Straits Echo, 14 December 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1001 1 WIM&MAI <4 It rW lyZED NATUiii for sale Odd new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model hupmobile cars ir good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS oxford In good running order, compete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run end full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 12 1 r> ft t Is«« IK liiiflH aM IS Wy^ HI 1 r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 942 3 {Under S, R, A Rules oi Racing.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. SECOND DAY Thursday, 18th January, 19)7. THIRD DAY Saturday, 20th January, 1917. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 16th January, 1917. 1 The Opening Stakes. Value $500. A Selling Handicap for
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  • 1252 3 Thb Allies' lerms. M. Hanotaux has done the Allies an important service by publishing an artic’e on toe a 1 ias peace terms in the Revue dee deux Monde», There is a tw >fjld jusudcatiun lO' discutsiug the terms of peace wbiie the end of the
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  • 605 3 Tbminolooical Inexactitudes. Is there soma insidious poison in the atmosphere of tropical countries that causes ordinary people to exaggerate everything, aud turns a man with a natural tendency to exaggeration into a Wolff-Agency-like liar? Or do wo unconsciously launch out our minds into the realms of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 430 3 Fntripc rincn at 5 p.m. on Friday, 5th January, 1917. Handicaps f< Llliries LIOSC Day will be published on or before Wednesday, for the First the 10th January, 11*17, Any owners wishing to enter for more than one GrifHu Race, on the First or P*v. ran do so on payment
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    • 54 3 The Bnt Ccugh Med ci&e, Cbanob°r! tin’s C ugh remedy is th° largest selling c r. _ij mpdieine in the world to-day becau-r i* d e rxact’v what a coogb mfdicine is sopp>.<?ei lo do. It stops cruets ai d colds ‘p eddy and < fferduaby. For sale by til
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    • 419 3 i a L.w w nr* TT ■t? J Summer Days Are Flesh Building Days G\in Healthy Mesh —I' cria e Your Weight Fiont Ten To hirty Pounds —By Taking Sargol Thin M n and Women ray ‘MM p'v* Do t anything to put on a It'1 1« fl-sb and weight,”
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  • 1325 4 A Pn BNOM1NON IN MESOPOTAMIA. A curious phenomenon exists in Mesopotamia in the form of a mass of people who have borrowed from all the raoes about them and have adopted customs belonging to all, and yet who are totally isolated from them socially. These are the Sabeans,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 403 4 WHITEAWAY’S X’HAS BAZAAR a, BRITISH-MADE DOLLS. DRESSED DOLLS. All Dolta aro ae Dear perfection as possible. Designed by expert Doll makers. We have an immense stock of all descriptions. Prices: 95 cts., $1-35, 1-50, 1-95, 2-35, 2-50, 2 95, 3-50, 4-25. 4-95, 5-50, 6-95 81 $8-50. UNDRESSED DOLLS. Ranging from
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    • 72 4 Whoopiaj Couth. When jour child baa whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Bsmedv as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and
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    • 125 4 A Germ Destroyer. There is no danger whatever from lock jaw or blood poitfon resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's Pain B»Im is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also cause wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time
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    • 156 4 ►or UWAPORI. HOW low, AW akot. The s.s. Fonfli Bee, Captain H. J Wii.k is expected to Arrive here from S 1Cff4t l on Saturday, the 16th inoUnt Vnd leave for the above ports on Monday 18th instant, at 5 p.m 7 lhc Regarding freight or passage apply to MESSRS.
