Straits Echo, 16 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1009 1 V ■J\ m Mu. i jJI ««I rr*^ CTZFD NATU for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 19 J 3 Model hupmoeile cars in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can h&ve a trial run nnd lull particulars
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    • 10 1 M' Wm ti si «j r l umt M I
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  • 983 2 The or Juvenile Crime We are glad (says the Times) to see that the Home Offiee is alive to the increase of juvenile crime and has been investigating the subject. Mr. G. A- Aitken’s paper upon it, of which we published a brief summary, contains both
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  • 987 2 Tbe promi rent signs which are now almost wholly confined to inns and publichouses are nothng more than a constant perpetuation cf the earliest form of advertisement, In tbe infancy of trade, when few merchants oould write and fewer of their customers could read, the enterprising tradesman hung
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 10 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Orest Peppermint Cere Is 6d.
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    • 372 2 WhITEAWAT’S ALL-BRITISH BOOTS 8 SHOES. FIVAVB. Exceptional Value in up-to-date Canvas Footwear. No. D 465. PRICE $3.95 PER PAIR. »f The Canvas King Brand. White Canvas Shoe, chrome sole, without heel, light in weight, and com5 fortable for tennis wear. Price $3.95 per pair. 5 K v S' Vr vr
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    • 31 2 Cuaberlaia’f hit Bata. rhJuml! 1 n0thiDg i0 8°°* for muscular r’ Pram M m0nei cnm P° of the idqicIci, bruises and like iDiuriea aj pu am Si sĕ c« “o r
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    • 802 2 Chinese Daily Newspaper. IF you want to make your goods to the Chinese advertise m the p*® ang Sin Poe whica is the best advert^ me M U S f ki d in the Btnxtt For contract and non-contract advert ments, apply to the manager, Criterion p ri M| •l
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  • 679 3 > I A CoMPREHE NSIVR LIST. In 1915 a Parliamentary Bine Book was issued containing particulars respecting gifts wh ch had been then received from His Majesty’s Dominions and Colonies and it is I proposed at the end of the war to lay before Parliament a further
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  • 409 3 The Jardioe liner Yat Bk*na may be due here on the 18th iost to Idad for Rangoon and Calcutta. Messrs. Bouitead A Co. advise us that the s.s. Carmarthenshire is dU<5 to kfrive here on the 24th instmt from r Messrs. McAlisftr A Co. inform us that the
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  • 92 3 Penano Women Workers Amount previously acknowledged $2,995 43 Mrs. Allen Dennys (4th Don) 300 Cleaver <Bih 10.00 Mrs. D. C. Macintyre (3rd 1000 Mrs. GormaD, Kedah (3rd 5.00 Mrs. F. Dennys (sth 500 Mrp. Hoops (4th 5.00 Mrs. Tyodale Powell (4 h 500 Mrs. Aitkin (3rd
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  • 243 3 The output of KampoDg Kamunting Tm Dredging Ltd. for the half month ended j November 9: No, 1 No. 2 Dredge. Dredge. Hours run 5 72 242 Cubic Yards treated ...52,000 43 000 Total Piculr 542 00 R alised on sale $28,583.85 In order that every possible man
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 696 3 THE BOM The only European Bar AND Restaurant in Penang. NOTICE. WE have this day opened our own cffice at R tom No. 5, Railway Buildings to wbicb addresa all erquirira and communications should be s<nt. Th* China Mutual Life Insubance Co., Ltd, Penang, 14th November, 1916. ♦♦♦□□□□□annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn♦♦♦ 8 TRAVELLERS’
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    • 198 3 V TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. COLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. m Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! Charlie Chaplin in “lillie’s Punctured Romance” a comedy in 6 parts To-night! To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE LYCEUM THEATRE, ARCYLL ROAD. PRESENT LUBIN'S LATEST
