Straits Echo, 25 November 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 948 1 i I w < ur, 111 ZED NATURAi (BANKS. for sale O D e new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CAES in good running condition. Chartered Dank of India* Australia and China. One second-hand two-seater (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER) X 1,200,000 MORRIS oxford In good
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    • 7 1 1M «rom JE s»ff t *u M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 25 2 DRINK 1 RECOGNISED BY CONNOISSEURS AS the LEADING BRAND ON THE MARKET. SOLE AGENTS: S, <•' K «4 BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG
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  • 1003 3 CoLLECTIT* SIS. (from a correspondent The Church iow is searchi ig for the causes of its failure and perhaps, from the shock of the war. it thinks that it has fail* ed more than it has But on one point it certainly hae failed, all
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  • 876 3 In recent years the Scottish Presbyterian ministers of the old school have been raising pious hands in horror at the irreligious tendencies of the descendants of Covenanters 'I he Scotsman of to day, they insist, is sliding gradually from grace and learning to spend the Day of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 663 3 Straits Settlements War! Loan Bonds. Bearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent to
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  • 796 4 Tbe annual «porta of the Free School took place vesterday under perfect climatic c. niitiona. 'Most of the events, and theie were thirty in all, produced excallent fini«he«, and all the items on the programme were gone through with mechanical celerity. Fcl’owing the practice pursued in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 505 4 TOWELS FACE V TOWELS. BATH TOWELS The “SOUDAN” Towel. Very thick and extra absorbent. Large size measuring 59 by 36 ins Price $1-95 each. the SPECIAL VALUE Towel. Large size Turkish Bath Towel. Size 32 by 52 inches. Price $1-10 each. The WAYLOW Towel. A towel that will wear well.
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    • 35 4 Your Morning Headache will disappear alter a dose of PINKETTE." the fifty laxative* which not gripe. do Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. 5c, Singapore.
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    • 182 4 VIOLIN STRINGS FRESH SUPPLIES EVERY MAIL. E or Ist Acribelle Silk A or 2nd Best Gut D or 3rd Ci or 4th oovered with heavily plated wire on Dampproof Silk cts. 30 3 length 30 2 »i 30 2 ii 23 i m u Send One Dollar Note for set
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  • 1004 5 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (Under S R, A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE* —No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the date of the Special General Meeting which is
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  • 1011 5 I A Tkottf kt for tkc Day, ‘‘Of tbe few innocent pleasure* left to I men paat middle life, tbe jamming commonI sense down tbe throits of fools is perhaps tbe keenest.” Huxlet’s Letters. Travel 7 ilk. How do you get from London to Petro- grad to day
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  • 251 5 ICIIABIWITCB ASD MIDDLP PaBI PIATI. Tbe Cesarewitch proved that Naactaory I was the good thing hi* supporters claimed gl5 won e a*e hem a very moderate field, etsrticg at 9-4. j Tne Middle Park Plate was won by Mr. IJ. B. Joel’s North Star, by Sunstar from
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  • 96 5 j 8-00 a.m. Mat’ns. 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion. J 9-15 a.m. Baptism 10 30 a.m. Matins (Chinese), j 5-00 p.m. Sunday School. 6 00 p.m. Evensong. Hymn 184. j Responses Roberts. I Psalm 119 Monk and Pye. Magnificat Hopkins 50. Nunc Dimittis Gcss 61. Hymns
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  • 82 5 9 a.m. Children’s Soivic\ 6 p.m. Church Parade, Penan# Volunteers. (Members ef the congregation, being Volunteers, are requested (o be ceated by 5.50 sharp.) Preacher: Capt. ihe Rjv. Donald J Ross, M A. Subj ct: St. Andrew’s Diy a Memory and a Challenge.” A
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  • 114 5 The 8.8 Kaja Maru, which left here thi> morning bound for London via tie C»pe cf Good Hope, took 50 tons of tin, Too S.B. Kedah which a’r.vad here this morning from Teluk Ansoa. brought 1,825 bags of tin oie for th 3 Etstern SmeltiDg Co. Ltd. The
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  • 55 5 The following programme of music will ba played at the Golf Club this evening from 5.45 p.m t j 7,15 p.m.: 1 Overture Tbe Ellipse Williams 2 Polka Irane Bidgood 3 Selection A Chinese Honeymoon Talbot 4 Waltz B'ue D-nube Strauss 5 Old French Dtnce Vandervell 6
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  • 122 5 Njv, 24 By V. D. Parson 10.00 Nov 24 By Balance 10 00 Toe Brooklet da SeUrgir Rubber Co. in the year ended June 30 made a pr« fit of .£27,724, against .£11,618. The directors have wntten off £2,C00 for depreciation and transferred £2.000
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 374 5 I Entries Close January, 1917 at 5 p.m. on Friday, 5th Janoary, 1917. Itadicapa for the Find Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th i y Any owners wishing to enter for more then one Griffin other°oon* JV. c*n do so on payment of $10 Entrance Fee
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    • 267 5 V TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. Coming! Coming Coming Cnarles Chaplin in Tillie’s Punctured Romance a comr>dy in 6 p .rts To-night! To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE MJ LYCEUM THEATRE, ATGYLL ROAD. I 22
