Straits Echo, 22 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1100 1 r 9* V, 1 K (BANKS.) for sale One new 1910 a nd 2 second-hand 1913 Model EUFMOBILE CARS in good running condition. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run nnd
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    • 10 1 MILK? ‘'«•at STHCKST T Ct, ON« k sst css V-
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  • 2094 2 V, —Thk Destruction of Prussian MilitarismThe terms of peace which we (New Stattsman) have suggested in this series of articles on the assumption of a complete Allied victory— may be britfly summarised as follows: 1. Germany to agree to a stringent limitation of her military and naval
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  • 203 2 You are not downright ill—but you cer tamly don’t feel well. Every day v ou v terribly tired, and sleep doesn’t refresh you You wake up with a headache that U Bt j all day, your appetite is poor and you dre depressed and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 324 2 New Stock Just Arrived. List No. 8338 price: Ladies' White Canvas Tennis Lac ng Shoe. With red rubber sole. $2-95 PER PAIR. 842 Ladies’ Black Glace Kid One Bar Sho With white buckle. w i.\¥ 8337 Ladies' White Canvas Tennis Bar Shoe. Red rubber sole as per illustration. $7-95 PER
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    • 520 2 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (incorporated in japan) (Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co.) (MEMBERS OF POOL AGREEMENT.) FOR COLOMBO BOMBAY The Company’s steamer Java Mam i 9 expected to arrive here from Port Snttenham on Friday, 24th November, 1916, aud will have prompt de patch for the above ports. For Freight etc., apply
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  • 110 3 Pknanq, November 22 (By «mrteny 0/ the Chartered Bank London. Domon.l Bank /4 3/16 4 months sight Bank d/4 5/8 3 Crodit 2/413,16 3 |f Documentary 2/4 27/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174 3 days’ sight Private ...I'° Bombay, Demand Bank *74 Moulmein, Demand Bank 3 days’sight Private Madras
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  • 231 3 Pin mo, Novkmbir 22. 8 P Tapioca W 75 sale# M P. Tapioca 10.25 siles Oold leaf 04.40 P«[ par (W.Coast 8 lb. 5 tz).*l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 25.00 buyer» Wmte Peppa 42 00 sellers. Trane Tapper no stook. Mace *110nom. Mace Picking» 57 sales. Clove» 40 aellers.
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  • 1473 3 M BKT INO IN PkNA.NO A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Penang on the 10th November. There were preamp:—Tne Controller of Labour (M% J. R. O. Aid worth) Chairman, the Principal Medioal Ofli :er, F. M 8. (Dr, C. L, Sansom), the Honourable
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  • 324 3 Ac the Dibtebbnt Fr NTS. There aro at present saven Eurasians from Penang, all membirs oi B’ Company of the Pining Volunteer Corps, at the froit. With the exception of on«, whowis giv n a free passage by the Government, the rest were assisted by the generoui public
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  • 140 3 Nov. 7 By Balance $3.374.84 18 Pupils of St. Michael’s, Ipoh 50.C0 $3,424.84 Nov. 14 To T T. to London f*vg. Mademoiselle Resign on £490 Q 2 4, 3/16 &c/ j teleg. 3,417.84 Nov. 18 By Balance ".00 Amount previously acknowledge! $30,727.78 Total ...130,715.56 Something in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 305 3 TURKISH BLEND w particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. Coming! Coming Coming l!! Charles Chaplin in •*Tillies Punctured Romance’' comedy iu 0 puts To-night! To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE MJ LYCEUM THEATRE. AfGYLL ROAD. MJ PRESENT THE SECOND
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  • 97 4 Plkiklnd daily (except Sundays usd public bWkUy.) at rnn v ORITEEION PRESB, Ltd. Ho. 59, Bench Street, Penang. Feicb. Daily Local 924 per annum. Ontatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLB ADDBBBB ECHO —PENANG.” 9 Telephone Nos. (Echo) 986 Printing Department 343 jra.-an bo.i.M. ew!i!tinn'e»tif>n»
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  • 1342 4 Bj far the greater number of Europeans in thii country are strongly in favour of registration of servants and are rraUy anxious that it should be iotroduoed both n the Colony and the F.M.S. Indeed, if Sir Arthur Young, who has come forward a supporter of the
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  • 918 4 The late Mr. A. Lampard left X 128,623 grow. We hear that Mrs. P. Pedley, who is at present in India, has undergone a successful operation. Lieutenant Guinness, only son of Mr. Cecil Guinness, formerly manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in Penang, was married recently.
