Straits Echo, 15 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1167 1 A t Li •>~rl W. jTr 8 ,f k i 'W E9i {V-*V* 'I I; NATUg&ji 0 for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model IMLE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD (BANKS. 1 FOR SAILK Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED
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    • 10 1 >*»£ s MILK cast** U«Tia s ,1: fOI 3a e n
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  • 1099 2 NEUTRALS AND 8UBMARINE8. F*om Pol* to Teofios. Neutral nations will, I should think, be in a mood to receive favourably the memorandum which the Allied Governments have recently issued concerning the reception of submarines, whether of a military or so-called •‘commercial ’’type, in their ports. It is a
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  • 813 2 "A display of muscular excitement, illustrating that general law that feeling, passing a certain pitch of intensity, habitually vents itself in bodily action." Tuus did the great evolutionist philosopher Herbert Spencer define laughter. But the causes of laughter are so varied and so complex that it has hitherto passed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 WimwArs /LL-BRITISH BOOTS 8 SHOES. PENAM3. Exceptional Value in up-to-date Canvas Footwear. No. D 465. PRICE $3.95 PER PAIR. 5 h w= No. D 465. PRICE $3.95 PER PAIR. the Canvas King Brand. The “Canvas King” Brand. Whit© Canvas Shoe, hrome sole, without heel, ght in weight, and com* stable
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    • 63 2 When Baby screams there is much to do to quieten him The poer little chap cannot toll y°u wbat the trouble is, but, most likely, it is just wind. Two drops of WOODS’ SKAT PEPPERMINT CORE wi T, Wl,er wi P«‘ «><> matter n*ht and qmcklj make Baby smile again
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    • 37 2 Children’s Colds. Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easi'y cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 714 2 For Sale. SHARE TRANSFER FORMS. PRICE: 5 CENTS EACH OR $1.50 PER HUNDRED The Criterion Press. Ltd. 69, BEACH STREET, PENANQ. FQR SALriT""* Notes on the management of Cattle it India and Ceylon and their dismes.*’ CONTENTS. Hints on feeding cattle and the resn»ot;*« their different food—2 Grooming and •ierci.,,
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  • 959 3 V»fra»«yT Lhinam&D, named Ah Kow, when charged before Mr. V. Q. E zee hie! yesterday I with vagrancy, claimed trial saying he was a sawyer in Perak atd bad come to Penang to look for employment. Chinese P. C. 115 stated that on the 13th instant he
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  • 82 3 At tbe E astern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheets from 113 8 f o $142 Diamond Smoked Fair $131 to $137 Diamond Unsmoked Sheets $124 to $1‘2^ Plain Unsmokel Sheets $120 to $126 Diamond Smoked Sheets No. 2 $130 S-rapSteet
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  • 371 3 'To the Editor or thi film lit Echo 1 i Bir, p j Much iaterest is beipg poocetrtratod on i the committee’s Report ob the legatee Tax Proposals and the memorial Legislative Council meeting of the 3id instant. Tbe-Hcn. Mr. C. W. DirWlbire has fulfilled the highest
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  • 274 3 The following orders have been issued by the Penang Volunteer Hrai Q larters, re’ating to the Field Operations to be held next Sunday:— On the night of the 18/19 instant, the Eoemy consisting of "A”, Maxims Veterans, ard D Coys (Red Force) landed on the booth of the
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  • 122 3 Colombia Cup Competition. Result. h’cap Nett. C. C. R )gers 38-41-37-39 155 Scr.—lss M M. Stewart 59-48-45-52=204—48—156 J. Sellar 41-43-37-46=167-10-157 8. H Lar.gston 46-48-51 63=198—40-158 G. A Cirmichael 39-41-38-45 163- 4—159 P. T. AUen 38 44-49-44=175-12-163 The following also played but made no return —Messr®. A F.
