. I Puce. f IMBy Lml m* 194 per annum. Ortrtitioi.M Poatage Extra. Hml BdMn (Port Free) «17.50 CAB LB ADDBBSS ECHO— PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 K.B.
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  • 1342 6 An excellent budget of news has come to hand over the week-end. The British offensive in France, far from being exhausted, is gathering fresh impetus and some very substantial gains in territory, prisoners, and war material are recorded in Sir Douglas Haig’s reports. If the weather would only
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  • 931 6 Mr. N. S. Lindon is appointed an assistant Superintendent of Police. Mr. A. V. Brown is appointed lo officiate as Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore. Mr. N. A. Selwick, of the Government Monopolies left for Singapore on Saturday, t s The Governor has approved of the following promotion
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  • 1017 6 An Unnecessary Warning. In a recent book an Anglican pars n wh has lived in Germany warns Encli t k girls not to marry Germans. He knr>* now about 500 of such matches, and onl* a minority have been happy “I n one houu a few weeks ago
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 If you require h redly reliable Motor C5yO>l© for pleasure or business, you cannot do better than rid© a “Torpedo" Two-stroke. Only high-class workmanship and materials used in its construction, it is indeed tha most economical Motor Cycle in existence. Fitted with heavy* Dunlop Tyres, Lamp Generator and Horn, Inflator
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  • 1974 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] further progress. Line M4lS y VILLAGES TAKEN. SIS MUCUS HAIG'S REPORT. London, April 13, 11.45 p.ra. F#ld Mirf .hil Sir Douglas Hiig reportn: H We extend'd our operations to the ,„tb w<i*y lo lhs i2i rth of v r prp.s id bick tin enamy od our
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  • 584 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SOUTH OF ST. QUENTIN. Enemy’a Vigorous Resistaact. London, April 14. The French communiqas says South of St. Quentin fighting continues before the positions we conquered this morning, the enemy vigorously resisting. Our artillery furiously bombarded the German organisations between the Somme and the Oise, “There was
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  • 479 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS BILL. Uaaaiaouily Voted. London, April 15, A telegram fom Washington states tba the Houie of Representatives uuanimoush adopted a «oven billion dollars war revenu measure. There were cheers on the floor of the House and in the galleries when the figure» 359
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  • 128 7 The following articles will be found on our outsid9 pages i Pages. 3. —Building the Submarines. The Winter Game. 4. M. P. A A. 5. —Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Co. Joseph BUscheck To-night’s Bind Programme, The War Tax. Vital Statistics. The Week’s Brents. B—Telegrams. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. 10
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  • 335 7 AMERICAN MUNI TIONS DISASTER. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TWO EXPLOSIONS. Heavy Death Roll. London, April 13, 10 30 p.m. A telegram from Cheste*, Pennsylvania, states that two explosions occurred at the E ldystone Ammunition Factory. It is estimated that 175 persons were killed and s&veral hundreds injured. The force of the explosion
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  • 95 7 Strikes are threatened in Germany as a result of the latest regulations regarding the distribution of food to work people. The Koelnische Zeitung in an ii spired leading article contradicts the report of th 9 Lokalanzeiger that Gar many intends to make fresh p ace proposals. It
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  • 33 7 (From Our Own Correspondent London, April 13. The prices in the London Kubbor Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 3/1 Diamond Smoked 3/0 LondoD.Apri 14. The price of rubber is unchanged.
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  • 167 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to dav at $lOl 50, business done, and in (refined) at $102.25, business done (190 tons sold). Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were tbe quotations for fiubbsr oa Spit in London on tbe 13th inst. received to-day:
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  • 718 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] At Inspired Article. LondoD, April 13. The intense anxiety of Germany to obtain a separate peace with is further evidenced by the comments of the Govern-ment-controlled Voru>aerts on the Russian Government’s proclamation of April 10. The paper suggests that it might form the basis of
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  • 726 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] “Gloucester Cattle.” London, April 13, The Admiralty reports that the Hospital ship Gloucester Castle was torpedoed withdut warning in mid-channel on the night of March 30—31. All the wounded were saved. A Berlin official announcement on Wednesday proclaimed that the vessel vTas submarined, thus removing
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  • 723 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Agreement with Britain, London, April 13. Reter's Agency is informed that G eat Britain has agreed to supply Spain with 150,000 tons of coal a month, while Spain has agreed to export to England as much ore as is required and part of the
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  • 678 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DCM3CRACY S ATTITUDE. NO WEAKENING OF THE ARMY. Peace Rumours Denied. London, Apiil 14, 3.55 a.m. A telegram from Pefcrogrtfd states that a meeting of the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Committee adopted by 325 votes to 55 a resolution endorsing the proclamation of the Provisional
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  • 457 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Live-Stock and Feeding-Stuffa. London, April 14. A memorandum issued by the Board of Agriculture states that diminished importations ahd ctfilltary requirements will reduce the feeding-stuffs in tbe country daring the coming year by 1,500,000 tons. At the same time the numbers of live-stock are unprecedentedly
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  • 73 8 Bithop of Singapore's Stricture», (I ron Ou? (hen Vomsponde/tc.) Singapore, April 16. At 9t. Andrew’s Oithedral yesterday evening the Bishop of Singapore regretted I that the Government of fodr* had sanctioned the War Loan Lottery, which, he said, wa» an obvious breich of the Tenth Command* meat.