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  • 955 4 A Preliminary. Evidently the Germans mean to inaugurate a reign of terror and frightful. nesß in those parts of Rumania which they have occupied, for we note that the Berlin communique published in the Sumatra papers accuses the -population of Wallachia of fighting as J ranee-tireurs. Such an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 99 4 OUR PRICES ARE SOMETHING UNIQUE IN VALUE o A special offer of best selected Queens” White Fluted English China. I I vs Coffee Cups and Saucers Tea Breakfast Tea Plates G" Sugar Basin Cream Jug Tea Pot medium large $3-60 per dox. 4- 5-2-40 25 CtS. each. 30 90 $l-50.
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  • 1257 5 CREECE (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ALLIES' DIMAMD. Crow. Co«e«»l Summoned. Athene, November 20. Xbo Allies hare demanded that the 0 ,„i.0. Oerm.n, Turki.h tod Balgwian be granted their pa.. pJ rte and I*,, ibe cjuntrj by Norembw M. Xhe Greek Government considers the lem .„d unacceptable. Cun.tantin, h Hummuied
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  • 576 5 Unofficial Review. The following is communicated to ths Bangkok press by the British Legation. Western Front. London, November 11. On tbe Western front extremely wet weather has increasingly interfered with operations, but some progress has been made towards le Transloy, in conjunction with the French. This prograss
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  • 722 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE SITUATION. GtMnl PvUik'i Views. Nioe, November 20. General Potnik, the ex-Serbian Generalissimo is of opinion that the advanoe from Salonika ia greatly helping the Rupianians, M for Bulgaria alone cannot stand against us. Germany must help." ENT*Y INTO MONASTIR. Tk* Bulgaria» Retreat, London,
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  • 931 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. ENEMY PLANS IN WALLACHIA. Serious Turaiag Mo.«meal. London, November 2. French experts estimate that twenty five Austrian and German divisions are moving towards the heart of Wallachia. The enemy is Also carrying out a turning movement in the direction of Kimpolung. The latter move
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  • 456 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. r«rtkcr Priaoaars. London. November 21, 5 a.m. General Haig reports: We made a further batch of eight prisoners.” Hkt4-to-Hiad Fi|kt»|. London, November 21. Correspondents, writing from Headquarters, state that British and Canadiw troops on November 18 defeated the enemy in a snowstorm beyond Gr&ndcourt
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  • 118 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2. An Allied Peace 3. —Penang Eurasians B?lgian R ‘lief Fund. Indian Immigration Committee. 6. —Pirates of the Nicobars. War News and Gossip. Passengers to the Straits. Shipping News. Rubber and Tin. 7. The Truth about General Brussilov.
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  • 527 5 Before Mr. S. H Ling-ton in theBec *nd Court this mo-mug Sheik Mobauied, a bullock-cart owner and d-ieer, w*s charged with the abetment of the i ff-uci of criminal breach of trust in respect of eight catties of tin ore, the property of the Eastern Smelting
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  • 498 5 Latest Quotation». Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $91 10, business done. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were thequotations forRubbtr on Spot in London yesterday Plantation 1st latex crepe 2/8. Smoked sheet 2/8. The Perak water rights will come up again in Ip
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  • 903 6 The awful fate tbit met peer shipwrecked people iu this part of the world, Ita* than Half a century ago, il related in a little pamphlet nsued by the Penang Argut in 1b67. The Fnttse Islam, lett Penaug for Rangoon iu August lfe66, but was driven
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  • 611 6 Excsss Fsorrrs Tax. The Board of B'f roes appointed under tho Excess Profit. Tax bad before it, on 18th ins»., the case of Rubber Plantation Companies, for decision as to how they would be treated under tbe Act. The dtc a to n has been that the
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  • 330 6 Per P. and O steamer Mooltan. From London Oct. 27. —To Singapore: Mrs. Grant, Mr. McQuarri'\ Dr. Dent, Rev. H. Ilillier, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Kennie, Mr. Hucbison, Hon. C. H. Strutt, Mr. McNeill, Mr. Armsirmo, Mrs. Guthiie and child, Mrs Clifford and 2 children, Mr, Fraser,
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  • 984 6 The s.s. Kedah, which arrived here this morning. brcugLt 394 bags of tin ore for the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd,, and 24 slabs of tin. The s.s. Comelii, which arrived here yesterday, brought 1,947 bags of tin ore and the s.s. Sappho 814 bags of tin ore. We
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  • 2952 6 DrEATION OX THE Wiß. it {From Our Chen Correspondent.') London, October 27- j As winter approach** in the Northern j Hemisphere expert opinion ia buaily engaged i on Hot only the piospects of a third winter 1 campaign but on bow far the war wll pro-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 Chimb rlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bid cold you want a rem< dy that will not only give relief, but eff ct i prompt and cure, a remedy that ia plea»-ar,t to tak*», rempdy that conrama nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough iiem<dv meets all these rr quirementa. It acta
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    • 68 6 How few people realise that indigestion is nearly always cause! by wind on the atoniacb, and yet it is so. Now a dose of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, taken after meals would remove all that over-loaded feelirg which makes the sufferer so miserable. If you are »ffl cted in this
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    • 42 6 Early Co ds. Be careful of the colds you taka at this t ma of tbe year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 61 6 A Favorite Itob Down. Tte golfer, the football player and the ail round athlete know the ralm of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard gam*». HI soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third leas time than
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Gre*t Peppermint Cere is, 6d.