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  • 34 3 Wednesday, 15th November, 1916. Esplanade 6 to 7 pm. 1 Selection The O.chid Caryll 2 Lancers Jnbilee Balfour >3 Wal’z Sasnicul Ivanov ci 4 Dm«e Dessylpbes •abstbil Mr h Dorothy Dean Biltoo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 584 3 UJ J < (A O Id Otf UCHANA^ i SCOTCH j WHISKY d I H 0 u a x 0 m z < z < X 0 to **> §a WHITE black WHISKY 3555®*®? LorH> or< SCOTCH BU JAMES OLASOOW 0) o r o CD •< > r f 2
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    • 399 3 TURKISH BLEND. A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. I Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. Coming Coming Coming I! Charlie Chaplin in “Tillie’s Punctured Romance'’ a comedy in 6 parts To-night! To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOP LYCEUM THEATRE, ARCYLL ROAD. PRESENT LUBIN'S I,ATE
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  • 98 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) I AT THE OEITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paica. rrrr*Daily Local $24 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECIIO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 SB.— All bu.ineM communication. should b.
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  • 738 4 Almost every day brings us a new proof 1 1 of the perfection of tho Allies’ equipment and I of the success of their strategy. A French t officer recently described the state of the I < French army in November, 1914, when it |< had few machine-guns
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  • 639 4 Our Singapore correspondent wires this morning thit the Bombay and SindhiL merchants in the Southern Settlement have i passed a resolution against the proposed income-tax for this Colony, declaring that their experience of the same tax in India convinces them that it is unsuitable for the Straits
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  • 935 4 Mr. W. P. W. Ker returned to Singapore yesterday by the ss. Klang. His many friends will be sorry to leirn that Mr. Ashworth Hopo is ill. Mr. L. M. Bell, Municipal Engineer, Penang, is giving export evidence at Ipob in the Perak water rights case. The
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  • 1013 4 Judge-Made Law. Owing to certain legal decision! in the F. M. S. courts regarding the tenure of small-holders, the Enactments regar ling padi-cultivation are now practically a dead letter and the authorities have no means of enforcing compliance with the salutary and traditional regulations as to the planting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 our tr od» are good all through, both the parts U K you see and the parts you don’t see. o o G St Waterproof Cape», suitable for Cyclist», Motorists, Syce», Excursionists, etc., ju»t arrived. Made <f best waterproof cloth, lined inside, sewn throughout, not gummed, 36 ins. long, button
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  • 520 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. OFFICIAL REPORT. Over 5.000 Prisoner*. London, November 14, 1,30 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig report* i „We are attacking aatride the Ancre We penetrated the enemy’s defence! a front of five miles and on captured the strongly fortified village of St. pierie Divion.
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  • 37 5 Our Own Correspondent.') London, November 13. The prices in the London Rubber Markel k*lay are unchanged. London. November 14. The prices in the London Rubber Marke' today were:— Pale Crepe 2/71 Diamond Smoked 2/7$
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  • 586 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. REPLY TO AMERICAN NOTE. Lord Grey Makes His Poiott, London, November 14 Replying to the American Note protesting against the Black List as an arbitrary interi ferenoe with neutral trade Viscount Grey, 1 Foreign Minister, reiterates that prohibition of trade applies only to
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  • 87 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $91.25, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $91.75, business done (375 tons gold) and in London at .£lB7 15s. spot and J 2189 ss. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the
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  • 734 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE SITUATION. Geaeral Lake** Despatch. London, November 14. A despatch from General Sir Percy Lake says that since the fall of Kut no large °P®rations were undertaken, the troops resting and recuperating and consolidating the position while the abatement of the floods dried the
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  • 652 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Great Geraaa Coaeeatratioa. Amsterdam, November 13« Apparently trustworthy information has been received here to the effect that the Central Powers are concentrating great forces against Rumania whom they will do their utmost to crush before the end of the year. Eaemy Attaeklag Fiercely, Petrograd,
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  • 937 5 PROSPERITY UNIMPAIRED. liUmliif Figure*. C From (her Chen tbrresponden\) Kuala Lumpur, November 14 The Federal Council met this moroiug. In the course of his address H. E the High Commissioner referred to the great loss the 1 Council had sustained by the death of H.H. the Sultan of
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  • 71 5 Further Details. (From Our Orm Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur, November 15. Nine shop houses and part of another were burned down at Klang yesterday in Main Street opposite the station, including the two houses occupied by the Federal Dispensary. Only a small portion of the loss is covered by
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  • 55 5 From, Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 15. At the annual general meeting of Dungun Ltd. it was stated that the Directors are satisfied with the arr&ngement with the lessee. The main production is wolfram which realised in March 9 4,163. The company received 9 1,000 monthly for the
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  • 69 5 Bomkxy Merchants’ View*. (From Our Own Correspondent) Smgipire, November 15, The Bombay and Sind hi merchants at a meeting adopted a resolution opposing an income tax which, they thought from their experience of the tax in India, would be most unsuitable for Singapore. They suggested in the alternative
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  • 396 5 The following articles will be found on oar outside pages t Pages. 2. —The Sea-Affair. Humour, 3. —The Income-Tax Proposals. Peoarg Volunteers. Penang Golf Club. Band Programme. Police Court Cases, Eastern Produce Exchange, 6. —Progress of the War. Oa The Somme. Seh Yeoh KoDgsi Case, Alleged Bank Fraud "Our
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  • 119 6 PENANG, NOVEMBER 15 (By co*rte*y of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank |/J3/16 4 months sight Bank 2/4 5/o 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 M Documentary 2/4 27/82 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra J 74 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank *74 Moulmoin, Demand Bank M 3 days’ sight
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  • 227 6 The causes of nervous disorders are of two kinds, predisposing and exciting- Heredity is a predisposing cause. A nervous parent is very liable to have a nervous child But oven with this predisposition the child will not necessarily develop any form of nervous disease without an exciting cause.
