Straits Echo, 22 December 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1224 1 ttJWAI r JlT®!?* iiSo nat(M Chinese New Yeaii Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting und varnishing. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vans bvilt to order £3 /\J HQ, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND ROYAL
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    • 25 1 r Ifs milk? inmn cmi n is imc strf < Jr U nr XV to* 1 T '9M »0« u*‘ fiS ~J *«,-.< "-5.10 ftte S f
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  • 1987 2 AN AMERICAN VIEW. < Nothin® But Victory. i The Russians do not contemplate any- 1 thing bat victory. They intend to fight until it comes, no matter how long it may be delayed. To the Russian soldier the idea of defeat is impossible. Rassia cannot be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 422 2 HHITEAWAY’S WAS BAZAAR BRITISH-MADE DOLLS. or DRESSED DOLLS. All Dolls are as near perfection as possible. Designed by expert Doll makers. We have an immense stock of all descriptions. Prices: 95 cts., $1-35, 1-50, 1-95, 2-35, 2-50, 2-95, 3-50, 4-25, 4-95, 5-50, 6-95 81 $8-50. UNDRESSED DOLLS. Ranging from 9
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    • 68 2 A Genu Destroyer. I There is no danger whatever from lock 0 nl 00 lf? i8 r 8uUin S from a wound when Chamberlain s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It i. an antiseptic and destroysthe germs which cause these diseases. It also cause wounds to heal without maturation and
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    • 589 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THB Reji.ion of the for Houses and Lands Municipality of George Town P« n hlD thfl the ,e.r isn haring been the Municipal Commissioners hav,n e m taring of Section 62 of Th« 1 J C8r,, *«d Ordinance 1913” that no valid n K° 1C P 1 ba.
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  • 325 3 A Successful Function. This function, which was organised by the 1 ReT. Mr. Keppel Gamier, C looial ChapNio, 1 for the children attending the Sunday School, was held at the Town Hall yesterday. Like all its predecessors it an unqualified success and long before the appointed
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  • 68 3 (From Our Oxen Corresponded.) Singapore, December 22. At the Singapore Rubber Auction tLe fol owing prices were obt lined Smoked 3heeti 5135 to $142 per picul Good $134 Fine 8131 Unsmoked, Fine $l3O Fine Plain $123 $127 Good s>ls Crepes $139 $142 Good $l3O $136 Fine, Brown
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  • 77 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dcunys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterDy Smoked Ribbed Sheet $134 to $l3B per picul Smoked Plain Sheet $llB —i, it No. 2 Smoked Sheet Ribbel $124 $132 Unsmoked Sheet $124 No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet
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  • 86 3 At the Esstern Produce Exchange Auctim yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from $l2B to sl3> Diamond Suioked haT $llB to sl2r Plain Smoked $ll3 Diamond Unsmoked $lO5 Plain Ummoke 1 t, $lO9 to $ll4 Pale Crepe $ll/ Brown Crepe $lO Scrap Ciepe 8
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  • 77 3 We have received from the Colonial Treasurer for publication the fol'owine part culars regirding subscriptions to (be Straits War Loan frem Nov:mberlsto December 14. Total amount subscribed 4,510.700* Total amount remitted to 15-12-16 £524,000 Total numter of Applications 637 Tot. 1 cumber of Subscribers 535 I he
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  • 65 3 The output of the Rsnoag Tin Dredgicg C mpanv’s tin ore for the first half of Dtcember was:— So 1 Drfdge 211 Picu’s No, 2 Dredge 115 Piculs No. 3 Dredge 314 Piculs No. 1 was s’opped for 4 days and N 2 for 8 days. Toe daily
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  • 513 3 Can we Spare Them There is still a good d al of irresponsible talk that “a large numbar of young neo remain in Malaya who ought to be at the front aud this talk can on yba put down to the fact that people who allege that the
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  • 140 3 Says tho M M From amongst a number of ins'ances q loted iu a letter to Goverum n' exemplifying the barm already done by tha delay in passing a Town Planning Ei-aetmeut the Chairman at a lec.nt meeting of Kuala Lumpur Sanitary B >ard quoted
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  • 113 3 Statutory Meeting. The Statutory Meeting of the llabrakwl Syndicate Limited (pursuant to section 56 of Companies O dinanco 1915) was held at the offices of M-'s-rs A. A. Anihrny A Co. (Secretniee) at toon to-day. There were present A.S Anthony (in the C iair) J M. Anthony,
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  • 85 3 D.c*. 15 By Balance 434JJ3 18 Employees of The United Engineers L*d., monthly’’... 40.0) 474 33 Dec. 19 To entry of 15th inst. reversed to credit cf Belgian children Chmtmis Day Fund (W. Betty) 10 00 D.c. 19 By Bilance 464 33 Amount previou-ly ackmwledged 30,727 73
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 680 3 □□□□□nnQDDDDDD □□□DDuncnnnDnnDo E THE 3 WANTED. PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY WltL PRESENT n a a a a a a a a n a a n n a o a n n n a The “Pirates of Penzance AT THE TOWN HALL, ON Tuesday, 16th Jan. Thursday, 18th Saturday, 20th (RACE DAYS.)
