Straits Echo, 21 December 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1076 1 II HJzed natUEs (BANKS. FOR Chinese Hew Yea* Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishiog. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vajis built to order. A Fleet of English and American Cars for hire day and night. Come and
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    • 11 1 LĔS MILK njßiwAHrso 1 P corf ymca •it fO« E= ess
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 21 2 DRINK RECOGNISED BY CONNOISSEURS the LEADING BRAND on the MARKET. SOLE AGENTS: KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., (incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 924 3 (Under (5. R A. Rules of R&cing.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. SECOND DAY Thursday, 18th January, 19)7. THIRD DAY Saturday, 20th January, 1917. FIRST DAY. Tuetday, 16th January, 1917. 1 The Opening Stakes. Value $500. A Selling Handicap for
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  • 1844 3 Bt E. B. Osborn. Sir Thomas Esmonde and many other well-meaning Nationalists have somehow persuaded themselves that a campaign of hate against Ireland is being carried on in the sister-isle. I have discussed this charge with some of these worthy men, tut no explicit evidence seems to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 Entries Close st 5 nS,",“ on or before Wednesday, the 10th January, 1917. Any owners wishing to enter for more than one Griffin Race, on the First or Second Day, can do so on payment of $10 Entrance Fee fer each extra Race, provided the other diti»n8 of the Race
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    • 543 3 e AUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. 1 his distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder hut the si mptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow in L> s manner instead of-entering
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  • 1106 4 (Fbom thi Strait* Tim** Co**Bsro»i>BirT.) J Kuala Lumpur, Daoember It. At the next cast ol their net tor a fresh draught of fishes to assuage the hunger of war-taxation, the Government might settle the long deferred question of whether the most profitable of all trades, that oarried
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 WHITEAWAY'S X’lAS BAZAAR BRITISH-MADK DOLLS. DRESSED DOLLS. All Dolla are as near perfection as possible. Designed by expert Doll makers. We have an immense stock of a! descriptions. Prices: 95 cts., $1-35, 1-50, 1-95, 2-35, 2-50, 2-95, 3-50, 4-25. 4-95, 5-50, 6-95 81 $8-50. UNDRESSED DOLLS. Ranging from 9 inches
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    • 85 4 It is but a short step from a chilled condition of the body to Pneumonia, and unless the chill be driv2n off that second serious condition is reached, sometimes in less than 24 hours. Apply this warning to yourself when you feel out of sorts with a cold. Take a
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    • 432 4 Uo&ecesssry Words. Why waste words and advertising space in describing the many points of merit in Cbamberlan’s Cough Remedy The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and coughs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substances. For sale by all
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    • 123 4 GOOD NEWS TO PLANTERS WHY WASTE~MONEY on more n annrM w hen SSig; o.n ao all the function, just will considerably less oost. ell %t It i. a first class manure for Ruhbar »„,i Coconut trees and flower plants D<l Try and be convinced. For price and particulars apply to
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  • 151 5 Thursday, December 21. 'cnang Volunteers Ambulance Co. Drill, Port C ’rnwalHs, 530 p.m.; Battalion Drill, Esplanade 5.15 p.m. St. Thomas, Penang G;lf Club, Ladies' Spoon Cox petition, Fo tball— P.CC. vs P.R C. E^lanad-. Friday, December 22 Town Band. Esplanade. 6 p.m. Chinese "Tung Chay Festival, Habra
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  • 131 5 Penang, December 21 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 11/16 3 Credit 2/4 29/32 3 Documentary 2/415/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 172-*"] 3 days’ sight Private... 174* Bombay, Demand Bank 1/2} Moulmein, Demand Bank 17lf .2 j 3 days’ sight
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  • 329 5 Ministering Children’s League. The Committee of the M C. L. wish to thank most heartily all their kind patrons and fiieuds, who helpel to mike the recent Bazaar such a suceess. Tee sum of $1,737, Was real zed, including donations. Attei taking $7OO, for League liabilities for the yea% aud
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  • 532 5 Un.fficial Review. The following is communicated to the Bangkok press by the B iti-h Legation la The West. L mdou, December 9. On the British European fronts lately, there have teen no tvtn a of importance. Iu the Somme »ra3 fighting has been inter- j fered with
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  • 516 5 Penang Women Workers A nount previ usly acknowledg'd $3,109,53 Mris S. B Smith 5 00 Mis, Jamieson (17tb Do*.} 2.00 Mrs Samuel 9th 2.00 Mr». J. A Brown 7th 1.00 ...$3,119 53 Hospital g»nn nts for soldiers ready cut out fur workers will b-< given cut
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  • 176 5 A m-'eting of the Board of L'ceusing Jus’ices for tbe purpose of considering applications for public house and billiard saloon licences for 1917 was held at th° Distriit Court yesterday eve Ling. There wore present M c ssrs. J. C. Sagers (chairman) Q rah Bmg Ke, D. A.