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  • 403 6 TENDERS are hireby invited for the purchase of the sole right. to cut and remove Bakau (Mangrove) and all trees growing on the areas mentioned hereunder for a period extending from January Ist to December 31 st, 1917. The tendets will he received up to ncoo on November
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  • 978 6  -  SOME DAILY EXPERIENCES. Bt A None*. September 27. 1916. It is odd bow accustomed one gets to wa r conditions. Last night I was rolled over aud over out of my ground sheet by a bomb, but just bad temperedly rolled back aia.n to the small depression
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  • 894 6 Aw UworviciA.L Review. The following cables, eupp'ied by the Legation, appear in the Bangkok papers:— Ok the Western Feokt. London, November 4. Oa the Somme front both the British and the French operations have been greatly hampered by the weather. Heavy rain has fallen almost every
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  • 945 6 Needs ot SteIits Cettkbse. The Amateur Drawing Association bad the privilege of hearing a lecture on Our Educational Needs from the Hon. Dr. Lam Boon Keng, on Friday night, says the Straits Times of Monday. Mr. Song Ong Siang took the chair and there was a fair
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  • 569 6 Preliminary Enquiry. The preliminary ecauiry into die caie acainst Ythh Boon Tean, a trust* tft the Beh Yeoh Kdntfai, wbt> t* being charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant in res* pect of certain sums of the Kongsi’s funds was resumed this morning in
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  • 163 6 A. CHINEik CHARGED. Ia thb Sicond Court: before Mr. S. H. Langston this morning a Chinese named Ooa Eng Soon was charged with fraudulently and dishonestly using as genuine a forged document, purporting to be a valuable security, to wit a forged cheque of $5,000 purporting to
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  • 231 6 Nov. 9 By Balance »58.610.89, Nov. 10 Boey Kongsi 20, Si Kun 20, alloted for prizes given instead at the request of pn Z 3 Winners 230. Nett proceeds of Free School entertainment 668,45, Nov. 14 Collection at St. George’s Church on 29th Oct. 1916
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  • 323 6 The appointment of General p eoa r chang as Vice-President of the Chins* Republic is for service* rendered the kL public during the last reconstruction r* r in addition to hjs prestige and power V. Tuchun of Kiangsu. Whsn Presided Yuan attempted tb establish himself a a th
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  • 76 6 W^ EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5 30 p.m. S.S. War Loan Bonds, Applications Open, Thursday, November 16. Penang Volunteers Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. SatuMiay, November 18. Our Day Concert, Talping. Sunday, November
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 46 6 WANTED BUT 83oond hand typewriter, foolscap 1. model. Must ba iu good wcrking ordor. RING WOH THONG, 63, Maiket Road, Taipiog--586 •The agreement for this area will permit the lessee to fell trees without anv restrictions as to either sije or the retention of standards 593
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    • 59 6 It Never Fiils. Ch unberlv.n’s C->lie, Cholera, and Diarrhoea R-inedv 'a all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either chil* dren or adult*, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or piin in the stomach Bive way to a few doses of this med'cine Ssfe, sure
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    • 45 6 Ownbertaia’s Paia Ba'mThere is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the mu self s, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cur® in less time than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 76 6 When Baby screams there is much to do to quieten him. The poor little chap cannot tell you what the trouble is, but, most lihely. it is just wind. Two drops of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE in a little warm water will put the matter right and quickly make Baby
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    • 225 6 notice. "'I VT K have this day opened our own V? office at Room No. 5, Railway Buildirfgs to which addrfesfc all enquiries and communications should bo srnt. The China Mutual Lite Insurance Co., Ltd. Penang, 14th November. 1916. ♦♦♦□nnnna annnnn nannannanann#** I TRAVELLERS’ HOTEL n t_ a,_ a 31,
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  • 1197 7 [To th« Editor or th* Timet of Ceyon. J Sir,—lt is with consideral 1-t interest that I see from jour wtekly issue that a large majority (f plantcis at a record meeting in Kaudj hare plumped lor legislation as agaiDst renewed federation.
