Straits Echo, 8 December 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1002 1 IMfcS*Al t vr S^-J vt ri 0 NATH for sale One new 916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown
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    • 10 1 V I «Umm 3 *****11 a soil Pi m -j
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  • 922 2 the royal military college. AT SANDHURST. By H*nry Davray Like all noble nations. England impresses on her officers-to-be those age-long traditions of bravery and honour, which allow adversaries to feel towards one another •«teem and respect. Not far from the camps at Aldershot lies Sandhurst, where
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  • 1016 2 Ladj Login, by birth a Campbell of Kinloch, died at the ape of 84, just four month* later than Queen Victoria, whose friendship she enjoyed, and her most prized possession was an autograph letter thanking her for her care in looking after tin Queen’s godchild, a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 413 2 ■HlTEmrS XHAS BftZAAR OUR STOCK OF Christmas Novelties is now complete. The largest and most varied collection of British-made Cards, Crackers, Dolls, Games, Puzzles, Masks, etc., etc. YOUR ENQUIRIES WILL BE ESTEEMED. SPECIAL OFFER To Clubs, Schools and other Christmas Charities. We offer a Special \0% Discount on all Toy
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    • 41 2 Early Co ds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 10 2 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wood*’ Croat Peppermint Cnre la 6d,
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    • 656 2 Do you Suffer with Rheumatism His this terrible, nerve-racking, piinfnl ailment fastened itsrlf upon you? i> lorn hop-'. Here's succour (or you. Little’s Oriental Halm has cured thon saDds of inveterate chrouic cases of Rh» matUm—among them hundreds ol craL that were pronounced hopeless by doctm? Through this wonderful remedy
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  • 717 3 Amh Anak Baa Mr. Justice Earnsbaw delivered judgment in Singapore rectatly in an intereating Malay will case which turned on the correct interpretation of the words anak anak bua. It would appear that eighteen yeaie ago probate waa granted of the will of one Hadji «Ah> bin
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  • 205 3 The following programme of musio will be, played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 6.45 p.m to 7.15 p.m 1 Overture To the Ballet Jobo Lindpaiotner 2 One Step In the Night Gilbert 3 Selection Reminiscences Of Gounod Godfrey 4 Waltz First Violin Witt 5 Till
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  • 454 3 Most Suo«*s*»cl Bax aa a The Annual Bis tar and sale of work of the Ministering Children’s league was held last the Toma Ha/1 which was tastefully decorated loathe gpcaaion. Toe Bizaar, which waa under the patronage of the Hon’ble Mr. A. T. Bryant, Resident Councillor, the
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  • 100 3 (From Over Oven Correspondent o Singapore, December 8. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 859,546 lb. were sold at the following prices per picul Smoked Sheets $l5l to $156 Good 144 to 151 Plain 138 to 139 Unsmoked Fine 137 to 147 Good 130 to 136 Fine 133
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  • 75 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $l5O to $155 per picul. Smoked Plain Sheet $l3l $136 No. 2 Smoked Sheet $136 $147 Unsmoked Sheet $129 $134 Crepe fine pale thin and
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  • 68 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Anction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Fair from $139 to $l5l Diamond Unsmoked $l3B to $136 Plain Untmoked $129 to $134 Diamond Smoked No. 2 97 to $lO9 Brown Crepe $llB Virgin Scrap 75 to 86 Pressed Scrap 65
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 565 3 town hall WEMANC. Commi t .Coming FOR OSE NIGHT ONLY MMKHAT, MCEMSER Uth, AT 9.S0 The Howitt-PKilliAS.Co. IN •f eg o’ my Heart’' Prices .$3-2-1. BOOKING.NOW OPEN At.the Robinson Piano Co fob sale. a “SINGER" MOTOR CAR 5 Beater 15/18 H.P. in very good condition, jmt been doae up and
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    • 439 3 TUKKISH A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. "LRU» 1 «1 Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! Universal Great Circus Seriil Pboto-play The adventures of Peg O'The Ring In 30 reels the Sar sation of the Picture World. Tonight!
