Straits Echo, 9 November 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1101 1 v. H K W !i!SD NATUE^i < B A NK S i FOR SALE for sale One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model hupuobile cabs in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run and
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    • 11 1 if r- V f m is* m mrnu aH vm Wi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1012 3 FAMOUS TURK18I? LEADER TALKS OF THE WAR CHIMBS Cr THB TOUNO TUBES, By A Paris Cerre*pondent Cherif Pacha, a cousin of the Sultan of Egypt is tht elder son of the late Said Pacha, who ssas for fourteen years Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs and one of Adbul
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  • 673 3 Ineffective ZicrpßLiN Raids. Amsterdam, Oct. 5. The four bitter pills which the Germans have had to swallow in the shape of lost Zeppelins has had the effect of chan ring the erstwhile tone of delight at the slaughter of women and children to one of ra at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 HuttenUch Bros. 8 COMPANY. mm ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. MnBHHMBMMHMniiaHEBBRs MJv JSL* Ma«Wi'«LasaßaM——B——Bana rarEssszzzrsß «I 4 Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting installations a Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLIHG TELSFEO V CO., LTE. Large Stocks of Telephones
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  • 1912 4 Rbpabatiob. In the early days of the war it used to U maintaine 1 m some quarters that Germanv must not be humiliated It was a phr’se which represented feelin? rather than serious thought, since obviously, translated into practical terms, it was equivalent to saying that Germany
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 342 4 WIIIMA7, LAIBIAW Si CO., LIB. THE VALUE HOUSE. We hold a Large and Well Assorted Stock of Men’s Underwear at popular prices. 2,000 DOZENS JUST RECEIVED INDIA GAUZE VESTS. BtaSkPGMSBS&i A as r V ■ft V*» S* f- > T' 4 .it—v D 3 A ii ••v St .<"u '.A
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    • 34 4 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of v tb« tiny laxatives which do not gripe. CM chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. 50, Singapore.
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    • 470 4 JUST ARRIVED OXO-6AS LAMPS THE MOST BRILLIANT, SIMPLE MD ECONOMICAL LIGHT 300 Candle Power Burn Kerotine Oil THE LIGHT for Factories and Estite Bungalows. ’PhoDe 661. J. HEIM, 2, Railway Building t. The trimary object of life insurance PROT E CTIO N and policies of the CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
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  • 392 5 A correspondent writes A one-innings cricket match was played on the grounds of the Dindings Recreation Club at Lumut on the 5.h insk between a 1 team ol the Dindings Club, captained by S.E. Scharenguivel of the P. W. D., and a team representing Lower Perak captained
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  • 232 5 A S*OW WORTH VlSI»INO D< n Q. Merlp, the Magician, opened for a brief season last night in his "moving theatre” in Penang Road opposite the Empire Teeatre. In spite of many counter-attrac-tions be was welcomed with a full house and the audience showed many indications of
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  • 188 5 'To the Editor or the Free Press.] 1 Sir,—-Need the closing of the Eastern Extension Company’s Office at Malacca result in tbe cutting off of cable communication between Singapore and that town t Wby should not the Government purchase the Company’s cable and accept telegrams for
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  • 602 5 special meeting. 1 -D Brno by Passed. k' 4 The adjourned special meeting of the Municipal Cdmmissioners was held at the Municipal offices yesterday, and there were present Messrs. W. Peel (PfcsiJent), F. j Duxbury, and P. T. Allen with Mr. L. M. Ball (Municipal Engineer) and Mr.
