Straits Echo, 14 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1069 1 m I PH > <ll m for sale One new 1910 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPHOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run nnd full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 16 1 %£.S MILK!*# u mt in* Ho r T, ost ro* use, >sfc A 3Si J e
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  • 1006 2 A few days ago the German Prince au Hohenlohe published a remarkable article in a Swiss paper, the Neue Zureher Zeitung, entitled Europe’s Suicide." Coming from one of the famiij of the late Chancellor, this article mij well ke regarded as an unofficial German attempt to induce
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  • 916 2 For a considerable time many thinking men in the Straits Settlements have been wondering whether, in the future, when peace will b) restored, some enterprising firms may not combine to oust all competition, and monopolise the whole trade of the Colony. Traders, who deal in sundry
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  • 167 2 Piwura, 14t* Norms» 1916. B***— Soup per catty u eteakl 24 Stew or Curry Msst Rump Steak Ox Tail JJ w Ucet u Heart Liver per o%tt g Pom rk per catty 4* Pig s Head 1« Tongue M T ;,T POtjb. Head each 4« Feet tbefow Tripe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 The Post, Telephone, Telegraph—and—Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., are at YOUR Serviee. A Post Card, Phone Message, or a Wire will bring you by return —gratis and post free —a copy of our illustrated Catalogue. HOSIERY WILL BE DEARER AND MUCH SCARCER In our opinion the undermentioned qualities are the best
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    • 38 2 Children Colds, Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can jo easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale bj all Dispensaries and Dealers 3
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    • 28 2 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that's why children can safely take them. Of chemiats, 50 cent* per phial or noat Co., Dept-, 6c, Singapore.
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    • 413 2 WANTED. TO BUT second hand typewriter, foolscap model. Must be in good working order. HING WOH THONG, 60, Market Road, Penang Turf Club. NOTICE. THE RACE COURSE is officially open from to-morrow for training for the New Year (1917) meeting. No horses will be allowed on the tracks before 6
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  • 900 3 or 8 x ago Suogei Pitani via a little collection of atup but#, and then with the approach of the railway men dreamad of a town which should bo the commercial capital of Kedah. To day 9. P«tani it far other than a dream. Fine b*oad
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  • 277 3 [To the Editor or the Straits Echo.] Sir, In the Reuter’s tel*gram9 published yesterday appears the following Statement by their Correspondent at the French Front The remxioa of sixty Germans who were asphyxiated by explosion months ago were s ilidiy oo the inner wall like
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  • 287 3 Cargo of Phosphorus Alight. Shortly after the s.s. Feleus was mopred alongside ths wharf this morning and when the hatches were opened for the purpose of discharging, it was discovered that smoke was issuing from hatch No 4. The Chief Offi :sr and a few coolies w»
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  • 283 3 The ss. Trang brought 241 bigs of t;n ore from Trang. The s 8. Sappho, which arrived here to-day from Tougkab, brought 1,324 bigs of tin ore, The O-S.K. liner Java Maru i 9 due here on the Beh inst. bound for Colombo and, Bombay, 3 The sp
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 515 3 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. Bearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 per cei\t per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15TH NOVEMBER. 1910. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent to
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    • 253 3 V TURKISH BLENDA particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. ENGLISH CHEDDAR STILTON AUSTRALIAN CHEDDAR SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. PENANG. Corning Coming Coming 11! Charlie Chaplin in “fillie’s Punctured Romance'’ a comedy in 6 parts To-night!
