Straits Echo, 13 November 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1055 1 'WIMJjMAID A. l' V i i. u •«NATilii "-IZ BANKS. FOR sale: for sale One Dew 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model hufmobile cabs in good running condition. on€ second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run *nd lull particulars
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    • 7 1 w I rtllih ti nmi ki r >■*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1868 3  -  [BY Major de Breze Dabxlbt-Stvarl Stephens.] My answer to this universal question is. Hibernian-like, the asking of another: Is it so that the war is only now really beginicg?” When the war begins,” as Lord Kitchener phrased it, tbe Western Allies should be fit
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  • 177 3 The Timrt of October 11 says: For soma days past tin fhares have b->en attracting increasing attention on the S?o k Excbaoep, and yeiterdsy the mirket receive 1 an additional fillip by a further 6birp r se in the price of metal, which advanced to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 10 3 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Groat Peppermint Core Is. 6d.
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    • 561 3 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Heul Office: SINGAPORE The underpinned has beou appointed ageut for the above Corporation a». is now pro. pared to accent MARINS V FIRE RISKS \t current rates QUaII Ft NO KEfc, 41. Bawl >’t »*t. TENDERS VJTED“ TENDERS wll be rec«iv*d up to noon
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  • 320 4 At the Assizes on Friday morning before Mr. Justice Ebden and a special jury Veloo was brought up on a charge of murder. He pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried. Mr. B. E. Rosa waa assigned to be hia counsel, Mr. D. Acton appeared for the
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  • 270 4 For the rep r sa of the soul of the late Rev. Brother Dosethius, who died in S ngapore last week, a requiem high mass was performed on Monday morning at the Chuich of St. Francis, Malacca, the Rev. Father Acguin officiating. The S. T.
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  • 105 4 C From Over Chen Comesp&ndenU) Singapore, November 10. I At the Singapore Rubber Auction the following prices were realised per picul Smoked Sheets $139 to $145 Good 134 to 140 Fine 131 to 136 Good Plain 126 to 128 Unsmoked 128 to 134 Good 124 Fine Plain
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  • 114 4 Successfully Launched. Mr. A E. Keymer, Manager of the Eastern Shipping Company’s Dockyard at Sungei Nyok, has fulfilled the promise he made on the occasion of the formal launching of the e.s. Renong, when she failed to take the water, that be would launch the vessel successfully.
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  • 36 4 The output of The Renong Tin Dredgin* Company, Limited,, for the second half of October was N°.l Dredg. 205 picul. No. 2 Dredge 248 No, 3 Dredge 309 Total for the month 1,466 picul*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 337 4 The Post, Telephone, Telegraph—and—Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., are at YOUR Service. A Post Card, Phone Message, or a Wire will bring you by return —gratis and post free —a copy of our illustrated Catalogue. HOSIERY WILL BE DEARER AND MUCH SCARCER In our opinion the undermentioned qualities are the best
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    • 51 4 It Nerer Full. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Earned? is all ita name implies It cures diarrboaa and dysentery in either children or adults and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomich give wav to a few doses of this tn«d.cine. Safe, .ore ar&asr For
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    • 598 4 I “GUARANTEED UNDER THE PURE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. On every bottle of Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills sold in the United 1 States of America there is placed an extra label, bearing a number and the 1 word Guaranteed which denotes that the proprietors of
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  • 1683 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. PREMIER'S GREAT SPEECH. FRANK STATEMENT. The Potitioa Reviewed. London, N ovember 9. At tbe Guildhall banquet Mr. H.-H. Afquitb, in his ep:ecb. referred at the outset to the Turkish misrule in Europe and mentioned t he massacre of the Armenians under Germany's eyes as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 555 5 I Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. Bearing Intterest from thte 'date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on per cent per annum, payame nail-yearly zl the 15th May and the 15th November. J REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER. 1019. PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT.
