Straits Echo, 12 January 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2012 2 After two years and four months of war the Eoglish people have abandoned few of their luxuries. They have not even given up the sensational newspapers. We have often wondered how far people take those papers seriously, and how far they take them like detective stories, for amusement. On
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 BATH TOWELS A TOWFL FACE TOWELS VALUE BATH TOWELS. The "SOUDAN" Towel. Very thick and extra absorbent. Large size measuring 59 by 36 ins. Price $1-95 each. The SPECIAL VALUE Towel. Large size Turkish Bath Towel Size 32 by 52 inches. Price $1-10 each. The "WAYLOW Towel. A towel that
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    • 58 2 Unnecessary Words. by waste words and advertising space in nl SCn K°f h0 ma "5' P oi of merit in Cbamberlan s Cough Remedy? The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and coughs from any cause and that it contains absolutely no narcotics cr injurious
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    • 44 2 The Best Cough Medicine, Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 609 2 The Ancient Torturers could have devised nothing more cn the frightful twinging pains of ScutTc» can de?ise Modern Medicine more effective than Nothin» LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM wherewith to combat this terrifvin tion. It does its work and does I All pain immediately relieved it in. mb For sciatica rheumatism, neuralm,
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  • 123 3, January 12. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/44 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4*ll/16 3 Credit 2/415/16 3 if Documentary 2/4 31/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 170 •f 3 days’sight Private... 174£ Bombay, Demand Bank ]JO Moulmein, Demand Hank 169 a 3 days’ sight Private...
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  • 279 3 Mrs Lim Swee Cheng of “Bjrneo Lodgp,” 131, McAlister Road accompanied by her husband and eldest sod, returned recently from a trip to Dali after having successfully undergone a series of painless operations on both her eyes, which had been blind for about six years.
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  • 1180 3 INCREASED DUTIES ON LIQUORS AND TOBACCO. Bigger Fees from Rubber Dealers. I We take from the Straitt Timet the appended report of further proceedings at the Legislative Council meeting on Monday afternoon. On the motion of the Colonial Secretary (Hon Mr. F. S, James, C.M.G.), the Council approved
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  • 327 3 No doubt it will be generally considered that the accused in the Kongsi case which concluded at the Assizes yesterday has got <ff very lightly. The very fact, however, that be has boen convicted and 6ent to gaol is a severe penalty to a man in
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  • 87 3 C From Our Chen Corm&ondenl.) Singapore, Janrury 12. At the Singapore Rubber Auctions 874,422 lb. were sold at the fol'owiog pricas Smoked Sheets $142 to $152 per picul Good 130 142 Fine 130 132 Good plain 125 Good ribbed 109 Fine plain 114 122 Good 102 106
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  • 75 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from 9134 to 137 Diamond Smoked Fair $129 to 133 Diamond Smoked No. 2 $lO9 Plain Smoked $ll5 to 116 Diamond Unsmoked $ll3 to 121 Plain Unsmoked $lOB to 113 Sirap Crepe
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  • 114 3 The b.p. Kok Canton, which arrived here yesterday, brought 3,546 bags of tin ore. The s.s. Hebe from Teluk Anson yesterday discharged 1,179 cases of rubber, The s.s. Rotorua, which cime into port yesterday, brought 957 bags of tin ore and 250 slabs tin. The s.s. Un Peng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 581 3 onDonntmornnnnnnoannnnnnDnnnn THE PEIMG CHORAL SOCIETY WILL PRESENT The “Pirates of Penzance it AT the town hall, ON Tuesday, I Oth Jan. Thursday, 18th Saturday, 20th (RACE DAYS.) P.M., AT 9-15 IN AID OF THE OFFICERS’ FAMILIES FOND. ADMISSION Reserved $3. Unreserved $2. PENANG. booking at ROBINSON PD NO Co, U
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    • 64 3 RACE HOLIDAYS. The Exchange Banks vill be closed at noon on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the 16th, 18th and 20th January, 1917, being Race Days. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed agent jor the above Corporation, il’ is now prepared to accept
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  • 94 4 Fabliah*d dfcily (except Sunday* and public holidays) at THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ha 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prior Duly Local $24 per annum. Outctation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 345 N.B. —All business communications should be addressed