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  • 37 5 Nov. 4 By Balance $3,308.84 Nov. 7 Employe’s of the United Engineers Ltd. "Monthly” 41 H de Z. Lancaster "Monthly” 25 Total $3,374.84 Nov. 7 By Balance $3,874.84 Amount previously acknowledged $27,310.72 Total ...$30,685.56
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  • 143 5 Bowls Toubnamint. The Bowls Tournament under the auspices of the above Club was brought to a successful close yesterday evening when tbe Double Handicap Final between J. G Allan and H. Starr two veterans and A. W. Harries and W. H. Threlfall was played off. After -a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 586 5 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. 4, j .ijt i Bearing Intterest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per anniun, payable Half-yearly on the 15th the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15TH NOVEMBER. 1916. PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT. li'• All proceeds of this issue will
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    • 276 5 m AJ «M *a Z' Virginia l cigarettes VVD iJ&HOWHLS B RISTOL A LOrtDO/t rsr Nts* < ■> *rtrr. ii Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeem ed by the British Ameri' can Tobacco Go. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala
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  • 96 6 Fiblifktd daily (except Sundays and public holidays) i ATT*« CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paic*. T77T*d! Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. lfail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CARL* ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Departnent 343 JV.£.—All business ccmmunic.tions should b#
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  • 1516 6 I A Reader” writes as follows to the I Btraits Tim»» I I Toar leading article of Friday headed [I Stagnation” is tarely very incorrect and I I misleading in its opening sentences. To state I that thronghont October the British have I been unable to
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  • 26 6 (From Our Ourn Correspondent.') London, Govern ter 8. The prices m the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/74 Diamond Smoked 2>7}
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  • 934 6 Mr. H. Cantrell is now much better and hopes to be well enough to go up the Hill in the near future. We T.O.M regret to hear that Mr. R.H. Dodgson, Manager, Bernam Estate, is ill in 1 the Penang General Hospital. Mr. J. R. O. Aldworth,
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  • 61 6 rp. Quotation», atJWfinT oted he to-day at ♦BB.BO, buyers no sellers, in BmeaDsre (refined) at $89.30, business done (150 tons f.V, d London at .6183 10s. spot and *lB4 15s. three months sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were thequotations for Rubber on Spot
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  • 998 6 Matersity Hospital Figures. Sinoe its'opening on Septembe. 1L loir up to October 31, 1916, eighty children weri born in the Maternity Hospital—so bo and 30 girls. They are classified a« Europeans 18, Eurasians 7, Chinese fa Malay 1, Indian 25, Jew 1. The figures a™ interesting as showing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 I jon-inn FOR i TO SEND TO FRIENDS AT HOME. Pictures «Penang. A beautiful album of 28 views of PenaDg. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. The George Town Dispensary LIMITED. Penang, Taiping Ipoh. ANDREW USHER Co.s SPECIAL RESERVE V.G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents for PENANG PERAK. Kfcwsar»:»a******?**»; vjf e m
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  • 588 7 (Heater’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. TOWtPOI® 1" the mediterranean* Safe. London, November 8. TM hom.wird bound P.*o. .te.u..r M b.i b«.n .unk, it i* beUered. in th« Mediterranean. London, November 8, Later, Xb, Admiralty announces that the, P h o steamer Arabia was torpedoed and |ink
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  • 67 7 Statutory Mcstia|. (From Our Oxm Corrt&ondentO I Singapore, November 9. j At the Amalgamated Malay Estates •uutory meeting, the Hon. Mr, Macfadyen, preiided, stated that the issue has been °*er»subscribed. The shortage of 50 acres' 18 toe planted land had been made good by toe vendor transferring
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  • 625 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A USEFUL PUSH. Villegea tsi Priwuri Takes, Loudon, November 8, 1,25 r I The Paris communique saye 91 North of the Somme we made progiess between Les Boeufs and Bailly-SaillieeL South of the Somme a dashing atteok, JI notwithstanding the violent rain, resulted
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  • 41 7 (From Our Own Correspondent!) Singapore, November 6. The rubber auctions are unfinished j 733 tons (lots f) were catalogued for sale. Tbers was a good demand and better price* were obtained. Standard Crepe and Sheet each advanced SP.
