Straits Echo, 27 December 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1086 1 Rtf Hi ca. m m Chinese New Year, Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishing. An expert painter has been engaged from HongkoDg. Torpedo body or Motor Vans built to order •i BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL
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    • 12 1 5 '~^T > J^**^* MILK '^sbkE*: >« X» g -»m n 1 v *%sgss
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  • 1899 2 Pending the promised but delayed debate on Man Power, how do the principal features of the question present themselves P In the centre, of course, comes the demand for soldiers. Since we took the offensive in the West at the beginning of July the rate
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 The Post, Telephone, Telegraph-and-Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., are at YOUR Service. Post Card, Phone Message, or a Wire will bring you by return—gratis and post free —a copy of our illustrated Catalogue. THE “QUICK-BOIL. 1 BEATRICE BLUE FLAME STOVE. This Stove is considered to be the best of its kind
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    • 157 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN OEDINAET MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Thursday, the 28th instant. (By Order) L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners MUNICIPAL NOTICE. HPHE Revision of the Assessment Lists Jr or houses and Lands within the
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    • 604 2 Another Miracle The miracles performed by LlttU’. Oriental Balm are almost countless yJ and women who hare become crippled by the horrible agonies of Rheumatism a» throwing away crutches, canes, and band and walking free with elast.c .ten Rheumatism m the back or shoulders in the arm. or iegs. can
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  • 472 3 Dindings w Trluk Anson. t A oricket team from Telok Anson visited Lumut on the 17th inst, and played a whole day’s match against the Dindings Recrea- tion Club. Play started at 10 a.m and the team was hospitably entertained to lunch at Lumnt Rest house by tbe Dindings
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  • 100 3 Penang Women Workers Amount previously acknowledged $3,119.53 Mrs. Winfield 3rd Dor.) 5.00 Mrs. R tebie (10th 20.00 Mrs. Ghista 2nd Mrs. W. R. Armstrong (4th 5.00 Mrs L. O. Brown 4th 5.00 Mrs. Rutherford 2nd 200 Miss Harding sth 5.00 Mrs. Benson 6.00 Mr. R. P.
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  • 83 3 Fallowing are the agenda for to-morrow's meeting of the Municipal Commission: 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and cor firmed. 2. Any sprcial business the President may bring foward. 3. Questions. 4. Bome bills to be passed. 5 Tenders for the construction of an cutlet drain
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  • 878 3 Breach of Imbhoration Ordinance Six Sikhs, two Bikb women and eight Tamils, including a few women, were this moroiog arraigned before Mr. S. H. Langston, charged with attempting to depart from tbe Colony without certificates from tbe Indian Immigration Department. t Mr. E. W. F. Oilman, Controller
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  • 117 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection From the Billet Girl Retford 2 Polka Emilia Andres 3 Waltz La Barcarolle Fetras 4 Two Step Dream of Rigtimj Thurban 5 March The Cbinatwon Ros^y
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 590 3 .BBaDBBBaaonnnaBooBaBCBBBBBBBB g ••n's:*» the s I PENANG CHORAL SQCIETV j g WILL PRESENT g u Thp "Pirates S WANTED IMMEDIATELY a a a a n p a a D a n a p p p n The “Pirates of Penzance AT THE TOWN HALL, ON Tuesday, I6th Jan. Thursday, 18th
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  • 95 4 fiMiahtil daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) at ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59," Beach Street, Penang. Paicn Dnfly Local »24 per annum. Oatetation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) »17.50 OilLl ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1375 4 A remark was made here the other day, in the course of an article to the effect that young people in school should be allowed to discover things for themsleves as far as possible. The point was brought home to us agaiD, a day or two ago, in
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  • 24 4 Latest Quotations, Tm (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at »83, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at »84, business done (175 tons sold).
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  • 957 4 Mr. and Mrs. Christie are staying at the IS. A O. Hotel. Mrs. Wu Lien Teb, who accompanied her I husband Dr. Wa (G. L. Tuck) as far as I Hongkong is making a short stay in that town as a guest of Sir Robert Ho Tung.
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  • 1002 4 A Sw«t Tootk. Once bitten, twioe shy is now the motto of a well-known Penang practitioner. Malay»'* Maa-Powtr, Besides other substantial war contributions, the European ladies resident on the Caledonia group of estates have during the past two months presented His Majesty the King with nine new subjects,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 DO YOU NEED CLASSES w« shell be pleased to test your sigh*. Glasses will not he recommended unless absolutely necessary. It is worth while making sure Now. Insist on Spectacles mado bj Messrs Raphael’s Ltd., London A fresh stock of this well-known make Spectacles just received, tisr. W A M
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  • 542 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BRITISH VICTORY. [iibt’i Heavy Casualties, London, December 25, Ad official announcement regarding the c p«ratioDS in Egypt states. *«0nr mounted troops captured a strongbo)d a t Mtgbdabab, taking 1,130 prisoners two guns and large booty. The enemy’s fiiualties were considerable. Air oraft with bombs and machine-guns.