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  • 94 4 ►ublished daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59,’ Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.— All business communications should bo
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  • 1341 4 Bolter lata thin never is the comment with which most people will greet the Government’s pronouncement regarding man-power in Malaya published elsewhere in this issue to-day. Many will doubtless consider that it falls short of what might have been expected. Some would doubtless have preferred
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  • 924 4 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fox are returning to Ipoh from Java early in the New Year, Mr, Rutley, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., has gone to Ipoh for the holidays. Mr. Owen Owen returned from Trang to-day, Amongst the passengers on board the steamer Magellan, which was
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  • 343 4 TO GO OR NOT TO GO. GOVERNMENT LEAD. Advisory Committee Appoiatcd, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 21. An official announcement states The Government is aware that there n a widespread feeling that some indication should be given by Government as to iti views in regard to what
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  • 95 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, December 22. Tan Eng Tuan claimed damages for 9500 from the Rev. W. T. Cherry, of the Methodist Publishing Honse, for publishing a defamation regarding the plaintiff who was formerly chief salesman at the Methodist Publishing House It was alleged that
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  • 100 4 Alor Gajak, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 22. The report of the Alor Gajah Rubber Co, shows a profit of $81,281. The total available was $71,693, of whioh it was recommended that a final dividend of 25% be paid. Directors’ fees will absorb $4,214, a sum of
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  • 25 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, December 11. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 2Hi Diamond Smoked 2Hi
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  • 70 4 Latest Qeotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*<ia at $B4, business done, in Singapore (refined J at $85.10, business done (125 tons sold) in London at X 179 10s. spot and 1 three months’ sight, Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us t the following were the quotations reoelf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 s A A S P P A 0 m H R 0 DAI NIPPON BREWERY Co.. Ltd Citron Aerated Water, Raspberry Aerated Water. Tansan Mineral Water B p E E R Tie Largest S Oldest Brewers in the East. SOLE AGENTS The Eastern Trading Co., FI NANG IPOH. t: S
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  • 668 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A NOBLE PERORATION. Tke Mcaaee to Meakied. Ludclod, December 20. Mr Lloyd George, concluding his speech in t be House of Commons, said Xbis is a struggle for international b Q UI and international good faith, tbe channel along which peace, honour, and good-will must
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  • 586 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PRESIDENT WILSON'S CABLE. "Mtrely Taking Soeadlagi." Washington, December 21. President Wilson has cabled fco all belligerents and neutrals suggesting that the opportunity is propitious for a comparison of the views of the belligerents regarding the terms which must precede the conclusion of ultimate peace. The
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  • 543 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] NOTE TO THE ENTENTE. Government's Protest. London, December 20. Reuter learns that the Greek Government, in its Note to the Allies yesterdsy, protested against the landing of Venezelists under 1 the protection of the Allies at various t islands, of which they demanded the restorat
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  • 682 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Stktiaiat it the Conoii. London, December 21. Sir Eiward Carson, First Lord of the Admiralty, referring to the reply of Ger- j many regarding Captain Blaikie, declared that Great Britain does not admit the dis- I tinction between the rights of unarmed <
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  • 1579 5 Why Ckime Only. A correspondent write*: —The btate Engineer, Alor Star, recently advertised that four Cbinete Clerks (Grade II), with a knowledge of accounts were required for the P.W.D., Kedah. I am at a less to understand why these appointments should be restricted to Cainete Are there no
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  • 111 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Briii b Sueeets. LondoD, December 20. An cffiral announcement states that General Smuts repu'sed strong couLterattacks at Kibata on December 15. He finally ejected a few Germans from cur advanced position?, securing an important ridge 3,500 yards to the north-east of Eibata. Our aeroplanes scored
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  • 87 5 The folicwing articles will be faund on our outside pages Pages. 2. —Russia and the War. 3. Bt. G'Krrge’s Christmas Trpp. Tin Outputs. Penang Rubber Auction. Singapore Rubber Auction. Strait* War L'jaD. Easfe-n Produce Exchange. T'wn Planning in K L. Malaya’s Man-Power. IJabrakol Syndicate Ltd. Belgian R .lief Fund.