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  • 805 7 The Truth” About General Brussilov. It is often enough that one comes across extraordinary legends in American papers, but the New York Sun's latest achievement in endeavouring to pass cff fiction as truth will be d ffioult to beat. The legend which it puts forth is that the late Qeo.
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  • 120 7 Wednesday, November 22. Penang Volunteers —Recruit Drill, Foil Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Thursday, November 23. Penang Volunteers Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m Reciuit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Co nwaliis 5.30 p.m. St, Clement. Friday, November 24 Penang Rural Board Meeting, Land Office, 3 pm. Saturday, November
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 898 7 I uf* Of til Qvemiit* 1 r OC c After Illness Builds up Health and Strength. Angier's Emulsion is soothing to throat, lungs, stomach and intestines, an aid to appetite and digestion and a most invigorating tonic and builder, it is invaluable (or restoring proper tone to the digestive functions
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    • 509 7 i Straits Settlements War I Loan Bonds. Bearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th Novemb?r. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be
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  • 851 8 A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Moke Munitions Wantiu. Paris, l4. It bai taken the French medical faculty to fewer than si teen years to recognise the irfallibility of a wonderful discovery, the principal virtue of which is the healing without pain of burns, with the restitution of all
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 rT»-5--A Me/» *w/n txperlcr,C9 of Ho! Climates know thy fo/fy of ove heating (ha system. Spirits and Wines have this tendency. Horlick's Malted Milk cools the body it helps Nature to recuperate the whole system. f V e Is a food-drink and is made In a moment. In 3 wet.
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    • 76 8 The moment a man does bia best bit of qn ck thinking is when attacked bj a ▼iolent pain in the stomach. His thoughts immediately fly to WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. The wish for a dose of that famous medicine is uppermost, a wish founded on solid experience, because be
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    • 166 8 I I a a i a a a e i a a a New Arrivals of Stationery. HUGE CONSIGNMENT OF ENVELOPES: Parchments, Cream Laids and Tough Manillas, various sizes. WIRE BASKETS nfefulto Oflice Managers. J x Perry’s famous Rubber Bands. Inspection Invited. Prices Re&sonsbU. THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd.. PRINTERS and
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  • 448 9 man who was too intellectual A PtD1, In the present Cabinet, once «aid to re»* 10 m Minister that however many Wb bellle viituis of hi. colleagues, they 1<:ht 11 for notbiog if we lose tho war, Tw winThe war, whatever their bl1 1 will be forgotten.
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  • 1029 9 Future OF the German Colonies. Amsterdam. ojtne remarks contribu’ed by Emil Z mmerman to the Prussian Year Book” have aroused the indignation of the Rheimsshe •restfaelisehs Zeitung. Z mmermann said that much of the hatred sgainst Ger many had been engendered by jealousv of the latter’s Colonial
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  • 326 9 Analysis of t*r Figures. 9 Sir Edward Garson has i sued tbe following statement: In tbe spe ch of Lord Wimborne, Lord Lieuteuant of Ireland, with refer once to Irish recruiting, his Exceileucy ia reported ias saying Since m >hilir 4 tioQ Ulster has contr.buted 54,000, of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 442 9 To Suffer or Not to Suffer There is only oae answer. Little’s Oriental Rallil hag forever banished the red j to suffer. liheumatism, swollen, painful joints, weakened muscles, the meBt unbearable aches and pains disappear at the sooth* ing touch of this renowned remedy. Just rub in LITTLE S ORIENTAL
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    • 81 9 TRANSLATION. I UIE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to 1. translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chineso accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale (1) For translation for inseition in tb« Straits Echo or the Pinang Sin Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1048 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAB LINE (Incorporated iw England.) Mali and Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. omcvard (for Eqrope.) Qqtward (for Chin* Japan j_ t+l*roce3(lB to Marseilles and Lmdoa via Bombay. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspeaded.) Wireleaa Telegraphy fitted oa all Steamers. tarnished with an Electrio Reading
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    • 270 10 For Motor Car Inaur* no TOO cannot do brtii Tkaj The Excess Insurance Co. |,|i iSUTI; Adamson. Gilfillan ACo L n Incobpobatbd 111 Eboiah'd. Commerclil Union Itsnrtro Company, Limited. (Incorpo ratio in Enolahd Head Office:—LONDON. Eastern BranchSINGAPORE Fire, Life, Marine and Guarantee Department* For particulars, applj to A. A. ANTHONY
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