Straits Echo, 19 January 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1074 1 *111 ft,MAID; m My :V £j* im 'y*. yi&ONATjJ^^ BANKS, i— FOR Chese New YeaSend your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishing. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vans built to order A Fleet of English and American Cars for
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    • 10 1 iVM mm Sill» mk zil l| a so ry a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 DRINK ms ■m im a v** 5 tV mm ,-t RE l a '.IX 1 B9C 3tff "r- ->>.■! afoV-w I X &1 >'X'* V til i l li 5^ iui BP"» I 0S1 •a: ft* w 4WFi. fill 8 1 V. V. ga r^rss N US -.-r Mi?; Lt
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  • 1617 3 Bo'h ia Eigland and in Frinca th<»'e has. since early in 1915, bem a cot fl ct ol opinion between two tch jols of strategists—the Westerners” and the “Eis'erntrs.” About the eud of 1914, following the Serbian victory over the second Austrian invasion, General
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  • 216 3 Don’t hunt trouble; other paople will provide you with enough, Burning the candle at both ends shortens the c indie more rapidly, but you get more light. Photographer’s Assistint: Mr*. Van Parkins complains thither portraits don’t look like h r r. Photographer: Complains, does she? She ought to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 447 3 !p:«: .i BILIOUSNESS. There are many causes of this complaint, but they all spring from a «ordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a arm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from its proper channel, and enters the blood, and
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    • 477 3 -<G 7A L* S Wt. 9 U Tkl lllrror Shows Plainer Th&n Words Whit a Wonderful ItBproVittill May he Realised by a Gaia of Lv.e 10 cr 12 Poaads. Sargol Makes Puny, Peevish People Plump and Popular.*' If you are tired of being called Skinny,” “Bean-pole” or any of tl«
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  • 1195 4 It was the right thing for the King to offer a title to Mr. Asquith, and most people will agree that it was the right thing for Mr Asquith to decline it. There is an appropriateness, recognised by Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Balfour, in the most important Com
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  • 603 4 A scrutiny of the report of the Peninsular and Oiieutal Steamship Company confirms the impression gained from Reuter’s telegram that the line has enjoyed during the past year a remarkable degree of financial success. The circumstances in which the Company was working were exceptional. Half its fleet was in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 WIITEAWAY, L'IELAW St CO., 111. THE VALDEHODSE. We hold a Large and Well Assorted Stock of Men’s Underwear at popular prices. 2,000 DOZENS JO IT RECEIVED. INDIA ZE VESTS 9 y <0 \XifF :5 MAnR •RACE S--O O AkOTA SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFELLAN Go., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA.
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    • 63 4 A Germ Destroyer. Them is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poison resuliing from a wound when Clamber lain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also cause wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the
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    • 48 4 A machine weakened in one part soon Wk. down altogether. That i. the case with sufferers from indigestion, a most disheartening complaint If y OU are troubled, turn immediately to WOOIS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A course of this medicine will place the bodr medicine in perfect running order.
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    • 583 4 To end Sciatica Merns too pood to be true, -lown’t it t good to te sure, but it's true, TOO 14 LITTLE’S ORIENTAL Bal* soothes the stabbing, biting nem, 9 instant relief to pain and brings permanent relief. Take u, Ule your hand and rub it in where thl The
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  • 649 5 Rifort tor 1916. The number of active member* on the Biokaat 31st Decernb«r was 161 as comp* »i with 168 at 31st D comber 1915. Tne conesf onding figure* for lady members are 84 >iD'j 62. During t're year 22 new member* were elected and 12 new
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  • 166 5 The January Monthly Competi‘i'n viz. 50 ya r ds hnndicip for “A and *B Glasses will b» b“ld at the Swimming Club on Soodav, 21 -t January *t 11-15 a m. Eotri'S will b-» received by the Secretaries up to within half an hour of the start
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  • 1009 5 List of E*tbii?. The f blowing are the eotries for the forthcoming Tenni* Tournament of the Cricket Club 1— Cbakfxoxshif. M K Wr>i U,ck, a F H Martin, L O H irgrave, A W Harries. B N Byatt, C C R igers, M M 3 r ewarf,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 a Ml VIOLIM ;SPRINGSFRESH SUPPLIES W RYt MVL. .i—-—. -j 1 i Ig or 1st Acribelle Silk cts. 30 3 length B or 2od Best Otit W<1 2 I 0 0I i) 30 2 q or 4th oorered with heavily plated wire on Dampproof Silk M y 25 1 v.«
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  • 95 6 daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) i AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prick Daily Local 124 per annum. Ovtstation... Postage Extra. ir«.;i Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLK ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.— AH business communications should be
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  • 1365 6 Altogether, the war news this morning is rather more cheerful and encouraging than it has been for some little time past. In the West the British, after a bombardment so intense as to convey the impression that the Mmistry of Munitions has little qualms as to the future
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  • 723 6 Major C. Burn-Murdoch has gone to the front. Dr. C. L. Saosom left Kuala Lumpur for Hongkong on Tuesday. Mr. F. W, Jarman is in the European Hospital at Kuala Lumpur, suffering from acute malaria. Mr. and Mrs- G. E. Wright-Motion aud Mr. Grahame E. Wright-Motion have
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  • 131 6 Mea for the Froat. We are asked to publish the following WRh reference to previous announcements, it is notified that the Government will in future provide all approved applicants with second class passages for the purpose of proceeding to England to offer themselves for active service. «•The above
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  • 933 6 Good Work, It is D0t usual for us to discus a of the local clubs but we m iy th8, **in selves a word of congratulation tf ll > Henderson on the very We Cf r c M has effected in the financial Penang Golf Club. ‘ti°n of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 □□□nnnnnncDnaannnnnaanncanaannnnaannannnnnannaannnnanaanan innnnannarannnnnnnnncnanDnaan THE g PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY I WILL PRESENT The “Pirates of Penzance D o D n D 1* D D D AT THE TOWN HALL, ON Saturday, 20th Jan. (RACE DAY.) AT 9-15 P. M. f IN AID OF THE CFF1CERV FAMILIES FUND. Unreserved $2. ADMISSION Reserved $3.