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  • 355 5 Mrs. L. P. Ebdeu has reoeived the two following letters Mrs. L. P. Ebdea, The Judge’s Bungalow, Penang, Straits Settlements. Dear Madam, I beg to acknowledge jour letter of Saptembar 10, addressed to Lady Cowdraj. My Committee greatly appreciate the generosity of the women of
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  • 77 5 Penang Women Workers Amount previously acknowledged $3,086 68 Mrs. Cleaver (9;h Don 10.00 Mrs. Liston (3id 5.10 Mrs. Pike 4 00 Mrs. Alhn Dennys (sth 285 W. P. 1.00 «3,109,53 Hospital garments for soldiers ieidy cut Ait for workers will bo given out at the Town
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  • 170 5 The Gazette of India, publishes the following notification regarding S \oj Mjhmud Ah Kban of the sth Light Infantry:— No, 1385.—The Governor-Goner*! in Council is pleased to sanction the following admissions to tbe Military Division of the Indian Order of Merit: For Admission to the Seeoad
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  • 227 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-monow evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection Mansaniello Auber 2 Two Step The Jolly Negroes Volstedt 3 Waltz Gold Riin Waldteufel 4 Galop Clear the Road Tbiere 5 March Doner Ziehrer Slid a
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  • 449 5 Two REFORMATORY CANDIDATES. A Malay boy. named Pawanteb, was this morning charged before 8. H. Langston with theft of two boxes of cigarettes, valued at $3.70, the property of Lim Loh Kow. He pleaded guilty. Inspector Frayue said that the boy went into the complainant’s shop, grabbed
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  • 406 5 Hollaed of tie R. F. A. (formerly stationed in Singapore) has been at Lydd (ninieg his new bowitzar battery, and is greatly pleased with the new army imn. The now 9.2s will make nasty holes when they drop their chocolate cream®, when be takes them over
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  • 73 5 S. S.“Leong Ho Sunk. News has been received by the Eastern Shipping Company, Limited, to the eff-ct that the company’s steamer Leong Ho sack last night in Kuala Perlis. All bands were saved. The Leong Ho left Penang on Monday last bonnd for Pulan Langkawi, Perlis and Setnl under the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 274 5 REID’S RED-ROcl MINERAL WATER. Superior to any other Mineral Water on the Market. Red-Roc Water and I ry Ginger Ale. Obtainable at Pritchard Co., Ltd. and Tong Joo’s SOLE AGENTS: R. T. REID GO. Tk Eastern Produce Exchange 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street
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    • 224 5 WILLS MEDIUM KOWl z w r oi i<y« CAPSTAN S4STa LO«0°!l FULL Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! Uaive.sil Great Circus tieiiil Pooto-play The adventures of Peg O’The Ring In 30 the Snsition of the Picture World. To-night! THE To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE MJ LYCEUM THEATRE. ARGYLL ROAD. J \J PKtSEttT 5 Parts THE
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  • 98 6 Plbßahtd dailv (except Sundays and public holidays) at th CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. H Outstation... Postage Extra. jlWil Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.— All business communication» »hould
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  • 19 6 Rttbsill—On 14th December at No. 2, Robb Road, Penang, the wife of H, S. Russell, of a daughter.
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  • 1195 6 Far from aiming, as was expected in many quarters, at detaching Russia from the Entente,” the German peace proposals are Hrected more particularly against that Power. That the Russians, whose endurance nd resources are alike inexhaustible, would ▼er consent to the amputation of their two western provinces
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  • 64 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $89.30, business done (105 tons sold) and in London at £lB4 ss. spot and £lB6 three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for
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  • 25 6 {From Our Oum Correspondent Loudon, December 12. The price* in the London Rubber Market to-dij are:— Pale Crepe g/l* Diamond Smoked iM gyjl
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  • 907 6 Mr. St. Alban Smith has taken up a planting appointment in Johore. Mr. A. E. C. McLeod is now on the staff of the Jasin Lallang Estate. Mr. W. G-. Stirling, of the Government Monopolies, Malacca, has returned from leave. The Nissen family wish to thank those
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  • 945 6 A Propot, Here is a little story which the preM nt German peace proposals invest with ••act Vatican circles are talking of an excell« n w? rt f l hQ D ,iBh Cafti-al OaTnuet When the German Cardinal Hartman called on him the former Baid: Your Eminence, we
