Straits Echo, 16 January 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1107 1 pi ii^Ai r < totKL f "A- f•; (BANKS.i FOR Chinese J|ew Year Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishing. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vans built to order A Fleet of English and American Cars for hire
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    • 13 1 I n fIE mm Hi IS' J sis ilia :an .o 4S v>2
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  • 2018 2 (From Oat Own Correspondent o National Ministry. London, December 14 At last a National War Ministry—which the country has been demanding for many weary months —has come into existence Apart from governance of the domestic affairs of the country, the new Ministry will be specially entrusted
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 THE WORLD’S CREATES! DUST GATHERER. •u 5^5 I j V //O MI THE O-CEDAR MOR O-CEDAR MOP GLEANS AS IT POLISHES. O-CEDAR MOP. Made with a strong enamelled steel centre. Indestructible Cleans and polishes at the sance time, putting a high lustre on all varnished surfaces There is nothing to
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    • 592 2 Mohammedan and Hindu Endowments Board. W ANTED. Rent collector for MnK. a D d Hmdu Endowments »20 a month with bonus of a month 1 8 ar J every quarter. Security f or S! oon V Ury furnished. Apply to ba SECRETARY, Mohammedan Hindu Endowment» Board Land Office, P eD(kn
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  • 246 3 Seratchiags. The following are the scratching* Race I. —Betting Bill. Rack 111. Krelis Sitter, Midas, Tocsin, Princest Pat, Injustice, The Monk, My Spec. Race IV.— Tongkah, Rack V.— Kitty, Noreen, Caramut, Race Vl.—B atu Qajah. Race Vll.— Farieha, Sir Douglas, Mystic, Tim, The Oeisha Charles K, Black
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  • 178 3 [To the Editor of the Free Press.] S r, —I quire agrea with Mixim’s” paint of view. Tuere should ca r tainly be a distinction drawn betw-.-en married man and bachelors with respect to their contribution to the tax. Evidenco of the ability of the bachelors to spend
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  • 164 3 Tuesday, January 16. Penang Races, Pirates of Penzince in aid of Officers’ Families Fund, Town Hall, 9.15 p.m. E. A O. Race Dinner. Runnymede Hotel Race Tiffin and Dinner, Wednesday, January 17, Town Band, Esplanade. S, R. A. Meet n*, Chamber of Commerce, 11am. Thursday, Jancary 18
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  • 329 3 Taiping Our Day.” Result or the Conceet. [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir, I shall bo obliged if you will publish this statement giving receipts and expenses of the Concert that was held hsre on November 18 last. Many thanks are due to the Chartered Bank for keeping
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  • 69 3 At tl.e Eastern Produce Exchange Aucf i >r. yesterday the following prices wore obtained: Diamond Smoked Gocd from $l2B to $132 Diamond Smoked Fa r 126 to 127 Plain Smcked 114 Diamond Unsmoked 119 to 120 ?!ain Urn-mokel 107 to 112 But Crepe 54 Virgin Scrap 74
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  • 347 3 The output of Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging L f d. for the half-month ended 10th January, 1917 was: No, 1. No. 2 Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 306 304 Cubic Yards treated ...48,000 45 000 Total Piculs 634 11 Realised on sale $31,417.39 The report was published a few
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 669 3 ISrOTICB. nnnnnnonnnrannnannonncnnnnnn TtiK ADVISORY COMMITTEE ap. D Uj to enquire into the question of C Power in the Colony i. now sitting, n Mirations whether from Employers or g APP, ,hould bo addressed to the of the Committee, The Residents Councillor. I n 39i pOH SALE. rpUR^OUT* —Rubber-tyred E n
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    • 211 3 8 B r GOLOFINA JAMAICA CIGARS 3 3 tfc PERFECTOS BOUQUET" Packed In Boxes off 25 QUALITY EQUAL TO BEST HAVANA BRANDS. SOLD BY Pritchard Co., Ltd. Caldbeck, MacGregor Co. Tong Joo Co. Chong Kee Co. S. S. A. Marican. To-night To-night! ELECTRIC POLYSCOP mJ LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. PRESENT
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  • 95 4 F«Misb«d daily (except Sunday» and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pwcb RaQy Local 124 per annum. OaUUticm... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) >17.50 QiBLl ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business communications should be
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  • 12 4 Tobutt. —Dec. 7, at SurbitoD, wife of K. Tobutt (F.M.S.), son.