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  • 100 4 Pablisbed daily (except Sundays and peblie holidays) aT TBB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. 59, Beach Street, Penang. 4 Pbicb. rTrr:* Daily Local $24 per annum. Ontatation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) $17.50 M OABLB ADDKBSS ECHO —PF-TANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 jj B.— All
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  • 1322 4 Emphasising that he was speaking not as a member of the Government bnt as a private member,’’ Sir Arthur Young made some remirks in the Federal Council regarding the opposition to the income-tax proposals which we hardly like to think can represent His Excellency’s considered
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  • 1015 4 Mr. J. F. Hodgins has been appointed a I director of Messrs. John Little and Co., I Limited. The Rev, E. N. Greenbow will be at I Tongkah on Sunday next on pastoral duties. I T. 0. M. 9 2nd Lieut. Douglas Bowbill Candy, of I the Bedfords, late
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  • 943 4 Overlooked Naturally, and. very properly, the local press did everything in its power to boom tbe Our Day movement in Penang. To a considerable extent, we flatter ourselves, it contributed towards its success and the help given has been gratefully and handsomely acknowledged—in Singapore. But—naturally, perhaps—at the meeting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 The George Tovn Dispensary LIMITED. PENANG. ARRIYEDTTT New Shipment of the well-known JOOCOCLES Fitted with Real BRITISH MADE Dunlop Tyres Complete with Lamp Sell and all Accessories, Reduced Price $53 each nett. T1ANG JOO CO., Sole Importers. 117. BEACH STREET. PENANG. t 'f. Hi a .wcar m 1 A BECAUSE
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  • 1389 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. A french tribute. c.r»»*> T T S r>ri I Loudon, Not. H, 10.30 p.m ra .».ige iUto.tb»t ono olth. I ,t French correspondents at Britieh aiiart»". telographiog trom Amieni, tb«t tbe army «bowed yesterday that B'fleniiTS powers hare not been dimini.b- lbe protracted fighting
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  • 554 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. DESPERATE FIGHTING. Varylag Retulta. Loudon, November 15, 2.25 a m. The Rumanian oommunique reports that between the Uzul and Cafiu Valleys on the Moldavian frontier inoessant enemy attacks since October 29 have been sanguinarily repulsed. An enemy attack in the Dragoslavele region, supported by
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  • 25 5 CfYom Our Own CompondenL) London, November 15. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/7| Diamond Smoked 2 >
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  • 673 5 (Renter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. GENERAL GROENER'S staff. Oiraia; a H«g« Buiiien Firs. Amsterdam, November 15, Inspired Berlin telegrams emphasise the j tremendous reorganisation of Germany's I war industry which is being carried out by |< General Grocner, the head of the new War Department. They admit that this
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  • 671 5 (Rater’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. F«rtk«r Si>kit». London, November 15 The Connth and Bernica have been sunk The following steamers have been sunk Sarah Randiffe (British), Attrid (Swedish), Freja (Danish), The crew of twenty-one of the Ragmr were placed by a Gorman submarine on board a Dutch steamer and
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  • 540 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Pwtrograd, Novembor 15. A Russian commuo qul slates “We drove out the enemy from the t retches he occupied ea*t of tbe village of Lipiizidjlnaia on the Narajuka River.” In Macedonia. Enemy Concentrations Dispersed. London, Novemb r 15. A British communique, issued at
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  • 49 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, November 16. At the meeting of the Commercial Rubber Co., it was stat d that since September 1 8,000 piculs valued at $780,000 had been sold by the company. Good progress was b3ing made and the turn overs were increasing daily.
