Straits Echo, 28 November 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1026 1 ILTi^malT) \r m J&D NATU (BANKS. for sale Oue new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run and lull particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 10 1 MIIiKI S *S> t’V IM **'tion» use K~= s ss
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  • 1026 2 t EARN AS C*ITIC. Interpretations of Literature." By Lafcadio Hearn. (London: Heinemann Two vols. 30s. net. These are remaikable volumes, not less for the inteiest of what they contain than for the interest of the circumstances by which they came to contain it. Lafcadio Hearn, at
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  • 972 2 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (Under S* R, A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE.—No amendments to this programme will be considered unless du* notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seren i e »r days before the date of the Special General Meeting which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 Frilled Ct ft A f i« h 1 i- Fillow Cases. rjrpw *VK1 Red Cotton Blankets size 102 by 4S inches. Price $1 85 each. With embroidered design in four corners, hemstitched gathered frill, size 30 by 18 inches. Price 75 cents each. I fri/sn !*■>»» Hemstitched Pillow Cases. Eitra
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    • 50 2 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impissible to prevent an accidert, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not bey. nd anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 244 2 at 5p.m. on Friday, 5th January, 1917. Handicaps for the 1 Hay will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th Entries Close January, 1917. Dav oan^oL°rn nerS wish {or mo than one Griffin Race, on the First or Second Mch p R rdim Haadleap Races.—In all Handicap Races for
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  • 776 3 Carrtin* an Offensive Weapon, Iq the Third Court before Mr. V. G. Ezcbiel this inornmg a Chinaman, named Lim Theam Sion, was chirged with going about with an cffensive weapon, a long pole. The accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a tine of 120 or
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  • 82 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Good from $139 to $144 Diamond Smoke! Fa r $133 to $l3B Diamond Unsmoked $125 to sl3’? Plain Smoked $l2B to $l3O Piain Un.-moke 1 $ll9 to $126 Diamond Smoked No. 2 $l2O
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  • 47 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection 1' Puritani Bellini 2 Galop Yinea Ztekrer 3 Waltz Cornflower* and Poppies Waldteufel 4 Mazurka Bouvenir Braienier 6 March The Royal Balut« Hume
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  • 342 3 New Year Programme Passed. A special general meeting of the members of the Penar g Tu*f Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce veeterday and there wero present Lt. Col. the Hon. A. R Adams (President) in the chair, Messrs. DAM. Brown. H. B. Pike, G.
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  • 258 3 The ss. Pyrrhus arrived here yesterday from Yokohama and is alongside the whaif loading for London. Tue s.s. Konnai. which arrived here yesterday from Belawan Del', is scheduled to sa-1 for the samo port on tho 30th instant, t v The s.s. Jinten Maru from Singapore is duo
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  • 284 3 CLAIM AGAINST GOVERNMENT. Mr. Van Cutlenberg Gives Evidence Hearing was resumed this m>ruing (saja the T. O. M of list night) iu the cise in which Messrs. A Tin Van Cuylenberg aud D. Graham sue the Government of Perak for the re: 07ery of $1,318,974 as d.magei
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 469 3 FOR SALE CHEAP. -pNMPTY OIL DRUMS in good condition. Vj C'pwiy 44 gallons. For particulars ,nd price apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT. >i r 71, Penang Street. for sale. vME 3i HP Free Engine Rudge Motor Cycle with side-cir in good running nrilfir Complete with lamp, horn and tools for
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    • 467 3 St. ANDREW’S DAY UVDBR THE AU8PICE8 OF THE PENANG ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY the following programme has been arranged for 30th NOVEMBER, 1916. 5-16 p m. at the Esplanade Football Match ENGLAND vt SCOTLAND 8 p.m. at E. O. Hotel DINNER and CONCERT The PenaDg Pipe Band will play at both
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    • 325 3 V TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE JL 1 LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. MJ Tuesday, 28ih No»., Wednesday, 29 1 h Nov., Thursday, JOlh Nov., 1916. CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN 6
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  • 95 4 Fablishad daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. OnUtation... Postage Extra, llail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S. B.—All business communications should be
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  • 1421 4 With feelings of real distress, not to say shame, the peoples of the Allied nations are following the struggles of Rumania and are hoping almost against hope that the latest of the Allies may be spared the fate of Serbia- If, indeed, that unhappy consummation cannot be
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  • 913 4 Mr, Percy Pinckney is paying a visit to Penang. Mr. Miurice Maude, of Teluk Anson, is paying a visit to Penang. Mr. A. Reddi, Tamil Interpreter, District Court, will proceed on leave to India early next year. Mr. P. Ponnusamy Pillay, Tamil Interpreter, Third Court, leaves at
