Straits Echo, 5 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 939 1 Jpnß®4 ■Sttbuoj qrees (pn«[jou ai pe^BJodjooaj) 1 «ram, mioos mm 'HSVD UOd XNnODSia Xoi sJ3;joduij 9 jog t ON m m m S30V nv xins ox shiaxs •aaasva aoj Aiaumi dO XN3IMNOISNOO M3N V •Samoa iNfd onv iavno M3N ♦oooooooooooooooooooooooooo# o o o o o o o o o o
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    • 20 1 ft s£ s milk? WANTS CflW^Ja *H, f ft H,CH 15 THE BBT >«n l|tl ffi 1 Amount J ;i
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  • 908 3 Sakiidiid Dutch Paper. Amsterdam, Feb. 18. One of the most daring attacks ever directed against a journal in this world of iibel actions is that contained in a pamphlet entitled How I Became a German Agent,” which has caused much comment throughout Holland. Tke pamphlet is designed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 I 0 a I I i STONES RSI AVO URITES «sKssr I AGENTS: BRINKMANN Co.. Singapore. K THE WATERHOUSE CO.. LTD. H (INCORPORATED IN THE U.S,A.) J Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. 1 R. T. REID Co., Penang. m 4 8 mmmm mmm I l I l 1 WBTZ2 v
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    • 316 3 Lassitude is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, which affects equally men, women and child" ren, and it is most important that these signs of a run-down condition be not neglected. Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. Therefore if you are feeling exhausted, slack and depressed, don't delay,
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  • 840 4 While the submarine campaign continues to show appreciable results, the position so far created can Dot be considered alarmicg. The implic t faith pl>*crd in the navy by the Biitioh people is apt ta be severely tested at such a time as this when the weekly lists
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  • 102 4 The world-famous Chinese Illusionist Chung Ling Sco, assisted by Miss Suee Seen and full vaudeville Company, will appear for two performances only on Saturday next at the Town Hall. The Matinee will commence at 5 o’olock and the evening performance at 9.15. It was Mr. Soo’s intention
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 531 4 ELECTRIC POCKET LAMPS AND TORCHES. 'HESE lights are absolutely fireproof may be place: in :lu hands of any child may be brought in direct contact with the highest explosives without danger. No fear of any accident of any kind, no smoke and no odour. Out of doors no matter how
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    • 47 4 Serves the Whole Family, The fame of Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle aerrea the whole family* For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 146 4 Estate Supplies IN STOCK ACETIC ACID Japanese 99% Glaoial. ENAMELLED LATEX FANS Blue/White size 18" by 9* by 3^* SULPHURIC ACID Japanese SODIUM BISULPHITE CALCIUM CARBIDE cwt. Drums. Japanese in 100 lb. Drums. ARRIVJJNG' SHORTLY MOMI CASES 81Z9 19- b 24” by i” UNIVERSAL BOX STRAPPING Cary’s No. I—f" wide.