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  • 55 5 The following articles will be Lund on our outside pages Pages. 2. —Trade Symbo's. Children and the Cinema. 3. —Local War Funds. Shipp'ng News. Qaeen Marj’s Needlework Guild* Tin Output 6. Our Day." 3dangor Turf Club. Germany’s Food, 7. —China and Chinese. Why Germany Hates. 9 —The War and
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  • 71 6 Thursday, Notimbie 16. Penang Volunteer* Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallia, 530 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Saturday, Novrmbrr 18. Our Day Concert, Taiping. Sunday, Noyrmbrr 19. Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Monday, Noyrmbrr 20. Turbday, Novrmbrr 21. Penang Volunteers —Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15
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  • 125 6 Pbnano, Noyrmbrr 16 By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 M 3 M Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank B». 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight
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  • 1750 6 PENANG’S CONTRIBUTION. Mrrtino or Committrr. A meeting of the General ani Executive Committee of Our Day was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday evening with the Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant, Resident Councillor, in the chair. There present Haji Zacbariab Syed B£lleb Alsagcff, Messrs. M. K. Peter
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  • 2856 6 A NATION GROWING T 3 INNER. Fl¥s A*i> Oil Vital. This it ths third dhy'of a series of article» on the ftate of Germany by Mr. Curtin, who hoe spent 10 months in the coun'ry examining prevailing condition» to that he might provide a trustworthy and eompre hentive
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  • 311 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. j Three Day Races iif Febrcakt. 3 The annual general meeting of the 3 Selangor Turf Club was held in the Selangor Club on Saturday last, the President of the r Club, the Hon. Mr. E, G, Broadrick, being in the chair. Before proceeding
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 WANTED. rpo BUT second hand typewriter, foolscap A model. Must b3 in good working order. H1NG WOH THONG, 69, Market Road, 686 Taiping. TO LET. WELL lighted airy premises, suitable for office or warehouse, electric light, fans etc. first floor 6 Beach Street, opposite Pritchard A Co. Immediate entry. Apply
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  • 999 7 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (Voder S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) No ame ndraents to this programme will be considered unless due .NOTH t ig K ven in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the date of the Special General Meeting
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  • 544 7 M. Hbkvk’s Tribute to England’s Part. It-is no longer hate against the Englith that is shown in Germany; it iB fury, it is frenzy, writes M. Gustave Herve in a remarkab'e article which he contributes to La Victoire, of Paris. “The Germans have reached the point of
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  • 330 7 Oa Octibor 3 Mr. Pinckney, who as visiting agent to a number of Estates on the West Coast had brei visiting JesseltoD, 1 gave a dance and supper at Gaya Hotel. 1 Invitation included all our up-the-line friends resulting in a filling of the Hotel with
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  • 946 7 Ye>terday, says the Shanghai Times of November 3, we published the refreshing news that the Chines i Govemnnnt, in a sporadic effort to inspire confidence in the future prosperity of the country and the catholicity of its national policy, had despatched messages to leading Chinese abroad urging
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 385 7 Fntrioc rinco »t 5 P-m. cm Friday, 5th January. 1917. Handicaps for th,First rJIlilcS LIOSC p a y will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th January, 1917. Any owners wishing to enter for more than one Griffin Race, on the Furst or Second Day can do so on
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    • 48 7 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and gaod digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature Do not gripe Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or poet free from the Dr. W illianas Medicine Co., Dept, lc, Singapore
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    • 37 7 Children's Colds. Why ltt tha children rack their little bodies in such a distratsiag micner wheD you can *o easily cure their cjlds with a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale b> all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 204 7 I e v 0 9 0 0 0 The Eastern Produce Exchange 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000 0 Auctioneers Brokers. The Eighty-fourth Auction Sale WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 20th November, 1916. Sales or Pu ohaies negotiated by Private
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  • 1452 9 In the course of a recent conversation on the war between an Englishman and a Japanese, the latter remarked that the present war differed from those which preceded it in that the fighting seemed to consist of a number of small engagements over an extended
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  • 532 9 The 4 pathological liar’ comes m for a considerable amount of attention in the current number of the Indian Medical Gazette, and we are interested to learn tha‘ it is to the female sex that pathological liars chiefly belong. Pome people lie egocentrically and purposively in a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 255 9 CREOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all WOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather, Inseet Sc Fungoid Life. r n rffi > 1 I I =1 m Supplied in Drums Barrels Light, Medium &Dark Sole Agents tor Penang. Federated Malay States. Sumatra &<Java G.H.Slot Sr Co.. Penang. w. ANDREW USHER Os' SPECIAL RESERVE
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    • 282 9 for sale cheap. EM PTY OIL DRU VIS ia goxl condition. C.i parity 44 gall>cs For particulirs and price apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT. 585 71, Penang Street. NOTICE. A MEETING rf the Board of the Licena ng Justices will be held in the District Court on Wednesday, tin 20tb
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    • 273 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Valuation of and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the year 1917 are open to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Office daily on week days between
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    • 272 9 You can do it yourself. If you know any one who suffers, if you suffer yourself iu the relentless grip of rheumatism, if you j >ints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, scatica or other bodily
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1828 10 F. O. B. I. LINK AND apcak (InCOBPORATRD IN LnOLA.ND.) Mail and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Ewopfi-I Outward (for Chios sod Japan) Steamer. •Nankin Novara •Somali Nyaczi Malta •Namur •Nelloro Novara Nore Namur (a steamer) Connecting Kaiear-l-Hind Mooltan Kashgar Karmala Morea Kashmir Medina Mongolia
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