Straits Echo, 17 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1042 1 I'HANO s 2k SEfSO. v>W .1 for sale One new 1910 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMQBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and tul! particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 14 1 w I Him ek d FT la* 2 K mm si S5M t VM
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  • 1232 2  -  By E. B. Oeboen. War, in the military sense, could onoe be dtfined as an acute form of diplomacy. To-day it is much more than an affair of Chancelleries —it is nothing less than a kind of commercial oompetition, in which one nation attempts to seise another
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  • 655 2 Closi up to thi Front. A September 29. For two strenuous years on the plains of Pioardy the fighting armies have met and struggled. Here, where in some of the fiercest battles of the war the combined troops of Britain and France have written with their blood such
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 369 2 Whiteawats ALL-BRITISH BOOTS 8 SHOES. mill. Exceptional Value in up-to-date Canvas Footwear. No. D 465. PRICE $3.95 PER PAIR. y 3 No. D 465. PRICE $3.95 PER PAIR. A If I The Canvas King Brand. White Canvas Shoe, chrome sole, without heel, light in weight, and comfortable for tennis wear
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    • 10 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre Is. 6d,
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    • 51 2 It Nmr Pmlj. Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cores diarrhoea and dysentery in either chiU dren or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give wav to a few doses of this medicine. Safe sure F
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    • 790 2 You can do it yourself. If you know aDy one who suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip 0 f rheumatism, if you pints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, sciatica or other bodily
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  • 2149 3 Preliminary Enquiry. The preliminary enquiry into the case against Yeoh Boon Tean, a trustee of the Seh Yeoh Kongsi, who is being charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant iu respect of certain sums of the Keogri’s funds was resum d in the District
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 505 3 E. O. Motel. :o:* SPECIAL TIFFIN eV erY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. motor car The Cheapest and most economical 2 Seater in the Market. ♦n# Fitted with Electri Lights Electric Starter, 3 speed Gate change and Beet Magneto. For further particulars and tiial run t'lea te apply to the Agents: seasun co..
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    • 472 3 TUR KISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPHD. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. *************************0004 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JUST UNPACKED. CHEAP and RELIABLE 191« NEW MODEL MOTOR
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  • 100 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59, Beach Street, Fenang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. OutaUtion... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 58a Printing Department 34t> Ifß. —All buiin-M communication» shMilJ
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  • 1341 4 None too 60oa the Government at Home staking measure) to legulite the food--upply of the Uaited Kirglom. It may ha urged that before universal service wa> idopted—while there was still, compara tively speaking, plenty of labour available r or agriculture, transport and ihj distribu fioa of
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  • 732 4 Mr. H. W. Firmstone, Director o f Education, is in Penang on inspection duty. i Miss Richards, of the Maternity Hospital, who has been staying with friends in Johore, has returned and resumed duty. Dr and Mrs. T. H. Jamieson and Mrs A. S. Anthony aad her
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  • 127 4 Christmas New Year Letter Mails. Cotrespondence ini ended for delivery in any part of the United Kingdom before Christmas Djv should be posted in time for the Homeward B I. Mail due to leave PenaDg on the 19th instant. The New Year Mails will close the following week. Prohibited Imports
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  • 924 4 Sesvesgisg Work. A correspondent writes “Although motor vans are now used for scavenging purposes yet, owing to lack of supervision of the coolies the work of this department has not improved as it should. Apparently dust-bins are not in general use by householders now and the result is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 Our g cds arc good all through, both the parts you see and the parts you don’t see. O o i o Waterproof Cape», suitable for Cyclist», Motorists, Syce», Excursionists, etc., ju»t arrived. Made »f best waterproof cloth, lined inside, sewn throughout, not gummed, 36 ins. long, button down front.
