Straits Echo, 19 December 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1157 1 I1MWAI]) 1 1. r ««I 'V-'r t '11 i? -"'C r W Hi; 3M NATU FOR Chinese New Ye*! (BANKS,i Send your Motor Cars and Carriages to us for painting and varnishing. An expert painter has been engaged from Hongkong. Torpedo body or Motor Vans built to order A Fleet
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    • 17 1 ~7V m ms m Hi as??, «if n L] w iil ill 'A ry 4 .«mat*** W
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  • 2110 2 (By A Special Correspondent.) VII. —SOMB GbnBRAJ. ImFRB8SIONS. Oae of the thing* that dwell in the memory after a visit to the French front is the re'ation of officer and private in the French Army. You notice it everywhere, but it is hard to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 WHITEAW AY'S X’MAS BAZAAR BRITISH-MADE DOLLS. DRESSED DOLLS. All Dolh are as near perfection as possible. Designed by expert Doll makers. We have an immense stock of all descriptions. Prices: 95 cts., $1*35, 1*50, 1-95, 2-35, 2-50, 2-95, 3-50, 4-25, 4-95, 5-50, 6-95 8i $8-50. I UNDRESSED DOLLS. Rangm? from
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    • 49 2 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality. Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It is perfeotly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious sub* stances and costs but a trifle. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 624 2 A Cure that Cures There are men and women i n locality who are being racked to death will Rheumatism. Many of them hare J2 electricity, liniments, Turkish and m ineS baths, massage, e*c„ while others ha™ hi doctored until they have lost all hor*> vS Little’» Oriental B»lni Z,%
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  • 2994 3 Distribution or Prizes, Tbo Hon. the R zidrtit Councillor, who attributed tbo prizes at the Penang Free a-h nl vfiterday, arrived at the School tJ*Hy at l0 30 ro ttn<3 wa8 recb >ved guard of Honour of about 50 8cout« i.hp School Troop under Scoutmaster rh eseman.
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  • 98 3 The gin°,ral committed of tie Taiping Our Day met on Siturd ly last, the 16tb instant, when it was decided to leave the matter of the accouuts in the hands of a i sub-commit‘ee, consisting <f Mr. T. Fleming (chairman), Mr. W. Tate and Mr. W, H,
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  • 535 3 At tie Eistern Produce Exchange Aucti m yesterday the following prices wore obtained: Diamond Smoked Good $134 to $139 Diamond Smoked Fair $l2B to $133 Diamond Unsraoked Sll5 to S! 30 Unemoke 1 $ll2 to $l2O Vi f gin Scrap 74 to 76 Pressed Scrap 60 Loose
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 WILLS MEDIUM Howiy owP 0 '*To. CAPSTAN yu. stpengtm. owitJ NP°* 'STOL FULL MIXTURE r SHOWING FRIDAY, 22nd DECEMBER, 1916. Universal Groat Circus Seiiil Pcotc-play The adventures of Peg O’The Ring In 30 reels. The of the Picture World. To-night! THE To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE MJ LYCEUM THEATRE. ARGYLL ROAD. MJ
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pbicb Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. lf*n Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 M.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1344 4 For some time past wa have felt that an article on China was cverdue in this columri. But as it is inadvisable at present to discuss the question cf Chinese external «flairs and no appreciation of the internal situation can be of much valus unless it indicates how this
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  • 1063 4 A Suggestion. Is it impossible for the big and the little rubber companies in the F.M.3. to arrange for a certain pooling of staffs so that when a manager who is in sole charge of an estate is called up to do his month’s training, as every Volunteer
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  • 571 4 A COMPLETE LIST. i i Committee*» Reeomme»a»tio»», (.From Chur Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Dec, ]g The following ia a complete list of the i extra taxes recommended by the F. M y W ar Taxation C*. mmittee t—(a) A Sur-tax on Tin ore and Block Tin. If
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  • 302 4 Thbib Houses Amorm. At about twenty past two this morning a fire broke out at premises No. 89, 90 and 92 Carnarvon Street, three adjoiniag «hop houses. The first house was a vegetable shop, the second was empty and the third a sundry goods shop. The fire
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WE have a choice assortment of Perfumes by the ;beBt English French Makers, Eau-de-Cclogne, Lavender V'ater, Manicure Fets, Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors. Waterman's Fountain Pens. A most acceptable gift. Fills itself in a flash and absolutely never leaks. $6. w “A X Auto-Strop Safely Razor. It streps its«
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  • 746 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] labour minister s views. Reparation and Guarantees. London, December 16, A. Henderson, one of the Labour oeoiber» of the new Cabinet, in a ,peecb «*‘<1 tbat th6 P° ft C£-loving British Wu uld welcome peace but they remomberj that the present offer emanated f r
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  • 607 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] THE VERDUN VICTORY. Akuie* of Giroii Reserves. London, December 18. r A significant feature of the fighting at 1 Verdun was the apparent absence of 1 German reserves. Accounts agree that the dispirited Germans were beaten l before the start and fought only with artillery and
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  • 644 5 [R euter's Telegrams] ENEMY’S ENORMOUS LOSSES. Operation, in W»ll*ckfe, Paris, December 18. t Advices from Petrograd state that the f enemy suffered enormous losses in Wallachia, i The Rumanian armies are completely saved i and are at present on the other side of the i Sereth, where
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  • 794 5 [Reuter's Telegram] ALLIES' DEMANDS. Effect of tke Blockade. London, December 18, > A telegram from Athens states that the A lies have demanded leparation for the 1 murder of the Allied soldiers on December i 1 anu 2in the shape of a salute to their fiag. the
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  • 337 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Stc»mcrs Sunk. London, December 18. The following iteamrrs bare been aunk British Westminster i Norwegian Bra$k Danish Michail OxUchsufloff Swedish Vala Alio the niliog Teasels Naiad and Constance Mary, both British. [Weetmintter, (British) ateel screw steamer of 4.342 tons, built in 1905 by Awan, Hunter
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  • 29 5 A Slight Rite, (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, December 17. The prices in tbe London Rubber Market to-day are Pale Crepe 2/10$ Diamond Smoked 2/10$
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  • 92 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $87.45, business done, in Sinsrapore (refined) at $BB 30, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at £lB3 ss. spot and £lB5 three months’ sight, Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that tbe following were the quotations for
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  • 68 5 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo Dear Sir, It seems to me that a verv iff-ctive reply to the Central Towers wool! be to return tbe compliment by (ffiring peace on the terms of the Allies and decking that conacceptance would shift the burden of continuing hostil
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  • 31 5 The following are the probables for the Viceroy Cup Fisyama Wavestar, Silver Balm. Bache lor's Wedding, Magyar, Sun/ire, Bydand, Marcianus Buskin, Esperancs. Aberdare. KiUor, Spencer, Marconi. Second Edition.