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  • 111 5 Friday, April 6. Public HoMd»y. Gcod Fridayi Football, 0 R. C m. P. 0. R C. Victoria Qreeo, Town Band. Esplanade. Saturday, April 7» Full Moon. Cricket—C. R. C, t*. P. G. R. C Victoria Green, Jewish Holiday, First Day of the Passover, Public Hoi day. Football—H.G.F.C
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  • 1604 5 Contributed A great wave of expectancy seems to have swdjst ovtJir Malaya, in company with the i tidal wave of war which has submerged nearly the whole of Europe. People of every grade and community are expecting greater things for theu selves after the war. and
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  • 277 5 The members of the Perak Chinese Recreation Club will visit Penang during tbe Easter holidays and will play a series of cri:ket, football, and tennis, matches against the Penang Chinese Recreation Club on April 6 and 7. During the visit the Ipoh teams
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  • 55 5 Penang Women Woeibsb, Amount previously acknowledged $4,960.48 Mrs, Helm (Further don.) 10.00 Mrs. Jamieson 10.00 H. L- 10-00 Mrs. 10.00 Jamer Sellar E-q. w 500 Mr. A. M. Sellar 3CO Total $5,008.48 There Will be no distribution of Work during April. Tbe next case will be
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  • 93 5 Tbe output of the Meglembu Lode Syndicate. Limited, for the modth of March, 1017, w»s s Mine Output 155 piculs Value $B,OOO Sautfcdfn Extension 42.14 picdls Revenue $1,090 Tailings Ore 45.55 piculs Revenue $338 Tbe case Hi which tbe Grown bad appeal ed against tbe acquittal of Hajee
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 685 5 1 Town t£all. j ENORMOUS ATTRACTION, j for one night only Saturday. April 7, at 9-15 I Half Pric* Matin#® Saturday at 50 cts., MAURICE E. SANDMAN PRESENTS Tbt world-fam»« Chinese Illusionist I CHUNG LING SOO i St I Supported by Vaudeville direct from I London Variety Theatre» including j
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  • 99 6 PtNUM daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. V* 59. Beach Street, Penang. i Prior. i n DaOy Laeal M 924 per annum. Oetatataon... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 117.50 GABLR ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG" Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 a.B. —All
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  • 1256 6 Two letters in a Singapore contemporary afford food for reflection. One, written by A Father, pleads that the Somme films should not be shown to children for whom life should hold only sunshine and bright* ness and nothing of horrors or ugly sights. Yet another father presents
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  • 160 6 To morrow being a public holiday there will be no issue of the Straits Echo on that day, but the paper will be published as usual on Saturday, and telegram slips will be sent to every subscriber on Easter Monday. On Good Friday the Cb ef Post Office
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  • 15 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (refined) is quoted in Singapore to-day at 9101, buyers no sellers.
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  • 872 6 Mr. H. W. Firmstone, Director of Eduction, is on a visit to Malaoca. Her nnny friends in Penang will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Avetoom died in London on March 25. M. Tcbelnokoff, the Mayor of Moscow, was created a k.c.m.o. on the occasion of the
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  • 1008 6 Ia Defence of the Cat. Professor Robert Wallace, of Edinburgh University, has been defending the cat a* useful member of society. He asset t* that but for cats the country would be absolute® overrun with rats, with the almost certain result that bubonic plague would follow But apart
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 II mil 101 DAYS IT IS ESSEN 'IAL TO USE FREELY A RELIABLE DISINFECTANT.; ZOTAL removes at once objectionable odour prevents spread of infection. It is especially useful for lavatories and all household purpo es. OTAI ZOTAL is the best dis’nfectant for Cooly Lines and Estate Hospitals IN BOTTLES 60
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  • 694 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] NAVAL co-operation. <*•“« L >ndon. April 4. .„l„r,n.lrom Wa.hington -t.te. that D'p irtmon t wi A" 00 0 lhe Uke« with B ,„t bct M tbe AmiriC a a be The 0 3- Cabin* onsidsred plans to u r2e war loan
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  • 821 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FURTHER ADVANCE Rkeims A(tu BombardedLondon, April 4. A Paris communique states "East and West of the Somme, after a violent artillery preparation, we attacked tbe enemy position south of the line Cistoes-Essigny-Benay from Epine de Dillon on the Oise and attained our objective. Despite desperate resistance
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  • 416 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY ACROSS THE STOKHOD. Heavy Lotte*. London, April 4. A wireless Russian official announcement states i—"We threw back tha enemy who temporarily occupied the trenches in the regions southward of Illukst and southward of Krevo. The enemy heavily bombarded with chemioal shells our positions in the
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  • 168 7 The war services that are being rendered by the Y.M.C.A. were explained at a luncheon given in the Grand Hotel on Tuesday by the Hon, Mr. Eu Tong San in hononr of Mr. J. J. Virgo, National Field Secretary to the Y.M C.A. says the T.
