Straits Echo, 2 January 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1118 1 "fV* X** s%&£%>*. I >- atom £i!& FOFf BANKS Chinese New Yew I Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishiDg. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor V&ns built to order. A Fleet of English and American Cars for hire
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    • 15 1 4<r 0f which is the srir co*' '•»fy SS* fc J VC *SBS 3g'' ESS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 934 3 New Year Meeting, 1917. (Under S R, A. Rules of Racing.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. SECOND DAY Thursday, 18th January, 1917. THIRD DAY Saturday, 20th January, 1917. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. 1 The Opening Stakes, Value $500. A Selling Handicap for
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  • 1014 3 These are mostly known trusted fighting men No man who has commanded Souda nese troops will reckon them as worse than the best Indian regiment* the same would be said by those, English and German, who have commanded the askaris of East Africa Fighting Men ow Proven Prowess.
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  • 633 3 Ia her new submarine campaign Germany has apparently thrown to the winds all consideration for neutrals and such pitiful shreds of International Law as she still pjofnssed to retain. The U boats seem to be under orders to sink every vessel they «ee no matter what cargo she
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1001 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 1287 4 A RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Thr Admiralty and Food Supply. The Germans seem to have burned their fingers pretty badl? in their attempt to enter the Gulf of Finland. They have been singularly unfortunate in their attempt* to take aggressive action in the Biltic from first to last and, if
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  • 601 4 Liquidator's Report ox Work or The Year la compliance with Hongkong Companies Ordinances rrqairing reports from liquidators on the work of the ypar, Mr. C.J.L, S ewart, liquidator for the Shanghai Kleb*ng Rubber E Ltd. (in bquidation), (Incorporated 1910), on December 16 read the f llowing before
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 526 4 [BATH TOWELS A 0 l 4$ V V TOWEL \fi FACE TOWFLS VALUE BATH TOWELS. The SOUDAN” Towel. Very thick and extra, absorbent. Large size measuring 59 by 36 ins Price $1-95 each. The SPECIAL VALUE Towel. Large si/,e Turkish Bath Towel Site 32 by 52 inches. Price $1-10 each.
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    • 55 4 A Germ Deitrsjer. There is no danger whatever from lock J" blood poison resuUing from a wound when Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It ii an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also cans® wounds to heal without matoration and m one.third the time required
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    • 53 4 Unnecessary Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Cbamberlans Cough Remedy? The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and coughs from any cause and that it contains absolutely no narcotics cr injurious substsnces. For pale by a*l
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    • 726 4 INSTANT RELIEF fO* LIVER TROUBJ, TORPIDITY AND FOOD-SICKNESs"| No liver sufferer can fail to benefit fr the use of Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief, action is natural as Naturp, sure as sciei It is altogether different to ordinary stimulants and morning silts, Thl wraten the Hirer by forcing it, till it
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  • 526 5 Farewell by Staff. The sf. ff of the Government Monopolies on Siturday night entertained Mr. F. T. Ellis, Assistant Superintend .«nt, Government Monopolize, t) ;a ronggensr performanc prior to his depirtue for Home on long leave. In the eveniog the staff presented him with an address
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  • 199 5 King Albert’s Civi lian Hospital Fuad. To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, I have been r< qua ted by the L*dy Eve’vu Young to ask you to b> good enough to publish the enclosed letter from the Lady in Waiting to Her Majesty the of the Belgian?,
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  • 94 5 Straits 260 0CP lb, Penang 219,000 ib, Tvi Ayer 106,500 ib. Rubana 60,0001b, B.tak Habit 31.000 lb, Bagan Seiai 38,000 lb. S S. (Bertam) 112,000 lbThe children of the late Mr. C. J. I B ir.dville b°g to thank all those who attend- 1 ed the funeral
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  • 1012 5 In the course of an admirable review of the past year the Straits Times says A few months ago, in reviewing the loctl si'uution, His Excellency the Governor compared with ths previous year and remarked There is to-day evea less cause for anxiety than there was twelve
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 973 5 n i 1 I 1 I 1 g I g Straits Settlements War 1 Loan .Bonds. Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919, PRICE OF ISSUE-100
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    • 345 5 WILLS MEDIUM Cr 75 £1 5! MILT ul«f owiy &M ”*IST noo^ CAFSTAH SJU. stbeng wiM L O«0°!! ISTOL FULL SHOWING FRIDAY, th JANUARY, 1917. Pat he’s Latest and Mcßt Successful Stiial “THE IRON CLAW M Maturing the popular artistes from The Exploits of Elaine in 40 paits. To-night! To-night!!
