Straits Echo, 20 November 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 992 1 VitIZED NATURE for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model IMMOBILE CAES in good running condition. ■f BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can hive a trial run and full particulars obtained
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    • 11 1 m*. kJS'J’s milk*#® P^sskssss» fe* P«I °**_r+ JĔĔ 55- TS« H&5&55
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1033 3 Th© Insurrection in Dublin. By June© Stephens. (Maunsel. 2a. 6d. net.) During the E&Bter rising in Dublin Mr. James Stephens set down each day an 1 account of his experiences and impressions and when the rebellion was over he wrote a 1 few notes on its probable
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  • 658 3 A Dutch Yiew The Blommendyk was sunk by a German submarine off the American coast on Sunday, the Bth On Wednesday, the 11th, the Government at the Hague received an official report on the subject from the Minister at Washington On that report the Government acted
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  • 346 3 Tne prejudice against opening wide the doors of tha profession of m dieiao to women has shown a BurprUiag strength tvm in face of war and its consequent s, but recent events, show conclusively that the day of obstruction, so foolish y prclor£el, is drawing to a close.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 541 3 Straits Settlements War 1 Loan Bonds. gearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 pet* cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE—100 PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent
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    • 49 3 Accidents Will Happen. It may bo impossible to prevent an dent, tut it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chimberlain’s Pain Bolm is not beyond anyone's purse, and with a bottle ot this liniment you ara prepared for most anything. For sale bj all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 495 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 750 4 Ah UaoiNT Voioa Fbom th* Old COUHTBT. [To thm Editor or th« Strait» Time» Sir, —As an old resident in the Far Eist who has bean a victim to the time immemorial system Have a Drink” and being in the position on the present occasion of a flying visit
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  • 270 4 Rome, Oct. 22 A semi-official report issued yesterday stated that Austria-Bungary had already called up her man-power to a greater degree than any other country. The General Staff up to April had summoned 7,400,000 men and about 3,000,000 men were now probably available, includiog 300,000 still in training.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 New Stock Just Arrived. •V:* List No. 8338 Ladies' White Canvas Tennis Lacing Shoe. With red rubber sole. $2-95 PER PAIR. Ladies’ Black Glac# Kid One Bar Shoe. With white buckle. $7-95 PER PAIR. 8337 Ladies' White Canvas Tennis Bar Shoe. Red rubber sole as per illustration. $2-95 PER PAIR,
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    • 49 4 Why It Sclh. CbambcrUin’a Cough Remedy is the larges) •ailing cough medicioe in the world to-day, because it does exactly what a oough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 812 4 To Suffer or Not to Suffer There if only one answer. Little*! Oriental Balm has forever banished the need to suffer. Rheumatism, swollen, painful joints, weakened muscles, the most unbearable aches and pains disappear at the soothing touch of this renowned remedy. Just rub in LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM (applied
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  • 106 5 mm M m Piwamo, Novimm* 80. ,ft, «mrt'l «/<*«, *»“*> '^“•r^"tßa ßk -:|45 8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Cakiitta, Demand Bank -Rh. 174 3 days’sight Private 1 Bombay, Demand Bank MonUnein, Demand liank 178^ 3 days sight I nvnte 175| Madras Demand Bank 3 day.’..Rht Pr.™t« 7
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  • 1011 5 YnSTBEDAT’s FlKLD OfIRATIOSS. There was a very good tara-ont of the Penang Volunteers, the Oedets end thefiikh Police yesterday morning at the Field operations which were successfully carried out by both parties, and for th s great credit is due to those who were in charge of the
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  • 442 5 Th* “Aoviicai Invasion.” During tbe efosiug Mbate -in ths Federal Council various masters *>f AOportauce were bri fly touobĕd up. Thus "tbs tfon*We Kenion said that another quHtton was tho alienation of aNWfcs of State land to Am a rh*ans "(br iSvbber-growiog. He believed the feeling of
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  • 239 5 A Selanoor Victory. The Polo match between P< nang and So’acgor which waa played at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday evening ended in a victory for Silangor by one goal to nil The match was watched with groat interest throughout and there was a large attendance including H. E.
