Straits Echo, 3 April 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1055 1 fall *W A U) BED Nn The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penan: Road. T«l Address I Bokioteik, ?eaan TeLAa ’Phone No. 694. FOB sale. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN -PALMER motor cars 1917 MODEL. 0d« 6-passenger Touring Car Two 2 Roadster. A car that matches every automobile desire at a price that can
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    • 12 1 2 milk *Ri ?so C >S? »i use w Is ■5 BSS
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  • 2403 2 Amidst clank and rattle and the shrill j babel of nati e voices and in sweltering 1 t eat we clauibe ed up the swinging gan<- 1 way of the P O Namur as she lay in enang roadstead taking in passengers and Icar o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 464 2 ELECTRIC OCKE AND TORCHES. TpHESE lights are absolutely fireproof m iy be place i in Jio hands of any child may be brought in direct contact with the highest explosives without danger. No fear of any accident of any no smoke and no odour. Out of doors no matter how
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    • 95 2 WHALLEY’S SANITARY FLUID COMPANY LONDON, E' GLAND. Eipp'i rs fo Hi-, Majesty’s Households, and to Th rr, P° r i Ihe City of London. -OLUBL disinfectant fluid. lliiiii mC 00 c C*| CfVV,J AUEI£i FLUID diluted with water the etronqcst disinfect^' in «FT LSI mm A36 te r i 'Sss
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  • 959 3 The first annual report of the Faderated Malay S.ates Chamber of Commerce makes I very pleasant reading. Tha year was a very I 'at'sfa:tory one for all concerned in the I rubber trade in this country, wbilp, if the tin miners were handicapped by ti e
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  • 75 3 Stiawan, 5,800 lb, KM S. 13.896 lb, Bakap 15,000 lb. B.tu Malang 12,100 Ib, Jong Laudor 50,000 lb, Kedah 33.950 lh. Parit Perak 7,887 lb, Sungei Gettah 2,246 lb. The African Rebellion Commission investigated 6,471 compensation claims for £420,000 and granted £72,374, The report emphasises the gross
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  • 822 3 [To the Editor ov the Free Press.] J Dear Sir, 4.s a matter of business I have J had to study the Ordinance just passed and 1 1 am struck with a few anomalies. Proba j blv many of your readers have not had the patience to
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  • 67 3 The following F. M.S. appointments are gazetted Mr- H. R. Bull to officiate as Assistant District Officer, Lands, Kmta. Mr. J. Shelton to be Chemist, Geological Department. Mr. P. A. F. David to officiate as Secretary to High Commissioner. Leave has been granted to Mr. A.
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  • 49 3 The following programme of music will bo played at the Esplanade to-morruw from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.: 1 Overture Prometheus Berthoven 2 Polka The Holly Bush G >dfrey 3 Selection The Contrabandista Sullivan 4 Waltz E isen Time Gung'l 5 March The Jolly Pallor Carter
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  • 66 3 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 4*b inst.: Mixed Doub'et. Mr Mrs S F Brereton Maitio vs, Mrs Cleaver E H Everest (5) (fra!) Final of Handicap Singles A. A W de W Harriet vs. M M Stewait (4) The following ties have been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 DCDC C )CDOCDC DC fOK estates. STOCK OF DANISH SINGLE PLOUGHS JUST ARRIVED. The Eastern 8 Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). BOMBAY BUTTER. (“I. D.S.” Brand) in 1 lb, and 1/2 lb. ints. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. PENANG. Telegrams: '‘Storage" Telephone No. 602. )C ar„
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    • 131 3 LAMBERT and BUTLER ONTIER n ftONTIER OR THE HOME FOR PWNE’S COLD ROOSTER PUT EE POLYSCOPE TO-NIGHT PRICES OF ADMI SION AS OSDAL. n'sranr Penang’s Popular Playhouse Where Everybody Goes EMPIRE THEATRE^ Business M anagbr Thomas Shaito. A big bundle of excellent Films supporting Tonight’s program include The Shadow, The
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  • 97 4 FtfiLil daily (except Sundays and pnblio kobdays) at ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Be. 59, Beech Street, Penang. I Puce., De9y Local m. $24 per annum. Oatetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) «17.50 OABI.O ADDRISS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 tf.fl.-All business communications
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  • 1323 4 Every now and then wa notice in the F. M. S. newspapers reports of cases where agricultural coolies are prosecuted and fiaed for absconding from estates. Occasionally, too, wi find in f the correspondence columns of our contemporaries boiled letters from planters summoning the Government to make
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  • 965 4 The engagement is announced of Mr. R, J. Rangel, of the Municipal Health Department, to Miss Eliza Spencer. Mr. H. Gittins, Controlling Engineer, Royal State Railways, Bangkok, arrived here this morning from Bangkok by train. Among the list of J.P.’s for Perak are the Hon. Mr. A.