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    • 149 5 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. NOTICE OF SALE. APIECE OF LAND suitable for a plantation having an arei of 1880 rolon.s approximately situated in the Mu im of Naga Lilit. District of Kulirn, will be put up for auction at the District Land Office, Kulirn, at an upset price of *****/-. The
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  • 96 6 PakUabtd daily (except Sundays and peblio holidays) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Re. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puce Daily Local $24 per annum. Oatetation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Poat Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 i N-B. —All buaineM communications should
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  • 1415 6 Couched in sober language the reply of the Allies gives a plain answer to the German macaivre, and the desperation of the Central Powers may be gathered from the fact that the German Embassy at Washington still clings to the opinion that the matter is not yet ended and
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  • 853 6 Mr. Thomas Fox has returned to Ipoh after a business tour in Java. Mr. G. N. Sevens, of Ipoh, is at present on a business visit to Bjrneo. Sir Ernest Birch, K.C.M.G., was among the guests at the Guildhall Banquet. Mr. E. M. Tozer, having returned from
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  • 898 6 Pateksd Up. H A pitched-up peace, against Curzon warned the nation in a letter Primrose League, is an unlikely but there certainly will be tions when peace does come. Wk ere tke New Year is Bora, H The handful of Britishers who inhab;H lonely Chatham Island, in the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 EVALAX The Ideal Laxative for Constipation in Children and Adults. Pl' a antlj flavoured with Orange and readily taken by children. Being a paraffin preparation its action is purely mechanical and free from all unpleasant effects. Sold in Jars $l-00 each. kmi Town Dispensary Its., PENANG, TAIPINC AND IPOH. ANDREW
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  • 1428 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Allies' Reply. CONTEMPTUOUS REJECTION. Sktm Peace Offer*. London, Dec. 30. It expected that the Allies’ replj to Germany will be published this afternoon. London, December 10.—Later. The jnint reply of the Allies to the German Peace Note was to-day communi- cated by the french Government to
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  • 680 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] SPLENDID DISCIPLNE. Torpedoed la Ik* MeJiterraaeaa. London, Dec. SI. A naval communique states that the French battleship Oauloit was torpedoed by a submarine in the Mediterranean on Dec. 27 and saok within half an hour. Oaly Four Live* Lost. Owing to the discipline and coolness
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  • 595 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE MOLDAVIAN FRONT. Gcrmma Plan. London, December 30. Fighting on the Moldavian front is likely to assume increased importance, The German plan is apparently to combine a frontal at'ack with an outflanking movement. Probably the latter is not yet fully developed but there has been
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  • 701 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ALLIES’ NOTE. Demands Tabulated, The Piraeus, January 1. The Triple Entente’s Note to Greece, which was presented to-day, demands The reduction of the Greek forces outside the Peloponnessus to the number absolutely necessary to maintain order, and the tran■portation to Peloponnessus of all armaments and
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  • 373 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Kiss George to President Poitetre. London, January 1, The King has seat the following New Year message to President Poincare I am as confident as ever of a victorious issue of the struggle. I pray that the noble French nation, whose sons have strikingly and
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  • 79 7 Latest Quotalioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $86.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $86.12£, buyers no sellers, and in London at £lBO 15s. spot and £lB2 15s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations received on Dac.
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  • 116 7 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages:— Pages. 3. —Running Amok. Coloured Manpower, 4. —The Sea-Affvr. Shanghai Klebang Rubber. 5. Milaya in 1916 Mr. FT. Ellis. King Alieit’s Civilian Hospital Fund. D j c mbir Rubber C op 1 8. —Hongkong University. Tin Outputs. Progress and
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  • 19 7 Obituary. Mr. Fenwiek Harrison. LondoD, December 30. The death has taken of Mr. Thomas Fenwick Harrison J. P.
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  • 860 8 Tbe visit of Sir Charles Elliot to this Colony aod the F.M-S. may interest a large number of people who watch tbe steady progress of the Hongkong University, and who sometimes feel almost aggrieved at tbe drain of our students to the sister Colony. No doubt, those who
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  • 99 8 The output of Kampong Komunting Tin Dredging Ltd. for Decembar was No, 1. No. 2. Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 585 596 Cubic Yards treated 92,000 98.000 Total Picul* 1 166 R alised on sale $58,953.08 Owing to No. 1 Dredge operating in old lombongs it is expected that
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  • 2199 8 Lector by Db Wu, Dr. Wu L en T<h{G. L. Tuck) delivered a lecture on the Progress and Future of China at the Penang Mutual Improvement Association on Sunday evening when he was entertained by the members of the Association to dinner. There was a
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  • 297 8 The funeral of the late Miss Alice Ayerst Harding, Matron of the General Hospital, which took place on Saturday afternoon, was attended by a number of friends of the deceased lady. The cortege left the General Hospital for the cemetery at Western Road where the Rev.
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  • 518 8 E. O. New Year Dinner. There was a large attendance at the E O. Hotel last night for the New Tear Dinner, which was up to the usual high standard that Mr, Sarkies has Bet him elf. After dinner a concert w»s held at which Miss Pattis O'Hanlon contributed several
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  • 62 8 Tuesday, January 2 Ptnarg Convent re-Opens. Penang Free School re-opens. Wednesday; 1 Ji NriBt '3. Town Band, Esplanade. Friday, January 5 Penang Race Entries Close 5 p,m. Town Band. Esplanade, 6 p.m, Saturday, January 6. The Wagon Pachaung Wdlfram Mines Ltd, Extraordinary General Meeting. 12.30 p.m. Epiphany.