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  • 204 5 The K P. M. s.s. eU Kock, which arrived here this moraing from Langsa, will be despatched to morrow for Deli. The s.s. Kum Sang is eipected to arrive here to-morrow from Singapore bound for Calcutta. She has 550 t ms of general cargo for this port. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 318 5 The Week’s 1 Events Mokpat, November 20. ip .b Cvmbb* 1 lub Tc«rdat. Nothhr 21. Volunteer* —Battalion Drill, B.« Coor.o 5.15 p B«ru.t Drill, Comply. Port Cornwall,., 5.15 p-m. WtvumDkJ, November 22. p*o*ae Volunteers— Ueortit Drill. Fort Cornwall* 5 30 p.m. THOR* 1 NofEMEE* 2.>. Pl!D1 ng Volunteer» -Ambulance Co.
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    • 301 5 RED CROSS. our'oay. YOUR DAY. EVERYBODY’S DAY. ON SATURDAY, December 2nd, there Will be held a Sports Carnival on %he Taipirg Lake and in the gardens, begtnBiog at 9 a m. and terminating at midnight. There will be sport*, land and water, indudicg foot races for adults and chi dm,
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    • 382 5 TUEiKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. >Wlili The Eastern 'Produce Exchange 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000 Auctioneers Brokers. The Eighty-fifth Auction Sale WILL
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  • 93 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) ▲t T*a v CETTERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puck. Daily Local 924 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra, llail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLB ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 986 Printing Departnent 343 W.8.--AU bosineee communication» should be
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  • 34 6 Wilsok —On November 19th at Caledonia Estate, Province Wellesley, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson, a son. Nicol —On November 17 at Belton, Suffolk, to Court Inspector and Mrs. Nicol, a daughter.
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  • 1239 6 Practically all the war news received over the week-end is of an eminently satisfactory, if not of a particularly sensational, character. The capture of Monastir has been imminent for some days past, but it is nevertheless highly important and should have an effect as far north as the
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  • 859 6 Mr. J.C. Sugars is to act as Distriot Judge and first Magistrate, Penang. Mr. 8. H. Langston is to act as second Magistrate and assistant District Judge for Penang. e Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden has left for Singapore to attend the Full Court of Appeal there.
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  • 973 6 Tke Pittas. Of course, by grace of the British w. we shall never come to such a pan h?' should we ever be cut off from the outaS! world and forced to live entirely upon wS we oan grow it would be interesting i! know what Malayan produce
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 DE LUXE LIGHT WEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE. Exact to illustration but with Touring Handle Bar. Price $275 only. Fitted with 2-speed countershaft gear $50 extra. SEASUN Co. Our goods are good all through f both the parts you see and the parts you don’t see. o o G «a Waterproof Capes,
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  • 629 7 Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. rout of the enemy. Scrklaa Captures. London, November 17. A Serbian official announcement states i ••Enemv counter attacks completely fa.ilThe Bulgars withdrew to the Biver Bistritsa. We made 300 prisoners. .< The French and Bussian troops occupied three villages in the district ofMonastir
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  • 560 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram Varyiax Fortvaei. London, November 18, 7.20 p.m. The Bumtni&n communique savs We repulsed violent enemy attacks in the 1‘redeal and Dragoslavele regions with heavy losses. We were compelled to withdraw slightly in the direction of Teniciulesti in the Alt valley and Stafanesti in
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  • 542 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. NO SEPARATE PEACE. Absurd Rumours Refuted. Paris, Nov. 17. The Russian Premier, Dr. ..Stoermer te'egraphing to the Ruman ambassador in Paris, denies “the absurd rumours of secret negotiations between Russia and Germany with a view to a separate peace.” He says that Russia intends
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  • 186 7 (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) London, November 18. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/74 Diamond Smoked 2/7$ Says the Topicist in the Free Trets The death of Alec Peerbux makes a gap in the ranks of the few old stagers associated with
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  • 758 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. BIG HAUL OF PRISONERS. War i* Iks Air, London, November 18, 12 55 General Sir Douglas Haig in his communique reports: Since November 13th we have taken 6,190 prisoners. We heivily bombarded the enemy trench lines in the neighbourhood of Loos and Hulluch.