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  • 463 5 ANNUAL INSPECTION. A RECORD TURN OUT. There was a record turn- >ut of the different units of the Penang Volunteer Corps and also the Cadet Corps yesterday evening oa the cccaeiou of the annual insf ectioo by H. E. M.j r-Geueral Ridout, General Officer Commanding the Troop», Straits
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  • 412 5 A Daring i h*ff. Before Mr, V. G. Ezechiel iu the Third Court this morning a Chinaman named Aog Tek was charged with theft of a pinchbeck anklet from the person of a chill at Acbeen Street yesterday evening. Accused claimed tiial and Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted
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  • 60 5 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages r Pages. 2. —From tbe Mens* to the 3omm n 3. Penang Fiei SiLool. To morrow's Band Programme. Taiping “Our Day.” Eastern Produce Exchange. C. —Germany and tie War. The Poetry o' Thomas Hardy, Gorman A r roy Grievances.
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  • 3391 6 THE WOMAN PROBLEM. i All Hclpiaf. 1 Vasakiks or the Eternal Feminine, i The handling of the alw&ya difficult ques- tion of the eternal feminine was firmly 1 tackled b) the German Government almost I immediately after the outbreak cf war. Io dealing with this many-sided
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  • 225 6 The Government’s budget problems are becoming more and more difficult of solution, and it has been evident for some time that new sources of revenue must be found. Some considerable time ago it was pioposed that a houte tax should be instituted, but when first this proposal was
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  • 253 6 Theie are some curious points of interest even in the well censored report of a debate on Army matters in the Budget Committee of the Reichstag. The official announcement of the appointment of General von Stein to succeed General Wild von Hohenborn sa Prussian Minister of War
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  • 104 6 Tuesday, December 19. Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15 pm. Wednesday, December 20. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Jewish Holiday (Haunc&h). Penang Golf Club, Ladies’ Spoon Competition. Licensing Justices Meeting, District Court. Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, December 21. Penang Volunteers Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis,
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  • 1165 6 A selection from Thomas Hardy’s poems has keen included in Messrs Mac mill&n’s Golden Treasury Series. Mr. Hardy is, I believe, the first living author to be included in the series; and the implied tribute to the durable quality of his verse is thoroughly justified.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 14 6 Fjr Children’ll lit eking Oongh at Night. Wooda’ Great Peppermint Cure. la. 63. 1
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    • 381 6 «"A Mci*. Chamberlain s Oeugh remedy i, th largest selling cough medicine in the „„,u to-day because it dees exactly what a court medrcoe .uppoaed to do. It 8l ps and colds epsedrly and eflectnally. Fot by all dispensaries and deilers. THE PENANG CHORAL SOCIETf WILL PRESENT The “Pirates of
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  • 935 7 (Under S* R, A. Rules of Racing.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. SECOND DAY Thursday, 18th January, 19)7. THIRD DAY Saturday, 20th January, 1917. FIRST DAY. Tuexlay, 16th January, 1917. 1 The Opening Stakes. v ,i u e $500. A
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  • 1325 7 SHACKLETON’S 8TORY, Areital in America. W« were the first that ever bant Into that ►ilent sea So lonely twas that God himself Scarce seemed there to be. “As from the dead we came back to find the world gone mad.” Thug Sir Ernest ShacUet n, famous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 408 7 Entries Close hungry, 1917 ,m. on Friday, 5th January, 1917. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th I 15» U. Any owners wishing 1 to enter for more than one Griffin Race, on the First 0»v. can do so on payment of $10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1791 8 p. B. LINE I. AND APCAR (Incorporated in England.) Mall and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan,) ■from London direct. The above dates are only approximate tProceedh direct to Marseilles A London. Proceeds to Marseilles and L ndon via Bomhav, intermediate
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