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  • 91 4 Published duly (except Sunday» and public holidays) at trr CEITEEION PRESS, Ltd. No. 5?, Beach Penang. Prior. Daily Local 124 per annum. Outetation.., Postage Extra. Edition (Post Free) 117.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone No». (Echo) 580 Printing Department 343 JVB.-AU bu.inM* comtß'inictii'n. .hould b. addr*...J THE
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  • 1311 4 It gives us genuine pleasure to be able to rrgister this morning an important Serbian success in Macedonia. Aided by the French they have wrested several villages from the Bulgarians, who were “stiffened” with German troops, and despite their furious counter-attacks have thrown them back a
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  • 802 4 The Her. Dr. W. G. Bhell*bear ia now residing at Govana, Maryland, U S. A.. It ia reported that Prince Leopold of Bavaria will be made King of Poland. Mrs. C. Feakes, wife of Captain Feakes, R.N., left Penang for Calcutta yesterday. Mr. G. E. Venning Thomas
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  • 968 4 Th« Tints.” For the duration of the war only, let u* hope, the Timet has gone up }d in price and will now be just one-half as cheap as when Lord Northcliffe purchased it from the Walter family. The Times used to be 6d i Q price when
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 The George Town Dispensary LIMITED. PENANG. ANDREW USHER Co.s SPECIAL RESERVE O V. G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents for PENANG PERAK. k. ft i i'j h TYRES. BECAUSE OP the Fleets’ success in limiting the activities of the German Submarines, Foreign Tyre Firms are enabled to export freely
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  • 1567 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ANOTHER PUSH. Gas Attacks, LondoD, November 12, 115 p.m. General Sir Douglas H tig reports that lait night we successfully released gas south of Ypres, The enemy artillery was active at Lea Boeufs and Eaucourt l’Abbaye. We twice discharged gas north of the Ancre.
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  • 1265 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. FORT DOUAUMONT. Wky it vh Evfteuited. London, Novembor 12. Renter’s correspondent with the French I Headquarters, who visited Fort Douaumont, I states that the Germans abandoned it hurriedly oa September 23 owing to a big I explosion in the magazine. No doubt they I
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  • 67 5 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages:— Pages. 2. —Tbe Cloak of Patriotism. A Peace Kite. 3. —The Myth of Walled-up Nuns. Fire on Board. S. Patani Our Day/' Shipping News. 6. —Week in Germany. Lato Mr Khoo Cheow Teong. Telegrams. The Week’s Events. 7. —Rhvme
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  • 1400 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram Violent Enemy Attacks, London, November 12. A Romanian communique states In the Trotus Valley we attacked aui occupied Mounts Alurnii and Preotesile. In the Uzul Valley wa repulsed eight attacks in the direction of Ceroici Summi' and after that we took the iff jnsive
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  • 119 6 Pbnxno, November 14 (By courtety of the Chartered Bank.) I London, Demand Bank 2/4 3,A 6 I t 4 months’ Bight Bank 2/4 5/8 J 3 Credit ...2/413/16 3 M Documentary 2/427/321 Calcutta, Demand Bank R“- }74 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank ‘74 Moblmein, Demand Bank
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  • 1032 6 ISUPPRESSION OF ZEPPELIN NEWS. Complaints Against Crown Princr. I Amsterdam. This is a cafe story, but there reasoo to believe that it is true. It is to the effect that no news has been allowed to leak out ;n Germany concerning the destruction of airship destroyed at
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  • 1984 6 An Impressive Funeral. The funeral of the late Mr. Khoo Cheow j Teong, J.P., and Captain China of AsabaD, j took place at eleven o’clock yesterday j morning. The funeral was entirely hi the refoimcd style and the procession was a pageantry of sorrow; the
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  • 833 6 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. No P»ni«, Malta, November 12. The Arabuia survivors confirm that there wm« not the slightest panic when abe was h torpedoed. Everything went off in the moat perfect order. The women and children were placed in the boate drat. Several officers remained on board
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  • 204 6 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Japanese App*»lfor o«r Soldier». Tokyo, November 13. The Atihi Shimbun appeals to the nese to subscribe to the Overseas Christa m Fund for Britons in the trenches. Economies Council. France Hvakaadiaa Resource». Paris, November 13. The Matin states that the Government is forming
