Straits Echo, 29 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 902 1 i HjZED NATIJ^i FOB One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model EUPMOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel.
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    • 13 1 J-Ĕ’s MILK R c in' i C T»O*» If 11 I» V ESS
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  • 1292 2 The Great Push” Against Liberty. If eternal vigilance” be the price of liberty, we shall indeed need to exercise it after the war in order to regain an i maintain our personal mht« as self-respecting citizens fit to exercise reasonable control over our own lives. The free exercise of individual
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  • 817 2 A happy era opens before the man of business and the housewife, and many another peaceable person who has always wan'ed his or her own wav and has never dared try and take it. We owe this pleasing future to Berlin. It lies in the one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 450 2 COOLIE BLAIBTS Red Cotton Blankets size 102 by 43 inches. Price $lB5 each. With embroidered design in four corners, hemstitched grthered frill, size 30 by 18 inches. Price 75 cents each. Hemstitched Pillow Cases. Extra heavy quality plain hemstitched frill as illustration, bizj 18 by 28 inches. Price 75 cents
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    • 26 2 Why It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ig the largest Jdlmg cough mediciue in the’world toX becauee it doe. exactly what a cough remeli SSS& k CLS
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    • 599 2 Shake Of! the Clutch of rheumatism, the greatest enemy to ik. peace of mio, 08 You can do it As evidence of this you have but to cor der any one of the thousands of curn. tu\ have been effected by the use of 4t LITTLE’S ORIENTAL HALM Many of
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  • 358 3 Ordinary Muting. The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal Office and there were present Messrs. W. Peel (President), P. T. AlIeD, Yeoh Gum Beok, F. Duxbnry, A F. Goodrich and Lim Eow Hong with Mr L M, Bell (Municipal Engineer) and
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  • 261 3 ANOTHER USEFUL CONTRIBUTION. A correspondent at Alor Star write- The Members of the Kedah Stia Ka«mkaan Cluti organised a Bangsawan perforin icco last Saturday night in Alor Star in aid of the British Red C oss Fund, There was a bumper house, neti ly all the
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  • 226 3 Members are requested to note the following ebanpfs in December Club Shoots Cancel Programme fixtures, Saturday 2ud D< c mber 3 p.m. Sunday 17th 3 p.m. and substitute Sunday December 3 p.m. 17th 7 a.m. In view of the frosperity of the Java rubber companies and
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  • 396 3 A Local Man-Powib Board. It is impossible on an occasion 6ucb as yesterday s, when some six hundred young men of British birth wdre engaged all day in sham battle in the environs of Kuala Lumpur, not to ask oneself tae question, whether some of these
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  • 616 3 The s.s. Jin Ho from Teluk Anson brought 840 bags of tin ore. The s.s. Feiang is scheduled to leave this port to morrow bound for S ugapore. The s.p. Sappho, which arrived here yesterday, brought 2,051 lags of tin ore for d ffeient consignees. The e.s. Sui
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 601 3 (d < ft 0 I*3 X r;* I 0 r 0 W SCOTCH WHISK' V) O r 0 J N 0 u ft (A CO Z < z < X 0 3 a •< > r r ■fl 00 SOMEI MING TO CHOW ABOUT z o bd*:: 0 0) J
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    • 267 3 TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE? mJ LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. \j Wednesday, 291 h Nov., Thursday, 30th Nov., 1916. CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN 6 Parts Tillie’s Punctured Romance Parts 6
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pkich. Daily Local $24 per annum. Oututation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 s 5,—A1l business communications should be
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  • 1813 4 Ia a Random Note the other day we •efe r d to the increise ia the price ■>f c’ucdu and we fiud the same 6U’ j’ct treated in a leading article by tl e Malaya Tribune of Monday. Our contemporary ia very of the
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  • 63 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $92.50, business done, in Singapore (reSned) at $92,75, buyers no sellers, and in London at XI9O ss. spot and X 192 ss. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber
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  • 51 4 (From Our Own Correspondent London, November 28, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/10^ Diamond Smoked M| 2/10(Reuter London, Nov 28, 5 p.m. From 2 10± to 2/1 waB pai(l for rubbor to-day. There was a good demand and the price stands
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  • 91 4 [To TH* Editob or thb Straits Echo.'] Sir.—The Government will get it B i n come-tax all right. It has packed the committee which is to meet in Singapore on 7th December; it is preparing figures for submission then which the opponents of the Ux will have neither
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  • 1043 4 Inspector Colbert, of Tronob, it ill Batu Gajah hospital. e Major-General Bidout will inspect th* Malacca Volunteer Rifles at 2.30 n m Friday. F 00 e Mr. L. H. Clayton has returned to Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. Clayton remains i 0 Penang. e A meeting of the F.M.S.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 JUST ARRIVED FAMOUS SUNBEAM BICYCLES. Many so call d best Bicycles are merely low-grade ones with a few extra fittings and finish and much extra profit. The Sunbeam Really Is a best quality Bicycle, built in a factory, whose directors are all experienced Cyclists, and who devoted Exclusively to bestwork.
