Straits Echo, 27 November 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 994 1 t V%jg > !\V ••N r I iliSo NATUEa (BANKS. FOR SALE One new J 916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUFMOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND ROYAL CHARTER) BY £1, 200.000 £1,800,000 In good
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    • 8 1 3 HSiajsslJL ?"»ec u*c Tl*lX* "Sf Anatrt R3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 DRINK r A BY CONNOISSEURS the LEADING BRAND ON THE MARKET. M»-» ntmmtr* a— eaasamcmmmaxammm SOLE AGENTS: KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1353 3  -  By E. B. Os born. Great Britain has giv n birth to a larger number of great scientific discoverer* than any other country. In the unending quest after "the knowledge of the laws by which God’s universe is sustained and the perpetual advancement of mankind ia secured,”
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  • 577 3 NOT TO MAKE AUNT SALLIES OF MINISTRIES” Necissary Secrecy. Mr. A. G. Gardiner, in his presidential address at the annual conference of the Institute of Journalists in mail week said that the past year had not been so anxious a time for journalism generally
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 BLUE “MYSTO” o WHITE ant EXTERMINATORS fl n Mn onwnnD M AND POWDER ENTIRELY BRITISH MADE. K o 0 o Mysf Mgss WHlTiar WHITE It f*Tll CAN SUPPLY FROM STOCK McAlister Co., Ltd. Agents. oeO JINTAN r-.V :>■ wonderful Tonic and Mouth Refresher. Jf -SPECIAL MERIT Of JINTANA» a digestive
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    • 49 3 Trinity College, Dublin, f A* Kelvin Baid. Early Co 1 da. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers,
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    • 512 3 I Debility When you feel limp and washed out, weary and fatigued with no inclination for exertion—your body is in a run-down condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh go” into you —you need a fortnight’s Iron Jelloids treatment English price 1/1J). Unequalled as a tonic restorative. Iron
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  • 395 4 [To thk Edito* of thu Strait» Time».] Sir, —A silence, hardly to be accounted for, needs be broken. The silence referred to is that reigning in Malaya in regard to what The Time» calls A New Pillar of Empire,” or, in other words, the new London
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  • 424 4 In reading Mr. Harold Begbie’a The Vindication of Qreat Britain” ('MethueD, 6d.), a considerable part of which is quite logically directed to the vindication of Lord Haldane, one is astounded at the ingratitude with which no inconsiderable part of the nation has treated that statesmac Two
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  • 203 4 In the annual repo t on ths Forest Administration, Mr. G. E. S. Cmbitt, who came down from India and took charge in April 1915, points out that in Malacca the revenue realised on first class timber is only 71 cents per ton, absurdly low considering the quality
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 Frilled Hr Pillow Cases. Red Cotton Blanket) •ixe 10‘i by 43 inches. Price $1-85 each. ,J <*« JL. r With embroidered design In four corner*, hemstitched gathered frill, size 30 by 18 inches. Price 75 cents each. *>/■ Hemstitched fi IP piiiow Cases. Extra heavy quality plain hemltitched frill as
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    • 642 4 i UiilU] p -/uzrJa&S^2> 't** 1 iX&^V^ sc: V lili to*" §§g p 8S®« tL':*: :c s? fL A case for Wincarnis Wincarnls’ is the ONE thing yon need when you are Weak. Anaemic. "Nervy.” Run-down. •VVincarnis’ is the one thing that will give you new strength when you are
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  • 1458 5 Yrstrrdat’s Volunteer Parade. A tolunteer parade of A Company, the Maxima, and the Veterans was bold yesterday evening to celebrate St- Andrew’s Day which falls on Thursday next. There was a fiirly good turn out of) nearly eighty officers, non-commissioLe 1 officers and men. Among the ifficers
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  • 231 5 From Dutch Sources. The following special cables are from the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 2 >: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Dutch War Fiaaaee, The new Dutch Loan of ten and a half millions sterling h being issued at 97 and bears interest
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  • 417 5 A Chinaman, named Lim Peh. was this morning arraigned before Mr. S. H. Langs* ton on a charge of criminal trespass into premises No. 97, Kuala Kangsar Road, with intent to commit an offence. He claimed trial. It was elicited by the prosecution, that the accused was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 887 5 bJ J c cfl 0 ul tt! J H u u A 01 m Z < z < s o CQ 0 (0 j < SCOTCH WHISK' SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT' “ui ®SwmsS?l v X r> 9tS .■> CO o CD •< *TJ z o •3 > r o pi
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    • 91 5 <8 TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. To-night To-night ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE A The Zudora Mystery o Episodes 7 8 o <<> o HIS s MOTHER’S CALL A war drama in 3 parts. O'
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  • 95 6 Ftbbabtd dfcily (except Sunday* and public holidays) IT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1343 6 a letter t) the Straits Times our colleague of tbe Free Press utters a mild protest against the act oa of its evening contemporary in reproducing an extract from its columns in such a manner as to make it possible for the public to gather that tbe
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  • 54 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $92 87j, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at business done, (225 tons sold.) Messrs. Boustead <fc Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London on Saturday Plantation Ist latex crepe
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  • 796 6 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Maxwell are expected by the next P. and O. mail. The Hon. Mr. C. W. Darbishire is going Home on leave in the near future. Major-General D. H. Ridout, C, M. G., arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday morning. m Mr. J.
