Straits Echo, 30 January 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1108 1 lx) /m X*j.rt J|ftE m D NAT RESERVE your car FOR IP H ME NOW. A Fleet of Englith and American Cars for hire day and night. COME TO The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, PENANB ROAD. Phone 1 No. 694. Tel. Address: Hokimteik, Perang. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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    • 19 1 V MXEgf *«Uo7l fDR INFAWTS CHUMZ v. 0r which is the larfo^T ■»JO hnt* 7. e H SC use
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  • 1960 2 INTERVIEW WITH THE i PRESIDENT. i < Views OB tke Political SituatioßForeigners ind Industrial Expansion Primary Schools for the Country. Peking, January 9. With the object of securing President Li Vnan bung's riews on the present political gituation I wrote him a personal letter some rlsivs ago
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 217 2 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) PETERSONS DE LUXE BRIAR PIPES. ,8 PfTfKSdNS “DE UjXC* STRAIGHT STEM $3.25 $3.75 CURVEDSTE m $3.95 $4.25 GUARANTEED MADE FROM BRIAR 150 YEARS OLD. Requires no breaking in. A sweet cool smoke from the Mart. Hand made push m vu can mouthpiece. We
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    • 34 2 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that's why children can safely take them. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept., 6c, Singapore.
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    • 603 2 There is Nothing to j oke about in a backache. It may oe serious ri»*' cularly with women. In all events it i, to handicap to your activities, at at play. There is no need to mff er 0T Speedy relief is found in LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM The sovereign cure
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  • 737 3 Ricsha Pcllee Sentenced. In the Third Court bsfore Mr. V. G. Ez chiel yesterday a ricsha poller, named Yeoh Liew Bwee, was charged with oriminal breach of trust as a carrier of two bags, containing various articles of clothing and other thiogs including $lOO
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  • 315 3 The Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China yesterday remitted to the Hongkong and Shangai Binkiag Corporation. Singapore, the sum of $19,074,82 for credit of the Red Cross Fund. This represents the amount standing at the credit of the Kedah Red Cross Fond. One of the
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  • 401 3  -  [By Tom Wright For Westralian miners Christ is no more thin a handy swearword, hot the mines celebrate His birthday by stopping wo k for three days and a half. The beer bars get busy. Free lunches—a custom of theirs include slabs of cold plain puddiDg. The
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  • 277 3 [The Editoe or the Malay Mail.] S r, —I shall feel highly obliged if you will kindly publish this letter iu your valuible paper. The letter is addressed to Sikhs in general liviag in the F.M S and S.S Brethren, —A few months ego, the
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  • 232 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.: 1 Reminiscences Of Chopin Winterbottom 2 Galop The Night Bell Andres 3 Walts Swinging Silva 4 Mazurka Bacilia Eduardo 5 March Cadettan Sousa We learn, in the story
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 738 3 Mr. SIOW CHOON LENC advertised bis departure in the 2L. nnre papers arrived in Penang S «fsrdsy morning, the 29th in*t., in with the Chinese and English q°c A F.M.B. Trade Index Business Guide i is dow residing at Kee Kee Hotel, if: printing office is at No. 102, Tank
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    • 207 3 QUALITY is the point which is necessaryin an enjoyable Cigarette. mm c.oi Nl A -ir 'j j CICaRETTES-^-^ fe; londO^I A A i a y 0 Vj 2 2 7, A A A A A A A A A That’s why “EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. 77 Has been justly described as
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  • 99 4 daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at ni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Vo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. I Prior. > i Daily Local 124 per annum. OuteUtiou... Postage Extra. uvn Edition (Post Free) 117.50 H OARLS ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 543 N. B.— All
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  • 1461 4 It would puzzle the most learned of his* torians to say when the first professional soldiers saw the light, but the veriest tyro in statecraft could confidently declare that, when that event did happen, there was in* trodiced into the world a problem which still awaits
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  • 681 4 An Interesting Career. By the death of Mr, James Irving io his seventy-second year, wbioh took plaoe at hia residence in Cantonment Road yesterday afternoon, Penang has lost one of its oldest European residents and a very interesting personality. His Early Lite Mr. Irving was born
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  • 246 4 Malay Policeman Injured. A serious motor accident took place on the Bagan Jermal Road just opposite Fitzroy Villa, A Malay Police constable was severely injured and is now in hospital in a serious condition. It appears that the Policeman was on bis way to TaDj mg Tokong Police
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  • 37 4 Latest Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at •91, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refiaed) at $92, business done (125 tons aold). and in Ljudon at <6191 10s. spot and £192 10s, three months’ sight.