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  • 527 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TWO ZEPS DOWNED. Our Effective Defence. London, November 28. An air raid occurred at midnight. Some airship» apparently lost their bearings and wandered aimlessly. OFFICIAL ACCOUNT, London, November 28—Later, Id yesterday night’s raid bombs were dropped on Yorkshire and Durham. An |ir ,bip
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  • 69 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages s Pages. 2. The Great Push Against Liberty. Frightfulness for Home Use. 3. —Our Day in Kedah. Malaya and the War, PeDang Volunteer Rifle Club. Shipping News. 4. News from Java. Reminiscences of an Irish Judge. What is our
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  • 27 5 In Macedonia. Widespread Local Actioaa. London, November 28. A Serbian official announcement states We advanced some hundreds of metres the course of widespread local actions.”
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  • 698 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. BERLIN VERSION. Admiralty Explnnntion. London, November 28. The Press Bureau issues the Berlin offi cial announcement claiming that German naval forces raided the proximity of the British coast and sank a British watching vessel near Lowestoft, captured the crew, searched neutral vessels and
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  • 554 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Bulgaria* Reports, London, November 28, 1 p.m Tbe Bulgarian communique indicates renewed fighting on the whole of the Dobrudja front; also that the Bulgarians hare made further crossings of the Danube. RUMANIAN CONFIDENCE. Treat ia tke Allica. London, November 28, 2 25 p m.
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  • 645 5 PENANG BABA CHARGED. Before V. Q. Etechiel in the Third Court this morning the preliminary enquiry was commenced into the case against a Straits-born Chinese, named Oon Bug Soon, who was charged with fraudulently nnd dishonestly using as genuine a forged document, purporting to be a valuable
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  • 299 5 Damage to Peofeety. A strong gale, the first of the North-east Monsoon, swept over PenaDg yesterday evening, accompanied by a heavy downpour of raiD. Shortly before 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon indications of its approach were noticed from the nertb, the sky being overcast with dark clouds. The full
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  • 674 5 COMMITTEE MEETING. Excerpt from Mmutes of a Meeting of tbe Committee of tbe Pdnang Chamber of Commerce, held in tbe Chamber on Tuesday, 21st November, 1916, Present Hon. Mr. John Mitchell—in tbe Cbair, C. M. Henderson E q. A. W. Biackstone Esq. A. F. Goodrich E
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  • 213 5 To-morrow's Arrasfemeatf. As all Penang will be celebrating St. Andrew’s Day to-morrow a few word* regarding the arrangements for the Dinner and Concert at the E. O. Hotel will cot be amiss. All cars will have to stop at tbe main of tbe hotel tickets will be
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  • 1025 5 Seoteb Modtiljr. God gie us a guii cooce t o’ <ur el s Of course, the Scotch are the fait of the i earth; nobody would ever think of denying it but the worst of t h *se biblic it quotatioos is that everybody knows the couttxb Latest
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  • 893 6 Attacks on Planters. t In its issue of Oct 27, the Algemeen Landbouut deals rather ful y j with a reemt report of the A.Y.R.0.8. of Medan on the question of outrages on as- sistaDts by coolies. The Governor-General personally tor k up the question, and requested
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  • 1077 6 The sudden increase of the price of opium r from $8 to $lO per tabil has caused much adverse criticism, especialy as the reasons advanced by the Government do not appear I to be either candid or sufficient. The Chinese, who will principally suffer, in
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  • 1133 6 While we admit, says the Straitt Timet, the excellence of the judgment given by the Court of Appeal in the case of Song Nee jChutn, we must confess to very considerj able sympathy with the Municipality. Here we have a house declared by the sanitary authorities to
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  • 1133 6 F RTCR THI P/CXEH.” “The Reminisoenoes of Lord O’Brien.” Edited by his Daughter (Edward Arnold, Bs. 6d.). In days that the middle-aged among us remember only too well all Ireland held no firmer buttress of law and order than the great lawyer whom hie countrymen
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  • 107 6 WKDNRSDA Y, NOVEMBER 29. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Penang Recreation Club, Annual General Meeting, 6 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade 6 p.m. Thursday, November 30. Penang Volunteers —Ambulance Co Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Day.