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  • 831 7 A great change in German opinion with regard to England has resulted from the war. Ihose who used to dismiss England with a word or two of contempt now recognise that she is a fiist-class opponent. Those who continued for a long time to show a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 276 7 t’ vim'f’i; •"J& T\\roatii Of all Chemist* Bazaar* Bowel Disorders Angler’s Emulsion exercise* soothing, lubricating, antifermentative effects throughout the entire digestive tract. That is why it is so valuable in affections of the stomach and Intestines. It soothes and cleanses the mucous membrane, allays irritation, fermentation. catarrh, ulceration. It
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    • 108 7 Diphtheria—Haw It May Re Avoiiea. (Diphtheria is usually contracted when the chi d has a cold. The cold prepares the child s svstem for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs When there i ro .i O^ of d, P htheri i°the neighbourhood children that have colds should be
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    • 659 7 PENANG. Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually
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  • 1561 8 Should we have reached the present Edition without England asks Gustave erre in a recent article in La Victoire. Imagine England neutral; picture to yourself the German Fleet mistress of the seas in August ***** Should we have had Italy with us And without
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  • 426 8 As the polo match between Penang and Kuala Lumpur h to bi played for the I benefit of B ue Cross fund, which looks I after horses wounded in the war, the follow* j ing verses by Will H.Ogilvie may be regarded j as possessing a local and topical
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 SAN LTAs CREOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all W&iJJDIVOPiK, from the ravages of Weather, Inseet Sc fungoid Life. v n > 1ĔSEE m A 7/ u -n t" ■—-i r m Supplied in Drums Barrels jfi Light, Medium Dark So/e Agents lor Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra Java G.KSlot Sr Co..
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    • 16 8 Through french Eyes Britain e Effort’ Described by Henry D. Darrsy. (Constable and Co.) St. net.
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    • 579 8 You can do it yourself. If you know ary one who suffers, if you •uffar yourself in the releotloss grip ol rheumatism. if yju j»iols are stiff of svoller, your mu*clea weakened, or your limba drawn out o( shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, acaMca or other bodily torturea,
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  • 1451 9 Br E. B. Osborn. u Winston Churchill has raid as many -u. foolish things as any living politician i'urnalist. But when be advised ff C other day to look after the war and U Ifter the war look after itself, he uttered !k„«.snd donkey-power epigram and easily
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  • 1231 9 A little child is sleeping in the cot. By and by he will rub his eyes and croon his I little song. Little ones are playing in the nursery, and their happy laughter fills all tb® house. Yonder, in the children's garden”—the kindergarten, as the Germans call it—children
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 PENANG SIN POE.” Chinese Daily Newspaper. IF you want to make your goods known to the Chinese advertise in the Penang Sin Poe whic i is the best advertising medium of its kind in the Straits and F. M. S. For contract and non-contract advertisements, apply to TEE MANAGER. Criterion
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    • 262 9 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL i Government Security 1 Life Assurance Company Lid, Iicorpor»tc4 ia Iidia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE. J. R. Macphkrson, Secretary S.S. and F.hf.S. Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for Prospectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 156, Beach or Street, feanang
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1781 10 P. O B. I. Mall AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) and i aasenger Service». IN*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. mail service. Homeward (for Europe) Outward (for China iod Japan Dio Penang 25 Nov. I»c 23 Jan. 2o Feb. 17 M^r. 17 31 April 14 28 12 May Steamer. Connecting
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