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  • 97 6 Published daily (sxcept Sunday i and pnblio holidays) AT TBS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pales. Daily Local 924 per annum. Omtstation... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CASLB ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 SB.— All business communications
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  • 2210 6 Oar own opinions we hold pretty strongly but we like to put other people’s before our readers as well and for that reason we direct attention to the extracts from the Strait* Time* which we publish to-day on page 8 under the heading H Malayan War Taxation.” Our
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  • 52 6 Latest Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $93, business done aad in Singapore (refined) at $93,75, business done, (150 tons sold.) Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London yesterday Plantation Ist latex crepe 2/94. Smoked
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  • 1026 6 To morrow is the birthday of Queen Maud I of Norway, the youngest sister of the King. L Mr. J. R. Evans, formerly Chief Inspector in Malacoa, arrived here yesterday by the Japanese Mail. e Mr. A L. Mathewson, Manager of i Harrisons and Crosfield and British
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 The Scientific Remedy for Inflamed Eyes, Weak Eyes, Granulated Lids ANTISEPTIC. STRENGTHENING. SOOTHING. In Patent Glass Dropper—oan be easily carried in the pooketPrice $1-00 each. THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY Ltd., PENANG, TAIPING and IPOH ANDREW USHER Co.s SPECIAL RESERVE O. V. G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents for PENANG
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  • 573 7 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. POSITION AT CRAIOVA. U t 4»t<4 Rwaaaiaa Comasealqe*. London, November 23. A Rumanian communiq'e, undated, tbrow» ro 1 gbt on the position at Craiova, 1 rep ortB violent euemj attack* on tbe near Orsova. Tbe communique Cern*. Ul adds— "We fortified ourselves in capturad
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  • 647 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SERBIAN ADVANCE NORTHWARD. Tke Area Liberated. London, November 24. •A. Serbian communique reports fierce fißbting on November 22 along tbe whole > front against fresh forces. Nevertheless j the Serbians in places advanoed northwards, repulsing the counter-attacks delivered by tbe enemy. The area of
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  • 643 7 (Reuter's Service). Copy right Telegram. AUXILIARY SERVICE BILL. Statcaeat is tke Reiekstef. Amsterdam, November 24. The German Secretary of the Interior introduced to the Main Committee of the 1 Rsichstag tbe Bill for Auxiliary Service of all men from seventeen to sixty. He said that besides
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  • 544 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Tkree Enemy Aeroplanes Captured. London, November 24, 12 5 p.m. General Haig reports: We bombarded tbe lines in the neigh- bourbood of Messines and Armentie*ee. “Of the enemy’s aeroplanes which crossed the lines on Wednesday three were captured i and a fourth driven down
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  • 531 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. No Quvatioa of i Miilikr, London, November 23. Beater announces tbat every effort was made to indicate the character of the Britannic. Etch side cf the bull had a gigantic cross printed,each atm of which was illuminat'd bj three hund r ed high-power electric
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  • 87 7 The following articles will be f und od onr outside pages i Pages. 3, —Tho Scot*’ Sabbath. The Church and the War, 4, Free School Annual Sp ris. 5, —Random Notes. Tee English Tu’f. Church Service*. Shipping New?. To-night’s Band Programme. The Belgian Cmldren Caristmas Day Fund. 8, —Malayan
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  • 25 7 [From Out Orm Correspondent.') London. November 24. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crep9 2/9 Diamond Smoked 2/9
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  • 926 7 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. L ndon, November 24The death his taken place of Sir Uirim Maxim. Biographical ketch —Sir Hiram Maxim was boru in Fibruary. 1840, aid lived in what were then the bear-ridden tracts of Maine. The little farm in wjich be lived was completely
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  • 44 7 Obituary, Sir John Samuel Moore. London, November 23. The death has taken place of Sir John Stmuel Moore, formally Paymast?r*in-Ch ef to the Royal Nivy, Sir D»vid B*rr. L ndon, N -vember i. 3. The death has taktn phej of L\-CA Sir David Barr,
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  • 3000 8 PUBLIC OPINION AS EXPKESbED. Tom« Facts About What is Being Done (From the Straits Times.) Committees have bean appointed in the Colony and the Federated Malay States to consider in wfcat manner additional contribution» abould be made to the cost of the I war. It may be
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  • 352 8 Prof-saor E H. Parker contributes to] the Atiatic Review an article entitled Toe Floundering of China In the course of which be writes 1 have not the pleasure of Li Yum-hung’s acquaintance, but everyone I have asked, foreign and Chinese, tells me he is unmistakably honest
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  • 439 8 Saturday, November 25. j New Moon. Penang Golf Club, Men’s Monthly Medal Competition. Sunday, November 26. Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Church Parade A Company and Veterans Fall in Esplanade 5.15 p.m, Penang Golf Club, Men’s Monthly Medal Competition. Monday, November 27. Penang 1 Volunteer—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwalli?
