Straits Echo, 23 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 953 1 IW*S*AI HI H2d mm for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CAES in good running condition. i BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can h&ve a trial run and full
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    • 7 1 4 p l Mi till Si Mil
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  • 2892 2  -  STORIES OF THE BATTLE. CsirrLK and Paralytic (By Rudyard Kipling) Have you news of my boy-Jack P" Hot this tide- it When d’you think that he’ll come back r Hot with this wind blowing, and this tide <• jj m anyone else had word of him P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 534 2 TOWELS FACE p ‘“«Jr V S»& M WjM pi TOWELS BATH TOWELS VALUE bath TOWELS. Th« “SOUDAN" Towel. Very thick and eitra absorbent. Large size measuring 59 by 36 ins Price $1-95 each. The "DRY WELL" Towel. Fringed Honeycomb Towel, Size 21 by 40 ins. Face towel size Price 30
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    • 6 2 191 b 7 Kipling i 0
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    • 63 2 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish— so does his liver Hu health suffers—so does his business’ PINKETTE' the tiny laxatives genslv stimulate the bowels thus toning op the system and nsrves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripe* Of chemists, 50 cents per
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  • 2091 3 Mr. Bitbti o* tke War. Mr. John Buchan's History of the War,” published by the firm of Nelson, of which he is a director, continues to hold its place as quite tho most readable and accurate publication of its kind. The fourteenth volume, covering the period from the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 788 3 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. Bearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT par ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent to
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    • 513 3 w TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. COLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! Charles Chaplin iu 4 Tillies Punctured Romance comedy in 6 puts To-night! To-night!! ELECTRIC POLY SCO pp JL ii LYCEUM THEATRE, AFGYLL ROAD.
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  • 94 4 daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ITo. 59, Beach Street, Fenang. Pbicb. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. y».;i Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S.B.— All business communications should be addressed
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  • 1315 4 It would be futile for us to hope to pass anything like a reasoned judgment at present upon the interesting but not exactly commanding personality which has just left the world in the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary. Bloodstained dotard and “drivelling old egotist” are among the
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  • 104 4 We are asked to state that any English, Irish, Welsh or other members of the community who desire to attend the dinner and concert which the Scotsman of Penang and Province Wellesley are holding on behalf of the Scottish Red Cross on St. Andrew’s Day will be
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  • 880 4 The Rev. Foster Pegg, formerly of Hongkong, was the Army Chaplain who. assisted the rector of the parish at the burial of the crew of the Zeppelin burnt in Essex, Sir William Rees Davies, i-o., will succeed Sir Alexander Wood-Ronton as Chief Justice of Ceylon. Sir William
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  • 447 4 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Slow Retircmeat. London, Novembe- 21. A Russian official announcement state» that the Rum iniaus continue to retire slowly in the Alt Valley southward and also in the Jiul Valley to the region of Filiash twenty miles north-west of Craiova. DANGER TO FIRST ARMY. Reviewed,
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  • 39 4 (From Our Oim Correspondent.) London, November 20, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/8{ Diamond Smoked 2/8$ London, November 22. The prices to-day were i Pale Crepe 2/10 Diamond Smoked 210
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  • 131 4 Latest Quotations» Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $93 50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $93,25, buyers no sellers, mi in London at £l9l ss. spot and £193 three months’ sight. Says the Malay Mail Keen Observer writes suggesting that new war taxation should take the form
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 JOHNSON’S SHAVING CREAM SOAP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. EXO. Very convenient for Travelling, Produces a smooth creamy lather that does not dry. A delicate deodorant for destroying the Odour of Perspiration and keeping the body sweet. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES Price 55 cts. per tube. 50 cents. EllTHAZEL TOILET PETOL SALVE. Is
