Straits Echo, 2 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1098 1 i ir> m r y: .r rA' F>. J-;CU_KA|J Z -U79BE The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. f e l Address: Hakimteik. Penang, ’Phone No. 694. POR SALE. COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER MOTOR CARS 1917 MODEL. One 5-paesenger Touring Car. Two 2 Roadster. A oar that matches every automobile desire at
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    • 13 1 «aea BEST THE ?'1B c TIOns use 33 A-nmu^tal >•5 Ls >CS23S V
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  • 1060 3 Most Dangerous Post at the Front, Perils of the work of the F. O. 0., or Forward Observation Officer in the “O-Pip” or Observation Post with the artillery, are graphically descried by Mr. C G,D. Roberts for the Canadian War Records, It has been said that every one of
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  • 1153 3 MR. EDMUND GOOSE’S “LIFE” OF THE POET. Somi Forgotten MemoriesThe Life of Swinburne, on which Mr. Edmund Oos9e has been engaged for the last six or seven years, is now completed and will be published by Messrs! Macmillian early in the spring. Everything points to the conclusion that it
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  • 182 3 i AH conditions of depressed vitality tend to disturb the processes of digestion. Thin, weak blood affects directly and at once the great processes of nutrition. Not only is the action of the gastric and intestinal glands diminished but the muscular action of the stomach is weakened.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 298 3 I I just Received New Shipments OF I “Maxwell Cars” Vp-to-date Model, Four Cylinder 25 H.P. Magneto Ignition, Self Starter and Electrio Lights. Body finished with Suedegrey, Khaki hood. Petrol consumption 28 miles oT ft o n. Qualities Superior, Comfort and Economical. Chevrolet Cars i i i I I i
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    • 544 3 FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS if you feel'out of sorts’ ’run down’ ’got the blues’ SUFFER from KIDNEY, BLADDER, NERVOUS DISEASES CHRONIC WEAKNESS.ULCERS.SKIN ERUPTIONS,PILES, write for FREE CLOTH BOUND MEDICAL BOOK ON these diseeses and wonderful CURES effected by THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Nol N 2 N,3 THERAPIONsSfe the remedy for
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  • 1292 4 It is only a matter of twelve years ago since the pn jact of a railway from Singapore, in the extreme south of the Malay Peninsula, through Johore, Kua'a Lumpu and Ipoh, on to Pev-mg and thence to Bangkok, the capital of Siiro, was regarded merely as a
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  • 578 4 The results of Saturday's shooting were as follows: Rapids at 300 Yards, Result: with h’cap. made. Pte A M Forrest *71 37 68 R P Phillips *82 36 58 2ud/Lt V G Ezschiel '80 36 40 Ptj L P ‘71 36-23 Coy Q M S Weber
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 WHITEAWAY’S ALL BUFT SH Oo AlS<j PENANG. EXCKPTIOXAL VAIXE !I\ UP-TO-DATE CA% V A S FOOT WE A It. ■«3 A -T*’ JPP J* »>*v 'V VE THE BELSOLE BKANO, White derby front, Broad toe with thick chrome sole, smart shape, and strong footwear. Price $«-!!.> per pair. if -V
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    • 48 4 J I If other laxatives disappoint, use I* PINK FTT F S The dain ty,axa,iv tha *r«»ny 111 II I-d I I correct chronic constipation. f I® 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt ol price from DR. WILLIAMS* MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE.
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    • 623 4 WHOOPING COUGH and Babies’ Bronchitis Cured by VETO’S LIGMI NING COUGH CURE No cough sufferer old or young can Uke Veno's Lightu ng Cough Cure wuhiot benefit Io whooping its quick, sure relief ii truly itatlm,». Mothers who do not knew Veuo's often think that wheoping coug t raU't go
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  • 262 5 Tbat oil devil, Insomnia, is the greatest booking agent ou eat tb. TLe result of his never ending labour is eo great that it required thousands of sanaturiuma and hundreds of insane asylums to t»ke care of his bookings. The overflow he sends to
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  • 857 5 RECEPTION 10 MR. VIRGO. Another Interesting Discourse Thu residence of Mr. Ooi Phee Keng. Vice-President of the Penang Branch of the Y.M.C.A. was on Saturday afternoon I the sceue of a happy gathering cf the members of the Y.M.C.A. and their friends on the occasion of the reception
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  • 29 5 Straits 212,500 lb, Penang 171,000 lb* Tali Ajar 67,500 lb, Rub&ni 56 000 lb* Bigan Serai 26,500 lb, Batak Rabit 33,500 lb* S.S. Bertam 66,000 lb.