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  • 1017 6 Half-Crown Rubber, Rubber remains round the 2s. 9d. tnark a price which shows a handsome profit or any company with a reasonable capital and an estate in bearing under efficient ment. For our part, we adhere to our opinion that it will touch 3s. before the year is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 IUST ARRIVED FAMOUS SUNBEAM BICYCLES. fc Many so call d best Bicycle* are merely low-grade one* with a few eitra fitting* and finish and much extra profit. The Sunbeam Really Is a best quality Bicycle, built in a factory, whose director* are all experienced Cycli*ts, and who deroted Exclusively to
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  • 511 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. german version. MidtattK Across the Danube. LondoD, November 25. A Gorman evening communique states A force of Mackensan’s army haescrosaed the Danube at several points.” Bulgarina Report, London, November 25. A Bulgarian communique states "Near Gbighen, Grevo, Lorn and Widin we occupied the islands
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  • 498 7 (Reuter’s service.) Copyright Telegram. AN ULTIMATUM. Royalists' Determination. Athens, November 24. It is expected that the Allies will tomorrow present an ultimatum, demanding the delivery of the arms of the Royalist section of the army which is determined to resist even if the King orders the
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  • 672 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. FURTHER GAINS. Sarrail to hit Troops. London, November 25. Reut3r’s correspondent with the French Headquarters in Macedonia states that General Sarrail, in thanking his troops, says: The S3rbians first opened the road. Their sustained efforts permitted the capture of Monastir. The legendary courage of
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  • 491 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AIR FIGHTS. Ea«ny Acreplaaci Destroyed. London, November 25, 1.15 a m. Hostile artillery firing took place in the neighbourhood of Lcs Boeufs and Deaucourt. Our artillery dispersed enemy infantry southward of Puisieux. “Five enemy aeroplanes were destroyed and several driven down damaged, Threa of
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  • 87 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Pages. 3. —Science and Industry. Wai Time Duty of the Press. 4. —Houses aDd Back Lines. School cf Oriental Studies. Mr. Begbie Pro Patria. Colonial Forests. 5. St. Andrew’s Day. Late War Items. Madly in Love. 8. —Malayan War
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  • 473 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AERIAL ACTIVITY. Comparative Calm. London, November 25, 1.45 a m. A Par's communique states There i 9 quiet along the whole front. Two German aeroplanes were felled.” GREAT AIR RAID. Importaat Results Oktaiaed. Paris, November 25. Details are published of the great air raid
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  • 26 7 (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) L ndon, November 25. The prices in the London Robber Markel to-day were Pale Crepe 2/9 Diamond Smoked 2/9
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  • 609 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Enemy Destroyers' Audacity. LocdoD, November 25. The Admiralty announces that during tha night of November 23 —24 six German destroyers attempted to approach Northend Downs, The enemy was seen by a patrol vessel and steamed off after firing twelva rounds. There were no casualties;
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  • 795 8 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. London, November 26, li Monday morning’s seven Victoria I Crosses include: j Lieutenant Bradford (of the Durhams) I who as temporary Lieut.-Colonel assumed I command of two battalions and saved the I situation when our flank was endangered. Sergeant Downie (of the Dublins)
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  • 797 8 Mr. Arthur Keyser, formerly in Negr Sembilan (or Jelebu) is in London in the meantime, away from hia post as British Consul at Saville. L eut. C E. Jape met Mtjor St. Clair the i other day in London aod had a talk about the Straits.
