Straits Echo, 26 January 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1111 1 II WAIPJ liaM. 1 B 1 FOR Chinese New Ye*L Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishiDg. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vans built to order A Fleet of English and American Cara for hire day and night.
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    • 19 1 Sgg MILK WANTS OIIUBJ 0r WJIICiJ IS IHE UST B*l vO°AT *t r I»» 6| R i® a -a
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  • 1678 2 A Few Hints. [Z?y Canon Langbridge The body of a joke, like tbe garment of clay that we wear, has been the property of many owners. It would be profitable to write the life of a famous joke, fixing the date of its birth in Egypt,
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  • 295 2 The statement made in the Times of Malaya that two large rubber boats have been suddenly withdrawn and that vessels to take our rubber to Europe in the opening days of this year will be few and far between, has naturally caused some apprehension amongst planters and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 Whiteaway, Iaidlaw 8 So., Ltd., AW (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) PETERSONS DE LUXE BRIAR PIPES. m -/j PETtftSON'S *DĔ LUXC* STRAIGHT STEM $3.25 $3.75 CURVED STEM $3.95 $4.25 GUARANTEED MADE FROM BRIAR 150 YEARS OLD. Requires no breaking in. A sweet coo] smoke from the start. Hand made push n Tidcanibe
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    • 44 2 The Best Couth Medicine, Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it dees exactly what a cough medicine is suppled to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 556 2 A Knife Thrust relcome to many co mpared Shooting, stabbing pdin^of would be the vicious Sciatica Ul abJnt the earethemen hol “’««h Ntd LITTLE’S ORIENTAL HAL* and the miraculous relist it bring, u,,, tortured sciatic noise. Jusl rub in,,, where the pain is and the pain is 1,8 m Think
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  • 383 3 I Shot on Wednesday morning, the 24tb I in9t. Rmgcs 300, 600 and 800 yards, deliI barate, H.P.B. 105. A Class. with b’cap. made. I Pte C A Padday .60 93.00 I L/Corpl EWF Gilman .68 92.52 1 Pie W H Threlfall .68 91.56 IC irpi
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  • 78 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Deunys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday:— Smoked Ribbed Sheet $135 to $l4l per picul No. 2 Smoked Sheet 112 132 Unsmoked Sheet 122 125 No. 2 Unsmoked Sbeet 109 112 Crepe fine pale thin
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  • 71 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from $132 to $139 Diamond Smoked Fair 126 to 131 Diamond Unsmoked 116 to 122 Plain Unsmoked 109 to 112 Diamond Smoked No. 2 116 Brown Crepe 94 8-rap Crepe 68 to
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  • 70 3 Ladies’ Competitions—Januaet, 1917. Monthly Medal—3lst Jan. and Ist Feb. Gold Medal 1916—315 t January only. The following ladies have qualified to play for the Gold Medal 1 w R Sayers, Mrs. P. J. Sproule, Mrs. T. A, Martin, Mrs. D. C. Macintyrp, Mrs. A. B. Evens,Mrs. C.M.
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  • 75 3 Field operations will (be held on Bunday, January 28 A. B. Veteran Companies and Maxim will fall fall in at 7.15 a m. at junctions of Gotlieb, Burmab, Bagan Jermal and Mt, Erskine Roads. Commissariat near the Bwimming Club. Dismiss at the BwimmiDg Club. The following have been
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  • 214 3 I a PP Dd tin result of the drawing of I the Championship and Profession Pairs I Events in the P.C C. Tennis Tournament which commences this evening I. 1 Championship. J E. H. Everest bye H. Waugh I F. D. Hindley R. N. Byatt 7 I
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  • 108 3 The following ties have been fixed for Monday, the 29th inst.:— Double Handicap A. R J Saunders AHA Neubronner vs. E J Banrett L Hargrave (1) E H Everest A R N Byatt vt A F Goodrich ARE Prenfis (5) S F B Martin A M K Whitlock
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  • 261 3 [To the Editor or the Straits Echo.] 8 r, I have been much interested in your cemromts anent gambling in Johore and would ask you to be so good as to give these few facts space. The gambling evil, lam sorry to say, is rot confined to
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  • 202 3 Chan Hun was this morning arraigned I efore Mr. V. G. Ezscbiel ia the Third Court, cbaiged with robbery of a gold earliog valu d at $22. the property of a Cantonese womin named Lim Bee. Inspector Me Lemon applied for a remand of the accused for the
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  • 46 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanada this evening from 6 p.m, to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection L\ Vsstale Mercadante Pierrot Megone 3 Walla Beauty’s Daughters Lowthian 4 Mazurka A Midsummer Eve Ora 5 Marsh Death or Qlory Lsbabftrdt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 438 3 amalgamation of kerosene oil agencies the soo bee koncsi rflpiCE is hereby giren that Messrs 1 Kim Keng Leong Co. (also known Pboc Gim Cheang), Teik Chin Company, Timited Keat Sin Leong, and Heng Guan utb fonned a Kongsi to be known as the SL Bps Kongo for the purpose
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    • 312 3 t. of GOLOFINA nt u». JAMAICA CIGARS it ti PERFECTOS BOUQUET M Packed in Boxes of 2S QUALITY EQUAL TO BEST HAVANA BRANDS. SOLD BV Pritchard Co., Ltd. Caldbeck, MacGregor Co. Tong Joo Co. Chong Kee Co. S. S. A. Marican. The Eastern Produce Exchange 27. Beach Street, at the
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. Beach Street, Penang. i Price. in* Daily Local $24 per annum. Ontatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 ff.B. All business communications should
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  • 20 4 Braddbll. —Dec. 17. at LondoD, the wife of Darcy Braddell, S ib-Lieut., B. N. V. R., of a daughter.