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  • 638 5 [R euter's Telegrams.] ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE. to kia Troop*. Jassey, December 25. The King of Rumania, in a speech at tbe opening of Parliament, said Our army has sustained the struggle according to the glorious tradition of our ancestors and in a manner justifying our looking forward to
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  • 664 5 Reuter's Telegrams.] RAPID DEVELOPMENT, laterestieg Figure*. London, December 26. A month ago the weekly prodnotion of British eighteen-pounder ammunition was forty-three times the weekly production in June, 1915, that of medium guna and howitzers aixty-six times, and that of heavy howitzers 323 timei. The total output in one
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  • 652 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ORGANISATION PBOBLEM9, Premiers la Conference. London, December 26. All the Dominion premiers are invited to a conference which, it is believed, will take the form of a series of meetings with the War Council to discuss war organisation and post-war problems. They will probably
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  • 428 5 WAIL FOB AMERICAN EAR?. BELATED CONCERN FOJt HUMANITY. New York, Nov. 30 Interviewed in Berlin on Tuesday by the American Press representative, the German Chancellor said i Again we have declared our willingness to enter into negotiations for p «ace but without response. Our attitude has been
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  • 431 5 More Aggressioa Wanted, London, December 3, Lord Beresford, addressing a big meeting in the city on Friday, said it had been called to express dissatisfaction with Britain’s naval policy. The Navy was never better manned, but it was fettered by Downing Street. The Government had taken no
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  • 850 5 STORY OF I HE CRISIS. The following details regarding the formation of the Lloyd George Miais’ry are from the Aliahubid Pioneer: Lcndor, Dec 8. Mr. L'oyd George’s seizure of the Prime Ministry is the most dramatic incident of modern pol tical history. His movements had the iffect
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  • 61 5 The following articles will be found on °ur outside pages Pages. 2. Power and Soldior Pow( r. 3. Cricket. Qieen Miry’s Needlework Guild Police Court Cases. Tonight a Baud Pro^rauimp, 6. —Malaya and the War. The Indian Bridegroom. 11 e Week’s Events, lucerne Tax in tire F.M.8. War and
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  • 31 5 Obituary. Sir William .Biff*. London, Deoember 26. The death has taken place of Sir William I. Bigge, who was Judge of the Chief Court I of Lower Burma from 1900-8. j
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  • 689 6 The s.s. Sappho, which arrived here yesterday, brought 1,523 bags of tin ore. The s.s. Cornelia, which arrived here yesterday, brought 1,088 bags of tin ore for the Eastern Smelting Co, Ltd. e e In the shipping world amalgamations proceed apace, A short time ago Sir John Ellerman
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  • 128 6 Pknano, December 27. (By courteey of the Chartered Bank.) Loudon, Demand Bank 2 '4* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4*ll/16 m 3 Credit 2/415/16 h 3 Documentary 2/4 31/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 172 3 days’ sight Private... 174^ Bombay, Demand Bank 1/2 Moulmein, Demand Hank 171 a 3 days’
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  • 987 6 A Divisional Court gave a judgment last week on a question of marriage law which should act as a warning to young English women wbo may think of marrying Indian students temporarily resident in this country. No donbt there are high-class Indians who marry Eoglish wives and
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  • 588 6 MARRIED MAN’S POSITION. Thu Lboxi, Quistiok. Married Official writes to the Malay Mail The letter from "Married Planter” in your issue of the 22nd mat, must commend itself to every reasonable minded person for its eminent fairness, well reasoned arguments and dispassionate wording. As a
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  • 443 6 t American industrial concerns, as a rule. including the railroads, give their sharei holders and the public much more informat tion than British business undertakings r consider it necessary to do, and the United States Steel Corporation 6ets a good example > (says a London financial paper)
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  • 953 6 Wmi Dtttt .Call* I am young lam strong lam free. My country has need of every man of my stamp and if I were in my country I would bare to go and do my duty as a soldier, whether I felt inclined to serve or
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  • 73 6 Whdnbsday, Dechmber 27 Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, Installation Meeting, 8.30 p»m. P. A. M, Annual General Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 11 a.m. Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, Dicimbxr 28. P. L. R C. Annual Genet al Meeting, Lim Lodge, Western Road, 10 a,m. Municipal Commission 4 pjs. Friday,
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  • 2119 6 WHAT WE OUGHT TO DO. IeTERVIEW WITH GeNRRA.L Ridout. With a view to obtaining further details regarding the man-power possibilities of Malay», which is now the most important point for residents in this part of the world to consider, we {Free Press) requested His Excellency the General Officer
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 53 6 Ca&cccsury Words. by waste words and adtertisiog space in describing the many points of merit in Chamberlan’s Cjugh Remedy? The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and coughs from anv cause and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substance*. For sale by all
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    • 71 6 Whooiiat Cjuah. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough B medy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and mike ti easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Coro la. sd.
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  • 2846 7 A LECTURE AND A MESBAGE. T*i Musioa or B*iTisx-CHiirßaß. Conceived on modest lines and intended to interest and benefit the members of the Straits-born Chinese commanitj represented bj the Perak Chinese Recreation Club in Ipoh, yesterday, a lecture on Straits-born Chinese and Progress,” delivered at the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 379 7 O o I I I > I t HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS SLOT BRANDY MADE IN FRANCE. ONE, THREE SIX STARS? ON SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. •Phone 455. SOLE IMPORTERS. Telegroms: SLOT. I i 5 t l 1 1 t t I < 1 i i i
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    • 44 7 The Best Cough Medicine, Chamberlain’s Cough remedy is the largest selling congh medicine in the world to-day because it dees exactly what a congh medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 252 7 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality, Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested bycbemirts and pronounced free from injurious subatances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers. Signs of Debility.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1706 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated I» ENGLAND.) Mail and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Eiropg.) Outward (for China and Japan.) Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (InOOBPOBATRD IK HOLLAND.) Fob Ixtrndrd to
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