Straits Echo, 15 December 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1152 1 ffufl VFi 9CE 4K f'i-SSm Eft for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model hufmoeile cars ir good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, compete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run and lull particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 9 1 mu 'i n ia<t> m iw «3 WMMWI 1
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  • 1199 2 Marshal Hindenburg’s power was put an > almost unreisonabie test when he was asked 1 at this time of crisis to make bis first cou- 1 siderod statement to a Viennese audience. Toe extension of his commmd .‘o the Galician front aroused intocse jealousy in Austria and
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  • 836 2 Apt abbreviation’s artful aid is very gratefnl to the hurried writer, and more so still to the lazy one. The ucconsidered use of those useful helps, however, is beset with pitfall and with gin. A case in point may be given. It was at Bjw-street Police* court that a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 432 2 WKITEAWAY’S X’MAS BAZAAR *v DOLLS. 'X MS DRESSED DOLLS. All D0II3 are a8 near perfection as posbible. Designed by expert Doll makers. We have an immense stock of all descriptions. Prices: 95 cts., $1-35, 1-50, 1-95, 2-35, 2-50, 2 95, 3-50, 4-25, 4-95, 5-50, 6-95 81 $8-50. 1 j, <iil
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    • 49 2 The Children’s Colds. Watch the children’s colds and cure them before they weaken the vitality, Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely. It i 8 perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and pronounced free from injurious eubatances and costs but a trid*. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 788 2 NOTICE. r 1 LENDERS will be rrcei.ed UD on Tuesday, the 19th DrreJvJ’ 0 Do a for the supply of Fresh Cowft l 916 Hospitals in Penan* for the period') for year commencing from 1st J a P w la,, 00 2 the office of Chief Medical Officer p Timrlof
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  • 1109 3 CHINESE AND TAX VTION. j Voluntary Contribution Scheme It may be remembered that the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, some time Ago, informed the Government that it considered the income-tax not suitable for i the Colony, and suggested in its stead a war levy, to be
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  • 414 3 Coroner's Open Verdict. In the Second Court, before Mr. S, H. j Lingston yesterday afternoon, the enquiry t into the cause of the death of a male adult, who was found fljatiog in the harbour on I the 8th instant, was commenced, I Inspector O. A. J.
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  • 131 3 The s.e. Phemius, which is due to arrive here from Colombo on the Bth instant, has 309 tons of cargo to discharge. The e-s. Teenkai, having left Durban, is I due here cn the 20tb instant. Shi will disI charge 411 tons of cargo at the wharf, The
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  • 384 3 Tha following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5.45 p.m to 7.15 p.m.: 1 Overture Light Cavalry Suppe 2 Two Step Coon Band Contest Pryor 3 Selection Florodora Retford 4 Waltz Gold and Silver Lihar 5 Gavotte Louis XIII. Riviere
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 698 3 NOTICE, BANGKOK VALLEY NO LIABILITY. WANTED. Share at '\rOTlCE is hereby given that a Register ha* now been opened Siam. KHAW JOO TOK, Director A N EXPERIENCED STOREKEEPER. Salary according to qualification*. Security: 11,000. Apply to P. Q Renong, t notice. PENANG AUCTION MART c/o Strait» Echo. WANTED. iO LET
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    • 238 3 r H. lirj ult, oo ice of the kIj the Jed res Dff ras be ter no 48 as WILLS MEDIUM cm-»’*!* oWiGr **irr CAFSTAI STRENGTH FULL c*m*S owiMr OflC>0* 'STOI IIXIUU SHOWING FRIDAY. 22nd DECEMBER, 1916. Universal Great Circui Seiiil Puofc-play The adventures of Peg O’The Ring In 30
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at thb CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pbicb Daily Local *24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poat Free) *17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S. B. —All business communications should
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  • 1245 4 Iu all the Allied countries Germany’s precious peace proposals are meeting with the same contemptuous reception and on all the fronts the cannon continue to thunder till their echo should convince even the people of Berlin that the war instead of being almost over ia only just reaching
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  • 939 4 We knew it would come and are only surprised that it did not come sooner. Not because it is in any way justified, but because it is in monopoly nature" so to do. The F.M.S. Railway Administration has decided to increase passenger fares by 50 beginning from
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  • 569 4 Mr. W. Duncan returned from Singapore by the s.s. Ipoh this morning. We hear that Mr. W. H. Lee-Warner has been transferred to the O insular Service at Sabang (Sumatra). M.M. Mr. Ng Seng Sooi, of Messrs. Seng Heng Co., Rubber Merchants, leaves to-morrow for Singapore by
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  • 149 4 Mr. John Mitchell has received the following letter of acknowledgment from tu* Queen of the Belgians. Grand Quartier de l’Armee Beige. Dear Mrs, John Mitchell, By order cf the Queen I beg to thank you for the new gift of money collected for our little Belgian Children