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    • 350 5 TUKKISH BLEND. V A particularly good cigarette at a very moderate price. GOLD, PLAIN AND STRAW TIPPED. Packed in Air Tight Tins. ALL DEALERS. Corning! Coming!! Coming!!! Charlie Ohaplin in "Tillie’s Punctured Romanc a comedy in 6 parts To-night! THE To-night!! ELECTRIC POLYSCOP Hi IVrniM TUCATDC A DOVI I DflAn
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  • 97 6 Plbliafcftd daily (except Sunday■ and pofclio holiday!) at t*i CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paid. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outetation... Postage Eitra. Edition (Pott Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 588 i Printing Department 343 jy.B.—AU business communications should b* address*)
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  • 534 6 The Ministers who spoke at the Guild* hall Banquet did not fail to express the spirit of the nation which has placed such momentous issues in their hands, and if they are equally fortunate iu translating it into action, they need entertain no fear of forfeiting the
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  • 848 6 Mr. Justice Earnshaw is at present staying at the Residency in Ipoh. Captain Talbot of the P. A O. i.s. Malt» is now convalescent. Mrs. A. W. B. Hamilton is returning from home in the near future. Reuter wires that the Emperor Francis Joseph is suffering from
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  • 985 6 U. 9. A. EUetios. Perhaps the wi»h was father to the thought when on Thur«daj, despite later reports throwing a doubt on the result, we hailed Mr. C. E. Hughea as President of the United States, an eventuality, be it observed, still possible upon a recount. Apparently the
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  • 760 6 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram Tks Marlea" leeldeat. New York, November 10. Germany has informed America that the sinking of the A farina on October 28 will be investigated .when the submarines then operating have reported the matter. London, November 10. The British steamer Bogota is balieved to have
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 MOTOR CAR The Cheapest and most economical 2 Seater In the Market. ♦n# Fitted with Electri Lights Electric Starter, 3 speed Gate change and Bast Magneto. For further particulars and ttial luns !(i ie apply to the Agents: SEASUN CO., LIGHT STREET KING STREET. FOR XMAS *1916. N 0 W
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  • 739 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A GERMAN LIE. A.d Ike Reel London, November 10, 1.35 fl.noral Haig, communique, reported: ••Hostile shelling took place on the front the area east of the The* 'enemy falselj claimed to have nlied our troops with huge sanguinary Sunday in a battle of
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  • 668 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. riGHT FOR ABLAINCOURT. Desperate Resistance. London, November 9. The French, attacking Abiaincourt on November 7, easily carried two lines built in concrete, facing a great trench, but in the centre the enemy had organised two villages formidably, which they defended fiercely, having taken shelter
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  • 544 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyrights Telegram. Seeacs of Bloodshed.' Amsterdam, November 10. Messages from Maastricht persistently give currency to rumonrs of bloodshed st Brussels. The Germans decided to enrol thousands of able-bodied men for enforoed labour. When the first group were assembled at the railway station an insignificant incident led
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  • 46 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, November 9„ The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe J/7* Diamond Smoked t London, Novembor 11. The prices in the Loudon Rubbor Market i to-day were i Pale Crepe l Diamond Smoked 7 l
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  • 691 7 (Reuter's Service,) Copyright Telegram. AT SKROBOFF. Kviiiui Fall Back. London, November 11. A Petrograd official announcement s'atesi "After repelling seven onslaughts we fell back on the second line trenches in the region of Skroboff, The enemy used liquid fire. We abandoned the heights oocnpled on the previous
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  • 1264 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Hirsova Occupied. London, November 10. A Rumanian communique states i An enemy attack >n the direction of Mount Muncelul, notth of Goicaaa, and the vallty of Trotus was repulsed. Fighting is proceeding at Tablabutzi, Bratocea, Predelus and the Prahova Valley. 4 An enemy attack
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  • 132 7 The following articles will be f junl on our outside pages: Pd£BB. 3. —How Ion? will the War Lart The Revival in Tin Shares. 4. —The Assizes. The Lite Riv. Brother Dosethius. Singapore Rubber Auction. The s.«. R?nong Tin Output. 5. —Telegrams. B,—Telegrams Legislative CouncilJ 9 —Shipping News. The
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  • 821 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WILSON OARMCS CALIFORNIA. Pr«tot%. London. November 10 A telegram fr'om New York mt tfoOn yesterday etwev the following figures W.bon 2*l Hughes 243 The Presidency depends upon California, New Mexico, Minnesota and North Dakota, in sonde of Srhfcb the rotes of the
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  • 857 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT. Uilttlrikllily of War Loaa. London, November 8. In lire House of Commons, 1n V&pty to series of questions by Bir J. Wedgwood, Mr. Austsn Chamberlain stated that the question of an Indian War Loan had been carefully considered in India a'od
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  • 1392 8 THE COLONIAL SECRETARY AND Mfe. DARBIS&IRE. Local, Habhoub B«h«mes. A meMiog of tbe Legislative GttoneilWas held on Friday, mt which there were present H. E. tbe Governor (Sir A. H. Young, GU.’M G.) Vhe 'fcbloniil Secretary (Hon. Mr. F. 8. JaThes. C.M.’G.), tbe AftoriftyHbtffftl (fftm. Mr. G.A. Giedttoaib),
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 320 8 NecessityU th' Mother of Invention. TRADE C0A6ULATEX MARK “A Boon and a Blessing J to Planters. "COAGULATEX recently discovered process for coagulating rubber bu •tajdPlFj* a firm hold of the market-tbi* .peak» *<>' Thoee u>.ug Co^taaHiTtlJSher other coagulant—Planters’ testimonials as to its superior coagulating prop riles t* with the increasing
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    • 346 8 FOR SALE CHEAP. EMPTY OIL DRUMS in good condition. C ipacity 44 gallons. For particulars and prffee Apply to CHUAH CHENG KEAT. -585 71» Penang Street, WANTED. T° *order. BUY second band typewritir, foolscap model, Mast 1)3 in good wcrktßg BING WOH THONG, 6), Market Road, Taiping. •OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA
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  • 554 9 The determination of Mr. 8un Hung-yi Minister of Interior, to bring a crisis to the present Cabinet by his refusal to resign bai been condemned by moderate politicians and others of various parties and organs. Their opinion is that Mr. Sun alone is to ba blamed for
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  • 373 9 To a very Krge circle of friends in Singapore, includirg hundreds of former pupils, 'he nows of ti e death of the Rev. Mother St. Hombeline, the Lady Supaiior of the convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, will te ooeived with po gnant sorrow,
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  • 608 9 The Blue Funnel liner Pyrrhus is due ii re on the 25th instant to load for London. The homeward bound M. M. liner Atlantifue is due to leave Singapore on Wednesday, the 29th instant The 8.S. Eurybatss is expected to arrive here on the 21st instant, from Liverpool.