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  • 126 8 Phnang, January 2 {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 11/16 •I 3 Credit 2/415/16 3 Documentary 2/4 31/38 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 170 3 days’ sight Private... 174$ Bombay, Demand Bank 150 ~s Moulmein, Demand Dank 169 a 3 days’
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  • 217 8 Pina**, January 2. 8. P. Tapioca $B.OO nominal M. P. Tapioca 8.50 nominal Gold leaf 64.40 Pepp?r (W.Coast 8 lb, 5 01).$16 1/2 buysr* BDck Pepper 25 00 buytra Wbits Pepper 42 00 Milan. Trang Pepper nonstock. Mace $llO feotn. Maoe Pickinga 59 aalea Gloves 40 aellerg. Nutmegs 110
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 530 8 nannnnnnnnnnnnaDnanaannnnDanno a a g THE PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY WILL PREBENT The “Pirates of Penzance a a a AT THE TOWN HALL, ON Tuesday, 16th. Jan. Thursday, 16th Saturday, 20th (RACE DAYB.) AT 9-15 P.M., IN AID OF THE OFFICERS’ FAMILIES FOND. ADMISSION Unreserved Reserved $3. g a BOOKING AT a
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    • 182 8 TO LET. Desirable residence in quiet local ty No. 6, Vefmbnt Rb&fl, eoauire 001 ll1, Brick KiJn Ro d w Telephone 32].. NOTICE.* CHANCE OF ADDRESS. MR. tow KWAY SONG of Raffla Art Studio, Travelling tArtist, has now removed from the French Confectioner? raQ d Hotel, Boom No, 24, where
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  • 2421 9 (From Our Own Correspondent ZiPi Downid. L rndoD, December 1. Of course the piece de resi*iince of the week wag the biggiug ot two Z ppelins oo the North East Coast, one being brought down by a British airman, who sent it in flamea into the
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  • 187 9 Pinaeh, 2nd Januabt 1517. Beer t• Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Cteaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 1* Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail «oh 40 Tongue SO Feet 2* Heart 40 Liver per catty 85 Poek Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 18 Feet •> 22 Tongue
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 877 9 brrMBiaB^SSS m P$I u A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. IN the best regulated families the little ills of life will creep in. Some member of the family circle may occasionally suffer from Biliousness and Indigestion, and one or the other will from time to time exhibit the well-known symptoms of Constipation. From
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  • 1231 10 In the interview in which he told the world how Germany intends to reduce her enemies by exhaustion, Field-Marshal Hindenburg said nothing of (wo of the most trusted German weapons. Possibly the plain, blunt soldier does not believe in methods so indirect as terrorism and starvation, and therefore
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  • 536 10 The Tientsin Jih Pao, a Japanese daily, has published the following declaration which is reported to have been made by Dr. Wu Ting-fang, new Minister for Foreign Affaiis, to one of his friends in Tientsio concerning his future diplomatic policy:— Since the failure to resoh
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 80 10 What an anxious time baa the mother with a crowing family to look after Generally one or the other ia ailing, has caught a chill, or ia feverish With a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE in the medicine chest the worry is much dim niabed A dose or two
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    • 53 10 To Correct Constipation and Hilionpnees, clear the complexion of blomishea and -weeteu the breath, use the dainty laxative PINKETTES They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of t,hemists,£o cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,
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    • 387 10 WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: PER LAS. PERECTOS. IMPERIALES. CORTADO DE LA RE9NA. THE TRADE MARK OF THE LA ISABEL FACTORY. One of the few Tobacco concerns in Manila that is not controlled by Germans. LONDRES. HIGH
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  • 1424 11 Admiral Mahan oh CoxxiscbDbbtbotimo, The Influence of Sea Power upon Hstory” ia now aeen to be an epoch-making book, for there ia little reason to doubt the effect it produced upon the naval party in Germany, Some of the atoriea which deaoribe tue absorption of the
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  • 419 11 Sir J. Fobbes-Robfrtson on Enunciation. Sir J. Forbes-Robertson conducted an examination in tbe art of speaking poetry, for the Potery Society, lateiy at the University of London, South Kensington. Havicg heard twenty-eight candidates (junior and adult) compete for the silver and bronze medals and certaificates awarded
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 70 11 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be Direful to keep the oough loose and expectoration easy by giring Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough muons and make ti easier to expectorate. It has been ustd successfully in many epidemics and
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    • 12 11 For Children's Hicking Cough at Night. Woodi* Great Peppermint Cure. If. W.
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    • 486 11 FOR SALE CHEAP. EMPTY OIL DRUMS in good condition. Capacity 44 gallons. For particular* and price apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT,lifl 71, Penang Street. TRY Beecham’s Pills, they are just the thing as a family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1437 12 F. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE (Ikcorporatbd ik Ekolakd.) Mail and Passenger Servicei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Steamer. CoDDBCilDg With. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wirelett Telegrapky fitted et all Steamers. Tarnished with an Electric Reading Lamp. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N.
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