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  • 1202 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. rRESH SERBIAN SUCCESSES. Prisoners Tnkcn. London, November 16. French communique, issued at Salonika, states that after a brief lull fierce fighting wa i resumed in the Cerna region. The Serbian offensive developed cn November 13 d( j re8U lting in fresh successes. The German
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  • 306 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2, —The Industrial War. In Picardy. 3. Sah Yeoh Kongsi Case. 6, In Lieu of Income-Tax. F.M.S. War Contribution. Rubtcr Thefts. King of Siam. Eastern Produce Exchange. Tin Outputs. Penang Rubber Auction. Shipping News To-night’s Band Programme. The
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  • 658 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram FURIOUS FIGHTING. Enemy's Heavy Losses. London, November 16, 3,15 a.m. A Paris communique states A furious battle continued all day long on the Somme front. The enemy attempted a powerful effort with great effectives north and south of the Somme simultaneously but wasbafflod by
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  • 460 5 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. Considerable Enemy Shelling. London, November 16, 1.55 p.m. General Haig reports considerable enemy shelling in the night north and south of the Ancre. Enemy Bombsrdment, London, Novembar 17. General Haig reports: The enemy bombarded the new front i northward of tho Ancre, especially in
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  • 26 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, November 16. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/71 Diamond S noted 2/7\
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  • 56 5 (From Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, November 17. The rubber auctions are uafinLhed. 940 tons were citalcgued for sele. Tbe drmand was fair but the bidding was e-rat;c ar.d much was withdrawn. Fme f .le crepe is a dollar 1 war and standird sheet four lower. There ware
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  • 65 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $9l, buyers no seller®, in Sings pore (refined) at $91.75, business dote (75 tonsold) ard in Linden at jC 18D spot and 15*. three months’ eight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the follow og were the quotations
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  • 416 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram German Explanation. London, November 16. A Berlin ffiui! announcement states that a German submarine sack with a torpedo on November 6 a hostile transport of 12,000 toos eighty sea aides west of Malta. The British Admiralty states that this announcement is an obvious attempt
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  • 346 5 Some fow months ago Mr. Lloyd George made a strong plea for the fc scoring of national traditions and said that in the trying days to come the CDUutry would need all its b a tradi'ims to carry it through, aLd it is a pleasing fact th it
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  • 669 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram PROPOSED MEASURES. D«k»t« it tKc CtmntM. Loadon, November 15. lathe House of Common», iu a debate on the food question, Mr, Walter Uuncimao, President of the Board of Trad#*, stated ihat the strain upon Britiin iu 1917 would be primarily as regards fool,
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  • 59 5 Obituary. Brit-Gea Kennedy. LotdoD, November 15 The death has taken place of BrigadierGeneral Charles Hemv K nnedy. Commandant of the Chatham Division of the Roial Marine Light Itfantry. Ceuat von Tschirseky. London, November 16. The death has taken place of Count von i Tschirseky, German Ambassador at 1 Vienna, whose
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  • 539 6 It is reported that a wrecked tODgkang or junk with two roasts, on beamends, awash, was sighted at 6.29 a.m. on November 13, 2 miles west of Sultan Shoal. It is notified that a partly submerged, white painted tongkang. was sighted just outside 8 uth Channel, Penang, on
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  • 317 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from C p.m to 7 p.m.: 1 Selection Duchess of Danfzio Cary 11 2 Lancers Talk O’ tho Night Williams 3 Waltz Incognito Ivanovici 4 Schottische Marie Stuart Fruhling 5 March Castaldo Novacek Tbe
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  • 400 6 The planter* of Malaya are much worried over the question of how to stop rubber stealing, and this matter came in for 1 considerable discussion at the meeting of the Cent al Perak Planters’ Association in Ipoh the other day. The Chairman of the 1 Association himself brought
