Straits Echo, 30 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 975 1 IM&MAI .V V NATlii^ FOR SALK One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model lIIIFMOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with Accessories. Intending purchasers can hs\e a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang
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    • 11 1 V tfi’S MILK ISTNC H, c tion§ ret $s *=ri ess
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  • 977 2 VOKWAERTB MUZZLED. Bcrli* Af/roatc4, Amsterdiip. BItLIH LIBELLED. A lady journalist, Frau Marie Dicre, has libelled the Berlinese and the civil authority Magxelrat) has published a proteat in its official QemeindtbUUt der Stadt Berlin. The official reproach relatea that the lady has spoken in oontemptuoua term*” of the
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  • 895 2 CHANNEL TUNNEL F Womih is Mechanics. Paris. Amid the expressions of fraternal cordiality that exist in France for England and her gallant sons, there exists just one reproach. Ab,’’ cry the wise, had it not been for that stupid Eoglish fetish, which bad hands off our insularity
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 412 2 Blankets. Sheets. WITNEY BLANKETS. Single bed size, all pure wool, shrunk, light tropical weight. Size 54 by 75 ins. Price $5>95 each. Heavy weight all pure wool Witney Blankets, thoroughly shrunk. Size “4 by 102 ins. Price %7 -95 each. Special Tropical Blankets. Very light weight white cotton blankets; these
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    • 593 2 Shake OH the Clutch r T»ir tbe Ton can do it A. evidence this jou have but to any one of the thousands of cure! been effected by the use of 88 of peace aider have LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM Many of those cured were told br th* physicians that there
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  • 101 3 Thursday, November 30. Penang Volunteers Ambulance Co. Drill, Port Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. St, Andrew’s Day. Friday, December 1. Queen Alexandra’s B rthday (1844). Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, December 2, Lodge Kmta, Ipoh, 6.15 p.m. Sunday, December 3. First in
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  • 122 3, November SO. (By eourteey of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/4 27/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank Is 4 Moulmein, Demand Bank a 734 3 days’
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  • 430 3 Semi-Official Rimw The following is communicated to the Bangkok press by the British Legation to Siam. Lcmdoo, Nov. 18. The British have made one of the most enccessfull attacks yet sssn in the Simme offensive delivered north and south of the Ancre early in the morning of
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  • 492 3 Annual General Meetino, The annual general mooting of the members of the Penang Recreation Club was held at the Pavilion last evenirg with Mr. J. D. Scully (President) in the chair. There were also present twenty five other members, including Mr. J. S Reutens (Hon Secretary). The
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  • 301 3 Penang Women Workers Amount previously acknowledged $2,964 43 Mr*. G. H. Pritchard (7th Don.) 20.00 Ltdios Bridge Book Oct. (3rd 15.00 Mr?. Heim (16 h 10.00 Mrs. Welham 5.00 Mrs. Peel 2.00 Mr?. Samuel (Bth 2.00 $3,018.43 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers
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  • 527 3 Field Operations. The Field Operations for the month of December has been fixei for the 10th proximo. Time and place of fall in will be notifled later. •as Sergeant Major's Parade. All are reminded that the Sergeant Major’s Parade will take place cn Monday □ext, the 4th proximo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 564 3 St, ANDREW’S DAY CSD«R THI AUBPICIS Of tH PENANC ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY ,b. following» b»» been arranged for 30th NOVEMBER, 1916. m of the Esplanade Football Match W P P KoUnD SCOTLAND “a pto. at E. A O. Hotel DINNER concert Tbe Tenang Pipe Band will play at both
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    • 237 3 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and gwd digestion are snre to follow an occasional dose of EESS5SI the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe Oi all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept, lc, Singapore. With a
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    • 311 3 TUBKISH BLEND A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE MJ LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. JLf To-night! To-night!! CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN 6 Parts Tillie’s Punctured Romance Parts 6 featuring the inimitable Charlie Chaplin in
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  • 95 4 Pmbliahed daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLK ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1436 4 Not (or the first time it has be?n remarked to us by a business man that the youths sent out to business houses from school are not nearly so efficient as they ought to be. Precisely the same cry is heard in Britain, so that Malaya is
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  • 660 4 Mr. Jarrett, A. D. O. Klang, is indisp°Bed. We regret to hear that our former Puisne Judge, Mr. Sercombe Smith, who since his retirement on pension has been doing war work at the Colonial Office, has been in indifferent health lately. Owing to the resignation of Mr.