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  • 776 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram AERIAL ACTIVITY. RAIJ ON MUNICH. A Rtatrkikli Flight. London, November 18, 1.45 The Pari* communique says: Th*re is nothing to repott of the whole front except a lively artillery duel in the Saillisel region north of the Somme. Captain Beauchamps ascending at e'ght
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  • 87 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Pages. 3—The Sian Ftine r s. Freedom of the Sea*. Women Doctors. 4. —Non-Treatirg. Austri in Reciuiting 5- —Penang Volunteer*. Polo Match. Federal Council Item*. Shipping News. The Week’s Event*. 8. —Registration of Servant. Mala; a’s Min* Power. Telegram
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  • 631 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram Londor, Nov. 17. A Berlin official announcement claims j capture of 1,500 Rumanians south lofI of tlie Roterturm Pass and 650 elsewhere on the Transylvanian front LondoD, November 19. A German official announcement claims I *hat German aeropltnes successfully bombed Fumes and tin
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  • 397 8 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram Tkc New R«|«litioit. London, November 17. The new food regulations outlined by Mr. Runciinan in the House of Commons are publish'd in the London Gazette. They empower tbe Board of Trade to prohibit the waste of any article and to decide what is
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  • 387 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection Orphee aux Enters Offenbach 2 Sohottische Go Bang Caro 3 Waltz Idylle Waldteufel 4 Gavoote My Sweetheart Sabathil 5 March The Absent Minded Beggar Hume There
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  • 813 8 (R euter’s service.) Copyright Telegram. Fartker Siakiags. London, November 17. The following steamers have been sunk 1 British F. Matarazzo American A. A. Davidson, Norweoian UVvang and Torridal. Greek Stylianibelis and Joannis. Italian Giovanni, The Norwegian steamer Vega was sunk and her crew of 32 and 16 passengers
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  • 924 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, Nftrember 17. M- Briaod and Mr. H. H. Asquith have jointly telegraphed to the Russian Premier! warmly applauding the Russian denuncia-1, tion of Germany’s violation of International 1 Law and treaties by claiming to create Polish State and levy an army, and
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  • 28 8 L»t«»t Quotation». .1 »o D n un re i ,led quoted bere to-daj i‘ 5 91 Sf’ Slogan ire to« rild) 1 b *W d W fl?*
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  • 958 8 Wht the Bill n not in Foree IN THE COLONT. In introducing the Domestic Servants Enactment inftrth* Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur, onThnrsday, the Hon. -Mr. Kenion. according to the report in the Malay Mail, [disclaimed any personal grievance against servant*, remarking that h9 had always been
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  • 355 8 A CJtE AT %UCfEfi3. The concert organised by Mrs. 3. C. i Gundry Fox at Taiping in aid of the Bed Cro3« took place at the Town Hall on Saturday evening. The audience was not large, bat it and tba,performers had no reason to complain
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  • 524 8 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. A Hague cable states that Germany has established a special department for aerial warfare. According to a Dut;h telegram, Baron Burian, Austro-Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, has arrived in Berlin. An independentMinirtry for Food Supplies has been instituted in Austria. Baron Ro the new
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  • 948 8 In the House o! Commons, Mr. Bonar Law jaunt'd .'Mr. Wf#l«wood that the Colonial Office tnfluaoc i was directsi to securing the Urgent possible man power from the Crown Colonies. And the jre a may presume. Mr. Wedgwood's question was probably the outcome of a letter which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 K F*T«rit« Rib }»w». Toe golfer, the football plajej and the all round athlete know ike value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, It is just the thing for a mb down after a hard game, &.U soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings c\ued in ogp-Qmd less time than bj
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    • 35 8 Early Co’da. Be careful of the cstfdp you take at this of the year. They dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold, 'fake Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy at once. For sale by ail Dispenses