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  • 97 4 Flbliahad dailv (except Sundays and publio holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Peic*. Daily Local *24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. $IAil Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDB*E9S M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 jy g.—All business communications should
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  • 22 4 Richaeds— On Dec. 8th at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Richards, of Caledonia Estate, a son.
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  • 1343 4 Youth will be served. The resignation of the Premier, who is 65, making way for a successor 12 years younger, synchronises with the passing of the command of the Grand Fleet from Sir John Jellicoe, who is 57, to Sir David Beatty, who is 45. Fourteen years
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  • 1017 4 Reuter announces that 8irdar Daljit Singh was received in audience by the King. 5 Oar Singapore correspondent wires that the Rajah of Sarawak has arrived at Singapore on his way home. r I Mr. M. C. Hay, ADO., Kuala Lipis, who has been in indifferent health for
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  • 608 4 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. BRITAIN’S NATIONAL MINISTRY Mr. Boiir Liw Co-opintci, London, December 6, The King has asked Mr. Lloyd Georgs to form a Government. He baa oonsentsd and will endeavour to form a Nation»! Ministry irrespective of party. London, December 6 Later. An authoritative announcement states
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 SPECIAL SHOW OF THIS SEASON’S SMARTEST HATS. o: Ladies’ Beautifully trimmed Hats Chiffon and Flowers, a large selection in stock, From $2-75 each. Children’s well trimmed Bate, Fancy Crinoline and Flowers. Price $l-90. Boy’s Fashionable Felt Hats, all shades and sizes. Price $l-90. Write for our Christmas Catalogue of Bargains,
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  • 449 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GERMAN ADVANCE. Berlift Veraio». London, December 6. Thc Berlin official announcement, concluding. We cleared out the Rumanians southward of the Argesul and are now advancing on Bukharest.” The communique claims that the Germans captured 1,600 men and four guns in the Lt on the
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  • 44 5 (.From Our Oim Correspondent^) London, December 6. Tne prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/li Diamond Smoked London, December 7. The prices in the Loudon Rubber market to-day were Pale Crepe 3/4 Diamond Smoked 3 4
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  • 65 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $9O 25, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $9l, business done (195 tons •old) and in London at JEIB6 15s. spot and 10s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations
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  • 554 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. MISLEADING Forcign Office Announcement. London, December 6. The Foreign Office states that Press messages from Greece are misleading inasmuch as the Royalist have regained control of the cables and Press censorships and Allied Press correspondents at Athens are threatened with personal violence. Similarly,
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  • 17 5 The Volunteers the tablet members of the Corps who fell m t g pore Mutiny.
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  • 491 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Fuachal Bombarded. L >bon, December 6. A submarine threw fifty shells on Funchal and hit a boat and killed six Portuguese sailors. She disappeared when subjected to a strong fire from the land batteries. Freaek Gun-Boat Surprised. Lisbon, December 6—Later. It transpires that
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  • 90 5 (From Our Own Correspondent*) Singapore, December 8. Messrs. Fraser Co’s weekly report states that rubber shares are quiescent. The firmness of the commodity is not shown in the share market. Industrials attracted more attention. The Penang 4% Municipal Loan made 81. The R.M.S. Medina arrived at Marseilles
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  • 590 5 (Reuter's Service,) Copyright Telegram. Pacifist Reiolutio» Rejected. Rome, December 7. Replying in the Chamber to the Socialist paoifiit resolution the Premier proposed that they postpone discussion for six months “because the Chamber coaid not vote in favour of a premature and uncertain peace and it was
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  • 1875 5 A Qucitio* of Correct Ut«rpr»Utioa. The difficulties of judge and jury m a court like ours, where evidenco bi'S to be interpreted and documents translated into English, are we 4 exemplified by the case which we report elsewhere to-day. The whole question turned on the correct interpretation of
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  • 80 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2 Qaeen Victoria’s First Grandchild. A Nursery of Heroes. 3. —Malay Will Cise. To-morrow’s B.ud Programme. 8 ngapore Rubber Auction. Penang Rubber Auction, Ministering Cail Iren's League, Eastern Produce Exchange. 6,—Chinese and Taxation. How Long will the War
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  • 50 5 Obituary. Dr, Richter. Amsterdam, December 6, A message from Bayreuth says that the musician Dr. Richter is dead. j Obituary. Sir James Lyall. London, December 6. The death has taken place, at the age of 78, of Sir James Broadwood Lyall, K.C.5.1., who was Lieut-Governor of the Punjab from 1887—92.