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  • 46 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection Marjuie Miller 2 Galop The Night Bell Andres 3 Waltz Hstanera Waldteufel 4 Mazurka Bicilia Eduardo 5 March The Old Boip Keefe
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  • 82 8 The November Monthly Medal Competition, 200 yards handicap, was held at the Swimming Cmb on Sunday morning with the following result Start, Ist T. H, Stone 40 secs. 2od W. H. Tbrelfall 40 3rd D Rendle 60 Nine swam and the race resulted in a very close
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  • 960 8 To the Editor of the Strait t Times. Sir, —In Thursday's issue of the Strait 9 Timet appeared an article beaded Malayan War Taxation with the sub-head Public opinion as at first expressed. From the way in which the article it written we assume it is an
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  • 944 8 The s.s. Perak from Moulmein brought 2 905 bags of rice. The s.s. de Keck is due to leave here tomoriow for Deli and Ltogsa. f The s.s. Perli$ brought 506 bags of tin ore for different consignees here. 9 r, 9 The s.s. Hong Uoh will leave
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  • 120 8 Monthly Mwal -Nwanu, 1916. Winner Mr. W. S Dunn 45 51= 96-94-72 nett M. M. Stewart 49 45= 94- 20= 74 ■i C. C. Cunradi 51 +5l 102-20=82 .i, G. A. Carmichael... 43+42= 85— I=B4 m A.’F. Good- rich 45 43= 88 -4= 84 LC. Robineon 55+54= 109—24=85
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  • 56 8 Arrangements hard been tnltde between Deebook Dredging Company and the Ronpibon (No Liability) whereby it was agreer as follows: 1. Ronpibon No Liability pay Deebook Dredging £7,000t0 setup its No 1 dredge at a certain area of the property of Ronpibon in working order. 2. Ronpibon No Liability
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  • 185 8 Following are the Agenda for to morrow’* meeting of the Municipal Commission i—--1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 3. Any special business the Preaident may bring forward. 3. Questions, 4. Some bill» to be putted. 5. Tenders for the construction of Back Lane Drains
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  • 111 8 Monday, November 27. Penang Volunteer—Recruit Drill, Port Cornwallis 5 30 pm. Penang Turf Club. Special General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4,15 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade 6 p.m. Tuesday, November 28. Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Port Cornwallis, 5.15 p in. Wednesday,
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  • 134 8 Pbnano, November 27. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 •t 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank R s 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank iti 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 ma- JL£
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  • 199 8 Paifivc, D’owkbik 27. Oold i«t £T® ,,lle Pepper (WCdiit I Ib. 5dr).$l6 1/2 bo Tfri Black Pepper JS.0O bn 222; 22* «°°«c Tr»ng Pepper m no stock. -VV, nom. S4 2 nnl <0 nllen. N.lmeg.110. WbBT<|ti o (2°i 112 «l« gar jSlL 102 bnjrn Copra Soodned 9.00 ».1«, /Tahben
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  • 209 8 To-day is the day of the woman-of-work; many new occupations are now open for her, and truth to tell, she views, without fear of failure, the prospect of sharing the responsibilities of the men. But, as women are subject to more frequent fluctuations of health than
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 A Favorite Rob Dow a. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, It is just the thiog for a rub down after a hard game. ill soreness disappears like ungic and sprains and swellmgs are cured in one-third less time
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    • 41 8 Early Co’ds. Be careful of tbe colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dantferous. A neglected cold may mean a winter long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at cnce. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 17 8 MARTIN’S rsa& ‘wr^^snEsSffiS^S ■fyfeff l A» li C..« Kl 5 j£5J?5L? S2tt» ****>». g>fcurt,tovt H j| lr>Tn ,c
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    • 225 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An ordinary meeting of tt Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Muotcrpal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday the 28th instant. (By Order), L. At. COCfTTER BIGGS, 8eeretary to the Municipal Commissioner*. Municipal Office George Town, Penfcng, 25th Not., 1916. WANTED. An experienced Bill-collector, Security $2,000. Salary