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  • 402 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Arowae Buwnt Haa«l. London, November 8. General Haig reports that the enemy I heavily shelled west Beaumont Hamel unsuoceesfully and attempted to raid the I trenches. I The weather is stormy. 1 1 j HottiU Artillery Active. I London, November 8. i General Haig
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  • 269 7 At laportaat Despatek. A Government Gatette Extraordinary i dated November 6, publiahes a oircular from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to H. E. the Governor inviting his attention to the recommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies held in Paris in June. 1916. The circular
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  • 735 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. IN THE DOBRUDJA. W.lcom. News. f Pari», November 8. I Since the arrival of General Sakhar.ff s an< the Rusiian reinforcements in the Dobrudja the Germans and Bulgarians have been compelled to retire thirteen mile». Raaaiaa Petrograd, November 8. i A Petrograd communique
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  • 598 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WILSON DEFEATED. A Rusrl Vets. New York, November, 8. Clear onsp weather prevails throughout the country. This and several million new women voters in a dozen western States have resulted in a record vote. New York, November 8. The Democrats concede that
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  • 633 7 Siitch Or His Career. Mr. Charles E. Hughes, who has been elected President of the Uaitei States, was born at Glens Falls, in the State of New York, iu 1862, the only child of a Baptist minister from Wales. His mother, a Miss Connelly, had Irish, Scottish,
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  • 427 7 The following articles will be found on onr outside pages Pages. 3. —Cherif Pacba. Week in Germany. 4. —An Allied Peace, 5. —Dindings Cricket Match. Don. G. Merle. The Cable to Malacca, Penang Cricket Club. Municipal Commission. Belgium Relief Fund, 8, —Netherlands Indian Newp. Infant Mortality. Jimah Rubb?r Estates,
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  • 142 8 Thursday, Noyrmbir 9. PenaDfij Volunteer# Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cjrnwalli», 5.30 p.m Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.50 p.m. Friday, Norn bib 10. Full Moon. Town Baod, Esplanade. St, Xavier’s Institution, Distribution of Prises 10.80 a.m. Saturday, November 11. St. Martin. Government Holiday. F. M. S.
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  • 118 8 Penang, November 9. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 222 8 Penang, November 9. 8. P. Tapioca $9.10 sales M. P. Tapioca 9.80 buyers Gold leaf 64.40 Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. soz) $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Peppe 42 00 sellers. Trang Pepper no stock. Mace $llO ncm. Mace Pickings 57 sellers. Cloves 40 sellers. Nutmegs 110
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  • 370 8 Tmb Djamei Ri-ino Commissioner Mr. Liefiinok, a Member of the Nether* landE-India Council, who has recently been charged with the investigation into the cases of the recent troubles in tie outlying settlements, is known as an advocata cf the old school. By which is meant the maintenance
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  • 611 8 Directors and their Fees At a meeting of Jimah Rubber Estate?, Ltd, held on Saturday, at the registered office, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, Mr. J. Snodgrass presiding, formal ednfirmatiou was given to the resolution passed at the extracrJinary meeting which followed the sixth annual geneial meeting held
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  • 972 8 A Stbaits Problem. We strongly endorse the remarks in the following passages of a leading article which we take from the Malaya Tribune “The loss of infant life has been for years a very serious matter. Of course, the ignorant regard the deaths as due to fate or
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  • 349 8 Kur ai<f£uum Rbdivivus. Willie WArgb, vfbo used to traftb quantity for Blundell M*pde and with clever placing won raoes wit*h most of it, had not the beat of luck wbbh following John Porter be took over Kingaclare, where of all places he might hope to fiod quality.