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  • 993 4 Settle aid Seatimeet. The subject is certainly a not nice” one but these are days for plain speaking an( j there is much sound sense in the letter from an ex-judge to the Timet on the subject of the new Criminal Law Amendment Bill which will be found
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 I THESE 101 DATS IT IS ESSENTIAL TO USE FREELY A RELIABLE DISINFECTANT. ZOTAL removes at once objectionable odour prevents spread of infection. It is especially useful for lavatories and all household purpo ea. m ZOTAL is the best disinfectant for Cooly Lines aud Estate Hospitals IW 15 O X
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  • 686 5 [KI0 T.«'» TKl-BOBAIiS.] T Ht srix” ,N 9,G T Hu. S B*si. to Loot. London, April 2. v, »re now within sight of the .here the Garm.oa, 11 ,h, of luxury .ud liounoe. have the tuuseums, picture gallerie. w P .,toi been fi.e.audexplo.ion The .trench of the 3t.
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  • 681 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Trenches Captured. London, April 2. A French communique reports “On the Somme and the Oise intermittent artillery firing took plaoe between I Aillette and the L&on Boad. c We captured several systems of trenches 1 and strong points east of Neuville sur 1 Vargival. The enemy,
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  • 599 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] POLICY DEFINED, Vietory Over the Kaiser EsseatUl. London, April 2 A telegram from Patrograd states that the Russian Premie*, Prioce Lvoff, in receiving the Pressmen, repeatei the Government’s determination unswervingly to fulfil the treaties and agreement* with the Allies and to prosecute the war to a victorious
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  • 700 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RESOUNDING VICTORY. Official FiguresLondon, April 2In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law said that in the receat Battle of Gbaza the j total number of British killed was 400. The enemy casualties were 8,000. Further Details. London, April 2—Later. An official announcement regarding the
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  • 686 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GATHERING IN VOLUME. Bturiui Joia la. London, April 2. According to a wire from Berne, telegrams from Vienna emphasise that the statement of the Austrian Foreign Minister on March 31 is on all fours with the statement made by Dr. von Bithmann-Hollweg in the Reichstag. Both
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  • 85 5 The following articles will be found on our outside piges i Pages. 2. Homeward Bound in War Time, 3. —The War Tax- F.M S Appointments. To-morrow’s Bind Programme, F.M.S. Commerce. March Rubber Crops. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. 6. —The New Criminal Law Amendment Bill. Kuala Lumpur Comments. Vital Statistics. The
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  • 931 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Financial Men's Comments, London, April 2. Financial men regard the revenue returns as an extraordinary testimony to the capacity of patriotism of the British taxpayer. The excess gives a prospect that the revenue for 1917 8, on the existing basis, will not be less than It
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  • 1116 6 DANGERS OF THE ME VSUKE. (To thi Editor of the Times.) Sir, —I am nfr«id ttilit our cracks are util zur tb**«e troublous times for axe grinding. First we bare had a crusade by tbe Prohibitionists, supported by an mormous expenditure of mouey, wbicb,
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  • 828 6 (From the Straits Times correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 29. Your correspondent, Magna est ventas, etc., in bis letter appearing in your issue of 24th iDstaot unmasks a subject of endless complaint in the F, M. 6. It has been stated freely, for years, with wbat justification your
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  • 101 6 The following is the health statement of the M^hVm7°- l 7 for WKk ,n,ied m Male oi') Total Deaths 75 Female 21 J Death rate per mills per annum comin the P reoed “Sr week and wun 0U.,51 in the corresponding week of last Nationality, M. F. Total.