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  • 135 8 Pbnano, Novembzr 25 (By eourieey of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Ba»k 2 i s' g 3 Credit 2,4| 3/Is w Documentary 2/427/»« Calcutta, Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private 1 v Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Bank tj. w V J da 8 Bi
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  • 230 8 Pixax«, Novimeeb 25. 8. P. Tapioca $9.80 ui e M. P. Tapioca 10.40 *ll*. •old leaf 6440 Pepper (W.Ooasl t lb. sca) $l6 1/2 barer. Bl&ck P«PP«r 25.00 buv.r, Wbita Popp) 42 00 sellers Trang Pspper no stock Mace $llO qob Mace Pickings 64 sellerCloves 40 seller* I Nat
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 WANTED. b A SECRETARY with a good knowledge of English. One who has a know ledge of Chinese characters will be preferred. The Pina*<* 611 Chinese Chambkh. of Commebc* WANTED. An experienced Bill-collector, Security $2,000. Salary according to qualifications. Apply to BOX 725 < CO “STRAITS ECHO." < for sale.
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    • 62 8 Nothing in this world is equal to a mother's tender c»re for her children. She. knowing the danger followimg an attick of Colic, or kindred stomach trouble, is never without a bottle of that famous preparation WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, in her medicine store. It is good for tlae whole
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    • 87 8 Chamfc rUin’s Covjh Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effectapromptand permanent cure, a remedy that is pleaeaot to take, a remedy that conraina nothing injurious. Chimberlain’a Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acta on nature’s plan, relievea
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    • 170 8 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Held Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed agent for the above Corporation, at. is now prepared to accept MARINE V FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUaH BENG KEE, 43. Beajh Street, Pena* f PENANG HARBOUR BOARD. FI Rewoo D. SEALED TENDERS will be
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  • 524 9 Jetsam Treasures or trifles cast up by the sea after many days floating unclaimed till the tide or a chance of wind drifts them ashore, then seized upon to be kept or shared by the finder, according to his pleasure Such a description may be
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  • 562 9 In ord-rr <o appreciate the society into which M'. Hugh Stokee introduce tou in bis “Toe Devonshire Home Circle” yon should be of the opinion expressed by the Duchess of Buckingham to Lady Huntingdon It is me nitrous to be told that you have a heart as
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 504 9 E. O. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. WHALLEY’S sanitary fluid LONDON. ENGLAND r r z i *1 V Vi w al! txn fwpfllers to His Majesty's Households, -r.d l o The Corporation of the CHy of London. SOLUBLE DISINFECTANT FLUID. nwp"iiL.i.4 v».W> wf 1 the ttowwat SiCrr 1 ah»
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    • 222 9 PENANC TURF CLUB NOTICE ii bprebT given that a SpfOfal General Meeting of the members of the Penang Turf Club will be held at the Chamber of Commerce on Monday, 27th inst. at 4.15 p m. for the purpose of approving the programme for the New Year (1917) K:ce Meeting.
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  • 1354 10 NEW BIEL FOR DEALING WITH ENEMY PROPERTY. The Price or Chandu. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held yesterday afternoon (says Thursday’s S. T His Excellency the Governor’s Deputy (the Hon. Mr. F. 8. James, C.M G„ Colonial S-cretaiy) presided, and the o‘ber members attending were:—H. E.
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  • 591 10 DECREASED CHANCES OF LONG LIFE. (From A Medical Correspondent.) Two statements koaring on the prospects of life of middle-aged men have recently been issued. At present, when so much of the nation’s work is falling on older shoulders and when reserves of man-power are of supreme
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 1114 11 How I M FORM ATI 0* IS 0»T±IH«D. The old-fashioned spy beloved by novelists ii almost as much out of date, writes Mr. F. A. Mackenzie in the Daily Mail, as is the hansom csb or the coach-and-four. He is still used sometimes by both
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  • 844 11 November, which is now so swiftly passing from actuality into history, seems, during the passage of years, to have become a month of negatives. It is not autumn and it is hardly winter. It is not even November, for it is the eleventh instead of the ninth
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 V sr: Man with axparfanca of Hot Climatas knaw tho folly of ovarhaating tha system. Spirits and Wines have this tendency. Horlick’s Malted Milk cools the body it helps Nature to recuperate the whole system It food-drink and Is mad* In a moment. In 3 s-ret. Of all Stores and
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    • 62 11 k Favorite Rvb D.wn Tbe golfer, the football player and th* all round athlete know the Talue of Chambtrlam's Pain Balm, It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game, HI soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swell* logs art cured in one*third less time
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    • 10 11 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Orest Peppermint Cere Is. 6d.
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    • 541 11 To Suffer or Not to Suffer Thflrfl is only one answer. Little’s Oriental Balm has forever bmished iht Deed toeuff-r. Kheuma'i-m. rwoll. r, painful jointe, weakened muscle-, th ui st unbearable aches and pains disappear at the soothing touch of this rero*ned remedy. Just rub in LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1463 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in Enoland.) Mail and Passenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL 8ERVICE. Outward (for Gkiae ud Jam) Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting w th. Nov. 30 Dec. 11 n 26 Jan. 8 22 5 19 5 19 April 2 Feb Mar. Novara •Somali Nyanzi
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