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  • 223 6 Accession Day suggests many reflections upon the progress this country has mide in the few short years since His M jesty ascended the Throne. The visible and tangible signs of that development are before our eyes and need no recapitulation. On this anniversary of H s Majesty's
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  • 81 6 At the Eistern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l3B to $l4O Diamond Smoked Fair $129 to $137 Plain Smoked Sheet $l2B Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $123 to $129 Plain Unsmoke 1 Sheet $l2O to $123 Diamond Smoked No. 2 $126
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  • 79 6 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs, Alien Deunys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $137 to $142 per picul. Smoked Plain Sheet $l3l No. 2 Smoked Sheet $133 $136 Unsmoked Sheet $124 s’3l No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet $ll7 $l2O
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  • 97 6 Ti e outputs from the following companies for the fi'st half of N tvember, 1916 Kamuntino Tin Dredging Ltd Piculs 125 Hours run 259 Chendkriang Tin Dredging Ltd. Drdge Piculs 125 Hours, run 293 Elevators. Piculs 35 Total (Cbenderiang) 16) Out of the woods of North Wisconsin. where
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  • 1055 6 In the course of a leading article with the above headmg the Malaya Tribune of Singapore Bays:— This may be prophecy, ana we are told the age of prophecy is gone. Perhaps the i man in the street would like to know what < could be
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  • 3052 6 FEDERAL COUNCIL DEBATE. i 1 Uncfficiaxs and Hioh Commissioner. I In view of the importance of the subject, i we take from the Malay Mail of Wednes- I day a full report of the debate in the i Federal Council on the proposed war contri bution from
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  • 68 6 Saturday, November 18. Our Day Concert, Taiping. Sunday, November 19. Twenty-second Suuday after Trinity. Monday, November 20. Tuesday, November 21. Pertang Volunteers—Battalion Drill. Race Course 5,15 p.m. Recruit Drill. Chinese Company, Fort Cornwall!*. 5.15 p.m, Wednesday, November 22. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m, Thursday, November
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 It Never Fills. Chitnbcrliin’s Cdic, Chohra an! Diarrhoea Kernedv is all its naun implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adult 4, and the most violent cises of cramp colic or piio in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure always
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaint*. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cmre Is, 6d.
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    • 81 6 What an anxious time has the mother with a growing family to look after. Ge ner ally one or the other is ailing, has ciugbt a chill, or is feverish. With a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE in the medicine chest the worry is much diminished, A dose or
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  • 1038 7 Who Will Hold thi Brief for Ghkmany P By a Neutral Correspondent Who will take the case for the defence at the Peace Conference which, sooner c r later, will meet to decide the terms of settlement between the nations now in conflict While the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 792 7 WANTED QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT for Tin Dr«d*ion Co., «ituifel at Konoog, i Bl4 Apflj stating experience and salary required to J .595* OUTURIE A Co., Ltd WANTED. y 0 BUY aeo'od band tj: f writ, r, ft o!*c»p A uud->l. Must bf in gocd wtrking older. HI NO WOH THONG, 6>,
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  • 220 8 A Niw Departure. We are asked by the Colonial Secretary to insert the following letter in our columns: Corporation ob Glasgow. Glasgow, 9th October, 1916 Dear Sir, The Corporation of Glasgow have decided to establish and maintain, as a department of the Public Libraries service of the city,
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  • 258 8 370 Mile Toub in Austrians’ Rear. In the advance which fullowel Count Botbmer’s re* reat from his winter line in Galicia Belgian armoured cars, accompanied by a company of Belgian cyclists, distinguished themselves in the capture of the town of Zborow. The incident secured notice in the