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  • 258 4 The Arrangements. The preparations for the amusements and side shows on December 2 proceed apace. The Committee is doing its best to make the day a success. Thanks to the efforts of Mr. W. B. Stephens the Singapore Cinema firms have very generously agreed to lead
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  • 1012 4 Well Dose, David To quote the greeting of the anonymous stoker on Admiral Beatty transferring his flag to the Princess Royal when the Lion was damaged in the Dogger Bank battle—- Well done, David! Youth will be served and Sir David Beatty, at 45, commands the Grand Fleet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 97 4 The*Sci*3Dtific Remedy for Inflamed Eyes, Weak Eyes, Granulated Lids ANTISEPTIC. STRENGTHENING. SOOTHING. In Patent G’ass Dropper—can be easily carried in the pocket. Price $1-00 each. THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY Ltd., PEN/ NG, TAIPING and IPOH ARRIYEDTTT New Shipment of the well-known “JOOCOCLES" F tted with Real BRITISH M ADE Dunlop
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  • 605 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT». C c®m*ad of tk* Graad London, November 29. Id the Home of Commons Mr, Arthur Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, jnnounced that Admiral Sir John Jellicoe had been .ppoioted Firit Bs. Lord, Admiral Sir David Beatty had been jppaintod to the
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  • 29 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 30, The Singapore Rubber auction are unimshed. The prices of the grades have advanoed. The amount oatologued was 847 tons.
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  • 457 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. retirement explained. lapcadiai Battle. London, November 29. The fact that no battle has yet been fought between the Rumanians and the invaders is regarded as showing that the former are methodically retiring to positions near Bukharest there to give battle. Tkc Fortreia of Bukkarcat,
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  • 77 5 Riley Hargreaves Co. (From Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, November 29. At the annual general meeting of Messrs. Riley Hargreaves A Co- it was stated that the position was very satisfactory. They were able to clear up the accounts and pay dividends due to June 30 both on the Preference and
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  • 24 5 (From Our Own Correspondent') London, November 29. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were N. Crepe Diamond Smoked 1U
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  • 433 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Saeeeaifat Air Saids. London, November 29, 1.10 sum. General Haig reports considerable artillery firing against our front on both sides o the Ancre. Our retaliation was prompt and effective. 1 The enemy’s trench mortars were effective southwards of Armentieres. Our aircraft attacked several plaoes
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  • 149 5 Geaeral Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, November 30, At the Ipoh Gymkhana Club meeting it was stated that the revenue from the recent races amounted to $8,500 and the expend, ture to $2,500. It was agreed to devote $1,500 to Our Day Fund and to redeem
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  • 603 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. FRESH SUCCESSES. Furtker Capture*. London, November 29, A Paris oommnniqae states The Serbians brilliantly carried a height north-west of Grnnista and east of the Cerna and maintained themselves thereon, despite furious attacks by the German and Bulgar forces who suffered heavy losses without attaining
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  • 1390 5 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A Trail Aetidiat. Pari», November 29. The Belgian poet Emile Verbaeren has been killed while boarding a train in motion at Rouen. Ho slipped atd fell beneath the wheels and was shockingly iujurtd. 1 1 ▼irhaieen AN Appreciation. At the close of the nineteenth
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  • 120 5 Steeriajt Gear Jammed, The Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer Kedah came into port this morning from Teluk Anson minus her mast and with some damage to the bridge-deck, awning and general damage to the fore part of the ship. It appears that while going up the Teluk
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  • 64 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted hero to-day at $92, buyers no sellers, iu Singapore (refined) at $92.75, business done (90 tons sold) and in L indon at JEIB9 spot and JEI9O 15s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations
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  • 59 5 lmportaat Regulation!, Cfhm Our Own Correspondent?) Singapore, November 30. Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce announce that if Straits coconut oil is shipped from Singapore to Hongkong the export from there to any foreign destination will not be allowed. Firms desiring to ship for foreign destinations should apply
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  • 126 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —Week In Germany. A Paris Letter. 3. —Penang Recreation Club. A Week's Warring. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Penang Volunb.erp, The Week’s Eveuts. 0, —Housing the People. Alleged Bink Fraud. St. Andrew’s Lay. News from Java. Arabia and
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  • 30 5 Obituary. Col. Eracat Fill», London, November 28. The death has taken place of Colonel Ernest Feten. Ex-Prcaid«»t Stcya. Bloemfontein, November 29. Ex-President Steyn died suddenly while addressing a Women’s Congress.