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  • 1266 4 We have been afforded an opportunity of perusing the prospectus of the Kerling Tin Mines, Ltd. and we honestly believe that but seldom has the public been invited to subscribe money on more meagre and less definite information than that disclosed by the document in
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  • 874 4 A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Austen Chamberlain, wires Reuter. Dr. C. F. Nicholas had just returned to the front in France from leave in London when the mail left Eagland, Mr. R. G. WatsoD, C.M.G., British Resident of Perak, has arrived in London
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  • 967 4 Mesopotamia Agaia. Private letters from Mesopotamia in very hopeful terms of the situ*ti J** 1 prospects in that theatre. There can k.* D<l doubt that fundamentally it w D strategy for Great Britain to undertakl 0 campaign the mistake was in undent ing its magnitude and trying to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 16 4 Death. Padday. —De3. 9, at Ealing, Stpbia, widow of H. J. D. Pad lay, aged 70.
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  • 924 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MILITARY situation reviewed. Co»fi4e»t of Victory. London, January 15. Oathe Russian Niw Yeir’s Day the DeW(j p ipo rs were full of military and politick reviews and greeting to the Allies. The general note i« confident anticipation of decisive victory in 1917. T j, o
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  • 925 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE TEXT. Rigkta of Small Nation. London, January 15. i The text of the Belgian reply to President Wilson has been published. It says that President Wilson seems to believe that the objects of the belligerents are identioal. The example of Belgium proves the contrary. Belgium
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  • 414 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Russian Version, London, January 15, A wireless Russian official announcement states that the Rumanians attacked the heights in the region of Kasino River. Violent bayonet fighting threw back the 1 enemy a verst to the south. The Russo-Rumanian forces repulsed an offensive in the same
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  • 148 5 London, December 17. In the House of Commons yesterday Major Redmond said he had come to the conclusion that an understanding between the North and the Bouth of Ireland was possible, and almost essential to tbe wellbeing of the Empire. Mr. Bonar Law said the
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  • 139 5 Gsraaay's Coateatioa. London, December, 17. Speaking at Batley yesterday, Mr. Walter Runciman said, when referring to the Bubmarine menace, that among the decisions arrived at by the Cabinet last August was that tbe production of armaments for the defence of merchantmen should be given first place. Doubtless
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  • 348 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] U Dutch Territorial Wsters. Flushing, January 15. A Dutch warship brought in a German submarine which was fouad in Dutch (territorial waters. The submarine will be I interned. Aid Released. Flushing. January, 15—Later. The German submarine has been released I after investigation and conducted outside
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  • 287 5 Lord Northcliffe and the Peace” Note. New York, Dec. 15. The United Press Agency's correspondent in London has cabled an interview with Lord Northcliffe on the peace proposals. Lord Northcliffe stated The move is due to food shortage in Germany, strained relations between Germany, Austria and Turkey, and the fact
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  • 26 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, January 15. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 2/1 li Diamond Smoked 2/11J
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  • 204 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] I Have Ike Courage Amsterdam, January 15. The Norddeut$cher Allgem'ine Zeitung publishes a letter froui the Kaiser addressed to Dr. you Betbmann-Hollweg on October 31, saying that the enemy peoples were kept in the war by lies and frauds because their rulers were without moral
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  • 474 5 The Allies' Arrangements. In the declaration which be read in the Duma M. the Russian Premier, announced an agreement, concluded last year, between Russia, Franca and Great Britain (to which Italy had subsequently adhered) definitely establishing Russia’s right to the S raits and Constantinople. For more than a thousand
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  • 87 5 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages Pages. 2. —War News and Gossip. 3. —Taiping Our Day.” Tin Outputs. Eastern Produce Exchange. The Income-Tax. Penang Turf Club. The Week’s Events. 6. —Malayan Man-Power. The P. AO. Fleet. Rubbir Notes. Passengers to the Straits. For Mr, Brunei
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  • 993 5 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo. 1 Sir. In your note in your issue of the 13th I U to < l oBcr *k e the Address of the Kuala Lumpur Indians to the Indian I labour Enquiry Commission as "mendacious I nonsense.” If you had gone
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  • 227 6 Per P. 0. steamer Kashmir. —To Singapore Mr. Ballon, Mr. CowaD, Mr. Panch&nd, Mr. Sine, Mr. and Mrs. Corporal. To Penang i Mr. Webber. Per P. A O. steamer Medina —To Singapore: Mrs. Low, Mr. and Mrs. Nutt, Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss, Mr. Orme, Mr. Heaney,