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  • 1517 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] VIOLENT FIGHTING. Germ** Ver*io*. London, Jaauary 17, 11 p,m. The Gorman official report, after stating th4 t the artillery battle has increased in v.olenco at several points in the West, tbit thi Russians and Rumanians fiercely continue! their attacks in the East Oarpatbians with he
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  • 469 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TIN’O’S HAPPY THOUGHT. For this Relief. London, January 18. The Timet correspondent at Athens states that King Constantine is thankful that he has saved his throne. He would have accepted any ultimatum in preference to embarking on an uncertain military adventure. It is known that
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  • 70 7 (From Our Own Correspondent London, January 17. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 3/01 Diamond Smoked 3/0$ Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following are the quotations reoeived on the 17th for Rubber on Spot in London on the 16th
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  • 662 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] USEFUL PUSHES. PRISONERS TAKEN. Sir Douglas Haig's Report. London, January 18, 1.1 am, Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports "In the morning after a heavy bombardment we occupied a line of posts to the north of Beauoourt-sur-Ancre. The whole of our objectives were gained with a frontage
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  • 725 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] EXPERTS* VIEWS. Further Details. Loudo", Januiry 18. Naval experts are oufilent that the German raider in the Atlantic will shortly share the fate of the Oreif, They are of opinion that she began operations in the North Atlantic and then went south. Probably the St
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  • 63 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Pages. 3.—Nonsense. On Which Front Should We Concentrate 4 —At Random Shipping News. 5.-P.CU. Tennis Tournament. Penang Swimming Club. Penang Golf Club. 8. —Penang Turf Club. Singapore Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Exchange. Penang Rubber Auc- lion. The Week’s Events.
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  • 681 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] MASTERLY PRESENTATION. Mr, Balfour's Despatch. London, Jan, 17. The despatch of Mr. A J. Bilfour, Foreign Secretary, supplementary to the Allies’ reply to Presileat Wilson’s Peace Not), was handed yesterday to the American Government. It constitutes a masterly presentation of the Allies' oise for the
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  • 3001 8 SECOND O'Y S RESULTS. GOOD TOTE DIVIDENDS. F<*vour*b e weather conditi>»-8 b r ought a larger attendance to the Rtce Course yesterday ar.d the racing was decidedly more interesting The tote was in liberal mood the taleDt” emiled kaowingly when an outrider just managed to do the
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  • 82 8 (From Otm* Oun OmmsspondenU) > Singapore, January 19. At the Singapore Bobber Auction 649,373 lb; were sold at the- following oricas Smoked Sheets $139 to $149 per picul Good 126 139 'Fine-plain 125 128 Good ..u- 153 Uosmobed fine 115 117 H Fine plain 120 Orepes 140
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  • 63 8 At tbe Eistern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond*Smoked Good f»om.sJ34 to sl3s Diamond Smoked Fair 128 to 133 Plain»Smoked 117 Diamond TJnsmoked 113 to 114 Plain Untmokel "106 t<s 112 Pale Crepe >133 Brown Crepe 97 SirapCmpe 76 Virgin Scrap 69 Looso
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  • 74 8 The undermentioned prices were realised foe rubber told by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday:— Smoked Bibbed Sheet $l3l to sl39.per picul Smoked Plain Sheet 118 No. 2 Smoked Sheet <426 ,J. J3O Uaemoked Sheet 108 413 Crepe fiue pule thin and blanket
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  • 130 8 Frida*, January 19 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturdat, Jaeuary 20 Town Band. Golf Club Pistes of Peczince ,J i n ai 4 Families Fund, 9 15 n.m B A* 0. Race Dinner. Ruonymede Hotel Race T,ffi 0at)f n sp«.t, JisUAlI 2 ndD 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
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  • 132 8 Pbnano, January 19. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank m 2/41 4 months’ sight Bank Z. J 41 1 /lt n Credit Mi 2/S 3 Documentary 2/5 t/M Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 168 3 days’ sight Private... 1 74 Bombay, Demand Bank 168 Moulmein, Demand Bank
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  • 200 8 PRjrajro, Jasua*T 19. 8 P. Tapioca fd.4o M I 9I M. P Tap.oca 1.90 sales Gold leaf $440 Popper (W.Coast lb. losjjM 1/2 bijm. Black Popper .j 2500.1»jin White Pspper 42 00 a»ii»n. Traug Popper S 3 buyers $llO sen. Mace Pickings 66 buyers Olores .i 40 jj |r|