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  • 98 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 2. The Secretary to the Government of Madras has telegraphed to S r E. L. Brockman that the Government of Madras has authorised the Emigration Depot at Negapatam and the F.M.S. Emigration Agent at Madras to ship adult coolies not exceeding
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  • 457 5 A Tapah contributcr writes to ns hs follows: The bar sinister has at last baea removed and we have been given our Magna Charta i.e., to enlist for military service with the British troops for service in India. What are we going to do f Will
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  • 134 5 The output of the Kampong Kamuuticg Tin Dredging. Ltd. for the month of March was Hours run 2 dredges 964 Cubie Yards treated ...147,000 Total .Piculs 905.16 Realised os sale $47,792 25 Tbs reduced output is owing to No. L Dredge operating on tha low grade area comprising
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  • 386 5 The following programme of music will be plaved at the Esplanade to-night from 6 p.m. I to 7 p.m. 1 Overture Oberon Wever 2 Polka Ccqueta Ru z 3 Sdection The Martyrs D mizetti 4 Waltz Violettes Ruiz 5 March Tne United Service Hume The Acting British
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 480 5 jstotxce LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S. Irdiit Immigration Fund Ordinance. 1911. JluetoYKBSOP INDIAN LABOUR E ire hereby ron.oded that ...eurceDt re, ",“‘lbe ('XceonbeVputy Controller Parit Perak Rubber Co., |U LIMIifcD (loc,jri>or»ted in Heu»ns,) NOTICE op meeting. -\roTICE 18 hereby gireu that tha First Ordinary General Meeting of The Parit Perak Rubber
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    • 259 5 Neuralgia Saothed Away by Little’s Oriental Balm. To all who suffer the desperate twisting agonies and spasms ot Nurtlgia To all who aro acq a tinted with any of the sufferers: To all who hiva never suffered yet who wish to be on the safe side t Here’s news: Little’s
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    • 269 5 H A i*OQ' W. D. H. O. WILLS 99 N°77 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES DON’T FORGET ALL THE COUPONS PACKED WITH THESE CIGARETTES WILL BE EXCHANGED FOR VARIOUS HANDSOME PRESENTS] BY British-American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd. (Incorporated in England) 7 CHURCH STREET GHAUT, PENANG. •••n#n#n#n#n#nssn#n#n#u#n#ns## n n n n n n n
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  • 104 6 MbM daily (except Sundays and publio bofcdays) AX TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. S* 59 f Beach Street, Penang. f Fnica. > v i u> 1 Duly Local M 924 per annum. Oststatkm... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CAB LI ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo)
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  • 1498 6 From a prominent and experienced nember of the local business community we lave received tie f- Rowing communication [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.'] Sib, Having read in your issue of the 31st March, the Collector's letter of instructions re the War Tax one is forced
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  • 45 6 (Front Our Own Correspondent Lmdon, March 29. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-d ij were Pale Crepe 3/’4 Diamond Smoked 3/0| London, M ireb 30. The prices in the Linden Rubber market to-dsv were Pale Crepe 3/^4 Diamond Smoked 3/0|
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  • 27 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 999 90, buyer* no sellers, and in Singapore (r. fined) at 9101, business done (100 tons sold).