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  • 103 9 Monday, November 13. E. S. L. I. Band, Esplanade Government Holiday. P. V. R C. Shco f 7 a.ra. R fle Range. Tuesday, November 14. Penang Volunteers —Battalion Drill, Race Coarse 5,15 pm. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, 5.15 p m. Federal Council Meeting, Euala Lumpur.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 ARRIYEDTTT New Shipment of the well-known “JOOCOCLES” Fitted with Real BRITISH MADE Dunlop Tyres Complete with Lamp, jBell and all Acoeasopies, Reduced Price $53 each nett. TlANG JOO Go., Sol Importers, 117. BEACH STREET. PENANG. o BLUE “MYSTO” WHITE ANT EXTERMINATORS AND POWDER ENTIRELY BRITISH MADE. r—' o 0 o
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    • 103 9 Diphihffia— How It May U kio'M. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and
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    • 49 9 Do not allow yoursslf to become a victim to recurring Ferer. There is a sure remedy at hand in WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. a truly marvellous specific in all condit ons of fever and internal complaints. It if sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at §0 cents per bottle.
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    • 1078 9 You can do it yourself. If yon know any one who suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip of rheumatism, if you joints are stiff or swollen, your mat>cles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if yon suffer from headache, neuralgia, sciatica or other bodily tortures,
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  • 568 10 OIMBALI AHD CONSTITUTION, General Feng Kuo-chang and other Tuchuns and Sbengchanga of the provinces have sent the following telegram to the Pre* aident, the Cabinet and the National Asaem* blj reqneating that in view of the preaent situation the Conatitntion be made aa aoon aa poaaible:— The
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  • 321 10 The report of Harrisons and Crosfield for the year ended June 30 states that the total net profit, after making provisioa for excess profits duty, was somewhat greater than in the previous year. During the year the business of Chisholm, Ewart aEd Co., at Quilon has been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 326 10 in .z*. s. wmamsrmm WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: LONDRES. Is*: < :>'<:> HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. 25» REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. f-r S’ -> t. i "X&ar” -v L --f-^SwgatS K? ml r >5 v<A'"^
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    • 37 10 Children’s Colds, Why 1st the children rack their little bodies id such a distressing ai* nnef when i C their colds .i f K Ch T^ rW8 Cou h itemedy. For rale bj all Dupenaariaa and Dealers
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    • 345 10 MARBLE HALL. (TOP OF NORTHAM ROAD.)' Board and residence f or L or lon* period, j BPpirate J targe and ccol rooms, Tel. No. 671. Mbs. H. BODOM, Pr oprietrt h. Methylated Spirit? (QUALITY GUARANTEED) Retail Price: 35 cents per quart bntti. CHEAHKEE EE&CO 66. CHINA STREET, PENAN*' 1 PENANG
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  • 1125 11 L*ar did not invent the Limerick The writer of thie notice once came acroaa a perfect example of the form in a miacellanv published in the second decade of the nineteenth century, but unfortunately omitted to record the reference, though hia memory ia positive on the
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  • 883 11 REMARKABLE CHANGE. Will tmi Primiia Rision F Petrograd, October 4. Toe outstanding feature of Russian political life during the past week is the nomination of M A. D. Protopopoff to the post tf Minister of the Interior. He is tbe fifth Minister of the Interior to be appointed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 115 11 L^ANITAs^ C REOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all WOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather, Jnseet fungoid Lifg n K i r» Supplied in Drums Barrels j§f Light, Medium &Dark Sole Agen ts /or Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra Java G H. Slot Sr Co.. Penang m w 4"/ t ■>* r
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    • 571 11 TEE B0D1GA The only European Bar AND Restaurant in Penang. Owing to increase in the Catering Department a new Dining-room' (separate from the Bar) has been opened. A trial and comparison of quality and prices solicited. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Chief Inspector, Vehicles Department, Municipality,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1846 12 F. O B. I. AND APCAK LINK (Incorporated Ilf England.) Mail and Pa««enger KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCKAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.» (Incorporated in Holland.) Servioei For Intended to Sail. Steamer, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China aad Japan.) Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with. L&ngsa, Telok Semawe, Segli,
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