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  • 87 4 Pinano Eurasian Wounded The following telegram has been r£^ e regarding Gunner h. V. Hart -bo formerly a member of B lB Penang Volunteers, and is now se Mesopotamia. Hart, care Sister Superior, 1 Regret 1705 Gunner L. Hart, Voi Artillery Battery dangerously ill. _lnd>* mia December
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 WHAT SHALL I GIVE IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR If you are in quest of an establishment where there is an infinite variety of useful yet inexpensive presents, the right place is here. o: 1 rT 1 V I Mg Our Grand Toy Bazaar Now Open COMPUTING ALL
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  • 675 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. REMARKABLE article. Vai* Eadeavourt. Amsterdam, December 14. The frankfurter Zeitung, in a remarkable article, the true of which is one of studied o, is endeavouriog to persuade the h otente to accept Germany’s offer of peace. It |1VS that although they are not yet
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  • 680 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. rr»*e« nd the Peace Proposals, Paris, December 14. M. Briand, in the Chamber of Deputies, outlined the reorganisation of the Cabinet and the formation of the War Committee with extended powers. The Premier said: 11 Without exaggerated optimism we more than ever entertain
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  • 722 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. MACKENSEN S PROGRESS. Berlin Vcrsios. London, December 12. A Berlin official announcement states Marshal von Mackensen ia making progress along the whole front despite very great difficulties. Tbe road in Great Wallacbis, south of the railway line Bukhsrest-Cernavoda, has been cleared of the enemy,
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  • 233 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE MONASTIR FRONT. Whole Lias Bonkardcd. London, December 14. A French communique states that tbe enemy bombarded tbe whole of the Monastir front and also the town itself, causing oivilian casualties. We effectively replied. East of ths Cera*. A Berlin official announcement states thst
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  • 395 5 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages i— Pages. 2. —A German Forecast. Abbreviations. 3. Colony and the War. A Harbour Mystery, To-morrow’s Band Programme. Shipping News. 6. —Mr. Bucban’B War Story. Singapore Family Benefit Society. Caste in the Ge r man Army. Blacks For War.
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  • 195 5 A well-informed correspondent informs us that it is d ffijult to explain the present position of lubbor, both at home and out here. The fluctuation in prices at home may probably be due to the German peace proposals, the uncertainty of ships a cargo of rubber arriving
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  • 56 5 A Rig Drop. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, D cember 13. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe I/KH Diamond Smoked 2/10J Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were thequotations for Rubber on Spot ia London yesterday Plantation 1st latex
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  • 81 5 (From Cher Own Vorrirpondent,) Singapore, December 14. There was a poor demandat the Smgapore Kubber Auction and much rubber was withdrawn. The following prices wpre obtained. Smoked Sheets $155 to $165 [er picul Good $155 $157 Fine $142 $147 Unsmoked Fine Plain $137 $143 Ciepe Fino Pale
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  • 88 5 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Bibbed Sheet $145 to $152 per picul Smoked Plain Sheet $136 $143 No. 2 Smoked Sheet $l3B $144 Uusmoked Sheet $129 $l3O No. 2 Unsmcked Sheet $l2l
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  • 70 5 At the Eistern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices wore obtained: Rolled Scrap $B5 Diamond Smoked $l4l to $147 Plain Un&mokei $125 to $132 Loose Scrap 45 to 76 Plain Smoked $135 Lump Scrap 75 to 81 Diamond Unsmoked $137 Pressed Scrap 51 to 70 Scrap
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  • 277 5 Further Particulars. Further particulars rega'drag the sinking of the Eastern Shipping Company's steamer Leong Ho has been received by the head office here Owing to some defeat to her steering gfar while in the P»rlis the steamer ran on to the bank and sank within a
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  • 983 5 Pkjnitlu-.Ccak Ihyttlf Penang Municipality’s Health 1) pertinent might with advantage s**n<l a snn t.ry inspector to look at tbe Penang Municipality’s tenements or coolie lines in Gladstone Road. It their interior is anything like as filthy as their exterior then tbe Municipality ought to issue a summons against
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  • 144 5 Obituary. London. December 14. Tbe death ia announced of Mr. Corny ns Carr, the well-known dramatic author. Who's Who says J. W. Comyns Carr, critic and dramatist; b. 1 Mar. 1849; m. Miss Strettell. Educ, L ndon Univ. B&rr. Inner Temple, 1869 Art Critic on the Pall Mail Gazette English
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  • 357 6 STRONG CRITICISM IN THE REICHSTAG. "A Crowd of Slaves.” Amsterdam, November 12. In the course of a discussion on Army questions at Thursday’s sitting of the Reichstag, the Socialist member Herr Stmcklen strongly criticised tbe feeding of soldiers. A He urged the necessity of control