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  • 74 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3. —Week in Germany. 4. The Sabmarine Campaign. Chung Ling Soo. 5. Eurasians after the War. P.CR.C. to Visit Penang Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Tin Ontpnts. 8 —America’s German Peril. Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Chinese Ladies’ Association. Napoleon
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  • 499 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SUtcaist is tke Commons. London, April 4. In the House of Commons, in reply to Sir W. P. Byles, Mr. Bonar Law said that he was not aware that the Central Powers had suggested any peace terms. Central Powers Confer. Tke Imperial Visit. London, April 4.
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  • 121 7 A Satisfactory Year. (.From Over (hen Corre*p<mdcnf.) Ipob, April 5. Mr. A. N. Kennion, who presided at the annnal general meetiag of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club, said that the fiaances of the Club were very satisfactory. They had a credit balance of 81,295 and had paid off
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  • 240 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SCALE FIXED. New Order. London, April 4. The Press Bureau announces that the Food Controller,Lord Devonport, has issued a new Pablic Meals Order, applicable to hotels, clubs, boat ding houses and other public eating places, and declaring a meatless day, in London on Tuesdays and elsewhere
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  • 314 7 Our Klang correspondent writes On the 29th ult. before Mr Goldthorp, on the prosecution of Inspector Donovan, the preliminary enquiry was begun of the caseagainst Mohamad Amir Khan, a Bengali watchman on the Bukit Jelutang Estate, Batu Tiga, who was charged (1) of having attempted to murder
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  • 292 7 Government Dresser Charged, Samuel Titus, a Government Dresser, appeared before the District Judge, Mr, R. D. Acton, this morning charged on three counts with receiving illegal gratification of $l, $2 and $1 50 from Ang Sooi Cheag Tan Guanaud G. Tek Chee respectively, as a reward for
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  • 1018 7 Dear Sir, Here I am back again in the b o’ht sunshine and invigorating breezes ot'Nuwara Eliya, and after all the ixpcrieae> s and novel sights of the last twelve monies, the even tenor of its way is ratlur i pngefal. Batin the three or four
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  • 26 7 (from Our Oxen Correspondent,') L ndon, April 3 The prices in the Loudon Rubber market today were Pale Crepe 3/2 Diamond Smoked 3/l±
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  • 932 8 A great many people haying commercial relations with Coin» many not be aware that 1 that country haa an institution analogous to the British Associated Chambers of Commerce designated the Uoited Cham* bers of Commerce of China. It is somewhat strange that very little information concerning
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  • 298 8 A most satisfactory year’s working was reported at the animal meeting of the Chinese Ladies’ Association, which was held on Friday last at the house of the president, Mrs. L-e Choon Guao, Kdliney Read, Singapo-e. The W*rdeo, Mrs- Reginald Sanderson, in the name of the committee, gave
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  • 128 8 Perhaps one of tbe most interesting films which tbe enterprising management of tbe Empire have the honour to present to their patrons is Napoleon Emperor,” depicting some of tbe most stirring scenes in the final era of “The Gallant Corsican.” Tbe picture consists of 8 reels
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  • 38 8 Mir.l7 By balance $1,548 96 Apl. 2 Anonymous monthly 20 00 Apl. 3 M.Minde “monthly” 15.00 3 Teoh Cherw Cheang monthly M 2 00 Apl. 3 By balance $1,***** 'Amount previously acknowledged 30,727 73 *32,313.69
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  • 25 8 Good Friday. 93) a.m. Matins and Litany. 10 a.m- Ante Communion, Sermon and The Story of tbe Cross. 6 p.m. Evensong.