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 344 8 EMPIRE THEATRE 1 I FOR 3 NIGHTS ONLY j j T«es. t Wei., Thurs Jan. 23, 24, 25, J I 1917. i Extraordinary Attraction j SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF The Whatnots A high class Variety Company and Mystical Entertainers. HEADED BY IUn rille Robert? Master Illusionist Magician. Irene Beryl Charming Soubrette
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    • 45 8 The Children’s Colds. J Watch,.the children’s coldsiand ■cure them before I hey weaken tbe vitality, Tfce Chamberlain’s Ctfugh Remedy fraelv,* It i§ l»*fe©tly raff. iUbaa been lasted byobemUts and pronounced ire# Iroga isjuuoua sujbatances acd costa but a trifl*. For sale by ail and dealers,,
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    • 43 8 ESTABLISHED f*74 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Ufe Assurance Company Ltd. I*corpor*te4 it I*4it. iBKANCH OFFICE, SlNGAPOBi J. R Macphmbson, lBl /0 Secretary 8.8. Total Asset8 exceed Claim, «.id low EAIES. UMUl C0»iIH" Apply for Proepectu» etc. to Uu Ety Toil Merciuint,^^^, CANVASSERS WANTED.
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  • 1315 9 Fknang Mohamedans* Farewell, The H m’ble Khan Bahadur Ahmed Tbam y Maricar, M L.C, Madras, who touch* ed here yesterday on his w»y back to Iodia iffer a t< ur through tbe F M S. and the Straits 8*ttlrmeuts to iiqjire it,t) the labour question, was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 270 9 t T H E I FIRESTONE I I I I I I I I B I I I t I I tf K I I Mileage Guarantee is contained in the superior Quality, Construction and Design of every FIRESTONE TYRE sold. No unnecessary agreement forms with high Sounding phrases; nothing
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    • 238 9 I THE BODEGA RESTAURANT 8 BAR (The Rendezvous of Penang The only Bar in Town where the quality of the Drinks is guaranteed by European supervision. MEALS OBTAINABLE from 7 am. until IO p.m THE BODEGA HYGIENIC HAIR-DRESSING SALOONS The only Toilet Saloons in Penang under European Supervision. Guaranteed Clean
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  • 2019 10 A History of the Irish Rebellion of 1917. By Warre B. Wells and N. Marlowe (Dublin Maonsell 7i 6d net.) The authors express the hope that this may prove a "standard record of what they rightly call "an episode in Irish and Kuropean history and although we
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 Onncc:mry Words. Why waste word? ad advertising space in describing the many p ints of merit in Chamberlttn’s R-medy The most ast dious are when we state that it cures colds and c ugbs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics cr injurious substance*. For sal* by
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    • 362 10 imaae WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: LONDRES. HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. mm r T" Ws f vm 5r rrmm Tgft»- h fe «•V viS*#! PER LAS. PERECTOS. IMPERIALES. CORTADO DE LA REINA.
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  • 1823 11  - Love and Lucy." (By Maurich Hewlett.) This is a romantic tala. 80 romantic ia it that I shall be forced to pry into the ooy recesses of the mind in order to exhibit a connected, reasonable affair, not only of a man and his wife prosperously seated in the mean
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  • 177 11 In many severe nervous disorders the most active tome treatment is recommended by the highest medical authority to arrest the progress of such diseases. It is impossible to reach the nerves directly with medicine. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a nerve tonic, but they act on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 54 11 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, char the complexion of blemishes and «weeten the breath, nee the dainty laxative PI iMKETTE!' They gent It assist nature and will help to keep yon well. Tinv but thorough, do not gripeOf thanaiatfi, 50 cants par phial, or free from the Dr, Williams’ edicine
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    • 44 11 The Best Cough Medicine, Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day became it doe* exactly wbat a cough medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 374 11 3NTOTICE. THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE appointed to enquire into the question of Man Power in the Colony is now sitting. Applications whether from Employers or Employees should bo addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, The Resident Councillor. NOTICE. WE, the undersigned, beg to notify the pubi c that Messrs. Chan
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1476 12 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'b GOVERNMENT) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe.) i Outward (for China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke
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