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  • 824 6 Mr, A. H. Heap is on a viiit to Penang- Mr. W. Duncan returned yesterday from Kuala Lumpur. Dr. J. Sharp haa returned to Penang from his short holiday in India. Mr. B. G, Ladell, of Edinburgh Estate, left for home on Thursday. Mr. Loke Cbow Kit arrived here
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  • 1038 6 Legless klaekiac-Gsakers, The Petrograd correspondent of the Morning Pott is responsible for the statement that Germany is using leglsss machine-gunners who are umble to escape. By way of proving h s statement he adds that many have, been found dead beside their machine-guns. The message recalls the many
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 Latest Novelties in Sunshades. f r/ ?/a V/, Best British Make. Colours: Pink, Blue, Purple, Black, etc., with new style handles. lAf Price only $2-25 each KENG Co Penang Ipoh. BBS < ii ELGAR M THE CAR THAT YOU ARE SURE TO APPRECIATE SEASUM Co 23, BEACH STREET, PENANG. S
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  • 653 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] IU it A mobc VILLAGES taken. 5ir Dosils* R ort London, March 80. ..DomIw H.|« reporU:ff. occupy the of Ru r* uloour, i ground J r !b.rp fighting ,Q the neighbourhood of o' 1 at,8clt 80uthw rd ot grttill, hour Jonr.l, infliCtirg lo,.. We ,b, 'it
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  • 622 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER PROGRESS. Vigorous Artillery Duel. London, Maroh 30. A French communique reports North of the 3omme and between the Somme and the Oise reciprocal and vigorous artillery firing took place in the first lines north-east of Soissons. "We made progress in the Vregny— Margival sector. A
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  • 718 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ANOTHER ENEMY PROPOSAL. Austrian Foreign Minister Interviewed. London, March 31. A telegram from Amsterdam states 1 that the Austrian Foreign Minister, interviewed by ths ssmi-official Fremdenblatt, states that the Central Empires are ready to negotiate for a peace honourable to our enemies as well as
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  • 641 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ZIMMERMANN'S APOLOGIA, Tka Projected Mctieo.Japaaaaa Alliaasc, London, March 31, 1 the Reiohstag Herr Zimmermann, Foreign Minister, replying to the oritioism of the Socialist Herr Haase on the embitter, ment of relations with tbe Uaited States, stated that be instructed the German Minster at Mexico to take
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  • 616 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ON THE HEELS Or THE ENEMY, British l«cc«im, London, Marob 81. An official announcement regarding the operation* in Mesopotamia state* Oar troop* sinoe March 19 have been operating to the north-east of Bagdad and are actively engaged in pushing back the enemy and consoldidating the positions.
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  • 111 7 inspection by the governor. (.from Our Oxen Correspondu < Singapore, April 1. Oa Saturday H. E the Governor, General Ridout, and Mr. P. S. J am« Colonial Beci;tary, inspected the 25 b Middlesex Regiment. Sir Arthur Young, in welcoming them on behalf of the Cjlooy, mentioned that His
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  • 403 7 Government and the Chamber of Mines, C From Our Oim Correspondent!) Ipoh, April 1. Mr. Attenbirougb, presiding at the largely attended annual general meeting of the Chamber of Mines on Silntday reviewed th8 past year, ommenting strongly on the need of a revision of the Mining Eaactment.
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  • 94 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, April 1, The Press Bureau announces that the strike at Barrow-in-Furness now affeots practically all the engineering shops in that area, but does not affect shipyards. The strikrs to-d*y, despite the rffots at a settlement by the Society of E igi oeers and the Minister
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  • 72 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages i— Pages. 3. O-Pip." Swinburne. 4. —Looking Ahead. P. V. R. C5. —The Y.M.C.A. March Rubber Crops. Indian Immigration. Eurasians and the Call. Tin Ou utB. Tonight’s Btnd Program in*, 8. —Telegrams. War New- a I Gossip, Passengers to
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  • 603 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FINAL REPORT. Some Recommendation». Loudon, March 27. The final report of the Dominions Royal Commission expresses the view that the existing organisations are inadequate to deal with matters of joint interest to the Empire as a whole, such as scientific development of the Empire resources,
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  • 1222 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BRITISH TVAWLER SUNK. Admhftlty R. port. L nJon, March 31. Tbe Admiralty announces that during the night of March 28—29 firing was observed nrles eff tbe shore from Lowe-toft. Patrols immediately made at full §p>ed for the scene, but nothiag was seen of tbe enemy who
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  • 1942 8 Germany's Mah-Powbr. (From Our Own Cbrre?ponde;itO London, February 23. At tbe moment eve r ytbirg points towards G roaany bracing up herself for a gigantic ff >rt on either the Western—presumably tbe Western —or E tstern front. Not since tbe war opened has she had so
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  • 393 8 Per P, aud O. steamer, from London.— T 0 Singapore: Mr. Fraser, Mrs, Oldmar, Mr Heir, Dr. And Mias S everton Mr. H K, (la M. Houwer, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Mr, P pe. To Penang Mrs. May, Mr. Adam* Mr. Wright, Mr. Tayler. Per
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  • 46 8 Monday, April 2. Town Band, Esplanade. Wednesday, April 4 Town Band, Esflaaade. Thursday, April 5. Football—P.C C. vt. P. R. C., Esplanade, Friday, April 6 Good Friday. Town Band. Esplanade. Saturday, April 7, Full Mood. r Jewish Holiday. Sunday, April 8, Easter Sunday.