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  • 1852 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FEELING IN BERLIN. JCHOENBRUNN CASTLF. SCENES. Amsterdam, November 21. A Vienna telegram statea that the Emperor Francis Joseph is worse. London, November 22. The Emperor Francis Joseph is dead. Further Detail*. Amsterdam, November 22. Vienna bulletin states that the Emperor Francis Joseph’s condition
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  • 437 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WORTH OF MONASTIR. Eaeay Rearguard* Prosed. London, November 31. A French official announcement states that north of Monastir the Allies are energetically pressing the enemy’s rear guards which are supported by powerful artillery. Fwrtker Serbia* Advaace. London, November 22, A Serbian official announcement states
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  • 67 5 London, November 21. In the House of Commons Mr, Asquith said that all aspects of the question of the importation of South African coloured labour were being considered. The matter could be discussed during the debate on .man-power but he could not undertake that a decision
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  • 594 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY MINISTERS DEPART. Our Rcasoa for Ezpulsioa. Athens, November 22. Apart from espionage, one of the reasons for the expulsion of the enemy ministers was, the statement of the German Minister that vessels taking Nationalists to Salonika will be torpedoed. This is regarded
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  • 741 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Statement it the Common. Land >n, November 21. In tbe Hous3 of Comment replying to question regarding tbe Belgian deportations, Lord Robert Cecil said that the powerful prosecution of the war was the only means to liberate Belgium from oppression (Cheers), Appeals and protests
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  • 341 5 (Re uter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. ADMIRALTY ANNOUNCEMENT' London, N ivember 22. The Admiralty announces that the hospital ship Britannic wis sunk by a mine torpedo ’o November 21 ia the Aegean S i. Of the 1,106 survivors twenty-eight were injured. It is estimated that fifty were lost.
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  • 372 5 The following articles will be founl on our outside pages Pages, 2,—Destroyers at Jut'and. 3—Random Notts 6. —The High Ctnal Fleet. German M ichinations iu China. An Echo. The S. V. C. Pi'ferers.” Q ioen Miry’s Needlework Guild. War ‘Economy." Tomorrow’s Bind Programme. Shipping News. The Serr.nt Question. The
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  • 1258 6 PASBAGE BECOBD3 AT KIEL. "Not Going to taie ant Chances” Tbe more I s*w of the German fleet, and talked to its officers and its roeD, the more 1 became convinced that this war h not going to see a naval battle fought out to tbe
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  • 606 6 In spite of the war German activity has by no means ceased in China. Oa lbe contrary, a lively propaganda is being carrie J on there, not only by German traders themselves, but by tbe officials of the Logation at Peking snl the various consular officers
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  • 887 6 [To THE Editor c t th* Free Free*.] j Sir,—On yon» leadtr page this morning appear an article on war economy, and j telegrams aneut that M war of sacrifice” t which is making more and mere demands on the individual patriotism of the folk at Home. Then
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  • 268 6 Fiom tbe Strait» Eeko of November 22,1 1913 a v "Among tbe items on the agenda of the Federal Council meeting next week is ote to j the tfleet that "«.bis Council approves the L special appropriation of a sum of $llO,OOO toL meet the cost of purchasing
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  • 164 6 [To the Editor o» th* Straits Times. Sir, lha correspondent in to-day’s issue who takes the O C., S.V.C, to ask for an expression he used on Friday evening speak* for a big body of outraged people. I not astonished on Saturday to find that
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  • 123 6 Pnnano Womhn Woßrwtsi Amount previously acknowledged $2,958 43 Mrs. Armstrong (3 r d Dan.) 500 Mrs. J. A. Brown (6ih Don 100 Total $2,964 43 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for wotkers will be given out at tbe Town Hall on Fridays at 9.45
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  • 249 6 The following programme of music will be plajed at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection The Gij Parisienne Caryll 2 Polka L zzie Hartmann 3 Waltz I’ll Be Your Sweetheart Adlam 4 Gavotte Stephanie Czibulka 5 March The King's Musketeer Howson
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  • 1056 6 Some Objections. Commenting on the petiti r n of certain Kuala Lumpur Europeans pretested t> the Federal Council praying that the registra- tion of servants shall apply only to new engagements and not to servants at present employed, the Strnii» Echo describes it as "a typical example