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  • 970 4 For Whom the Cap Fits, “Take any gentleman (the more respectable the better), and charge him with whdt you and all the world know to be false. Then revile him for it, as if it were true. This done, retract your lie as soon as possible but instead
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 146 4 The Scientific Remedy for Inflamed Eyes, Weak Eyes, Granulated Lids ANTISEPTIC. STRENGTHENING. SOOTHING. In Patent Glass Dropper—can be easily carried in the pocket. Price $1-00 each. THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY Ltd., PEN NG, TAIPING and IPOH ANDREW USHER Co.’s; SPECIAL RESERVE O. V. G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents
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  • 1306 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. int different fronts Official Aceouat. London, November 26. Rumanian official announcement states Kcemy attacks at Oituz, Dragos-la-Vele D d Curtea were repuhed. There is no change in the Buzan Valley. .•Mutual artillery firing took place at Bratocea, Predelus, and the Piraho Valley .•The enemy
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  • 239 5 Meeting at the Chinese Town Hall A public meeting of the Chinese of Penang was held at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday afternoon with Mr, Quah Beng Kee in the chair. There were present about seventy people, including several prominent members of the Chinese coinrnunity. Mr. Quah
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  • 108 5 (From Our Oxen Corre.^pondenf.) London, November 27. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/9$ Diamond Smoked 29 4 Says M. Marcel Hutin in the Echo de < Prin"ce Henry of Prussia has been appointed Grand Admiral of all the German and Austrian
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  • 513 5 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram ROYALISTS AND VENEZELIST3. Eateatc Precaution». Athens, November 27. The Greek military extremists are intimidating the Venezelists, but the Allies are taking all precautions. Trouble Ahead, Athens, November 27. A Royalist friend warned Reuter’s correspondent that it was better for him to remove to some
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  • 139 5 Kapar Planter»’ Resolutioa, (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 28. At the meeting of the Kapar District Planters Association Dr. WatsoD, in his address, discussed the recrudesecce of malai ia in the coast district which he ascribed partly to the con-6truction of the Kuali Selaugor Railway
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  • 958 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE RAID ON RAMSGATE, Drifter's Experience. LcndoD, November26. The experience cf the drifter (which the Germans claimed to have sunk) in the raid on Bimsgate makes very thrilling reading. According to correspondents the drifter saw a German destroyer loom up in the darkness. She
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  • 802 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. COMPARATIVE CALM. Artillery Firing, London, November 27, 12 20 p.mA Paris official announcement states “On the Somme there was fairly lively reciprocal attillery tiring in the Ablaincourt and Pressoir sectors. “Our barrage and macbine-guu tire repulsed an attack in Champagne east of the Aute
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  • 450 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SMUGGLING FOOD. A Frostier luidnt. Amsterdam, November 27. In consequence of the frequent smuggling of food for Belgium to Getmany Belgian Customs cdicers and civilians searched the trains for the frontier and confiscated cartloads of pigs and bacon. The Germans on the other
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  • 62 5 (From Our Own Correspondent!) Kuala Lumpur, November 27. A fire took place on board the Carmarthenshire at Port Swetteaham. Eight men were gissed, one of whom died and one ia ill in hospital. The fire has been controlled. [Carmarthenshire (British) steel screw steamer of 7,823 tons, built
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  • 53 5 (From Our Chen Correspondent.) Kuali Lumpur, November 27. At the double combined field day, which took place yesterday, eight hundred participated, including the M S.V.R. units from Malacca, Johore and Kuala Lumpnr, the Civil Guard, and the Malayan Volunteer Infantry. H.E. Sir Arthur Young and MajorGeneral
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  • 70 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —West to East. 3. —Penang Turf Club. Perak Water Rghts. Shipping News. Police Court Cases. Eastern Pr>duc« Exchange. To morrow’s Band Programme. 6. —Two Cities. "Mudford, of the Standard.’ Singapore’s War Charities. Mcdern Hygiene in China. And
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  • 110 5 Latest Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $92 62£, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $93.50, business done (150 tons sold) and in London at j£l9o 10s. spot and .£192 10*. three months’ sight. Says a London cab’e of November 8 The report of the sale
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  • 899 6 FORCE WITHOUT EFFECTIVE ST'TESiIANS] IP. Who m Resfonsibli By Austin Harrison, Io a recent artiole in the Evening Standard the failures of our Foreign Offi e were clearly expos d, and the indictment remains unchallenged. The question of military statesmanship in war is, of course, of enormous