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  • 146 5 Men’s F crumbs Competition. T*me for play of tbs first round has been extended to 31 st D teamb r, but m inters etc particu'arly requested to note tba ro further extensions for any game* will be given. Fifty per cent of the deaths in China can
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 490 5 ''~l.... a aaaaaaaaatuaacantiananu 1 f CCC THE PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY I WILL FRESENT I The “Pirates of Penzance AT the town hall ON Tuesday, o Thursday, 18th Saturday, 20th (RACE DAYS.) at 9-15 P. M., IN AID OF iH E OFFICERS’ FAMILIES FUND. D 5 ADMISSION Reserved $3. g Unreserved
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    • 279 5 FOTl S-A.X_.3E. ALBION BUSES 4 iov and 6 row wTjP For prices and particulars apply to TOWERS Co., Secretai ies t Str. F.M S. Motor S crvici Co, Ltd. 634 Ipob, Pei ak i»ii%. jump *r WANTED. An experienced storeKEEPER. Salary according to qualifications. Security: 51,001*. Apply to P. Q.
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    • 227 5 WILLS MEDIUM i *t Howiy .ONP o'’ 0 •SToi 1 STRENGTH FULL S, LO'^J SHOWING FRIDAY, 22nd DECEMBER, 1916. Uuiveisrl Great Circus Set id Pnotc-play The adventures of Peg O The Ring In 30 reels. The 3 l *aition of (bo Pcture World. To-night! TH£ To-night! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE LYCEUM THEATRE,
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  • 98 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) I AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fsici Daily Local $24 per annum. M Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business
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  • 1424 6 Mr, Lloyd George’s speech on the German peace proposals, of which Reuter is apparently sending a verbatim report, is not complete at the moment of writing but we are already in possession of sufficient portions of it to warrant the assertion that the British Premier
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  • 741 6 When Mr. G. A. Hereford goes on leave by the next P. O. mail Mr. J. C. Sugars will become S D.O., Province Wellesley and Mr. R. D. Acton First Magistrate. Mr. W. H. Tate, of Taiping, has reoeived news that his second son, Lieutenant Tate, was
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  • 30 6 j (From Our Own Correspondent,') j London, December 20. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day are Pale Crepe ii( 2/0 Diamond Smoked (tt 2/0
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  • 88 6 L»t*»t Quot&tioat, f i^o Un L efined) is 9 uoted here to-day at *86.2 o, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $86.90, business done (175 tons sold) and in London at .£lBl spot and £lB3 three months’ sight, Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were
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  • 539 6 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] FRENCH FRONT. Further Figh-j.,. Tbo P k° ndoD December 20 19 r The Pans communions rft 5 P-m. o.proc.l artillery fire 0 J theX'hl I"» the Meuse, particular!, j„ bt b «k o( Bezonvaur, Bois des Cinrie-J r^ l0 of brettes. There were no iofLf and
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  • 127 6 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3. —lrish Hate, 4. —Kuala Lumpur Comments. 5. Ministering Children’s League." A Week’s Warring. Queen Mary'* Needlework Guild. PenaDg Golf Club, Licensing Justice. Thf Week’s Events. 8, Police Court Cases, Java Notes. Singapore Diocesan Associatioai To-morrow’s Band Programme.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. w 1 'E have a choice assortment of Perfumes by the beet English French Makers, Eau-de-Cologne, Lavender "Water, Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors. Waterman's Fountain Pens. A most acceptable gift. Fills itself in a flash and absolutely never leaks. $6. A a r\ -1 X Auto-Strop Safety
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  • 4606 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] THE BRITAIN’S REPLY. PREMIER'S GREAT SPEECH New Government’s Aims. A TRIBUTE TO MR. ASQUITH. MEMORABLE MEETING. London, December 19. A record attendance is expected at to-day’s memorable meeting of the House of Commons. Mr. H, H. Asquith will probably be present. Mr. Lloyd George was working
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  • 2201 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] National Service Directory. I [Concluded from page 7.] The civil and military side of the National Directory would ba entirely separate. There would be a military and a civil director responsible to the Director of National Service. The Military Director would be responsible for recruiting
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  • 75 8 {From Our Own Correspondent I Singapore, December 21 I At the Singapore Rubber Auction 1,000 tone w* re catalogued (cr sale but out of that only 165 tone were sold. Owing to lack cf competition there was sharp decline in prices. Fine ribbed smoked sheet and fine
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  • 339 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] The Hague, December 19. j The Dutch Foreign Minuter announces i that, in reply to his protest against the seizure of German books destined for tbe Dutch East Indies and elsawhma abroad, Great Britain had declared it# readiness to come to an uodentaadiog, enabling
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  • 437 8 Night Blind. A Tamil, named Alagen, when charged before Mr. S. H. Langrton this morning with wilful trespass into the compound of the Maternity Hospital without satisfactory excuse, pleaded guilty, adding that after sunset ho could not see wall and that it was through a mistake that
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  • 943 8 The recommendations of the War Taxa- j tion Committee are for the purpose ofj. railing a considerable sum of money for presentation to the Imperial Government as a Gift. The various extra taxes suggest- I, ed by the Committee will not, however, represent tbe sum total of