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  • 211 8 Penaeo, April 2. S. P. Tapioca |7.90 sellers M. P. Tapioca 8.30 sales. Gold leaf 64.40 Pepper (W.Coasfc 8 lb. 6 o*).s 16 I/2 buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40.00 sailers. Trang Pepper 32 sellers sface $llO nom, Mace Pickings 58 sellers. Cloves 40 sellers. Nutmegs 110
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 Rub It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not bo curtd w tbout taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existenoe and give relief quicker, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 12 8 For Children’* Hacking Coegh at Night Wood*’ Croat Peppermint Ova. I*. id
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    • 62 8 A Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over, the civilised world for its speedy cures of or amps in the stomsob,
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  • 2309 9 1 Dividend. B Number of Shares issued. ■a 1 O a 0.2 < 9 C Capital. k <9 0 s M p r 2 'S last financial year. for ourrent yearName o. B PQ m m B QQ 0 0 O? RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. cts. cts. 120,000 120,0)0 88,000 180,440
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 265 9 THE eastern produce exchange. 27 Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghiut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 121st Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 5th April, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and hursday, nf
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  • 1565 10  -  [By Cecil Chesterton.] A Hyphenated Photo-Plat. It is always as well to attempt to see some* thing of tbe inside of one's enemy’s mind, if only because it helps one to calculate what be is likHy to do under giYen circumstances—which I suppose is nearly nine-tenths of
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  • 397 10 i Thb Would Famous Illusionist. 8 Chong Ling Soo, who will show at the Town Hall on Saturday, is right at the top of his professicn as a magician. He has I made a big name on the London halls, and r his show iB
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 194 10 PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. OUR 267th AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD AT 7, UNION STJtEET, On Tuesday, 3rd April, 1917, AT 11-30 A M. AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY—PRIVATE SUES DAILY. FORWARD SALES ARRANGE Consignment* of Rubber solicited. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments. Prompt Settlements of Account Sales.
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    • 75 10 A Family Necessity. Every family Bhould be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times. Sorains may be cared in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it ia especially valuable.
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    • 112 10 JUST ARRIVED THREE Famous H umber A* j M oto r Cycles New Flat-Twin-Opposed-Cylinders h.p., 3 Speed, Chain drive. PRICK $750 nett. Without Horn and Lamp. LEAFLETS ON APPLICATION. Sole Agents for S.S. F.M.S. GOH TAIK GHEE h SON, 24, Beach Street SI Church Street, Telephone PENANG. Telegrams: No. 532.
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  • 2271 11 The high white ball where the drawings and prints now hang at the British Museum is a pleasant place on a hot London after* noon. It is as cool as a swimming bath, and its dark floor, on which footsteps make no sound, gleams like
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 466 11 FOR SALE 1 TWO WHEELED DOG CART. English make. Apply Box No. 55, cjo Straits Echo, WANTED. BY an Import Firm a salesman and a Bill-Collector (security $2,000). Only experienced men need apply to 192 T.P.C. c/o Straits Echo, NOTICE. NOTICE i 9 hereby given that the Powrr of Attorn
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1668 12 P. 0.—British India AND APGAR LINE Mail (COMPAJfIE8 INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) And Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore. Chiny, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt Mediterranean Porta and London. MAIL LINES. Homhwasd (for Europe.) Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. The Intermediate Service
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