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  • 704 6 This towel,” said the attendant in the germ-proof barber’s shop, has been subjected to extreme heat and is thoroughly sterilised.” Good thing,” commented the patron. This soap has been debacterialised, and the comb and brush are thoroughly antisepticised.” Great scheme,” Baid the patron. The chair in
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  • 926 6 Iu the autumn of 1914 the Germans destroyed a Dutch lighter of coal Leir Malines, The owner instituted proceedings, and the Gtrman State was sentenced to pay damages to the amount of frs, 25,000. According to the Telegraaf, the cjun«al of the owner, Dr. J. G. Schurmaon, receive! a
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  • 982 6 The Planters’ Associations have been busy considering ways and means of checking the stealing of rubber from estates. The nuisance from all accouut9 has assumed gnat proportions. Every one seems agreed upon the extent of the evil, and anxious to demand legislative measures to cope with the existing
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  • 44 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection The Contrabandista Sullivan 2 Polka Babillage Prout 3 Waltz Ideala Bucalossi 4 Gavotte Saidie Amillon 5 March City Sights Ciibnlka
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  • 1030 6 The general interest taken in the question of Malayan man-power both in the Colony and tbeF.M.S. is exemplified by the result of the referendum organised by tbe Singapore Free Press aud by the numerous letters which we ourselves have received for publication. Our Singapore contemporary claims that
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  • 429 6 The P. O. Fleet. FOUR USERS ACQUIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT. NEW M\IL BOAT ORDERED. Tribute to Officer* aid Crew of the Ar»hi»" Presiding at the annual meeting of the P. and O. Company, on December, 13, Lord Inchcape said that within the last few days the company had ordered a
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  • 133 6 Lord Inchoape Says That Enemy Submarines Are Being Sunk. Lord Inchedpe was optimistic concerning the submarine menace. He said that the destruction of merchant ships and their cargoes was doubtless a serious matter for this country, as it was reducing our wealth in the shape of property
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  • 278 6 I P. O. Chairman Opposed to i Nationalisation. Referring to the purchase, at high prices, i by the Australian Government of tramp steamers to engage in the carrying trade 1 Lord Iochcape said In my humble judgment Governments would do well to leave ship-owning alone, > and to
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  • 887 6 Commodity and Shari Out. Look—The Industry’s Fotub* London, December 12 Within the past fortnight the price 0 t a best grade of plantation rubber i. 00 from 2s. lOi. to over 3s 4d., and the'reT been a Corresponding advance in 1 “forward.” This means that the nr^ 1081
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Middle-aged people are often afflicted with that distressing ailment, windy 9p*sm», they soem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. Tbo vory first dose will bring relief and prove its valuo, Sold by Dispens tries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents per
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. Is. 6d.
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    • 45 6 The Best Cough Medicine, Chamberlain’s Cough remedy i 8 the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a couirh medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispeuraries and dealers.
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    • 42 6 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure the® before they weaken the vitality. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. perfectly safe, It has been tosted and pronounced free from injurious sU atances and costs but a trifle. e all dispensaries and dealers,
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  • 2116 7 Those who have tluught it worth while to raad what has been said in Truth during the last year or two on the connection bet* ween civil government and war will not expect to find this j jurnal thrown into paroxysms either of joy or grief by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS SLOT BRANDY MADE IN FRANCE. OME, THREE SIX STARS ON SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. •Phone 455. SOLE IMPORTERS. Telegnms: SLOT. W FIRESTONE I f I Mileage Guarantee rvTl writ' T Mv': -3 S 4 1 is contained in the superior Quality, Construction and
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    • 69 7 Whoopiag Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and mak*ti easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and as
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    • 638 7 To end Sciatica 19 ie seems too good to be true, doesn’t it P It i« f, good to te sure, but it’s true, TOO, e LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM soothes the stabbing, biting nerves Brings r. instant relief to pain and continued use t. brings permanent relief Take a little
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1530 8 P. 0.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (#or Europe Outward (tor China.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Tke Intermediate Service
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