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  • 306 6 Tuesday, November 14. Penang Voluuti ere—BaUeLoa Drill, Race Course 5,15 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, 5.15 p.m. Federal Council Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday, November 15. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. S.S. War Loan Bonds, Applications Open, Thursday, November 16. Peuacg Volunteers—Ambulance Co. Drill,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 411 6 notice WE have this day opened our owd cffioe at Rrotn No. 5, Railway Buildings to which address all enquiries and communications should be si nt. The China Mutual Lira Insueance Co., Ltd. Penang, 14th November, 1916. FOR SALE CHEAP. Empty oil drums in pood conditionCtpacity 44 gallons. For particulars
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    • 75 6 When Baby screams there is much to do to quieten him. The poer little chap cannot tell you wbat the trouble is, but, most likely, it is just wind. Two drops of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CERE in a little warm water will put the matter right and quickly make Baby
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    • 146 6 The Easter* United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Held Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed ageut for the above Corporation, ai_ 1 is now prepared to accept MARINE V FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUaH BENG KEE, 43. BeoJk Street. Peaa*#, EUROPEAN ACENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices
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  • 976 7 proposed programme. (Under S. R A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE—No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the date of the Special General Meeting which is fixed
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  • 901 7 Miking light Terse has bean a pistime of the literary-inclined from time immemorial. I Xt was quite a fashionable sport in Georgian days; and the Crabtrees and Backbites racked the claret-iDdtmed brains beneath their powder for neat verses in which their dearest friends were stabbed with the turn
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  • 448 7 f Oq Saturday morning the first fortnightly I. IIand'C*p Club Shoot of tbe new Season i took pl*ce. Ranees 200, 500 and 600 yard-*, s A sighter and 7 counting shots at each i distance. H. P. S, 105 > Tbe following scores were made: l
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  • 431 7 We reported recently (says a Londoo piper) regarding the latest invention of synthetic lubber. The market ha9 heard so often of the threatened competition” that the latest news of a substitute has by no means startled Mmcing-line. We row learn from a weil-k formed scurca that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 331 7 5 p.m. on Friday, 5th January, 1917. Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 10th Entries Close a January, 1917, 5* trsisSifs «u tsSTK. E ditioni of the Race are complied with. the Race are complied with. MM. He.aic.e R»o«for H«-£ Poniee, the Official
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    • 56 7 It Never Fails. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all Dame implies. It cures diarrbooa and dysentery in either children or adult*, and the most violent cases ot cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure always cures. For
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    • 528 7 +++DDDQD□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□+++ TRAVELLERS’ HOTEL 31, BISHOP STREET, PENANG- Board, Lodging, Meals and Drinks of Good Quality. CLOSED AT 11 P.M. ♦♦♦nnnnnc nnonno Dcinnnn COUGHS THAT HURT SPEEDILY CURED BY Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure That kind of cough must be stopped, and at it it dangerous Tbe severe strain it causes may
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  • 1160 9 The new Russian Minister of the Inteior, M. Protopopoff, contributed an article to Tks Observer in the second month of the war, in which he described the mood and temper of tbe Russian people, miraculously united like ourselves, against the common enemy. The concluding paragraph will give a
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  • 553 9 Referring to the Indian Pa'riot's r cent references to labour conditions in British Malaya the Kuala Lumpur paper says “It might be argued that slanders so ridiculous should be ignored, but we doubt whether this is expedient. Some years ago the P.A.M took the matte* up.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 367 9 SAN IT As C REOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all tViOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather Inseet fungoid Lif§. n 0 it HjjjlliiXU Hi Supplied in Drums Barrels J| Light, Medium &Dark So/e Agents for Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra Java G. H. Slot &Co., Penang. W GALLEY’S SANITARY FLUID COMPANY,
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    • 564 9 You can do it yourself. If you know toy one who suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip of rheumatism, if you j tints are stiff or swollen, your murcles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of rhipe, if y>u suffer from headache, neuralgia, sciatica or other bodily
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1864 10 P. o. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mall and I’assenger Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe) Outward (for Chin» aad Japing Due Penang. Steamer. Nov. 16 28 Dec. 11 25 Jan. 8 22 Feb 5 h 19 Mar. 5 19 April 2 •Nankin Novara •Somali
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