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  • 66 8 Uterciti(| Figure. (From Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, December 21, The amount subscribed to the Straits War Loan from November 15 to December 14 was *4.510,700 of which $225,000 had been invested. The Investment Trmt of Malaya subsoiibed .£524,000 and remitted 637 applications representing 535 subscribers, There were
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  • 559 8 The Weitevreden correspondent of th« Free Fret» writes A» U*4FF»OVED A ffoiwtmkbt. Th» Mem v,il. Dag, ornnmenting otr the re cent departure from Holland to the Ea.t Indies of Lt. Col. van der Weyden the Military oorrespondent of De Toekomt tha Government has displayed a cruderable lack of
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  • 64 8 A Special .general meeting will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 6 to confirm alterations in the rules of the Association. The new rules are much simpler and m< re compact. The lay members are reduced in numbe r Singapore, Salangor and Penang returning three each,
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  • 305 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Les Cloches de Corneville Selection Planquette 2' Intermezzoo Anona Grey 3 Waltz Fascination Marchetti 4 G-avotte Farewell Dear Country Keefe 5 March Bersaglieri Eilenberg A ship which
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  • 1874 9 Bt E, M. Pcmis. The world will never know wb&t riches of intellect it :ost in the (Jrfit Wir. It will never know how many or how great were the men of genius who fell on one or other of the almost countless battlefields
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 12 9 For Children's Kicking Cough at Night Wooda' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d
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    • 97 9 the tlnv laxatives gently stimulate the bowels thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripeOf chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. 4\ Singapore. Atlas Assurance Ce., Ltd. (incorporated nr England) ESTABLISHED IN 1808.
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    • 407 9 iiagapore Cold Storage IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat and Produce ALSO English Fish and Game. Singapore, Kuala lumpur, Ipok and Penang. lAvn -J r t-p r. S'- «a V-N Don't be the u Skeleton at the Feast.” Let Sargol ns rke you Plump and Popular HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT
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  • 1327 10 A Fbuitful Dbvblobmbbt. (From a Correspondent). The Conference of Indian Ruling Chiefs held recently at Delhi may perhaps be deemed a suitable occasion for the disc'o■ure, or at any rate a cautious ventilation, of the views now entertained by the higher authorities in regard to such
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  • 448 10 An Ambbican Vibw. Far-seeing and prominent Englishmen, leaders in commercial and industriil affair*, openly express the opinion that at the close of the war the 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 women who have taken tb9 place of men in the various privities of agriculture, industry and commerce, who have
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 122 10 A Germ Dull oyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poison resulting from a wourd when Chamberlain’s Pain Btlm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys th* got ms which cause this j diseases. It also cause wounds to heal without maturation aud in
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    • 202 10 Huttenbach Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations a Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLING TELEPHONE CO., LIE. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started
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  • 1905 11 THE MAGIC OF THE ARSENALS. 8 By Ciarlbs Morlrt. Onlj a cartridge !—the commonest flower 1 1 of the arsenals the humble daisj amongst all the gaudj blooms, and as full of beauties, c too, if you but deign to bestow a little more than a passing
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 203 11 HAVE YOU TRIED THE FAMOUS SLOT BRANDY MADE IN FRANCE. ONE, THREE SIX STARS ON SALE EVERYWHERE. G. H. Slot Co. 'Phone 453. SOLE IMPORTERS. Tekgmss: SLOTSOME REASONS WHY rnmmmmmmmrnm iwmiih YOU SHOULD INSTAL A U. E. SCRAP WASHER (1) It will enable you to recover more rubber from your
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    • 68 11 he primary object of life insurance PROTECTION and pol'ciex cf the CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co.. Ltd, GIVE THE MAXIMUM AT MINIMUM COST. A BRITISH COMPANY incorporated acdar the Compani»»’ Ordinanoee, Hongkong, 1865/1890 and Registered under the Assurance Companies’ Act (England) c c .1909. Agencies established at every important centre
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    • 648 11 A Cure that Cures There are men and women in every locality who are being racked to death with Rheumatism. Many of them have tried electricity, hoimenta, Turkish and mineral batba, massage, e‘o„ while others have been doctored until they have lost all hope and patience. Little's Oriental Balm has,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1733 12 P. 0.-B. I. AND APCAK LINE (iNCORFOaATID IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Pasaenger Servioei I- Fon K0N1NKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAAT8CHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.» (IWCOEPOfcATED IK HOLLAND*) Japan Mail Steamship Company Lit. Iktsndsd to Sail. Stmamir PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Homeward (for Europe.) mail service. Outward (for China and Japan «I
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