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  • 153 8 The p.s. UnPeng discharged 67 bags of tin ore, The s.e. Kalmoa is fixed to sail for Idi anc Lingsa on the lith instmt. The p.s. Tota Maru was despatched this morning for Singapore, Hongkong anc. Japan, Tbe B. I. s.s. Palitana arrived hero this morning from Rangoon with
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  • 370 8 I The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber solcTby M&ssrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction’Sale to-day Smoked Ribbed I Sheet $141 to $146 per picul. Smoked Plain Sheet $130 No. 2 Smoked Sheet $134 $139 Unsmoked Sheet $123 $123 [Crepe fine pale thin and blanket
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  • 1032 8 Elsewhere to-day, in reply to a corresr™ r denf wa few particulars B hntionm the United Kingdom nJ it affec s people ot different income* was a phrase in Mr. Dirbi.bire’s .nJT 1 the Legislative Council meeting P li *>! struck us forcibly in this conr«!, b,Ch
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 456 8 TO LET. HOUSE No 92, Anton Road from Ist December, 1916. Apply HEAH BWEE LEE, 576 a 52, Bishop Street. ♦♦♦□□anaonnnnnonnnaDncjannciD^ss TRAVELLERS’ HOTEL I I 31, BISHOP STREET, PENANG- g a 8 Board, Lodging, Meals and g g Drinks of Good Quality, g n n n g CLOSED AT 11
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    • 54 8 It N«T«r Full. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the moat riolent Cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. 8afe, sure SniE?- For
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    • 60 8 Sunshine sod Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatism Dee an external application of Cbsmberlain s Pain Balm. In a few day# it will get you np and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your vein® and soon rid the system of
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  • 1019 9 Amibioa’s "Bicoid" Buildino Pkoobam mi. Iq ordinary timet, the decision of any foreign Power to lay down in the course of a single year a flaet of eight super-Dread-noughts, four B3out-cruisers, twenty destroyers, acd thirty-six submarines, in addition to a number of auxiliary craft, might hare been regarded
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 225 9 GRANT’S iMms 5; IPS tb Wa si a -I A\\W WIM ms WM Milk" mJM/MmMk mmum nuii P/| n«i iiifci ViSllt, tifefil «'Xrrv.'s tiwCd mwn 3 v**r \4\" 'EavlfKsScWf U« *»iv5ra-*vt x >»t, vs* pith Si* S«g5« ill V'v$K*'' J P‘5 (I Va 1 Al iratfS iflKs/. 1 >r> A
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    • 127 9 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World t communicate direct with English Manufacture» ft* Dealers [in each class of goods. Besides hem* oomplote commercial guide to London and 't* suburbs, the Directory contain» Hmtm Export Merchant. with the Goods they ship, and the Colonia and Foreign Markets
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  • 797 10 Germany, according to that well-known organ of kultur the Kolnitche Zeitung, has scrupulously discharg d all the duties of civilisation, as she baa demonstrated by her method of administering the occupied provinces. This outrageous falsehood, as Dr. Dilon observes in the Fortnightly Review, was written after the
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  • 343 10 Where d >es the blame lie P” asks a northern contemporary in reviewing Chinese administration. It is a ghastly farce; sedition-mongers are offered high posts, honours are showeied on dis* ruptionis’s, military men defy decree., corruption is rife—ohaos exists in China! We have u’.tjrod the same truths
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1533 10 SUBSCRIPTIONS LIST NOW OPEN. WAR LOANS INVESTMENT TRUST OF MALAYA (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES BY ENACTMENT NO. 3 OF ISIG.) i «g> CAPITAL $6,00,0000. Issue of Certificates of $lO. each fully paid, bearing interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum which together with repayment in full
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    • 521 10 POR^ALE. Notes on the management of Cattle in India and Ceylon and their diseases." contents. .Hints on f**ding cattle and the respective qualiti»* ef theirdiilereDt food —2 Grooming and exercise in relation to health of cattle and indications of Health and Diwaeois Stalls and shedt for cattle and disinfectant* and
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  • 2345 11 Wo*ini m Marions. Writing in the North China Herald Mr. E. Cunningham gives an interacting account of the porcelain indnstrj of Chintehchen. Few citiec, he writes, are more interacting than Chinteohcn, and there are few industries more important than Chinese porcelain. A Chinese may not hare a bed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 254 11 ci SAN I TAsZ UM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all WOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather, Inseet Fungoid Life?) n n > SLffl m.ui mi Supplied in Drums Barrels Light, Medium &Dark So/e Agents for Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra Java G.H.Slot &Co., Penang. Wi MMmm SAFETY FIRST M NINE TIMES
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    • 437 11 Have you a Rheumatic Friend Tell him about Little's Oriental Balm, a modern emancipator from the aches ai.d pains of the humau body. No mere relief, but permanent freedom from the tortures and deformities of rheumatism. The cure has been achieved not once, not a few times, but thousands of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1896 12 P, O» —B* I* Mail AND apcar line (Incorporated in England.) an d PMMntfer Service» PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. mail service. jt-£ZS g> 4 «Bra?, KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPM. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.» (Incorporated in Holland-) Fob Intbndbd to Sail. 18tb November Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan
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