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  • 290 6 A good deal of quite uaeeeewnry feeling has arisen, indirectly, out of a recent Admiralty order designed to obviate tbe possibility cf confusion between tbe uniforms worn by officers of tbe Navy and some of tnose ia the meicantile marine. It is quite obvious
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  • 226 6 Although the Ordinance recently issued by tbe Government of India makes ali British subjects of European origin between the ages of eighteen and forty-one liable for military service in any part of India, it exempts men who are employed in high office,” or in work of
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  • 407 6 t Wednesday, 4th April. 7 p.m, Office of Tenebre. Mauady Thursday, sth April, 7 a.m. High Mass. 7 pm. Office of Tenebre and Mandatum, Good Friday, 6th April, j 8 a.m. Morning Service. 7 p.m. Office of Tenebre and Stations of the Cross. Holy Saturday, 7th
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  • 150 6 The particulars of the outputs from the followiog companies for the month of March, are as under Kamunting Tin Dredging Lid (.cals 350 Hoars rtro 557 Yards treated 59,000 Value of output $lB,OOO CrstofMioing $10,750 Chbnderiang Tin Dbbdging Ltd. Dredge —Piculs sto Hoars rua 590 Tards treated $52,000
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  • 71 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Good from $l4B to $156 Diamond Smoked Fair 143 to 147 Plain Smoked 126 Diamond Unsmoked 125 to 131 Plain Unsmoked 107 to 126 Sirap Crepe 72 to 86 Virgin Scrap 67 to 71
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  • 63 6 Easter Competitions. Golf.—Eclectic, 9 boles to be played for or Friday, Siturday, Sunday aud Monday, 6th to 9th April. Any number of rounds may be played. Handicaps of aotual handicaps for 18 holes. Entiaace fee 20 cents each card Lawn Tenuis.—An Am°rican tournament will be held provided
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  • 371 6 Wrdnubday, April 4 Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, April 5. Football—P.C.C. vt. P. R. 0., Esplanade. Friday, April 6 Good Friday. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, April 7, Full Moon. Jewish Holiday. Sunday, April 8. Easter Sunday. Monday, April 9. Town Band, Esplanade. Stormy scenes are reported to have
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  • 177 6 Pbn*bo, 3rd April 1917. Beef— Soup per catty ]j Roast Pteaks IT Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail each i 0 J o 08 50 Feet n. 25 Heart Liver per catty 35 Pork S" k j Pig’s Head l 8 Feet Tongue w Mutton per
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 722 6 Tk* Nftture-Cvrc lor CONSTIPATION Help* tk* System to Cure Itself. You cannot cure constipation by violert methods. That ia why the use cf morning «alts and purgative pills ao easily becomes a habit* Theae things do not cure the troubU; they only force matters, and weakeD the bowels till natural
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    • 43 6 The Fruit Season. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent during th fruit season Be sure to keep a bottle of Cham 1 erlain’e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It may ears a iifr hor isle by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 145 6 S m >Tn I- i -Tv A 9L -fc. VTOTICE is hereby giren that The Eastern Trading Co. (ff ft m K of No. 35, Pitt Street, Penang, are the sole proprietors of the above Trade Mark used by them in respect of white oards (Peh Pai) otherwise known as
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  • 1674 7 A French colonel sounded some time ago a rallj in defence of hair on the face Observing a constant dwindling of the area of cultivation on tin countenances of his subordinates, he has not only issued an order to govern their future conduct in this matter, but has seize
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 192 7 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, at the comer of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 121st Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 5th April, 1917. action Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and hursday. Sales
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  • 1280 8 That’s al>, Andrews. You quite understand the orders?” “Quite, sir.” “Tnen tell the others and be ready to leave tue ground in twenty minutes’ time. That will do.” j Andrews who wears a pi’ot s wings and three stars on his cuff, gathers up his maps and,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 307 8 < 1 9 K I sa as? it SUPERIOR TO ALL. 9 9 LIBBY’S Ox Tongues. Lunch Tongues. Breakfast Tongues. Boneless Chicken. Tomato Catchup. Large Asparagus. Vienna Sausages. Bacon in Glass. LIBBY’S Corned Beef. Queen OlivesStuffed Olives. Ham Loaf. Beef Loaf. Chicken ,Loaf Oxford Sausages. Spaghetti. >9 »9 an «MW*
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    • 49 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should giveuj For sale by all dispensaries sod dealers.
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    • 312 8 Rubber Stumps From one year nurseries or more. Planted from best seeds gathered from 13-year old tre-s, 95 growing on good soil. For price and other information phaea apply to MOHAMED SAHJD, 59 Penanti, or to KONG ENG Co. Bukit Mertajam. C.JSTM SMALL INVESTMENT BIGPROFIT Special Lime-Light OXYGEN CINEMA SETS.
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  • 2014 9 The Great Effort of 1914-15. (By A Correspondent The least difficulty found in creating the new armies was in obtaining the men Indeed, at first more recruits volunteered than could be adequately dealt with Before the hosts of raw recruits were converted into the armies which
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 m r H'J: m >+ V A V ir '-tz US SI F C BLE FAME ARE ALL BRITISH. MANUFACTURED FROM SPECIALLY Toughened-Rubber CARS OWNERS You Must Try Them, They are very Good Cheap, APPLY TO G. H. SLOT 8 Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG PERAK. f J 7 W///W
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    • 645 9 Neuralgia Soothed Away by Little’s Oriental Balm. i o all who suffer the desperate twisting agonies and spasms ot N mralgia To all who are acqu tinted with any of the sufferers To all who have never suffered yet who wish to be ou the safe sidei Here’s news: Little's
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1764 10 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINK (Com panie3 Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated ih Holland.) Foe IVTBNDBD TO SAIL. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIB majesty's government) For Htagapore, Chin», Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean
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