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 204 6 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. w T E have a choice assortment of Perfumes by the f hei-t Kngliah French Makers, Eau-de-Cologne, Lavender V r ater, Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors. Waterman's Fountain Pens. A most acceptable gift. Fills itself in a flash and absolutely never leaks. SQ. s>- 'X Auto-Strop Safely
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  • 1840 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. CIST OF THE NOTES. POLAND and LITHUANIA KAISER’S ARMY ORDER. Amsterdam, December 12. The Kaiser has issued the following Army Order ••In the sentiment of victory which you have gained by your bravery I and the moDsrchs of the three allied States have
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  • 70 7 London. November 12. The Obtorver says ’*The battle of the Somme has practically ceased. A few weeks back the advanoes of the Allies slowed down in a marked manner. There must be a new battle with a new character before any important change develops. There will be
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  • 551 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. B REDUCED TO SIX. S*n« ProkiUti, London, December 12. The new Cabinet will be re-organised on the lines of the British- It ia deaignated the Council of National Dafenoe and will conaiat of aiz members. It ia reliablj forecasted that M. Briand, M
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  • 394 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN CLAIMS. A4u»m East of Ploaali. London, December 12. A Berlin official announcement states i “We hare captured Mizil, half-wav between Ploeati and Burzen, and Ursioeni, thirty milea south-east of Ploeati. “We made 10,000 prisoners in three days and captured several guns and much
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  • 142 7 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages Pages. 3. —The Peace of Europe. Tales of tbe Tropics, 4. Btar Worshippers. 5. —Police Court Cases. Btraits People At Horn», ss. Leong Ho Sunk. "Star and Garter” Building Fund Qaeen Mary’s Needlework Guild. To-morrow’s Band Programme. Indian Order
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  • 539 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GREAT ARTILLERY DUEL. lituM Canaoaadc, Paris, December 12. A French correspondent states that the mutual bombardment on the Western front has now reached the most violent pitok it has attained since the beginning of the Battle of the Somme. The cannonading is the
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  • 333 8 From the Straits Times we take the following description of the memorial j erected in Bt. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, in memory of the members of the military forces wLo fell in the Singapore Mutiny. i The 8. V. C, tablet, which is of bronze on a ground
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  • 480 8 DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATORS A Local Judgment. A judgment which admiDistrators-of the estates of deceased persons in the F M.S. would do well to noteearefully was delivered last Friday by Mr. Justice Innes in the suit Cho Sin Fah and Chong Su v Chong Man Nyong and Chin
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  • 196 8 The s.B. Lai Sang was despatched fcc-day for Calcutta. We are informed by Meisrs. Yeo Chip Moh A Co. that the e.s. Ban Hoe Leong is expected here on Saturday at daylight. Messrs. Islay Kerr A Co. advise us that the s.B. Tara from Madras and Negapatam is
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  • 583 8 London, November 11. A corrected report of Mr. Asquith's speech —in which he was made to say that the suggestion that the Allies designed to build an impenetrable stone wall against German trade «was “a childish fiction is as follows The Allies must not be under
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  • 907 8 ‘DOUAUMONT FORT. French Use German Munitions. New Yoik, Nov. 12. Mr. Wyth Williams, the Paris correspon- i dent of the New York Times babies a striking account of a visit to Douaumont Fort under a curtain of fire. I hope never to have the experience again,
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  • 395 8 Warmly Defended. Landon, Not. 12. Lard Rotbermere (who is one of the Barmsworth family, and a younger brother of Lord Nortbcliffa). in an article in the Sunday Pictorial warmly defending Mr. Winston Churchill against reoent attaoke, remarks that the majority have not been sparing in their criticisms against
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  • 262 8 Shortage of Food. London, November 10, A Budapest report says that Baron Kurthy has been the Food Dictator of Hungary, with the rank of a Cabinet Minister. He dressed as a labourer and went to the markets. He bought potatoes at double the maximum price. He was thrown
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  • 35 8 Copenhagen, Nov. 10. The British Consul’s threat not to supply coal resulted Asn-busCity Council (on the east ooast of Jutland) forbidding ex* porters of food to Germany to use t.h» municipal slaughterhouse.