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  • 53 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Fre**lk Account London, April Is A Prĕwch official announeem<nf “Thtf Eastern Army of the enemy mid local attack in the direction of Tirtxm 91 of Monastir and failed. Bands of Comtadji., upporW Austrian troops, attempted an 1 Koritzi, bat were repulsed. British aeroplanes successfully attacks an
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  • 86 8 The following been fixed Wednesday, the 18th inst. A fot Championship (Final) E H Everest vt. R J Saunders u\ (Unfinished). Tbe Government Gazette contains the d,.ft of an ordinance to amend tbe Struts r,», ments Ports Ordinance, 1912. TherJ» 6 debt due by the Singapore Harb
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is wortd wide. It is good for the deep seated cough 6f the edult or the croup and whooping cough of the ohildren. The same bottle aerrea the whole familr. For tale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 425 8 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Woods' Great Peppermint Cum l, (y Children’s Coughs. Every Motker should know »ko«t Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure Doctors declare that cough-currs contain. ing opium, morphine, or puegoric should never be given to children, save under medical directions. Most cough miitorei ccntain those things; Veno’s Lightning Cough
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  • 2314 9 0 Dividend. m j Number of j Shares issued. n CL, 1 0 O r: 'A Capital > 1 to 00 M fc> T3 '3 PL, last financial year. 1 for current yearName. C 0 PQ e i OQ 1 p L—— 1 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts. cts. 130,000 ]°o
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 376 9 HE&AL MOTOR-CARS. no H !> Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, 4 BICYCLES AND K.®. rn. nOTOR CYCLES ci N [IE HAD ON MONTHLY SYSTEM. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS everything new but the frame, AT HALF THE COST. |1S T RECEIVED MAGNETOES. IVUCHELIN TYRE STOCKISTS. CYCLE l CARRIAGE CO-. pen an£< Thc Complete
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  • 1041 10 Charge Against C aldbeck, Macobbooe and Co.’s Form» Stobikibpcb, In the third police court at Singapore on Thursday afternoon, before Mr, N. D. Mudie, further evidence was taken in the case in which Messrs. Caldbeck, Maogregor and Co. charge Teok Swee Hong, a former storekeeper and
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  • 176 10 All conditions of depressed vitality to disturb tbe processes of digestion tend Thin, weak blocd affects directly and onoa the great processes of nutrition oniy is the action of tbe gastric and intestin. glands diminished but the muscular of the stomach is weakened. Nothing naore Promptly reetore
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 157 10 PRODUCTS. SUPERIOR TO ALL.” LIBBY’S Soups-Tomato-Oxtail-Mock Turtle. FRESH STOCKS HAVE NOW ARRIVED CAN BE OBTAINED FROM Messrs. TONG JOO Co., CHONG KEE Co., HOONG KEE Co., AND ALL OTHER STORES AND GROCERS. Every tin of Libby's goods consists of pure food w products passed by the American Board of Agriculture.
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    • 34 10 The Fruit Seaton. Bowelcomplaint ii «are to be preraLent dunn? th« fruit season. Pa «ure to k«<m Dji t iw C R!^ rlain Colic Obolera •»<* Dlirraopd EeiMdr on hand. It m»r mi ital'Urf” U
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    • 303 10 Atlas Assurance Co., Lid., (INCORPORATED in ENGLAND) ESTABLISHED IN 1808. THE UNDERSIGNED have been ap. pointed Agents of the above Company at Penang and are prepared to accept Fire risks of every description. Enquiries as to rates and conditions will receive prompt attention. ISLAY KERR Co, Ltd. (Incorporated in Groot
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  • 1573 11 What one man considers meat another man considers poison and we frequently ■ee such authorities as bishops declaring that a boo is purifying an 1 enlightening, whilst such other authorities as circulating libraries say, or, at any rate, imply, that it j' is obscene and demoralising. Bishops are not
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  • 392 11 Tha selection of M. Ribot as the new French Prime Minister suggests the existence ia Fiance of a political trend the exact contrary of that recently exhibited in England. M. Briand, the outgoing Premier, is a briliant Celtic orator who in many points resembles Mr. Lloyd George,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 t 4 ‘UE if PATENT SCRAP WASHER (1917 MODEL.) PRICE $1,800 Capacity 7 5 to 100 lbs. per hour. CLOSE ON 300 MACHINES NOW IN USE. delivery at once from stock Maximum Rubber Recovery on all grades of Drive by Belt or Direct Connection. Wr ite for descriptive booklet and
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    • 93 11 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 10 11 For Chronic Cheat Complaint», Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure 1«. 6<l,
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    • 666 11 y\ The Mirror shows plainer than words what a wonderful improvemert may he realised by a Gain of «ven 10 or 12 pounds. Wa strongly recommend every man and worn n reader of this pape-, who is thin, pale, weak or run down, or who has lost his or her
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1763 12 P. 0.—British India AND A PC A R LINE (Companies Incorporate» in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty's government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Anstralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forts and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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