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  • 1331 6 Lota.» Fmu On Tn U*t Four Mtim.’ Sir William Robertson said the other day that ha did not want to be asked when the sod of tbs war would oome. My own experience is that nowadays in this country one very rarsly hears the
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  • 533 6 [To txi Eoitob or T«n Malaya Tribune Sir, —In regard to the meeting which took place in the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the question of war taxation, the report of the proceedings as translated from the Chinese papers was more or less garbled, and the translation
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  • 62 6 (Frees- Om Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 7. The Chief Justice, Sir J. A. Bucknill, reserved judgment in tbe action aiising out of the-Alien Enemies Winding Up Ordinance in vrhieh Mr. Lowtber Kemp (L quidator of the Singapore branoh of-the Deutsche Asiatisebe Bank) is the plaintiff and
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  • 857 6 Liability in Dieptrrn, Tbe hearing of the action by Mr. W. Lowtber Kemp against Mr. R, T. Reid arising out of the liquidation of enemy firms under the Alien Enemies (Winding Up) Ordinance, 1914, was continued before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) in the Singapore
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  • 474 6 [To tmi Editor of t«s Btraite Ichs.] D« I shall *be much obtiged if you oan kindly find space an-your-paper for the attoohed capias oft letters from the War Office and Bt*r A Garter Secretary, acknowledging the Kedah subscriptions of 42,250/- for a Battleplane, and 4276-lf-4 for the
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  • 102 6 Friday, Dicimiib S F:C. C. Annual General Meeting, 6 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, Dbormbrr 9. Cash Chemists General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 12 noon. Full Moon. Sunday, Dickmirr 10. Second in Advent. P. V. Field Operations. Monday, Drcrmbrr 11. Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill, Esplanade, 5
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  • 56 6 Ladies’ Medal Competition, Ddmhmb, 1916. Winner i Mr.. F. T. Kinder 40+42=82-14-68 nett MUi C. Brown... 36+42=78 2=76 Mra. Brareton Martin 45+88=83- 5.78 Mra. Benson 48+44=94- 14» 78 retnre f^ l<>WlD < h# f 1 bat mede no Mra. a. 0.- Olaeke, Mra. (K Mtr. Mra A.
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  • 128 6 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. leaden, Dictator 5. The following i%Ue laleet,liek,*ual-tie*. Kiilo—Bec. Lienee. F. Lawlor (Monmouthshire). andG. N. Slinger (Field AitiUeiy); Captain* J. Tilley. (Nerfeik). I.J. W. Wilson (Mannhestsi), B, F. Wolatenbolme (Cheshire). PBBTIOUBLT RIFOBTID MIUIW*, NOW Killbo.—Second Lieet. D. K. Cooper (Korthamgtoashire). Dibd of Wo**»».-«Seooad-Lieut., B.
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  • 60 6 Tk* Mcakcrs. CFVtw* Our Own Correspondent^ Kuala Lumpur, December 8. The Committee in regard to war taxation, which met yesterday, comprises Sir E.' L Brockman (Chairman), the Raja Bendahara, Sri Adika Raj*. Tungku Makhota, and Meeers, Lake 'Yew, Eu Tong Seng, Parimanwn PilUy, Broadrick. Eyxe Kenny, Burnside,
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  • 49 6 (From Our. Own Correspondent) Singapore, December 8. At the Charity football match H. E. Sir Arthur Young, Major-General Ridout, and the Biahop of Singapore were present. The final score# were S. C. C. 3 goals Straits Chinese 1 goal The Chinese put up au exceptionally good game.