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  • 332 8 Thu following- wis tbs result of the tie played off yesterday Singles—A Final A W Ilirrie* beat M M Stewart 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. The Electric Polyscope has set down a ■♦rong programme for show during the Eaeter hoilays. Among the interesting and comic 1 fi'ms “Tee Rad
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  • 915 8 [Bt Major Ur Brczh DarnleySIVABT STCnrRWS “There comes a moment,” as the late Lord Salisbury wisely said, when a neutral nation is compelled to recognise that its vital interts’s d mend tbe triumph of one of the two sides at war.” Some time ago I received a
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  • 3045 8 (From Our Own CorretpondenL Good News, London, Mirch 22. < Good news marked this week in every quarter. The submarine peril to a great Hiteut curtailed, our troops victorious on the Ancre, where the Gprmaos had to give way, and Kut captured and Townsend’s disaster avenged
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer month» children are ■ubje't to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. goou aa »ny unnatural loosene-s of the bowels is notioed Chamberlains Colic. Choleri and Diarrhoea Kemedy should be Riven. For tale by all dispensaries and deal*».
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    • 65 8 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds hare healed all right is no they always will Get a bottl of Chamberlain’s Pam Balm and see that every injury is ca r ed for immediately* You can get nothing bet'er. and blood
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    • 10 8 For Ohildraffl iTmM«>y Qosgfa efc NightWood*' Omt Peppermint (hire 1«.
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  • 2221 9 D Dividend. a Nnm ber of •a cx t.2 CapitalShares issued. 1 last fin anfor current Name. C e i J 1 c M 0 s M cial year. year0 n CO CP G* RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. I cts. 1 cts. 8 120,000 500,000 450,000 200,000 750,000 2< >0,000 120,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 THE eastern produce exchange. 27 Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Chaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. OWING TO MONDAY BEING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY The I22nd Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Tuesday, the 10th April, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a
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  • 2078 10  -  By Hilda B. Hewlett. I was travelling from the South Coast northwards, with London to cross, on a bitter day with snow on the ground. Need less to sa v it was not from choice such a dav was chosen. One change and a wait of half
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 402 10 Wi M N 5Z5 tu o W tu E-> Wi m 4 sr r 777Tr*\ pyt frr MM U\y*- 9 }<WKfW' ■3F uii ms£m ti I3S3&s#j ft*. r m *Bfc '2 dft *W 35 SI K a T:< *3 3 r i o w t> O H 3 P w
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    • 91 10 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years, Chamberlain’s Couph Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872 From a small it has grown in favor and popularity until it \as attained a world wide reputation. You will find
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    • 70 10 When a child develops one of those nasty hacking coughs which keep the family awake at night it is annoying for them, but r mo-e serious for the child, because of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs. Rupture is often cause 1 by a straining cough. WOODS’ GREAT
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  • 1348 11 PEACEFUL KERMAN. British Prestiob. (From a Timet Corretpondent.) Kerman, Dec. 8. For many days past I hare been travelling at the slow, dignified pace of the Eastern camel caravan over broad, sweeping plains and range after range of wild mountaios. Now at last I have come
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 501 11 XX Li> r /.‘JI •I '\i r \>c^ Uf V Vi —'*-41 f. i r.j 4* i V-'-x r //7. '/Lv 5-.* V m H. y. 'i A 'S3S3iX «i* «**>■ SSS3C 5-r^ “Look at thßt pair of skinay scarecrows! Why doa’t they try Sargol T" AN EASY W A
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    • 273 11 AUCTION SALE OF Most Valuable 999 years Leasehold Building Allotments situate at North Bridge Koad aud oleman Street AT Messrs. CHING KENG LEE 8 Co’s Sale-room, R ffl?8 Chambers, Riffle Place On Mon 23rd April, 1917 AT 2.30 P M. Lot L Lota 2/10 Lots 11/14 Lots 15/18 Lots 19/34
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    • 716 11 Neuralg a Soothed Away by Little’s Oriental Balm. To all who suffer the desperate twisting agonies and sp-tsms of Neuralgia To all who are acquainted with any of the sufferers: To all who have never suffered yet who wish to be on the safe side i Here’s news: Little’s Oriental
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1770 12 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINE Mail (Com pahies Incorporated in England.) and Passenger Service! PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDBR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJKSTT’b GOVERNMENT) Pop Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Anetralia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homiwakd (vok Europe.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. The
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