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  • 15 4 Vincent— Aldis,— DdC. 9, at Bilbatu, Djrrick Yiocenf, of Singapore, to Kathleen Aid is.
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  • 1319 4 Nut only his President Wilson’s plea for a peace without victory” a bad pr 69” tmong the belligerents on both sides it has bern definitely rejected by Great Britain in the person of her Chancellor of the Exch< quer, and,furthermore, it has been ridiculed by members of
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  • 651 4 Mr. J. E. S. Brown, of Caledonia Estate, is going home on leave in the near future. Mr J. Hargreaves, of Melentaug Estate, Bagan Datob, is returning from leave to-morrow. Mr J. L. McPall has been appointed to officiate as assiitmt Protector of Chinese, Selangor and Negri
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  • 133 4 It is rumoured that His Excellency the Governor will go home either in April or in June. A largo body of public opinion would much rather that His Excellency should, if the state of his health makes it possible, remiin with us till the enl of
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  • 57 4 (l I rom Our Own Correspondent London, January 24. The prices iu the London Rubbar Market tc»diy were Pale Crepe 2/H Diamond Smoked 2/11 Me,»,,. Bountead Co. inform u. tb»t tbo 1 00 talio n» rewivod on Iu 24tb !°n r EUbber 0D ®P°* Irondon on Plantation
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  • 1016 4 A Svgfestcd Soure* of RevenueIt has been suggested on mora one occasion in the Str.o* a F.M.S. that additional reveuu? Dd be raised for the purposes of the^w^ 8 1 doubling of stamp duties. 8o fir**? 7 is.nd provides an analogy, it j„ w rt note that the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 Our business didn’t grow on chance, it is built cn a solid foundation of Honest Trading. No dissatisfied customer so far. All that is R ally Smartest is Here To-day. A unique show of Ctinese New Year Goods. K G 9 rcr n p° h New Shipment Just F rrived.
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  • 731 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] further light. Survivors' Stories, LoodoD, January 24. Survivors of the V 69 say that a flotilla n vc sell lafe fo.* a Germau port on 0t BltfVttu j- M ,ud iy afternoon. At 3 o clock yesterday v(I‘-covered tha British ub»a-n mon-' i st i 0D
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  • 616 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMAN ADMISSION. Danube Delta Abandoned. Lendon, January 24, 7 p.m. a A German communique states i We abandoned the north bank of tin f Danubo delta north of TuVea,” I Russian Front. i j German Report. London, January 25, 11 p m. A wi r
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  • 1216 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] IN THE SENATE. Diverse Views. Washington, January 25f I Iu the Senate a motion by Mr. Cummings, I proposing that a week be devoted to tho I discussion of President Wilson’s speech “as I r bo mo 4 important ever made by a PresiI d
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  • 227 5 (From Our Oicn Correspondent.') Singapore, January 26. At the National Mission, which was presided over by H. E. The Governor, there were present the Right Rev C. J. Ferguson Davie, Bishop of Singapore, the R v B. C- R)tnrts, Sir J. A. S. Buckail), Rov. F. G. Swindell,
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  • 1318 5 [Rbcter’s Telegrams.] j MR. LLOYD GEORGE INTERVIEWED. 9 Important Pro»ou»c«me»t. I London, January 26. I Mr, Lloyd George, in an imp)rtaut inter▼iew on the sublet of the forthcoming Imperial War Council granted to the London correspondent of the Australian United Cable Bervioe, said “I do not wish
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  • 180 5 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —How to be Funny. The Tonnage Shortage. 3. —P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Tho Gambling Evil. Alleged R bbery, P. L. R C. Perarg Rabbpr Auction. Eastern Produ-e Exchaogp. Golf Club. Pensng Volunteers. 6. —Salad Growing. Imperial
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  • 638 6 There are few tables out here where one j would meet with salads and yet wLat is more delioious and enticing than cold meats and the contents of the salad b >wl. r Although the English have long learned to appreciate the delicate taste and piquancy of a
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  • 331 6 The two following cables, which passed between His Excellency the Governor and the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject of the new Imperial War Loan, have been sent to us for publication: Code cable from the Governor of the Straits Settlements to the Secretary
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  • 1206 6 A Great and Neglected Field. < The above is the title of an article in the 1 Imperial and Foreign Trade Supplement of The Timet by its Singapore correspondent. The writer observes that in the eyes of most i people in Britain who give any thought to Malaya
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  • 316 6 Effect on Rubber Companies. The TroLk report states the large sum carried forward (£18,759) is necessitated by tbe liability for excess profits duty. The exact amount of the assessment for three years has not yet been determined, but the company is one of the young producers which
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  • 381 6 Per P. at-d O. steamer Namur. To Singapore Mr. Reid, Mr. Watt, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Hopkins, Mr, and Mrs. Sturrack, Mr. Manders, Mr. Moore, Mr. Miller, Mr. Mr. Adam, Mr. Gepkivaugb, Mr. Burgess. To Penang: Mr. Parsons. Per P. and O. steamer Medina. To Singapore: Mrs.