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  • 986 9 Appeal Coubt Decides Against Municipality. Judgment was given in the Appeal Court I at Singapore on Saturday morning in the j case in which 8ong Kee Cbuan appealed. I against a decision of the criminal district i judge, Mr. W. Langham Carter, to the effect that
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  • 949 9 In tho October issue of the i/alayns Mettage appeals an article on Industrial Education iu Malaysia over the signature i Draper. It is fairly common knowledge that a Committee appointed by the Public Hall Committee is now considering the question and will in due time no doubt
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 527 9 SOME REASONS WHY ♦♦♦ODnnDannnanDODnQDDDannDCf I TRAVELLERS’ HOTEL 31, BISHOP STREET, PENANGYOU SHOULD INSTAL A U. E. SCRAP WASHER (1) It will enable you to recover more rubber from your 3craps than you are at present getting. (2) It will relieve your present machines of a great deal of work which
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    • 50 9 Why It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to day, because it do?s exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the oongh by curing the 0)ld, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 51 9 Accidents Will Hiwn. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chimberlaiu’s Pain Bjlm is not be* von I anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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  • 937 10 A Brown £tc rr The Madras Times writes:—We have not yetreen any specimens of Madi as-made paper; but >t is something at any rate to know from ifficial sources that “quite a good quality of brown paper is now being produced.” It is something of a far cry
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  • 706 10 rKOG&EBS OF CONSTEUCTIOK. The construction of the Peking Cent i Hospital in the West Citj is proceedin'! apace, reports our representativo ,Utod tbe pl.ce Ly. f ago tbe basement room ato be used f or polyclinic. kitchen and lower staff were 4 T ready completed, and the
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  • 191 10 Where is our Ferdie all this while? Nobody seems to know Nobody’s seen bis foxy smile Anywhere near the Show Signs of his eagle nose appear Neither in Mackensen’s hindmost rear, Nor where the forts of Monastir Wait for the knock-out blow. Most of his friends
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 A Favorite R*b Dowa. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamber lam’s Pain Balm, It ia just the thing for a rub down after a hard gam**, ill soreness disappear» like magic and sprains and swell, iugs are cured in one-thud less
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    • 332 10 WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: X LONDRES. HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. THE TRADE MARK OF THE LA ISABEL FACTORY. One of the few Tobacco concerns in Manila that is not controlled by
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    • 7 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Croat Peppermint
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  • 2057 11 Youth, it appears, has come under the influence of the cinematograph, and numbers of English and Scottish boys, ignoring the good example of the V. C and D 9' w^0 are Photographed so dully m the halfpenny newspapers, have taken to copying the dress and deeds of those American
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 140 11 Mnn with nxpnr/nncn of Hot Climotoo know thn fnlly > of ovorhooting tho oysftm Spirits and Wines hare this tendency Horlick’s Malted Milk cools the body it helps Nature to recuperate the whole system. Sn V 111 c «ns 1« food-drink and to made In a momant. In 3 nos.
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    • 90 11 Chamb rlain’i Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy tbat is pleasact to take, a remedy tbat conrains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Gough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on
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    • 644 11 Shake Off the Clutch of rheumatism, the greatest enemy (o the peace of maD, You can do it. As evidence of this you have but to conaider any one of the thousands of cures that have been tff cted by the use of LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM Many of those cured
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1753 12 F. L AND APCAR LINE (IWOORFORATWD IN ENGLAND.) Mail and P—«mtfer Sejnrio PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for CKina and J»M*J Homeward {for Europe.) Steamer. Novara •Somali Nyanzx Malta •Namur Nellore Novara Nore Malta (a steamer) Connecting with. Mooltan Kashgar Earmala Morea Kashmir Medina Mongolia Malwa Kaisar-l-Hicd Mooltan
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