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  • 956 6 To tha Editor of the Straits Timet. Sir,— Under this beading in jour leader of jeaterd&y you criticise the unanimous judgment of the three learned judges of the Court of Appeal in a recent case and state that the tenderness for the individual owner In the law
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  • 348 6 Djahbi. The Resident of Palembang, wiring on Nov. 21, states that telephonic communication with Moeara Tebo has been restored since Nov. 16. A message from the Resident of Dj»mbi on the same day reports the receipt of information by him from the Controller of M. Tebo that
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  • 343 6 The following interesting correspondence is published in the Bangkok papers Minister for Foreign Affiirs, Bangkok, I am very happy to inform you that the Nobles and Ulemas of the country and all olasBes of the people having met to-day have unanimously recognized His Majesty the Grand 8herif
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  • 119 6 Straits 252,000 lb, Penang 202,000 lb, Tali Ayer 101,500 lb, Rubana 59,000 lb, lagan Serai 36,000 lb, Batak Rabit 31,500 lb. Mr. Hi’aire Belloc, in Land and Water, estimates the German troops at 5,000,000, apart from the reserves amounting to 1,310.000. including the recovered wouoded, who will
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  • 900 6 The Norwegian s.s. Heim left this port this morning for Singapore. The s.i. Karonga may be despatched on the 2nd proximo for London via the Cape route. The s.s. Omapor<i, Captain Lyons, will leave for Moulmein and porta on the 2nd proximo. We are informed by Messrs. Boustead A
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  • 923 6 A Coevbreatiow. Because Scotland beat England at Bannockburn a Union was established. Otherwise Eagland might have become the vassal of the Gallic Empire. As it is the two peoples are united, and the glory of St. Andrew’s Day that never shone (or will shine) brighter than in
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  • 2006 6 PENANG BABA CHARGED. Before Mr. V. G. Esuchiel in the Third Court yesterday the preliminary enquiry was commenced into the case against a Straits-born Chinese, named Oon Bog Soon, who waa charged with fraudulently and dishonestly using as genuine a forged document, purporting to be a valuable
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 fror Chronic Chest Complaints, Wood.' Orest Peppermint Cere Is. 64,
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    • 45 6 Why It Sells. Chamberlain g Cough Remedy ia the largest ■elling cough medicine in the "world to-day, because it does exactly what a cough remedy is aupposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and 0t ,ll# by
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  • 654 7 The opening of a sclojl in Hongkong for the study of Chinese synchronises with an appeal which has been made on bjbalf of tin Eadowmint Fuad of the Bchool of Or ental Studies in London. Germany is already giving a higher education to Qeri mans who will come
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  • 258 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —I encloso a page from a catalogue issued by ODe of the loading firms iu Singapore and which I received to-day. You will notice that out of eighteen articles advertised on the page, thirteen were made in Austria, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 621 7 JUST ARRIVED FAMOUS SUNBEAM BICYCLES. r** Many so called best Bicyeles are merely low-grade ones with a few extra fittings and finish and much extra profit. The Sunbeam Really Is a best quality Bicycle, built in a factory, whose directors are all experienced Cyclists, and who devoted Exclusively to bestwork.
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    • 1011 7 i RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and lejjs are affected it is called Rheumatism; if in the Loins.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1005 9 English admirals coaid furnish an inex* haustibly entranc ng atore of memories of tbe sea, if only thi gift of recording, and atill more of efficiently editing them coaid be conferred upon our gallant aea doge, and tbe public are at leaat ao far worthy of the
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  • 969 9 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (Under S. R, A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE.—No amendments to this programme will be considered unless dne notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the date of the Special General Meeting which is fixed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 APPLY TO G. H. SLOT Co. Telephone Mo. 543. Telcftrepkic Address “SLOT.” t o t \.> tr' J .A V 4? —y Of /i» 1 2T? &<££ a.' CCC WANTED v.- Vo»V.. SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY EXPENDITURE ASSISTING THE OLD COUNTY? REMEMBER THAT of our materials comes direct from
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    • 41 9 Early Co ds. Be careful of the cold* you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-tea-long cold. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at onoe. For aale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 380 9 Entries Close January, 1917. at 5 p.m. on Friday, 5th January. 1917. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th Any owners wishing' to enter for more than one Griffin Race, on the First or Second Day, can do so on payment of $10
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1645 10 F. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINK (ImOOKPO RATIO IK ENGLAND.) Mail and **aai PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward {for Eiropc.) Outward (for Ckina and Japan) Connecting with. Mooltan Kashgar Karmala Morea Kashmir Medina Mongolia Malwa Kai Bar-1- Hind Mooltan V; K0N1NKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAAT8CHAPP1J. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.)
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