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  • 955 6 The End and the Means. [To the Editor or the Free Press.] Sir, —Mr. Riland Braddel replies to “Sylvia” in verse and as such his lines read well but as a reply to a very reasonable letter they don't. Sylvia” says don’t spend a pound to bring
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  • 671 6 A little while ago we ventured to draw attention to tbe scandalous manner in which some of our wounded soldiers were being treated in lod'R. There was, of coursp, an official explanation or denial cf tin usual kind. There bad been a little unavoidable disorganisation at
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  • 354 6 According to Dr. Wu Lien Teb. who I writes in the National Review (China) medical statistics were established in 1105 b.c„ and rules for the examination of medical men and for the preservation of health were introduced long before the birth of Ohnst He admits, however,
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  • 910 6 Mudford, of the Standard who died in I mail week, was one of the small group of London editors who are described as “great” but, (or all that, tbe news of bis tragic death has been a surprise to many people, even in j Flret-street, who
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  • 894 6 They share the same line of latitude, i thej are in close touch by reason of forty m'les of busy railway line, they are botL inhabited by Scotsmen, and yet it is doubtful if any two cities of’ the same country present so many points of differ i
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  • 167 6 [To ran Editor or 18 Stmt. Sir,—At present the only War r„ Loan that will receive small ■< v F.M.B. War Investment Trust“kV" receive from »10 up and subscribe»',, is not very convenient for peonle in* c th pore. 1 FH 1Q SiDgi, Could not the Straits
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  • 190 6 Excuse Profits Dutt. The assessors’ decisions as to profit, duty h».. given drM.ti.factioo Cl! In .hlf d ,be u,„t In the former industry t is felt that l cent, at least should have been •tend of 10 to 11 per ,!i!" j tively for companies «nd'
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  • 391 6 Tuesday, November 28. Penang Volunteers— Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15 p ro. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwall, S) 5.15 p.m. Municipal Commission, 4 pm. Wednesday, November 29, Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5 30 p.m. Penang Recreation Club, Annual General Meeting, 6 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest CowpUnite, Woods' Great Peppermint C«re la, 6d.
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    • 61 6 Goughs and Colds are common ailmeuts and in consequence often neglected, them* bj permitting the system to drift to a avouch 0 f r j ho entrv of serious disease taking 1 yoUrse,f at the firBt si gn of a cold by WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE It is the fin
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    • 38 6 Early Cold*. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win ter-loDg cold. Take Chamberlain’s Coueh .n7i)^le!. OOCe lle b? aU Di »P«»«rie.
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    • 88 6 Chamberlain’s Couth Ready. When you have a bad eold you want a remtdy that will not only giro relief but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy tb»t IB pleasant to take, a remedy that coa tarns nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Oough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts on
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    • 64 6 A Favorite Rob Dowa. f er football player and the all round athJot® t be value of Chamber* niK am P a m It is just the thing for ub down after a hard game. 4LII serene** laappears like magic and sprains and swell* inga are cured in one-third less
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  • 1995 7  -  PRINCE BERNARD VON BULOW. By Dr. Charles Sarolea. I. the year of grace 1878, after the great lurkuh-Kussian war, a young and unknown Prussian diplomat of twentv-nine years of age called Bernhard von Biilow found him self, as Assistant to his father, the Foreign Secretary of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 434 7 ii, j Msn with experience of Hot Climate$ knew the folly > of overheating the system. Spirits and Wines have this tendency Horlick’s Malted Milk cools the body it helps Nature to recuperate the whole system. ft s* V I e a food-drink and is made In a moment. In
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    • 465 7 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective cs PINKETTES that’s why children can safely take them. O chemists, 50 cents por phi d.or p at free from the Dr. Williams’ M-ilicin* Co., Dept-, 6c, Singapore. Shake OH the Clutch t' o greitcst enemy to the of rheumatism;, of man.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1511 8 F. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (InOORPORATUD IH EnOLAHD.) Mail and Passenger Service) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Ainfwftrd /for Ettrooe.) Outwtr* (for Ckiaa i hi ~Tproc««cnrdIrecrto^arBouIe8^njondoD7"" t+Proc63ds to Marseilles and London via Bombay, INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wireless Telegrapky fitted si all Steamers. NOTICE.—All cabins are
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