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  • 126 6 j Penang, November 29 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 i» Credit 2/413/16 Documentary 2/.4 27/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank .731 3 days’ sigjit
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  • 242 6 I P*NAKa, NofSMBKB 29. 8 P. Tapioca $9.80 sales P Tapioca 10.40 sellers. Gold leaf 04 40 I P®pp9r (W.Coast 8 lb* 1/2 buyers. 2r^ k Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 42.00 sellers. Trang Pepper no 8tock Jj aC0 $H0 nom. Mace Pickings 64 sellers v°7 68 40 sellers.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 522 6 YARAK RUBBER Co., Ltd HPENDERS are invited for the erection 1 of a Bungalow and a Bm'keSlied od the Yaiak Evtatr. Parti cul-trn cm be obtained at the Registered Office of the Company No. 49, Beach Street, Penang. Bj Order, BOELEN <4 Co, 620a Secretaries. TRONOH MINES LIMITED, (Incorporated in
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    • 89 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a rt-rmdy that will not only give relief, but eflbct* prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasaLt to takp, a remedy that contains nothing iDjuiious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s plan,
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cmre Is. 6d.
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    • 56 6 w ;n? I ?u l r^ ed are often afflicted bat distressing ailment, windy spasms, they seem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, firUV r B d B9 briog relief and L 1 8 va lbe. Sold by Dispensaries and stores
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  • 183 7 Pbhahu, 28tu Notimbbb 1916 Bur— cts Soup M per CBttj 16 Roast 24 freaks 24 Stew or Currj Meat 18 Rump Steak 24 Oi Tail each 40 Tongue 50 Feet 25 Heart 40 L’.rer per cat! y 85 Pork Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Heid 18 Feet 22
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  • 2108 7 The Attack —I. The pneat stood in the door of a wooden shanty, and the c mmunioanta stood and knelt in ranks outside. One guessed at the familiar words through the rattling of rifle bolte, the bnrsts of song and oocasional laughter from the other men, as they put their
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 FOR SALE CHEAP EMPTY OIL DRUMS in good condition. Capacity 44 gallons. For particulars and price apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT, 586 "1, Penang Street. ■»'*v Men with experience of Hot Climates knew tha lolly of overheating the system. Spirits and Wines have this tendency. Horlick’s Malted Milk cools the
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    • 49 7 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain B*lm is not beyond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything, For sale by ell Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 424 9 Rtoet of Intriou. IK Austria u --nnrction with the death of tin 1 ;.n Premier an interesting story of A k' c4 mtrigui is told in the Time,. K l t Stuergkh. says our contemporary i .mnired influence by his suppmt of V* fo ber Admin,stration (1900 1904),
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  • 468 9 Their Plba for a Higher Sharr in Church Work. Mies Picton-Turbervill, whose recent contribution to the linete*nth Century on the service of women in the Christian Church attracted considerab’e attention, addressed an interested audience in mail week at Lady Brassey’s, 24, Park-lane, oa “The Coming Order in
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  • 461 9 [To The Editor of thi Straits Tim*, Sir, \nother suggestion with regird to the much disputed question of local taxation, which might be of interest to your readsi a And that is, why n t impose a j roporfimate tax on retail or whoKsile purchases not intended for rosale,
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  • 225 9 The causes of nervous disorders are of two kinds, predisposing and exciting- Heredity is a predisposing cause. A nervous parent is very liable to have a nervous child But even with this predisposition the child will not necessarily develop any form of nervous disease without an exciting cause.
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  • 511 9 The rrpirt of thw. Strait» Plantations, Lmitid, states that the numb r tf coconuts harvested in the year wa< 3,815.505, against an estimate of 4,600,000 at d a crop of 4.410,874 in the previous year. Nine hundrd and sixty.four tons of copra were manufactured at a cost of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 Early Cods. lie careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They aro particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s C >ugh R u medy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOR MONEY GOSSAGE’S
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    • 345 9 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd. ia India. BRANCH OFFICE. SINGAPORE J. R. Macpuerso.v, Secretary S.S. and F M.B. Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc, to Lim Eu Ton, Merchant, 158, Beach or Street. Feanang. The Branch
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    • 10 9 For Chronic Cbest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is 6J
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    • 262 9 FOR SALR MOST Valuable Tin Property. For sample, plan and particulars, apply PROSPECTOR, 617 cjo Straits Echo. jJ’OR SALES. The Tamil-Anglo-Latin Pocket Med'C&l Dictionary. OPINIONS. "It is a work truly original and highly instructive" (Dr. M. Sinnatamby, M.D. (Brusssls), F.R.C.9., (Edin) Superintendent, Lying-in Home, Colombo.) A deserving work with far
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1638 10 F. O.—B. I. AND APCAK LINS (Incorforatbd in England.) Mail and PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL BERVICE. Outward (for China aid Japan,) KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) I I I UUOui l/U 111 Cbl OCII lofl %ju UI7UUUU« 11 vUi xjv/uuvti uuvvv« ttl'roceads to Marseilles and Lmdon
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