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  • 256 8 A copy of a carious petition presented to the Commanding General in Berlin during the last few days of July has reached Switzerland. It gains in interest when it is remembered that on August 2 the Commanding General in Berlin suspmded the publication of the Berliner Tageblatt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 -rr-*r r n Y w Supplied in Drums St Barrels J Light Medium_ &Dark So/e Agents for Perming, Federated Malay States. Sumatra &<Java G.H.Slot Sr Co., Penang. •-•sßasas*aßJSifliBn«ss3itM N c .J ft J y,j .<-* J MM i J /> JL» €*«cl WANTED 0-V5.1- v SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY
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    • 102 8 liphtksria—flow It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 538 8 NOTICE OF SALE. BY ORDER OP K. 3. MDTHIYA Chittt the Plaintiff in Suit 1916 No. 255. K. S. MUTHIYA CHET IY n. COH SHY EHOAN and Chop THONC PENG the defendant 9. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON SATURDAY, l»th NOVEMBER, 1916, AT 11 A.M. At the Archway
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    • 61 8 FOR SALE CHEAP. EMPTY OIL DRUMB in good condition Capacity 44 gallons. For particulars and price apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT. 585 71, Penang Btreet. TIE BODEGA The only European Bar AND Restaurant in Penang. Owing to increase in the Catering Department a new Dining-room (separate from the Bar) has
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  • 439 9 Zuriob, Oct. 11. g.robi («be leader of an anti-Aur--o tbE Hungarian Diet) pouted tha cost of living for a family of Qerinany bad ocreMed dur,D K tb by 95 per cent, a. compared ?W,.bTll prob.b!r be forced to" tbrougb lack of nou-i.huMDt io conquer pro.ioces end
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  • 231 9 Too many girls and women look old long before they should. Tbeir faces b com* pale and drawn, wi inkles appaar, and their eyes lack brightness. Can it be wondered at, when they so frequently have head aches, backaches and a general feeling of wretchedness and
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  • 475 9 SIGNIFICANT QUB3TION3 IN THE GERMAN PRE38. I A Sleepy Sot While the German Imperial Chancellor, Dr. von Btthmaon-Hollweg, the Minister of the Interior, Dr. Helffericb, and the Minister for the Navy, Admiral von Cspelle, are still seeking in secrit session to dissuade the committee of the
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  • 518 9 FILM ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE Intbioubs and Titles. Paris, October 9 Switzerland has had to fall back on the E t sick of both side* to people its resorts, r generally so crowded at this time of the jeer 1 here are others, though, to be
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  • 459 9 German Namb Effaced. Kowpit. Aut, 31. The Arabian Continent has felt the shock °f war from tbe Euphrates to Yemen and the Hedjaz; whole districts of Persia hare been in a state of anarchy for the last 20 months but there is nothing in Koweit to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, ■«at Peppermint Cure Is 6d. WILLIAM is the name which for over Fifty Years has stood for all that is PUREST and BEST in No matter what grade you are buying, see that is it GOSSAGE’S. IADE IN ENGLAND BY COSSACE SONS Ltd, WIDNES.
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    • 147 9 Penang Sales Room TO LB SOLD BY Public Auction At China Street Ghaut ON MONDAY. 20th NOVEMBER, 1916. AT 230 PM. 1. Ons Austral an Ueldiog 14.2 S l?er Brnzi very fast and a splendid b?ek. 2 Oae black Aust alibn Pony 14 2 very powerful and showy a gr.nd
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    • 43 9 Chamberlain's Pain Ba’m There is nothing so pood for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the misclfs. bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dralers.
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    • 207 9 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (m COErO RATED IN JAPAN) (Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co.) (MEMBERS OF POOL AGREEMENT.) FOR COLOMBO A BOMBAY Tbe Company’s steamer Java Maru is expected to arrive here from Port S»ett anlum on Friday, 24tb November, 1916 and will have prompt de patch for tbe above ports. For
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    • 44 9 Children s Colds. V\ hy Kt the cti'd:ej rack the r little br(iieB in tuc a di.-tressiog manner when you can so eit-i'y cure their colds with a b >ttle of t h'Tnt e bin’s Cough Keundy, For sale b> all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1628 10 F. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mall and Pawenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (lor £«*>»«■) O.t.ard ((of Clin» tad Jap»). Steamer. •Nankin Novara •Somali Nyanzi Malta •Namur •Nellore Novara Nore Namur (a steamer) Connecting wth. Kaisar-l-Hind Mooltan Kashgar Karmala Morea Kashmir Medina Mongolia
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