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  • 275 6 The B.s. Van Heemtkerk will take th place .of the >.s. Campkuy which is due an ire here on the 4tb proximo 10 The Motor ship FaUtria is due her« a the 25th instant from Copenhagen G H: Slot Sb Co. are the agents. ,ri The s.s. Maru,
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  • 571 6 Thursday, November 23. Penang Volunteers «Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cjrnwallis, 5.30 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort 5.30 p.m. St. Clement. Friday, November 24 Penang Rural Board Meeting, Lind Office, 3 pm, Town Band, Esplanade 6 p m. Saturday, November 25, New Moon. Penang Golf Club, Men’s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 79 6 The sudden changes of temperature that occur toward evening are liable to produce that nasty sneezing and snivelling re lsat on known as a cold in the head. A swift and certain remedy for this disorder is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A teaspoonful dose immediately the trouble is felt, followed
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    • 61 6 A Fa?wiu Rvk Dawa. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, It is just the thmg for a rub down after a hard gamp. h\\ soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
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  • 1248 7 FiHAJICIAI, PftOBLEMS RIPOETBD As OmcoM. The annual general meeting of the Pulau Bulan g Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd, waa held at the registered offices. French Bank Buildings, on Saturday. Mr. W. H. Macgregor presided, and there were also present Messrs. D. Y Perkins. J. W. ran
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 466 7 o o V M»n with sxperitnce of Hot Climotoo know ths folly Of ovorhooting tho system Spirits and Wines hare this tendency Horlick's Malted Milk cools the body it Nature to recuperate the whole system. —i'V Il food-drink and 1« mada In a momant. In 3 sices Of all Stores
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    • 483 7 FOR SINGAPORE, KONG KONG, iWATOW AND AMOY. The a s Hong Moh Captain J. Mason, is expected to arrive here from Singapore on Saturday, the 25th instant, and will leave for the above ports on Monday, the 27th instant, at 5 p.m. Regarding freight or passage apply to, MESSRS. CHIN
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    • 310 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Valuation of and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, I'enang. for the year 1917 are open to the inspocti n of Ratepayers at the Municipal Office daily on week days
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  • 982 8 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (Under S R, A, Rules of Racing.) NOTICE —No amendments to this programme will he considered nnless dne notice is given in writing to the Secretory at least seven clear days before the date of the Special General Meeting which is
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  • 1501 8 in the iize of our nute, for that ia a clear and direct evidence that the trees are be ng well cultivated. It is a well-known fact that unless -he trees are cultivated to the best advantage the size of the nuts does not increas» w th
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  • 557 8 How many poems, novels, plays and other literary masterpiaces do we really ewe to the weird influence which opium and other drugs exerted on the minds of th?ir authors f That is an interesting question, but one that will probably never be answered to everybody’s satisfaction. It
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 388 8 Entries Close January, 1917. at 5 p.m. on Friday, 5th January. 1917. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th Any owners wishing to enter for more than one Griffin Race, on the First or Second Day, can do so on payment of $10
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    • 50 8 Wby It Sell*. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day, because it doea exactly what a cough remedy' ia supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and doea it speed Hr and effectually. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealera.
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    • 252 8 E. O. Hotel. .:o:* SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY, ♦♦OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ44 JUST UNPACKS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CHEAP AND RELIABLE 1916 NEW MODEL MOTOR CARS EMPIRE 5 passenger routing. BRISCOE 5 passenger Touring HUPMOBILE do. SAXON 2 seater DODCE
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1666 10 1U P. 8l O. AND APCAR LINE (InCOBPOBATBD IN ENGLAND.) Mail and PaaMnrfer Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Earopc.) Outward (for Chita aad Japan Die Penang 25 9 23 6 20 3 17 3 17 31 April 14 28 May 12 Nov. Do:. Jan. Feb. Mat.
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