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  • 879 4 Tkc KU| of Split, King Alfonso of Spain—'* the mr tentive husband in Christendom k been the target of the anarchist before""™' notably once when he was onatJ’ Paris and a bomb killed a hor.e a n< 1£ rider in bis escort near the CWiPractise. By the sang-froid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 Super Preparations have responded to the call and stepped into the breach caused by the disappearance of German Preparations from the field. They are All British and are obtainable only from the George Town Dispensary, Ltd. SOPER-ODOL— The only dentrifice which gives that delightful feeling of cool freshness to the
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  • 619 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Saturday’* Import**! Bueeeaa. London, January 29. air Douglsa Haig’» sucoesa *ll achieved in the populous district in the centre of which it L* Tra n *l°J an d n ,catler ®d borough bordering on the Peronne—Baupaume R id. Four miles from Baupaume the enemy bad strongly
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  • 475 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] D«»«tatioa Waits oa Sir E. Carsoa. London, January 27. A deputation of the Navy League appealed to Bir Edward Carson, First Lord of tho Admiralty, to take vigorous measures against submarines. Bir Edward Catson and Sir John Jellicoe (First Sea L >rd) described the measures tiken.
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  • 37 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, Jannary 29. Tbs prices in the London Robber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked 2/MH Mr. Jaak Jennings, of Ipoh, haa been on a bniineas visit to Penang.
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  • 807 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Mr. Neville Ckamkerlaie't Scheme. London, January 27. A forecast of Mr Neville Chamberlain’s scheme for national and oivilian servioe has been published. It applies to men between 18 and 60, and not to women, with the object of raplacing those combed out from the munition factories,
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  • 73 5 Aaiual Gcaeral Maatiag. OPVtwi Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, January 30. At the annual general meeting of the Johore Planters Mr. A. L. Buyers waa elected Chairman, and Mr. Gawler Vicechairman. The Committee ia considering the suggested Labour Bureau system and the possible maximum rate of wages. A resolution
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  • 154 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Aa Aaarekist Plot. Madrid, January 29. An iron beam waa found serosa the railway near Granada just before the passage of the train conveying King Alfonso. It was removed in time. Madrid, January 29—Later. A mass of lead weighing a hundred-weight was placed on
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  • 421 5 Chinese Deputation and Colonial Secretary. A deputation of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce consisting of Messrs. Lim Cheng Teik, Goh Taik Chee and Yeoh Paik Tatt, interviewed the Hon. Mr. F, 8. James, Colonial Secretary, at the Governor’s Office, this morning to discuss the Weld Quay reclamation
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  • 177 5 (From Owr Oum Correepondent). Singapore, January 30. At the annual general meeting of the Glenealy Rubber Co., Mr. Robinson, who presided, said that be estimated the extra duty payable on the financial year at 818,200. The Secretaries of the company were corresponding with the Colonial Secretary regarding the
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  • 1377 5 [To the Editor o w the Straitt Echo.] I Sir, Since last I wrote to jou I bare travelled I some thousands of miles by land and sea, firat to pay a visit to Bombay, and then to I Bushire in the Persian Gulf, so
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  • 585 5 Auutl Geatral Meeting. The annual general meeting of tho Bar of tho Federated Malty Btites took place in tbe Supreme Couit, Kuala Lumpur, cn Saturday, 20th inst., Mr. F. J; Bryant presiding. In the annual report of th 9 Chairman Mr. Bryant referred to tin la‘e
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  • 80 5 The following articles will be found on oar outside pages t Pages. 2 —Affairs in China, 8, —Breach of Trust as a Carrier. Kedah Red Cross Fund. To the Sikhs of Malaya. A Miners’ Xmas Tomorrow’s Band Programme. 6*—Shipping Pre fits and the State. A Contented Editor. How Peace
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  • 10 5 Obituary. Earl Croatr. London, January 29. Earl Cromer ia dead.