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  • 1270 4 For many month* in the earlier stages of tha war it was the fashion for the professitral politicians and their henchmen r o gird at the newspapers, and particularly it what is known as "the Noithcliffe press”, and to j-er at the very idea that
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  • 28 4 (l rom Our Own Correspondent.') London, January 11, The prices in the London Rubbar Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/1U Diamond Smoked m) 2/1’ a
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  • 42 4 Latest Quotations, .qT* 0 nr fined is here t>day at *8« o^ UB |l DeB9 don S,n a F°:e ('efined) at *88.25, business dona (50 tons sold) and in London at 182 15s spot and .£lB4 10s three months’ sight. AU
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  • 871 4 The death took place of Archbishop Ban--1 tilli of Agra on D cember 30. i Mr. W. S. Dunn, Assistant Municipal Engineer, has gone home on leave, Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, Deputy Controller 1 of Labour, and Mr. Marjoribanbe, of the Indian Labour Enquiry Commission, stayed
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  • 1061 4 G«fm«»r and Holland Sme alarm is being f-,|t j n jj o|, 0 the constant arrival of G r mt nH '['.j steady stream of deserters from the a Army for quite a long tiuao has b 4a a flood of Germans from the p 4 itself. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 THE CHANG YU PIONEER WINE CO., LTD., SHANGHAI CHEFOO, CHINA. N E W a JR 'v 'K- 7%1 t* A j -r.f. wi =V »y s H I P M E Sweet Claret, Red Port, Hoc’s, Bra dy &c. y N j Sole Agents 'V.: > j u s T
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  • 623 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] STIRRING SPEECH. ALLIES’ STERN DETERMINATION. E»tSu»i»*'i« Recrpiia*. London. January 11. The Guildhall was crowded on the occaf t he War L >au me ting and the Premier, Mr. L'oyd George, was accorded a great reception. Victory Difficult but Defeat Impossible. Mr Lloyd George iu his speech
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  • 101 5 NEW PLANS MEAN ABSOLUTE VICTORY. London, Dec 21. General Haig’s army is row a young army with young and vigorous brigadiers and colom lg such as Napoleon had. All the less hclivo dements have bean removed and are “vailiible for the Premier’s great Home mobilisation, which by
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  • 337 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY ANNOUNCEMENT. Small Lott of Life. London, January 11, The Admiralty announces that H.M.S. Cornwallis was torpedoed by a submarine aud sunk in the Mediterranean on Tuesday. Thirteen men are missing, [The Cornwallis belongs to the Duncan Class These are vessels of 14,000 tons displacement,
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  • 245 5 SOMME BATTLE SEQUEL. The Military Awards, London, January 1. Tho New Year Military Honours list consists of three sections, tho first appears to-day, the second to-morrow, the third on the 25th January. Sir Doug'as Haig’s promotion to be Field Marshal is welcomed as a fitting reward for having
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  • 82 5 Entente's Advice Not Take*. London, January 1. The Qlobe publishes a frank answer to the uufouode 1 suggestion that Rumania s misfortunes reflect on the Allies uenerally. The Globe asserts that the moment chosen for Rumanian intervention was selected onntrarv to the Entente's ad vie Even so, all
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  • 764 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] RAFA STORMED. Another British Victory, LondoD, January 11. An official announcement regarding the operations in Egypt states We captured a strong position of six lines of entrenchments and six main redoubts of the central keep covering Rafa north-east of El Arish. “TheArzic Mounted Troops and the
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  • 612 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] REVIEW OF THE OPERATIONS. Ruitiis Account. LondoD, January 11. A wireless Russian tfficial announcement states: Fighting continues south of Lake Babit We captured a village east of Kulncem- The enemy captured two heights north of the Mituz River. The Rumanians fell back south-east of Mokestirka
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  • 524 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] POSSIBILI i Y OF INVASION. TKrce Prok.ble Routes. London, January 10. The Daily News correspondent a Lausanne states that despite German denial?, the Swiss are pre-occupied with the possibility of a German invasion in a desperate iff art tc se:ure peace within thrre months by a
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  • 49 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Pages. 2. —Sensation. 3. —Legislative Council. Shipping News Eastern Prodace EichaDge. Singapore Rubber Auction. The Yeoh Kongsi Ca«e. 6. —Sch Yeoh Kongsi C se. The Arabia Disaster. The Week’s Events. 7. Swiss Neutrality. Rubber Notes. A Human Bishop.