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  • 482 6 The P.xfe O, a»i. Kashgar arrired at Port Said on the 2nd, ipatant. The s.s. Speelman is scheduled, to leave on Monday for Acheen Ports. .a y m Among the latest arrivala at London are the s.s. Olenoirae and the s.s Kitano Mam. mam The s.s. Cyclop* may
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 One teat of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE would prove to you its aolid worth ai a preventive medicine that should be in every family medicine chest. Sold all over the world, its popularity is increasing every year and as you will know it is not possible to keep selling a
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    • 7 6 For Chronic Chert Complaint*, Ftppcrmin» la. id.
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  • 925 7 Tbe recent murder of a European planter in Johore, following on timilar outrages during tbe preaeDt year in Perak and Negri Sembilan, has led to a discussion in the Press regarding crime in Malaya. Murderona attacka on Europeans in this country are of much
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  • 934 7 An End or Silbncn and Snonbiet. Perhaps the moat reTolutionarj thing achieved for ua by the war, writes. Mr Charles McEvoy in the Daily Mail is the paaaing of the prig. The Army has killed him Other armies iu other countries may sometimes tend to make but
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  • 182 7 Fo.-ty is tie age of greatest t ffort with most penult Yttilifv is uop at tbs mott rapid pice. Often the struggle in work or business p-oduc. s n*. va strain, or the failure to succeed esusos w rry, nervous breakdown, neurasthenia. Middle-aged people fiad that they
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Attiie&ts Will Happen. H e imponible to prevent an acci- cl it 18 aot impoaaible to be prepared Ch*mberlain'a Pain Balm ia not bethi f njoae e P yrM *nd with bottle of y° u ar prepared for moat Jot aale bj all Diapenaariea and
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    • 278 7 The BEST BEER Obtainable in the EAST CARLSBERG BEER IS DANISH BEER. Try it at Tiffin! Try it at Dinner 4^ ■9^ /.I m&fi OT 8 C° PRICES MODERATE. Stocked by nil STORES, HOTELS and BARS. SOLE IMPORTERS: J a PENANG. Phone No. 453. ♦♦*************************044 o NEW MOTOR GARS. o
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    • 88 7 Chamberlain’s Co«sh Remedy. When you have a bid cold you want a remedy that will not only giro relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 860 7 Government Notification NOTICE is hereby given that all out- Ht luding bills sgiinst the Qovernuaent should be presented for payment before (he 15tb iastant. All bills incurred after that date should te presented for piympnt, if possible, some days before the 27th Dicimber, 1916 Singapore, Ist December, 1916. 636 for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 600 9 It haa frequently been said that the huge combines whose business ia cot netted with the manufacture of munitions of war or the building of warabipg hare been largely responsible for all the wars that have been waged in recent time?. How much truth there may be
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  • 587 9 In the past fortnight the most popular kind of easy-going optimism in this country has received a cold aouche. and even the most cautious have been surprised at Germany’s recovered initiative in Eastern Europe. There is not much good to be accomplished by analysing the Allied weaknesses
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 460 9 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and legs are affected it is called Rheumatism: if in the Loins, Lumbago
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    • 200 9 CHANCE OF OWNERSHIP. NOTICE. ON and after the 219 t December, 1916, the Netherlands Hotel of No. 1a and Ib, King Btreft, will be carried on by me, Neoh Chun Sit, under the style of Chop Lok Juan,” Any person having any claim or cltims against the hotel should make
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    • 236 9 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indent* promptly executed at lowest cash prioes for all ticds of British and Continental good* including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoos and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Eafthenwa.e and Glassware, Cyc’os, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, *?in?y Goods and Perfumery, L T ardwa
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1592 10 F. B. I. AND APCAR LINE (InOOEPORATSD IW ENGLAND.) Mail and Kawenger Service! K0N1NKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAAT3CHAPPIJ, (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incoepobatbd in Holland-) Japan Mail Steamship Campany Lt<. Fo* Intbhdbd to Sail. Steam». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS MAIL Homcvard (for Europe.) 16th December 30th December SERVICE. Ottward (for China
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