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  • 2167 6 (From Our Own Correspondent The Allies’ Reply. r London, December 21. i The Allies have given their reply to the j German Peace Proposals at Verdun, where I 10,000 Huns and nearly 100 guns and I smaller artillery have been captured in one < of the bast coups of the
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  • 529 6 Can Inspectors be Spared? While it cannot be denied that a f Government Departments can be 1 comhe* out and a small number of men allowJ7 leave for the front, we think it can be iu,! as strenuously denied that a single J e the Police Inspectors iu
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  • 82 6 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. Town Band. Esplanade, 6 p.m. The What Note, Empire Theatre. Saturday, January 27, Town Band, Golf Club. The What Note, Empire TheatreCricket—" B Company vs. The Esplanade. Sunday, January 28, 4th Sunday after Epiphany. Penang Volunteers, Field Operations. Monday, January 29. Town Band, Esplanade,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Childreo’ti Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is. 6d.
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    • 53 6 Unnecessary Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlan’s Coueh Remedy The most aatidious are satisfied when we state that, it cures colds and oougbs from any cause and that it oontains absolutely no narootics cr injurious substances. For Bale by all
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    • 70 6 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make ti easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and
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    • 71 6 Having to live aa wa do, under the burning tropical aun, climatical conditions render us particularly liable to Colic, a most distressing complaint. The correct medicine to produce a quick cure is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It is a wonderful corrective of all stomach disorders. Never be without a bottle
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    • 51 6 Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd. (incorporated in enoland) ESTABLISHED IN 1808. THE UNDERSIGNED have been ippointed Agents of the above at Penang and are prepared to accept r’ risks of every description. mi Enquiries as to rates and condition» reoeive prompt attention. ISLAY KERR Co, Lrv. (laoor®ar»t»d la Or»»* Telephone No.
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  • 1167 7 Thp potty iffice-, whose chest measure* mfr sou e'bing over f rty ii chef>, stood on the coLoing tower cf H. MS. Van John '•Ed .surv y;jd the Bay cf S dooik i with a disappointed air. I asked hiiu ih-s reason for the ristfu! eye, and
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  • 1111 7 The op ration order you received last night was a mo el of official br vity, You will proceed on reconnaisance in the morning itli Lieutenant B Machine to leave aerodrome at 6a m. You will report enemy activity at positions a* Z.I D 6.4 and at
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  • 178 7 The girl who returns home from school or work thoroughly tired out every evening may 1 e beautiful, but her beauty will soon fade. She will be fortunate if she escapes a physical breakdown, because this getting tired i-o quickly is the first warning symptom of a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 298 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS LOT BRANDY MADE IM FRANCE. THREE SIX STARS? ON SALE EVERYWHERE. Or. H. Slot Co. j Phone 45J. SOLE IMPORTERS. Telegrams: SLOT. *JmC —fi nr yriy» p«—"■ BHS 3SEK ~^£x3ZZZ*iisi&BZ r FIRESTONE I I I I I I I J I 15 fa fa I
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    • 63 7 A Germ Destroyer. There is no clanger whatever from 1 ck jaw or blood poison requiting from a wooed when Cbamberliia’s Pain Brim is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and dt stroys the germs which cause these diseases. It al-o cause wounds to heal without maturation acd in one-third
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    • 745 7 Penang Sales Room. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION At 38, Beach Street, o>i Monday 29th January, 1917, AT 11.30 A M. A motor boaL capable of carrying 8 person*; length 22 ft. bam 6 ft. Draft 1J ft. Also one lot raboollaaecus pood?. Usual Conditions op Pale, Terms Cisb
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1619 8 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Computus Ihcorporatid in England.) Mail and Passenger Service!. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UKDRR CONTEACT WITH HI8 MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homrward (poe Europe Outward (foe China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Service
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