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  • 987 6 After the recent sharp set-back in shipping shares that occurrel on the tumour of Stite oontrol there has been a distinct recovery. It has been due mainly to the spirited defence of the shipping industry that was made at the P. and O. meeting by
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  • 1002 6 Thi Balkan News Editors all bare their troubles. If you believw whit they a»y, very few of them are satisfied with their jobs. They would all change fo-morri>w, they say, if they could find jost tbe sort of work they liked.” But the trouble appears to be
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  • 945 6 Somb Difficulties and Dangers. "Termination of War and Treaties of Peace.” By Coleman Phillipson, M.A., LL.D., Litt.D. (London: Fisher Unwin.) 21s. net. Dr. Phillipson’a learned and lucid treatise on International Law and the customs of nations as they relate to the termination of war and the
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  • 939 6 The Weakness of Little Fiems. On the return of peace this country will be face! with the greatest industrial problem in its whole history, and the success of the solution will be measured by the application of knowledge gained during the war. The rapid
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  • 342 6 The Daily Telegraph'» Hungarian correspondent apparently teas additional signs of the eventual collapse of the ramshackle Empire,” and suggests that the Hungarians want complete political and economic independence, but do not want the politicil domination of Qermany. Although the AustroHungarian armies may not have achieved that military success
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  • 80 6 (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, January 30. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 138,142 lb. were offered for sale at the following prices Smoked Sheets $125 to $137 per picul Fine 123 129 Good 116 120 Unsmoked 121 122 Fine 106 110 Crepes 140 141 Good pale 131
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  • 383 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prioes were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from $136 to $l4l Diamond Smoked Fair 126 to 135 Plain Smoked 109 Diamond Unsmoked 113 to 125 Plain Unsmoked 108 to 112 S;rap Crepe w 78 to 90 Virgin Scrap 70
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  • 259 6 Twhkis Touawi MtS7 The following are the result* played off yesterday ties Doublet —A. B J Sauoder. 4 H A N eu bron„ r E J Bennett 4 L O w B—6, 7-5, 6-1 Hlr^ E H Everest A R N Byait beat A F Goodrich 4
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  • 287 6 Tuesday, January 30. Municipal Commission, 4 p m. Wednesday, January 31, Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Golf Club, Ladies Gold Medal (1916) Competition. Thursday, Febrcaey 1. Penang Golf Club, Ladies Monthly Medal Competition. Friday, February 2. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, Fbbkuart 8, Town Band,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure. Is. 6d.
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    • 44 6 The Best Couth Medicine, Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it dees exactly what a cough medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 58 6 k Gens Destrier. lo<* I oin There is no danger wb4tflT O L. t to#** jaw or blood poison when Chamberlain’s Pain B»1 applied. It is an antisept* o It*!* germs which cause these d* m ,tsi»t !0 cause wounds to heal w tbo mro d and in one-third the
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  • 1083 7 Peace as Usual. Germany’s Earlier Efforts. The Kaiser has sworn many things. At the outbreak of war he swore in his speech from the Throne that the Germans wished for no war of conquest. And he swore in the summer of 1915 in Berlin, amid the cheers of his officers
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  • 669 7 A correspondent sends ns an amusing account of bow tha new Food Regulations at Home, which prescribe a maxium of three courses for dinuer, are being evaded. Already, he writes, people are to hive half a dinner at the Cafe Royal and to move next door
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 177 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS SLOT BRANDY MADE IS FRANCE. OMI3, THREE SIX STARS ON SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. 'Phone 45J. SOLE IMPORTERS. Telegrams: SLOT. anxnnacggtci jJtgJHbgiEaaaiigjg uwin r i 8 <5 II I I I I 9 I I I I I i t THE I I
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    • 471 7 WANTED Advertiser wis'es to inva.t sums of $l,OOO or more in sound businesses or business propositions. Apply Box No, 600, 56 c/o Straits Echo WANTED. An experienced book. KEEt'ER Apply to A B. c'o Straits Echo. NOTICE. My WIFE UNO KIM LIEW alias YANG, second daughter of LTng Guan Seng
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1658 8 p. British India Mail AND! APCAR LINE (Com pani Es Incorpokatid in England.) and Service®. KONINKLIJKE paketyaart MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland») For Ihtnndnd to Sail. Langsa, lelok Semawe, Segli, Olehieh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoeien and Batavia. 10th Febiuary Stxambr van Noort PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under
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