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  • 904 6 The Chief Justice of Ceylon delivered a statement on 2nd Nov. last in regard to the publication in the newgpiperaof pleadings and petitions of appeal. The following is The Statement: The attention of the Supreme Court has recently been directed to the frequency with
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  • 1091 6 It will be that elsewhere in this issue we (Times of Malaya publish a paragraph relating to the ict-ntion of the Straits Government to introduce a Bill to amend the Libel Ordinance of 1915 at the instance of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the
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  • 742 6 [To the Editor of the Malay Mail Sir, —Tbere have been several suggestions for raising money through banks or banking, but tbere is one simple way which seems ao far to have esciped attention. Years ago when money had to be moved from one place to
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  • 225 6 I s Labour Trouble Reported. News which reached Kuala Lumpur this morning (says the Malay Mail of Wednesday) 1 indicated that there had been some form of libour trouble at the Collieries’ coalfields at 1 u ran P* The police were informed and within a quarter of an
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  • 986 6 Popular Dissatisfaction. Presumably the Government has been made aware of the intense feeling now existing among the wage-earners about tho countioued rise of food prices, says the Nevt Statesman of November 4. In many of the provincial cantres largely-attended conferences and demonstrations, little notice by the
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  • 419 6 lan Hat’s Stories of the Abmt. Captain Beitb, better known as lan Hay author of Toe First 100,000,” in an address at a meeting of the Ladies Grand Council of the Primrose League at Caxton Hall on Human nature at the front,” referred to the effect of
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  • 527 6 Head Mistresses and Teaching of Girls. Mrs. Creighton, presiding recently at a meeting of head mistresses of secondary schools to consider the educational recommendations of the Royal Commission on Venereal Disease, held at the Royal Society of Medicine, Wimpole Street, said that in her opinion the main interest
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  • 510 6 The 8.6. Foolc Sana waa Ho. morning for Calcutta P 4t ch»<J th ta The 8.8. Perak arrived berp with a cargo of lice and bran Je,ter <hy The s.s. Hebe brought 2U? rubber for different consignees' Ca,ei &t The s.s, Hok Canton arrived ha day afternoon from
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  • 113 6 Friday, December 22 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Chinese "Tung Chay Festival, Habrakol Syndicate Ltd. Statutory Meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon. Saturday, December 23, Penang Golf Club, Men’s Monthly Medal Competition. Christmas Eve Dinner E. A O. Hotel and Entertainment by Misses Aileen and Doris Woods, Dance.
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  • 133 6 H Penanq, December 22. t J (-Py courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) < J London, Demand Bank 2/4f i j m 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 11 16 m 3 Credit 2/415/16 3 Documentary 2/4 8132 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 172^ 3 days’sight'Private.., 174/ Bombay, Demand Bank -5 Moulmein,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Whoopiag Cough. hen your chi d has whooping cough be oarefnl to keep the cough loose snd expeceasy by giving Chamborlain’s Cough Kemedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and mike Jt easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many ipolemics aud
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    • 45 6 The Best Cough Medicine, Chamberlain'd Cough remedy ia the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it d. es exactly what a cough medicine is supposed to do. It stops coughs and colds speedily and tffectually, for sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 10 6 Fur Chronic Cheat Cump'ainh, Woodi' Great Peppermint Cure I§. dd,
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    • 39 6 Unnecessary Words. Chamberl.n'e Cooi-h Remedy The'most fastidious are satisfied when we elate” a it cures colds and cough* from I and that it contains absolutely no nlrccS' or injurious eubetancee. For sale b, In dispense* and dealer*. Dj 1
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  • 1033 7 Those who take the trouble to stud? military criticisms in the German press will know, savs the Weetminster Octette, that in recent weeks they have had two outstand ing features first, a repeated assurance that in the opinion of the highest authorities M the crisis in the
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  • 917 7 KEEN DEMAND FOR POPULAR CONTROL The Stati of the Citizens” The Berliner Tageblatt published an interesting article recently on the necessity for immediate domestic reforms in Germany. It amounts practically to a demand for Parliamentary Government in Germany, and for the establishment, as the writer says, of a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 319 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS SLOT BRANDY MADE IN FRANCE. OWE, THREE SIX STARS ON SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. ’Phone «J. SOLE IMPORTERS. Telegrams SLOT. B m IUU' m flilfbo *{h C&. &>. m 9 em &!C ft est-y 7?. > ry K New Strength for the Weak
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    • 241 7 ,COOD NEWS TO PLANTERS WHY WASTE MONEY co more ej. tensive manures when Oil-cakis can do ail the fut eliots just as well at a considerably less cost. I r is a tiitt ul<ie« manure for Rubier and Coconut trees and ti wer p ants, Try and ba Convircrd. For
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    • 476 7 A Cure that Cures There are men and women in every locality who are being racked to death with Rheumatism. MaDy of them have tried electricity, liuiment», Turkish and mioerai baths, massage, e'c„ while others have been doctored until tbev have lost all hope and pitience. Little’s Oriental Halm has,
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    • 11 7 For Cbildien’s Hacking at Night. Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure. Is. 6d.
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    • 47 7 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freelV. It is perfectly safe. It has been tested by'chemists and pronounoed free from injurious substance? and costs but a trifle. For sale by all disf emeries and dealers.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1614 8 p. B. I. AND APCAR LINK (Inookpokatid in England.) Mail and Servioe». KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Inoobfobatbd in Holland.) Foa PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL 8ERVICE. Intbndbd to Sail. 30th December Stbambb. 13th January Outward (for Chin» Japan.) Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoelen
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