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    • 51 8 Accidents Will Hawn. It may be impossible to prevent an deDt, but it is not impossible to be p re P for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not be* yond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle 0 this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale bj all Disyensiries
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  • 765 9 [To The Editob of the Straits Sir, —I hare just Men the letter of A Sarawak Churchman under the above heading in jour issue of October 27. There is a saying that ''one storj holds good until the other story is told." Let us
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  • 255 9 After a further rise to nearly £lB2 per ton. partly due to fears of a possible delay and loss of shipments as a result of the latest outbreak of German submarine activity, tin has been inclined to rest on its laure’s for a bit. Consequently, says
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  • 210 9 Mott men and marl? all women toiler at timet from fPs of depression and low ipirita Thej cann t attend to butinett or household matters satisfactorily, and are unable to get any pleasure out of life. Eve r ything is a burden and a tax on their
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 653 9 NOTICE WE havo thi* day opened our own cffioe at R rm No. 5. Railway Buildings to which all erquirie* and commuoica*i jm should be §«nt. Thi China Mutual Lira Insurance Co., Ltd. Penang, 14th November, 1916. 588 TRANSLATION. THE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese
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  • 549 10 The report of the Bukit Tatnbon Estates, I Limited, staff that the total net revenue, I after deducting all sale charges, freight, etc., was £2,670 The sum of £1,959 was devoted to estate and general expenses on revenue account, £512 to London expendi-1! ture, £175 to interest
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  • 458 10 Britain and the Dutch Indies. The latest news of the Dj imbi rising is contained in a wire from Sourabaya, which quotes the Djambi correspondeut of the Locomotief as of opinion that the Resident, Mr. Quasi, and Colonel Gerlacb, the military commauder of Djimbi, are to
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  • 488 10 OBJECTIONS tj the Federal Excisb Enactment. At the Federal Council meeting at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, the Excise Enact-, ment. 1915, Amendment Enactment, was, introduced on a certificate of urgency. I In an exhaustive explanation the acting Legal Adviser mentioned that the objects of the
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  • 443 10 A recent number of the Bache Review, an American financial circular, gives some very interesting figures of the motor-car [trade in the United States, where companies engaged in this branch have become leading features in the speculative markets in ftet, the General Motor Company’s Common Stock
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 2026 11  -  Nootral— Absolootely Nootba.l.” (By an Indian Correspondent.) A story is told of an inquisitive Briton I < who, anxious to know exactly what the real I < feelings of the people of the United States were with regard to the war, aaked a native 1 1
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  • 439 11 TENDERS are hereby invited for the purchase of the sole right to cut au 1 rotnov i Bikau (Mingrove) and a'l oth r trtxi growmg to the ard4s mentioned h rounder fir a period extending f oiu January 1st to December 31st, 1917. The tendeis will be received
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 ML** Ms? Protects Preserves Sc Beautifiesi all WOODWORK, from the ravage S of Weather, Insect Sc Fungoid Lifei W M > V*r i K*55* c T.. *V* <r HI'S. \VJ J vs '.vM «..-j-» Supplied in Drums k Barrels J Light, Medium &Dark_ So/e Aqents for PenaiHj, Federated Afalqy Slates.
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    • 90 11 Chamb rIain’s Co«|h Remedy. When you have a bid cold you want a remedy that will not oily give relief, bu effect a prompt and pernanent cure, a remedy that is to take, a remedy that contiioa nothing injarnus. Ch wnberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on
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    • 316 11 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd. I*<or»orat«4 ia l«4ia. BRANCU OFFICE. SINGVPORE. J. R. Macpherson, Secretary S.V. an l F.M.S. Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Reach or Street Feanang, The Branch Secretary,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1704 12 P. o. I. AND APGAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Pauentfer Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (far China **d Japan,) t Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London. ******1 London direct, ttProce3ds to Marseilles and L mdon via Bnmbay. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily
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