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  • 671 5 [To the Editor ov the Straits Echo.] Sir, I supposo it is on y a legitimate part of the game on your part either to create or foster a spirit of resentment between the Unofficial members of Council and the Taxation Committee but I do uot think
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  • 63 5 London, January 1, The Times after pointiug out that the evidence concerning the Armenian outrages has hitherto been supplied by Armenians, and certain German missionaries, prints confirmito y statements by two Muslim eye-witnesses, one of whom states that the massacres wore not religious but political, being part
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  • 219 5 Turkish Atrocities. Allahitad, January 4 The Pioneer Cario coi reap indent writes A communique has boon received here from Mecca to the effect that Emir Faisal, son of the Sherif and C immandor of the Arabian F roes near Medino, has telegraphed to say the Turks have
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  • 47 5 Obituary, Mr. J. E. O'Conor. London, January 10. The death has taken place of Mr. James Edward O’Conor, C. I. E. formerly of the Financial Department of India, Colone J Cody. Denver, January 10. The death has taken place of Colonel Cody, popularly known as Buffalo Bill.
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  • 2886 6 A TEUSTEE CONVICTED. A LIGHT SENTENCE. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Woodward and a special ju y, comprising Messrs. M. K. Whitlock (Foreman) J. L. Lonie, P. B, Tyler, A. R. W. Landon, A. J. Plumb, C. L. Vermont and L. M. Evans, the
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  • 141 6 At the annual General Meeting of the Chinese Chamber of Commerse held on Saturday the 6th instaDt the following gentlemen were elected Office-bearers for the current year. President —Mr. Lim Cheng Teik Vice-President— Mr. Goh Taik Cbee Hon. Secretary —Mr. Khoo Thay J ID Hon. Treasurer—Mr
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  • 803 6 Friday, January 12 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, January 13. Town Band, Golf Club. P. C. C. Tennis Entries close. Sunday, January 14, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Monday, January 15. Town Band, Esplanade. St. Xavier’s Institution re-opens, TurBday, January 16, Penang Races, f Pirates of Penzance
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  • 2074 6 MR. TALMA’S EXPERIENCES. A Personal Narrative. The following account of the sinking of the Arabia, from Mr. E. L. Talma, is kindly lent us (Free Press) for publication by the friend receiving it: Well, Monday 6th broke fine and calm and clear, the sea was smooth as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children’s Hicking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Curt, la. 0d.
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    • 73 6 Whooping Cough. When jour child has whoopiog congh be careful to keep the congh loose and expec* toration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make ti easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics
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    • 61 6 Nothing in this world is eaual to a mother a tender care for her children. She tnowing the danger following an attack of Colic, or kindred stomach trouble is never a bottle of that famous preparaWOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, in her medicine store. It is fn* whol. f mil Sold
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  • 944 7 THEIR LOVE OF JUSTICE AND FAIRPLAY. The Negotiations with the Allies. The Swiss have not only done their ut most to help the prisoners of war and the wounded of every nationality, but they have given, since the beginning of the war, some striking proofs of their love
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  • 747 7 Market Outlook—Prospects or Straits Rubber. London. December 1. A strong tone prevails in both the Share and Commodity Markets, and the outlook 1 for the Rubber Share investor is for the 1 most part entirely satisfactory. The only < fly in the amber is the extraordinary in- <
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  • 232 7 la the early part of the month the Anglican Bishop of Prking conducted a series of maetiugs at Hongkong in connection with the National Mission of R a pentauce and H 'pe. Toe Church as much as any I institution is beiDg tested by the war, but
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  • 191 7 Here, as everywhere are many men with nervous systems urgently in need of better “tone I he feelin; of exhaustion affecting such men is the result of thin blood, which has bee me de-vitalizel by the < nervating effects i f t e climate worry, u alaria,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 248 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS 0 1 ANDY MADE IU FRAiMC?. Oi;S, THREE SIX STARS O/V SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. 'Phone 453. SOLE IMPORTERS. Tcle*r*ms: SLOT. 1ZX1Z. v- K;.~.. J-.-i!B3S® I I a a i I T H E I I I I a l a i FIRESTONE
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaint», Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d,
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    • 48 7 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children's colds and core them before they weaken the vitality, Us Chamberlain’s Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemist 1 and pronounced free from iujnrioos substances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 347 7 British Industries Fairs r PHIS FAIR, as in 1915 and 1916, will A. be held in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South KeusngtoD, LondoD, S.W., comprising the following trades:— Toys and Games, Earthenware and China, Glass, Fancy Goods and Stationery and Printing. and in Glasgow from February 26th to March
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1776 8 P. 0.—British India AND APGAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Paiaenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majestt’s government) For Singapore, China, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homiward (for Europe.) Outward (for Cbina INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART
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