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  • 143 8 London, November 12. The public has been astounded by a speech attributed to Sir Swn Hughes, the Canadian Minister for Defence, at the Empire Club in Toronto. A Canadian authority in London states that certain allegations made by* the Minister -relate to an agreement between the Canadian
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  • 261 8 -THtJRaDAi, December 14, Vohrtrtrrrs Ambuhuce r Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 0, Battalion Drill, Esplanade 5.15 Friday, December 15 Town Band, Esplanade. 6 p.m. Saturday, Dicrmbsr 16. Penang Golf CHub, Men’. Montvi Medal Competition. 0Dtbl J Meeting of Justices of the Governor’s Office, noon. 8unday, December 17.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 404 8 ENTRY lit January, 1917. 225, Bur- nth Road, suitable for family resid* •noe or mess. Apply Tudwphon» No. 321 $55 of 164, Burmah Boad. 24 «34 ALBION BUSKS 4 row and 6 row For price* and particular* apply to TOWERS A Co., Secretaries, 8tr. A F.M 8. Motor Service Co.,
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    • 53 8 UaMOuary Worts. Why waste words and advertising apace in describing the many points of m«rit in Chamberlan’s Caugh Remedy The most fastidious are satisfied when we state that it cures colds and congbs from any cause and that it contains absolutely no narcotics or injurious substances. For sale by all
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaint», Wood» Great Peppermint Cure Is. dd.
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    • 48 8 The Children's Colds. Watch the children’s coldßTind cure them before they weaken tbe vitality, Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freelv It i 8 perfectly safe. It has been tested by chemists and «pronounced free from ifcjn/ious subatjoicea atd oosta but a tnfle. For sale by all dfspensaties and dealers.
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    • 355 8 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. He id Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has beeu appointed agent jor the above Corporation, aiC is now proparod to accept MARINE V FFRE RISKS current rates QTJaH BENG KEE, 43, Beajh Street, Penewf, Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). IRetail Price: 35 cents per quart bottle
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  • 2018 9 Prince Bulow’s New Edition. “Imperial Germany.” By Prince von I Billow. With a Foreword by J. W. Headlam I 1'ranslation by Marie A. Lewenz, M.A. New I and Revised Edition. (Cassell). 6s. net We have had brief reports from neutral J sources of the more important new passages
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 589 9 Prevent Malaria Dysentery m 53 > Dr. Cassell's Tablets Increase the Resisting Power of the Body and Fortify You against Attack. The surest protection against malarial fever, ague, and dysentery is vitai strength of the system. When the vitality is reduced, in other words when we become run-<lowii, we are
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    • 148 9 Wben a child develops one of those taa‘y hacking coughs which keep the fami y awake at night it is annoying for.them, but far more serious for the child, became of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs. Rupture is often caused by a straining cough. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT
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    • 928 9 NOTICE A MEETING of the Justices of the Peace will be held on Saturday, 16th December, at noon in the Governor’s Office. Business (1) To appoint a chairman of the Visiting Justices. (2) To draw up Roster for 1917. Resident Councillor’s Office, Penang, 11th December, 1916 654 NOTICE. TENDERS are
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  • 1106 10 age and naval command. The Actiow in the Stkaitb. A letter baa been received from a corres pondent who wishis to have “a few detailregarding the age A*., of the officers commanding our Dreadnoughts.’ It is a naive request, very much like that of the German secret service
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  • 1139 10 Trade, Polities, and Christianity in Afrioa and the East. By A. J. Macdonald, with an Introduction by Sir Harry Johnston. (Longmans. 6a. net.) The problem of the future relations between Europeans and the natives of Asia and Africa is deeper than a mere question
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 603 10 Huttenkch Bros. S ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL machinery. jMmm hhhmbhhhmhbhi ussammmaa Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations a Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE SfEBIIVI JELEPIOSE 00., 111. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations
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  • 2384 11 There is a common notion, upon which the religion of many people is formed, that man exists to obey. Those who combine this notion with religion think that man exists to obey God, while those to whom religion is merely superstition think that he
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 The BEST BEER Obtainable in the EAST carlsberg beer IS DANISH BEER. 1 T N 9 T Try it at Tiffin! Try it at Dinner PRICES MODERATE. Stocked by nil STORES, HOTELS and BARS. ft SOLE IMPORTERS: PENANG. Phone No. 453. ii i SOME REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD INSTAL A
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    • 668 11 Not Beyond Hope Those who have •uffo’vd year after year with Rheumatism will be glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an Absolute specific There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe, nor from what cause, that ciro >t immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1656 12 p. I. AND apcar line (Incorporatsd in England.) Mall and Pawen^er Service) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Homeward (for Europe.) MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan Singapore, Tanjong Pandan, (Billiton), Batavia, Cherlbon and Sem&rang direct. Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with. Deo. Jan. Feb. f* Mtt.
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