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  • 526 6 The recruitment of native races for war works is on the face of it a very attractive idea, and the sympathy of the public will go out readily to the M.P.’s who are meeting to discuss the matter. But we feel rather dubious with regard to the
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  • 408 6 Gambling Raids. Acting on information received, Major A. R J Dewar, Chief Police Officer, proceeded to premises No. 10 Sungei Uj mg Road, at noon yesterday in company with Inspector McLernon and a posse of policemen for the purpose of arresting gamblers They arrested five Chinese in
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  • 560 6 The following details are taken from the third annual report and balance sheet for the year ending 30ih 1916. For the second year in succession the committee have pleasure in recording that the past year has been one of considerable financial success while the steady increase
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  • 887 6 ARMY COUNCIL’S THANK3. Da- Fbbbb’s Report. Sir William Tayl 'r writes to the Secre- tary of tbe F M 8. War Relief Fund under date Nov, 9 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Oct. 6, with enclosure of draft on
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  • 844 6 Greenmantle.’ By John Buohan. (London: llodder and Stoughton.) sa. netOnly one point of discussion is likely to arise ovor the merits of Mr- Buchan s new book, and that is whether it is equal, superior, or inferior to “Tbe Thirty-nine Steps, whose resourceful hero it brings
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  • 41 6 The output of K&mpong Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. for the half month ended 10th December was No, 1. No. 2. Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 284 291 Cubic Yards treated 50,000 46.000 Total Piculs 553 R allied on aale $30,000.00
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  • 1089 6 A timely hint—and one that serves to i support what we published yesterd y iu i regard to the newly-levied import duties on motor and cycle tyres and spare parts i reproduced elsewhere in this issue that it would not be a bad thing if the authorities
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  • 329 6 [To THU EDiToaofTHB Fret Pr fu Sir.—l read in the Pos al from Ist January, 1971, it Wl ll possible to purchase British Postal oa »t our local Post Office, of .he denominationsss fid, 6,. 6 S 9J 7‘ J 8, 6 d. 9,, 9. sd, 10.
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  • 34 6 Stbkky Cup. The final between Mr. G. A. Carmichael (1) and Mr. M. M. Stewart (2) was played yesterday and resulted in a win for the latter by 2 and 1.
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  • 297 6 Friday, December 15 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, December 16, Penang Golf Club, Men’s Monthly Medal Competition. Meeting of Justices of the Peace, Governor’s Office, dood. Sunday, December 17. Tbird in. Advent. Penang Golf Club, Men’s Monthly Medal Competition. P, V. R. C. Shoot, Rifle Range
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 For CbroDic Chest Cump'aiot», Woodi’ Great Peppermint Cure la. 6<l
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    • 71 6 The scourge of a tropical country it dysentery, but every trouble has its antidote and for dysentery the medicine is WOOM’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. It is a medicine that will provide quick relief and cure. Those who have to get away into the cut poitions of this country should never
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    • 52 6 Unnecessary Word*. Why waste words and advertising space in the many points of merit in Cbamberlan Cough Remedy? The most fastidious are satisfied when wo state that it cures colds and coughs from any cause, and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substances. For sale by aM dispensaries
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  • 1038 7 An Accra Phase Tha War (says the Westminster Gazette is entering Upon a more acute phase, possibly thatphaseof renewed frighttuluess which the German public more and more demands as the economic p'essure iccreases. It is well wor.h wh’ie at this moment to devote a tit le time to
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  • 1223 7 A ffairs in China. Mixed Pick Lea in Pbeino. [The following two item* from the Peking Gazette" throw much light on the behind~theecenet political e it nation in Peking Seo-attoujl disclosures arj being raide by rewspnp-rs opposed t) the continuance of the Tuan Chi-jui 0*b net. It must be mentioned
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 515 7 ilie BEST BEER Obtainable in the EASf CARLSBERG BEER IS DANISH BEER. i y t 4 1 i Try it at Tiffin! Try it at Dinner 4% PRICES MODERATE StockeJ by all STORES, HOTELS and BARS. SOLE IMPORTERS: '“i c* PENANG Rhone No. 453. 1 mamexjssss^c^r^ BUBHQEt GRANT'S Vv> ft
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    • 542 7 Can You Stand th? Cold? Some people eujoy cold weather and take annual trip» to cold countries in order to euj >y the pleasures of winter sports; the keen air ca]la the piok to their cheeks and the red to their lips. Others shriuk from cold ai-d turn blue at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1667 8 P. O B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) Due Penang 23 I >«•- J*D. 2o Feb. 17 M^r. 17 81 Apnl 14 28 May 12 26 June 17 Steamer. tNankin Novara ft Somali
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